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3128 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

2007, 46, 3128-3136

Modeling of Formation of Gold Nanoparticles by Citrate Method†

Sanjeev Kumar,* K. S. Gandhi,* and R. Kumar
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India

Properties of nanoparticles are size dependent, and a model to predict particle size is of importance. Gold
nanoparticles are commonly synthesized by reducing tetrachloroauric acid with trisodium citrate, a method
pioneered by Turkevich et al (Discuss. Faraday Soc. 1951, 11, 55). Data from several investigators that used
this method show that when the ratio of initial concentrations of citrate to gold is varied from 0.4 to ∼2, the
final mean size of the particles formed varies by a factor of 7, while subsequent increases in the ratio hardly
have any effect on the size. In this paper, a model is developed to explain this widely varying dependence.
The steps that lead to the formation of particles are as follows: reduction of Au3+ in solution, disproportionation
of Au+ to gold atoms and their nucleation, growth by disproportionation on particle surface, and coagulation.
Oxidation of citrate results in the formation of dicarboxy acetone, which aids nucleation but also decomposes
into side products. A detailed kinetic model is developed on the basis of these steps and is combined with
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population balance to predict particle-size distribution. The model shows that, unlike the usual balance between
nucleation and growth that determines the particle size, it is the balance between rate of nucleation and
degradation of dicarboxy acetone that determines the particle size in the citrate process. It is this feature that
is able to explain the unusual dependence of the mean particle size on the ratio of citrate to gold salt
concentration. It is also found that coagulation plays an important role in determining the particle size at high
concentrations of citrate.

1. Introduction exchange of material between micelles. Both these features can

be altered through chemical nature and concentration of
Nanoparticles have potential for many applications, and their
surfactant. This strategy offers scope for good control over
synthesis has assumed importance. Size obviously is their most
particle size and has been modeled by several investigators.
important property, and many applications depend on it. Poly-
Results have been obtained by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations
dispersity in size is often an undesirable feature in these appli-
using the method of interval of quiescence in several articles.4-6
cations. Thus, prediction of both size and dispersity for a given
Equivalently, mean-field population balance models have been
system is of concern in systematizing the manufacture of nano-
developed for nanoparticle synthesis7-9 and to study the effect
particles. A variety of methods to synthesize nanoparticles are
of mixing on the synthesis process.10 A large amount of
reported in the literature. A detailed account of these methods
surfactant is, however, used in this method, which makes it
is provided by Cushing et al.2 and Schmid.3 Broadly, these
expensive. Recovery of surfactant, e.g., by using nanofiltration,
methods can be classified into gas-phase and liquid-phase-based
has been proposed as a remedy, but it needs to be evaluated
methods. In gas-phase-based methods, bulk material is evapo-
rigorously for determining the economics.
rated using high-energy sources such as resistive heating and
lasers to obtain a supersaturated gas phase, which, under con- In the second strategy, precipitation is carried out in bulk in
trolled conditions, produces nuclei that grow to become nano- the presence of stabilizers that adsorb on nanoparticles and
particles. In liquid-phase methods, also known as wet methods, prevent coagulation of particles. Most of these methods were
precursors react to form a supersaturated solution, which nuc- first demonstrated for their ability to make gold nanoparticles
leates and gives rise to particles ranging from 1 to 100 nm in and then extended to the synthesis of other types of particles,
size with stability ranging from a couple of hours to years. Wet- including those of semiconductors. Three widely used bulk-
synthesis methods are attractive at least for two reasons: they precipitation-based techniques for the synthesis of gold nano-
are more energy efficient and they can be used to produce nano- particles are as follows: (i) citrate method of Turkevich et al.,1
particles using the standard apparatus available in a laboratory. (ii) citrate-tannic acid method of Muhlpfordt,11 and (iii) Brust-
So far, two strategies have been followed for wet synthesis. Schiffrin method of Brust et al.12 The first two methods yield
In the first strategy, two reactants, usually both of them in particles which are stable against coagulation, whereas the last
(reverse) micellized form, are mixed and nanoparticles form one produces particles which are also capped and cannot be
inside them by precipitation. The size of particles is controlled grown bigger. Additionally, only the product of the Brust-
by the rates of nucleation and growth, and stabilization is Schiffrin method can be dried and redispersed.
provided by adsorption of surfactant. Nucleation is correlated In the simplest procedure for preparation of gold particles
to the size of micelles, and growth is determined by the rate of (Turkevich method), tetrachloroauric acid is reduced with
trisodium citrate. Here, citrate is both the reducing agent and
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: sanjeev@ the stabilizer. Similarly, in the Brust-Schiffrin method, alkane (Tel., +91-080-22933110), gandhi@ thiols that provide long-term stability also take part in reduction (Tel., +91-080-22932320). Fax: +91-080-2360 of gold along with sodium borohydride, which is the main
† reducing agent. In all these methods, it is expected that the
The authors are happy to contribute this investigation to the special
issue honoring Prof. M. M. Sharma. A part of this work formed the relative amounts of gold salt to reducing agent influence the
basis for a paper presented at CHEMCON04 held in Mumbai in particle size. The rate of adsorption of stabilizer also plays a
December 2004. role in controlling particle size. Thus, a single reagent can play
10.1021/ie060672j CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 10/07/2006
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 10, 2007 3129

