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Inglés para Fines Profesionales

Grado en Turismo
Self-Evaluation 3 /Unit 3


After heavy rain, the atmosphere is _____ .

*a) damp
b) rainy
c) freezing

After a period of rain, the weather does not have to be cold, but the
humidity in the atmosphere makes it damp or wet.

We didn't waste our time, we _____.

did our best time.
* b) made the most of our time.
c) profited our time greatly.

The expression is "to make the most of a situation/an

opportunity/time/etc." and it means the opposite of "to waste". "To
profit" means "to take advantage of". You do your best time when you
break your own speed record running.

With _____, it is understandable that she was the candidate selected.

the fact that he has a very strong CV
*b) such a strong CV
c) his CV being so strong

"With" in this sense of cause or reason requires a phrase (not a clause

with a verb).

They are very competent, _____ they are still a little inexperienced.
* a) although
b) whilst
c) while

Concessive clauses (this is a type of clause which introduces a

contrasting element with respect to the previous one) may be
introduced by "although", "however" or "but", but not by "whilst" or
"while". The last two words are synonymous and they have two uses:
introducing a simultaneous time reference (He told me the story of his
life while he was sewing a sock) and a contrast in the initial position
(While I think it's too late, I'll give you one last chance - but not: I'll give
you one last chance, while I think it's too late).

5. I burst out laughing during the conference because _____.

a) I couldn't resist.
b) I couldn't avoid so.
*c) I couldn't help it.
Inglés para Fines Profesionales
Grado en Turismo
Self-Evaluation 3 /Unit 3

The main aspect in this question is not so much the verb but the
presence of the proform "it" in substitution of "laughing during the
conference". "a" is not possible because a transitive verb (eat, write, tell,
etc.) must be followed by an object.

What do you say to the doctor?

I have a sideache when I run.
*b) My side hurts when I run.
c) My side is in pain when I run.

People are said to be in pain, not parts of your body. Your body parts
hurt or they are painful but they are not in pain. As for "a", the suffix "-
ache" go with a closed set of body parts (toothache, stomachache,
earache, headache) but it can't be used freely.

What do you typically address the assistant in a computer shop?

I want a portable computer.
Can I have