Figure 1. Variation of particle size with ratio of initial concentrations of

citrate to gold salt. Figure 2. Illustration of complex of aurous species and dicarboxy acetone.

multiple roles, which creates more complexity. This feature corresponds to a change of nearly 3 orders of magnitude in
combined with the fact that reactions that usually occur in these volume. Yet, when the ratio increases from about 2 to 7, there
systems are fast makes the particle size more sensitively is very little change in the particle size. On the other hand, when
dependent on the concentrations of precursors, rate of addition the concentration of sodium citrate is kept fixed and that of
of precursors, state of mixing in the reactor, and other variables. auric chloride is varied, Chow and Zukoski17 found that the
While this sensitivity requires strict adherence to protocols that particle size varies sensitively over a wide range of auric chloride
work, it also permits particle size and polydispersity to be concentrations investigated. With a decrease in initial concentra-
changed substantially merely by changing the concentrations tion of auric chloride, particle size first decreases, passes through
of the precursors. All the three synthesis protocols listed above a minimum, and then increases (the experimental data are shown
have been subsequently modified by changing the ratio of in Figure 5).
common precursor tetrachloroauric acid to other reagents to Another interesting feature is that complete conversion of
synthesize nanoparticles of significantly different sizes.13,14 auric chloride has been reported at all the ratios of citrate to
Although direct precipitation using the citrate method is in gold. Data with small ratios of citrate to gold were reported by
wide use because it produces uncapped but stable particles, a Frens,13 and the least of them corresponds to a ratio of ∼0.43.
quantitative model to predict particle size and the associated A model is presented below that attempts to explain these
distribution is not available. The objective of this paper is to unusual features quantitatively.
develop a quantitative model for the citrate method of Turkevich
et al.1 Because the chemistry involved and the processes of 3. Model
nucleation and growth of particles are different from one another
3.1. Chemical Reactions. Gold nanoparticles have been
in the three methods, the model developed here is for the
synthesized using the citrate method for a long time now, and
experimental method of Turkevich et al.1 only.
although most reactions occurring in the method and the
intermediates formed in the process are known, some of the
2. Features of the Citrate Process steps are still not fully understood. In the following discussion,
We consider the formation of gold nanoparticles by reduction we point out these and state how they are modeled in this work.
of tetrachloroauric acid by trisodium citrate. The method has The initial step of this multiple-step process, with reactions
been pioneered by Turkevich et al.,1 and variants of it are still occurring in series and parallel, is the oxidation of citrate, which
widely used15 to produce gold nanoparticles. Because of its yields dicarboxy acetone:
simplicity, various facets of the process have been investigated
by Frens,13 Freund and Spiro,16 Chow and Zukoski,17 Abid,18
and others. In this process, an aqueous solution of tetrachloro-
auric acid is brought up to boiling and a small volume of
trisodium citrate is then added to it. In ∼10 s, bluish color
appears, indicating formation of gold nuclei. In a few minutes
or less, the solution turns brilliant red because of the formation The second step is the reduction of auric salt to aurous salt:
of nanoparticles. The completion of reaction may take tens of
minutes depending upon the amount of citrate taken. AuCl3 + 2e- f AuCl + 2Cl- (2)
A plot of mean particle size against the ratio of initial
concentrations of citrate to gold species is presented in Figure The next step is the disproportionation of aurous species to gold
1. It summarizes data from Turkevich et al.,1 Ferns,13 Freund atoms:
and Spiro,16 Chow and Zukoski,17 and Abid.18 All the data
shown in this figure, except those of Chow and Zukoski,17 are 3AuCl f 2Auo + AuCl3 (3)
obtained for approximately the same concentration of auric
chloride and by varying concentration of sodium citrate. It is The disproportionation step requires three aurous chloride
interesting to note that the data spanning a 50-year period show molecules to combine. This is facilitated by dicarboxy acetone,
a good correlated trend. which, according to Turkevich et al.1 and Abid,18 plays the role
Figure 1 reveals several interesting features. First is the widely of organizer through the formation of a complex. An illustration
varying dependence of particle size on the ratio of citrate to of the complex as visualized in this work is presented in Figure
gold. When this ratio increases by a factor of 5, from ∼0.4 to 2. In the chain-like structure pictured here, three Au+ can be
∼2, the particle size decreases by a factor of 7, which tethered by a minimum of two dicarboxy acetone molecules.
3130 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 10, 2007

Once gold particles are formed, disproportionation can occur19 proposed, in this work, we have attempted quantification of the
on the particle surface, too. rate of nucleation by modeling the organizer mechanism through
The overall stoichiometry of the reduction reaction can then a chemical reaction step.
be represented as The number of gold atoms needed to form a nucleus is an
open question. The so-called magic numbers determine the size
of stable clusters, but in the absence of stabilizing agents. A
number of Aun clusters with n values of 10, 15, 18, etc.
protected21 by glutathione are also reported, but they are not
relevant here. A fundamental model is needed to predict the
number of atoms that lead to the formation of a stable nucleus
in the actual system. In the present work, we have taken the
If these were the only reactions that led to the formation of size of the nucleus to be 2 nm, as reported by Turkevich et al.1
gold atoms, the overall stoichiometry would require three citrate and Turkevich.22 Because the mass contained in a nanoparticle
molecules to reduce two auric chloride molecules. Since at high of typical size of tens of nanometers is much greater than that
temperatures dicarboxy acetone is lost in side reactions1 to form
contributed by a nucleus (of 2 nm diameter), we keep the model
simple by using an overall rate expression for the nucleation
process to capture the formation of nuclei. (Sensitivity of model
predictions to this parameter is discussed later.)
3.4. Coagulation of Particles. Yet another issue to be
addressed in the model is coagulation. There is some controversy
the stoichiometric ratio of citrate to gold required for complete regarding the stability of particles at small ratios of citrate to
conversion of auric chloride should be even larger than 1.5. In gold. For example, Turkevich et al.1 reported that particles are
contrast, Frens13 reports complete conversion of auric chloride unstable for a citrate-to-gold ratio <0.5. Frens,13 however,
at a stoichiometric ratio as low as 0.43. He, however, does not reported formation of stable particles at a ratio of ∼0.4 as well.
discuss the chemistry involved. It appears reasonable to conclude Since neither citrate nor gold salt is left unreacted at these ratios,
that some products of degradation of dicarboxy acetone reduce identification of the stabilizing agent is an issue. Li et al.23 have
trivalent gold, though the chemistry leading to the formation recently reported that acetone can stabilize gold nanoparticles.
of gold is not clear. Turkevich et al.1 and Davies20 have shown Because acetone is produced in the present system, it can be
that acetone can reduce auric chloride to produce gold particles, expected to play this role.
though the conditions in the two experiments are different. In
Turkevich and co-workers1 observed coagulation or ripening
view of the foregoing, we assume that it is acetone formed by
degradation of dicarboxy acetone that additionally reduces auric of nanoparticles of gold at high citrate concentrations and
chloride for its complete conversion. To explain the observations investigated the effect of addition of salts on coagulation in a
of Frens,13 we assign a stoichiometric ratio of 4 for this reaction. series of subsequent papers.24 They identified that coagulation
is promoted because of the compression of double layers by
the high sodium ion concentration. Chow and Zukoski17
(CH3)2CdO + 4AuCl3 f 4AuCl + products (6)
investigated this aspect systematically. Their experimental data
(presented in Figures 1 and 5) shows an increase in particle
This allows for complete reduction of ∼3 mol of auric chloride size at high counterion concentration, which suggests that
by 1 mol of citrate. This assumption influences the model results coagulation of particles has to be considered in the model.
only for ratios of citrate to gold <1.5. Because the particle size
obtained at these ratios is large, the practical significance of A feature special to gold nanoparticles needs to be mentioned.
this regime may be less. Electron micrographs indicate that most particles are not single
3.2. Overall Mechanism of Particle Formation. On the basis crystals, but are “twinned”. This structure is formed when two
of the above set of chemical reactions, the following mechanism very small particles, perhaps of the order of a nanometer,
of particle formation and growth is proposed. Au3+ is reduced coalesce and form a single particle for all practical purposes
in solution by citrate to Au+, which forms a multimolecular and grow in all directions into a larger particle. Turkevich22
complex with dicarboxy acetone. The complex disproportion- speculated that, in the initial stages, the particles are amorphous
ates, and gold atoms are formed. These atoms adsorb Au+ and, and can coalesce. The agglomerate becomes structured as it
by complexation with dicarboxy acetone, form large aggregates. grows. Coalescence may be expected, since the melting point
Further disproportionation leads to formation of still larger of clusters of atoms decreases with their size25 and surface atoms
aggregates of gold atoms. When the size of the aggregate reaches are quite mobile at temperatures well below the melting points.26
a critical value, a nucleus of gold atoms is formed. The gold It is perhaps also related to the lack of a sufficient number of
atoms produced by disproportionation are absorbed by the adsorption sites on small particles, and hence, it is possible to
particle, resulting in its growth. stabilize only large particles. In this connection, it is interesting
3.3. Nucleation. Turkevich et al.1 have investigated the to note that particles of size smaller than ∼2.5 nm have not
nucleation process in the citrate method in detail. They been synthesized by citrate and citrate-tannic acid methods.
considered nucleation to be possibly due to the presence of an This size corresponds to a particle formed by coalescence of
impurity, statistical fluctuations, or some other mechanism. On two particles with a magic number of 55 (∼2 nm, the size of
the basis of their experimental findings, they ruled out the role the nuclei chosen in this work). Because the fine structure of
of impurities and statistical fluctuations in nucleation and the particles is not of direct interest here, we do not assign any
concluded that dicarboxy acetone plays a critical role in enhanced rate of coagulation to nuclei in the current investiga-
nucleation through an organizer mechanism by forming a tion. It may be mentioned in passing that Ostwald ripening does
complex with gold ions. Because no other mechanism for not occur at the temperatures of synthesis and need not be
nucleation of gold particles in the citrate process has been accounted for in the model.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 10, 2007 3131

3.5. Model Equations. For the purposes of prediction of d[N]

particle size, a model should quantitatively account for (i) ) 2kn[M]3[S]2 (12)
reduction of Au3+ to Au+ in the bulk, (ii) growth of particles
by absorption of gold atoms formed by disproportionation on 3.5.5. Mass Balance of Species. The mass balance of auric
the particle surface, (iii) rate of nucleation, and (iv) growth due species in a batch system is, therefore, given by
to coagulation. We consider these in detail below.
3.5.1. Scheme of Reactions. Let T and C represent the auric d[T]
and citrate species, respectively. Let M and S represent the ) -kc[C][T] - kd[D][T] +
∫V∞V2/3P(V) dV + knFVo[M]3[S]2
aurous and dicarboxy acetone species, respectively. Let D
represent acetone. The model can then be represented by the kh[M] (13)
following equations.
where Vo is the size of the nucleus. The last term on the right-
Homogeneous reduction: T + C 98 M + S (7) hand side of the above equation accounts for the production of
auric chloride due to disproportionation leading to nucleation
Heterogeneous disproportionation: Aurous chloride is formed through the reaction of auric
3M 9 8 T + particle mass (8) chloride with citrate and acetone and is consumed when nuclei
particle are born. Thus, the mass balance of aurous species is identical
kn , S
to the above with changed stoichiometric coefficients:
Nucleation: 3M 98 nucleus + T (9)
) kc[C][T] + kd[D][T] -
Degradation of dicarboxy acetone: S 98 D (10)
3kh[M] ∫V∞V2/3P(V) dV - 3knFVo[M]3[S]2
Reduction by acetone: D + 4T 98 4M + products (11)
The mass balances for citrate and dicarboxy acetone can be
Because the nucleation and growth of particles can occur written along the same lines:
simultaneously, gold particles will not be monodispersed. Let
P(V) dV represent the number concentration of gold particles in d[C]
the system in the size range V to V + dV. All the particles ) -kc[C][T] (15)
including those formed by coagulation are considered to be
spherical in shape. d[S]
3.5.2. Kinetics of Reductions in Bulk. Let us first consider ) kc[C][T] - ks[S] (16)
the reactions involving trivalent auric species. It is consumed
by the homogeneous reduction reaction and produced in the d[D] 1
disproportionation reaction. The reduction is assumed to be first ) ks[S] - kd[D][T] (17)
dt 4
order with respect to citric and auric species. It is also consumed
in the reaction with acetone. We assume the rate of this reaction The initial conditions for the above equations are given by
also to be first order with respect to citrate and acetone.
3.5.3. Kinetics of Disproportionation. Disproportionation [T] ) [T]o, [C] ) [C]o, [M] ) [S] ) [D] ) 0 (18)
of monochloride at various temperatures has been reported by
Gammons et al.19 At 100 °C, equilibrium is heavily in favor of 3.5.6. Population Balance. The above set of equations can
trichloride. This reaction can occur in the bulk but is catalyzed19 be solved once we find the number concentration of particles.
by the gold surface since Au+ adsorbs on it. The surface of A population balance equation for the number density of
gold particles thus acts as a catalyst, and it is this mechanism particles is used to determine it. The number of particles in a
that is dominant in the citrate process. Because the stabilizer size range changes when smaller particles grow into it and when
also competes for the surface of gold particles, and the particles in it grow out of it through the convective process of
concentration of aurous chloride is expected to be small in view surface reaction. The Brownian coagulation of particles also
of the unfavorable equilibrium, it is likely that the rate of the results in birth and death of particles in the size range considered
disproportionation reaction is controlled by the rate of adsorption above. All these processes are accounted by the following
of aurous chloride. This might also be expected since diffusional number or population balance equation:
resistances are negligible at these length scales. Thus, the rate
of this reaction on each particle is assumed to be proportional ∞ q(V, V′)
to the surface area of the particle and the concentration of aurous

) - kh[M] (V2/3P) - P(V) V
∂V o W
∫ P(V′) dV′ +
chloride [M]. Simultaneous with the disproportionation of 3 mol
1 V q(V - V′, V′)
of aurous species, 1 mol of auric species is formed.
3.5.4. Rate of Nucleation. As per the discussion in earlier 2 Vo
∫ W
P(V - V′)P(V′) dV′ +

sections on the nucleation process, three molecules of aurous δ(V - Vo)2kn[M]3[S]2 (19)
species are required for disproportionation to occur and at least
two molecules of dicarboxy acetone are required for complexing The first term on the right-hand side accounts for the convective
aurous species in solution. In view of this, it was assumed that growth processes due to surface reaction. The Brownian collision
the order of the nucleation reaction is 3 with respect to aurous frequency, q(V, V′), is given by
and 2 with respect to dicarboxy acetone. Nucleation occurs when
a sufficient number of gold atoms agglomerate in the solution 2ku -1/3
q(V, V′) ) [V + V′-1/3][V1/3 + V′1/3]
to reach critical size. 3µ
3132 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 10, 2007

Further, W is the ratio of the number of collisions to those that -90 mV under some conditions. The charge on aurous is equal
result in coagulation. The second and third terms on the right- to that of auric but is three times smaller than that on citrate.
hand side thus account for loss and gain due to Brownian To allow for variation in surface potential with the changing
coagulation, respectively. The last term accounts for the rate of ionic environment in the bulk, the following empirical expres-
creation of particles at size Vo by nucleation. Here, δ(V - Vo) is sion is used:
the Dirac delta function. Initially, the particle concentration is
zero. One boundary condition needed to solve the equation for φ ) -90[f + 1.5(1 - f)]
P(V) is provided as P(Vo, t) ) 0. The somewhat higher value of surface potential used here
3.5.7. Coagulation Efficiency. Coagulation occurs when two compensates for the steric stabilization that is not incorporated
particles colliding with each other because of their Brownian in the model. Coagulation efficiencies, theoretically calculated
motion overcome the repulsive force between them and reach and reported by Chow and Zukoski,17 were fitted approximately
primary minimum irreversibly. Repulsive force that resists to the expression of Reerink and Overbeek29 to obtain
approach of particles before they reach primary minimum is
caused by double-layer interaction between the particles and 560
steric repulsion due to the adsorption of acetone on the particle log W ) log (3[C]o + [T]o) × 10-4 + 27.5
surface. Only a fraction of the collisions leads to coagulation.
Thus, the stability of particles against coagulation is represented The initial counterion concentration is given by the sum of 3×
by the stability factor W defined as28 the citrate concentration and the concentration of HAuCl4.

number of collisions between particles 4. Results and Discussion

number of collisions that result in coagulation
The model equations were converted to nondimensional form
In this paper, we incorporate all the interactions between the before solving them. All the concentrations were nondimen-
particles through repulsive forces of ionic origin and consider sionalized using [T]o. Particle populations were scaled using
only irreversible coagulation of particles. Chow and Zukoski17 Nmax, the maximum number of particles per unit volume that
have shown that particles also reversibly aggregate in an open can be generated in the systems, i.e.,
cluster, which breaks apart in later stages of synthesis. Since
the particles are found to grow in these clusters unhindered Nmax )
(evidenced by monolith product), we ignore this aspect in the FVo
present model.
Reerink and Overbeek29 have developed a simplified expres- Time is scaled using (kc[T]o)-1, the time scale for reaction
sion for W, applicable when interaction potential possesses a between citrate and auric ions. The final set of nondimensional
relatively sharp maximum. The expression is given by equations has the following nondimensional groups in it.

log W ) -k1 log Ce + k2 (20) kh

Kh ) (21)
Here, Ce is the concentration of the counterions. Constant k1
varies with surface potential, and k2 depends on the physical kn
system only. The surface potential depends on coverage of the Kn ) FV [T] 3 (22)
kc o o
surface by the potential determining ions. Auric and aurous
chlorides, dicarboxy acetone, acetone, and citrate ion are all ks
possible candidates for adsorption on gold particles. Further- Ks ) (23)
more, as the concentrations of these species change in the course kc[T]o
of particle formation, W also changes. To ascertain the basic
features, several simplifications need to be made. As a first step, kd
Kd ) (24)
we assume that adsorption of potential-determining ions is at kc
equilibrium with the bulk. Since equilibrium data are not
available, surface concentrations of ions can still not be 1 × 10-3 2kBT
Kq ) · (25)
estimated. The following approximate but simpler approach is kcFVo 3µ
pursued in the present model.
Chow and Zukoski17 examined simultaneous adsorption onto The initial conditions for the nondimensionalized [T] and [C]
gold particles from solutions of citrate and tetrachloroauric acid are 1 and R ()[C]o/[T]o), respectively. All the other variables
(HAuCl4). They proposed that the auric chloride adsorbs have zero value at the initial time. Model predictions require
strongly on gold particles in comparison with citrate. Thus, the values for rate constants kc, kd, kh, kn, and ks. The nondimensional
fraction of area occupied (f) is biased toward gold species, which groups identified above indicate that, if the particles are stable
we incorporate in the present work using the following against aggregation, only the ratios of the five rate constants
expression: need to be fixed to predict particle size distribution. Kd should
be smaller than unity because the time taken for process
f) completion with a limited amount of citrate is significantly larger
[C] than when citrate is in excess. The best-fit values of Kh, Kn,
1 + 0.1
[M]+[T] and Ks required to predict the experimental data shown in Figure
1 for a [T]o value of 3 × 10-4 M, the concentration used by
Surface potential, which depends on the adsorbed ions, is dif- Frens,13 were obtained. The value of F is taken to be 0.1 M/cm3
ficult to measure or estimate from theory.17 The data of Chow and Vo is 4.18 × 10-21 cm3, corresponding to a nucleus of 2
and Zukoski17 indicate that the surface potential is about nm in size. The value of rate constant kc was fixed so as to
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 10, 2007 3133

Table 1. Ratios of Rate Constants Used in the Model

kn (1.67 × 109)NAvg M-5 L-1 s-1
kh 2.5 × 10-5 L cm-2 s-1
ks 1 s-1
kd 4 × 102 M-1 s-1
kc 1.25 × 103 M-1 s-1

make the process time of the same order as the experimentally

reported values at 100 °C. Once kc is fixed, all the other rate
constants are also determined from the values assigned to groups
Kh, Kn, Ks, and Kd. These values are provided in Table 1. Later
we will report about the sensitivity of the results to the values
of the rate constants to gain insight into the importance of the
corresponding steps to the outcome of the process.
Predictions using the model were made as follows. Following
the discretization techniques of Kumar and Ramkrishna30,31 for Figure 3. Predictions of dependence of particle size on the ratio of citric
aggregation and convective growth processes, the integro-partial acid to gold for fixed value of [T]o ) 3 × 10-4 M.
differential equation for number density (eq 9) was converted acetone passes through a maximum. The maximum reached is
into a set of ordinary differential equations. In brief, the proportional to the initial concentration of citric acid. The rate
continuous population density is discretized into bins, and the of nucleation is determined by the rate of formation of a
resulting discrete populations are assigned to the respective multimolecular complex with the aid of dicarboxy acetone.
representative particle volumes called pivots, one for each bin. Hence, rate of nucleation also passes through a maximum.
The growth of particles, following the method of characteristics, Further, rate of nucleation is steeply dependent upon the
is incorporated through the movement of pivots. New pivots concentration of dicarboxy acetone. Thus, an increase in the
are added at short intervals to account for nucleation, which initial concentration of citrate strongly favors nucleation.
also grow with time. The number of pivots is kept to ∼100 by Because [T]o is kept constant in the experiments, the mass of
collapsing densely populated pivots to their neighboring pivots. gold particles that can form is also constant. Thus, a sharp
Nondimensional versions of eqs 13, 14, and 17, and equations increase in the number of nuclei formed as the initial concentra-
for discrete populations and movement of pivots were integrated tion of citrate is increased in turn causes the observed steep
using the initial condition given in eq 18. The particle-size decrease in particle size.
distribution and moments were computed from the results. Now let us consider the situation at higher initial concentra-
Coagulation was allowed at all times with the efficiency tions of citrate. As the initial concentration of citrate is increased,
predicted using the expressions provided above. Since the first- auric chloride becomes the limiting reactant for formation of
and higher-order processes take infinite time to complete, the dicarboxy acetone. According to stoichiometry, this point is
process was considered complete when 99% of gold was reached when [C]o/[T]o ) 1.5. From then on, the maximum
converted to particles. concentration of dicarboxy acetone attained is limited to that
4.1. Predictions of Mean Particle Size. Mean particle size corresponding to complete consumption of auric chloride and,
was predicted using the model for the experimental conditions in fact, is less than that because of its own degradation. In any
employed by Turkevich et al.,1 Frens,13 Freund and Spiro,16 and case, the maximum reached is a constant and is unrelated to
Abid.18 All these investigations were carried out by using [T]o the initial concentration of citric acid. Thus, the rate of
≈ 3.0 × 10-4 M and varying [C]o. In Figure 3, predictions are nucleation becomes independent of [C]o and is only related to
compared with observations of these investigators. Chow and the value of [T]o. The mass of gold that can form is also
Zukoski17 made observations by varying [T]o from 0.4 × 10-4 proportional to [T]o. However, [T]o is kept constant in the
to 1.2 × 10-5 while keeping [C]o constant at 1.6 × 10-3, and experiments. Hence, particle size becomes relatively independent
hence, comparison of model predictions with these observations of the ratio [C]o/[T]o after ∼1.5. The rate of nucleation in this
will be considered separately. range is also affected by the degradation of dicarboxy acetone.
From Figure 3, it can be seen that the model is able to predict The weak dependence of the particle size on the ratio [C]o/[T]o
the observations with good accuracy. It is able to capture the is due to this. Thus, it is seen that it is not the balance between
steep drop in particle size as the ratio [C]o/[T]o increases from nucleation and growth that determines the particle size in the
about 0.4 to 2.0. It is also able to predict the marginal decrease citrate method, but it is the balance between the rates of
in particle size as [C]o/[T]o increases from 2 to 7. degradation of dicarboxy acetone and nucleation that determines
It is customary to anticipate that the particle size is mainly the particle size. If dicarboxy acetone did not degrade or
the result of the balance achieved between nucleation and degraded slowly, more nuclei would have formed, and the
growth. The citrate process is more complicated since nucleation particle size would have decreased sensitively at increased values
is aided by dicarboxy acetone, which, however, degrades during of [C]o/[T]o. The degradation of dicarboxy acetone, therefore,
the course of the process. In fact, it turns out that the kinetics is the key step in determining the particle size. While dicarboxy
of this degradation reaction determines the particle size. In the acetone was identified as the key agent in the process of
following discussion, it helps to remember that data were nucleation, its role in effectively determining the particle size
acquired by keeping [T]o constant and varying [C]o. First, let is brought out by the present model.
us consider the situation when the initial concentration of citrate 4.2. Growth Processes. The above conclusions are also
is low. As citrate decomposes, dicarboxy acetone is formed and supported by the nature of the growth process. Growth occurs
its concentration increases. However, the increase in the through a disproportionation reaction on the surface. The rate
concentration of dicarboxy acetone is prevented by its degrada- of this reaction is proportional to the concentration of aurous
tion as well as by the reduced rate of its formation since citrate chloride and surface area. The concentration of aurous chloride
is being consumed. As a result, the concentration of dicarboxy increases as auric chloride decomposes by reaction with citrate.
3134 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 10, 2007

Figure 4. Predictions of particle size when dicarboxy acetone is not Figure 5. Predictions of effect of coagulation: comparison with data of
permitted to degrade. Parameter set 1 is the same as that in Table 1, except Chow and Zukoski.17
for ks being reduced to 0.001 s-1. Parameter set 2 additionally differs from
that in Table 1 in the value of kn, which is reduced from (1.67 × 109)NAvg
to (7 × 105)NAvg M-5 L-1 s-1. ∼55 nm, as compared to the observed value of 15 nm. Thus,
the fit is very unsatisfactory, lending support to the key role
At low initial concentrations of citrate, it is completely consumed played by the degradation of dicarboxy acetone.
at an early stage of the process and aurous chloride can form at 4.4. Effect of Reduction by Acetone. Apart from other
later times only when auric chloride is consumed by reaction factors, mean particle size depends on the extent of conversion
with acetone. The latter is a slow reaction. Thus, the concentra- of auric chloride. Auric chloride can be completely consumed
tion of aurous chloride reaches a low pseudosteady value. As a when citrate is in stoichiometric ratio or in excess, and under
result, the growth process is a very slow one and does not such conditions, the role of acetone is unimportant. When citrate
compete with nucleation. At high initial concentrations of citrate, is the limiting reactant, auric chloride can be fully consumed
auric chloride is the limiting reactant and rapidly decomposes only by reaction with acetone, and the role of acetone is very
to aurous chloride. As a result, the growth process is also crucial. Thus, the stoichiometry and the rate expression for the
controlled by [T]o, which is kept unchanged. Thus, once again reaction between acetone and auric chloride plays a role only
the mean particle size is not affected much by the ratio [C]o/ when [C]o/[T]o is small. However, at such small ratios, as
[T]o. Even in this range of [C]o, it is found that nucleation is discussed earlier, reduction by acetone is slow; hence, the
complete because of the fast degradation of dicarboxy acetone process takes longer to complete, in agreement with experi-
well before growth stops. mental findings, but it has little effect on the dynamics of
4.3. Effect of Degradation. We further support the above nucleation. Thus, the particular stoichiometry and rate expres-
analysis by investigating the effect of slowing down the sions assigned to the reaction with acetone are not crucial to
degradation reaction. This was done by reducing the rate the model.
constant ks to 0.001 s-1. It may be noted that complete 4.5. Effect of Aggregation. Chow and Zukoski17 measured
conversion of auric chloride takes much longer since formation mean particle size by keeping the concentration of citrate at
of acetone is also slowed. The results of this investigation are 1.6 × 10-3 M and varying the gold salt concentration from 1.2
shown in Figure 4. × 10-5 to 1.25 × 10-3 M. The emphasis of their experimenta-
The curve corresponding to parameter set 1 uses the values tion has been to elucidate the role of coagulation. A comparison
for rate constants listed in Table 1 except that ks is set equal to of their observations with the predictions of the model is shown
0.001 s-1. As can be seen from Figure 4, more nucleation occurs in Figure 5. The parameters used are the same as used before.
over the entire range of the ratio [C]o/[T]o and the particle size The dicarboxy acetone formed is limited by auric chloride at
is smaller. At values of this ratio greater than ∼1.5, the particle low initial concentrations of auric chloride. Therefore, it can
size becomes constant as explained above. Its value now, be inferred that the maximum reached in the concentration of
however, is ∼8 nm, as compared to ∼20 nm (see Figure 3) dicarboxy acetone is proportional to the initial concentration
when degradation is allowed. The better fit obtained here points of auric chloride. Thus, the extent of nucleation increases rapidly
to a need for better tuning of the model for degradation. At with an increase in [T]o. Although the total mass of gold particles
small values of [C]o/[T]o, the effect is more dramatic. When is proportional to [T]o, the effect of increased nucleation rate
this ratio is 0.43, the particle size reaches only 20 nm, as dominates and the particle size decreases rapidly as the
compared to the observed value of 150 nm. concentration of gold salt is increased from low values. The
A different approach was used to further confirm the effect observed minimum is due to coagulation. The double layer is
of degradation of dicarboxy acetone. While letting ks be equal compressed because of high counterion concentration brought
to 0.001 s-1, the values of the other kinetic constants were in by gold salt. Thus, as gold concentration is increased,
allowed to vary to get the best fit for the experimental data. coagulation is promoted and the particle size increases. The
The results are shown in Figure 4 and correspond to parameter model is able to predict the location of the minimum in the
set 2. Even to get only a reasonable fit at low values of [C]o/ particle size, and the sharp increase in particle size as the gold
[T]o, the rate of nucleation had to be reduced considerably, from concentration is lowered well. But it does not do so well in
1.67 × 109NAvg to 7 × 105NAvg M-5 L-1 s-1. While the reduced predicting the particle sizes at low gold concentrations. Con-
rate of nucleation in the absence of degradation of dicarboxy sidering that the parameters were fitted to an entirely different
acetone results in particle size in good agreement with the data set, the model’s predictions can be considered satisfactory.
experimental data at a value of ratio [C]o/[T]o near 0.5, the The effect of coagulation on the particle size for the results
particle size predicted at higher values of [C]o/[T]o increases to discussed in the previous section is shown in Figure 6. The
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 10, 2007 3135

particles in the size range of 20 nm, the size of the nucleus

plays no role. It is expected to play an important role in gold
nanoparticle synthesis using the Brust-Schiffrin method,12,14
which follows completely different chemistry because of the
capping of the growing particle and produces particles in the
size range of 1-5 nm. A detailed model for this method has
been developed by us and is being communicated separately.

5. Conclusions
A model for the citrate process of synthesis of nanoparticles
of gold has been developed. It proposes that Au3+ is reduced
to Au+ by the oxidation of trisodium citrate to dicarboxy
acetone. Dicarboxy acetone decomposes at the temperatures used
in the experiments. Gold atoms are formed when Au+ undergoes
Figure 6. Predictions of particle size with and without aggregation and
degradation of dicarboxy acetone.
disproportionation, which is also catalyzed by the gold surface,
and it is this reaction that leads to formation of nuclei as well
as growth. Nucleation requires formation of a multimolecular
complex between dicarboxy acetone and AuCl, and hence, the
rate of nucleation is affected strongly because of the degradation
of dicarboxy acetone. It is shown that the particle size is
determined by the balance between the degradation reaction and
nucleation, and it is different from the usual particle-formation
processes governed by the balance between nucleation and
growth. The model also includes coagulation and its efficiency
as controlled by ionic repulsive forces. The model is able to
predict observations made by many investigators. In particular,
it is able to predict the observed large sensitivity of particle
size to increases in the citrate concentrations when it is in
stoichiometric deficiency, as well as the insensitivity of particle
size to increases in the citrate concentrations when it is in
stoichiometric excess.
Figure 7. Predictions of particle size distribution.

figure shows model predictions in the absence of coagulation. Acknowledgment

For comparison, the earlier predictions that included coagulation The authors thank Prof. Uday Maitra of Organic Chemistry,
are also shown. These results were obtained for [T]o ) IISc, for spending a lot of time with us in clarifying the
3 × 10-4 M and [C]o in the range of 1.2 × 10-4 M to chemistry. The authors thank their colleague Dr. S. Venugopal
1.2 × 10-2 M. At low citrate concentrations, it makes very little for many illuminating discussions on the synthesis and fine
contribution to the counterions and the double-layer compression structure of gold nanoparticles.
is small. As a result, colloids are stable, and one observes very
little effect of coagulation. At high citrate concentrations, Nomenclature
counterion concentration is high, and coagulation takes place,
leading to an increase in particle size. The model that neglects C ) trisodium citrate; concentration if square brackets are
it predicts smaller particle sizes, as can be seen from Figure 6. around it, and subscript zero refers to the initial concentration
As discussed earlier, if degradation of dicarboxy acetone is also Ce ) concentration of counterions
not permitted, the predicted particle sizes are quite small and D ) product of degradation of stabilizershere it is presumed
qualitatively different. to be acetone; concentration if square brackets are around it
4.6. Particle-Size Distribution. The particle-size distributions k ) Boltzmann constant
predicted by the model are shown in Figure 7. If coagulation is
kc ) rate constant for the reaction between trichloride and citrate
not permitted, the nuclei formed at the earliest time will grow
to the largest size, and no particle can be larger than that. The kd ) rate constant for degradation of stabilizer
particle-size distribution at large sizes ends in a sharp edge. kh ) rate of heterogeneous disproportionation reaction
This is what is observed in Figure 7. Coagulation leads to kn ) nucleation rate constant
formation of larger particles, and hence, the size distribution ks ) rate constant for degradation of stabilizer
becomes broader. This is also reflected in the figure. k1, k2 ) constants in equation for W
4.7. Effect of Nucleus Size. Given the uncertainities in the M ) aurous chloride; concentration if square brackets are around
literature on the size of the nucleus, whether it should correspond it
to a closed shell structure or intermediate sturctures stabilized
N ) number of nuclei; concentration if square brackets are
by stabilizer molecules through physical or chemical association,
around it
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nucleus size ranging from 2 nm (corresponding to critical NAvg ) Avogadro number
nucleation number of 55) to 0.25 nm (corresponding to a critical Nmax ) maximum number of particles (size Vo) that can be
nucleation number of <1). The model predictions remained formed
unchanged. Thus, for the citrate method, which produces P(V) ) number density of particles of size V
3136 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 10, 2007

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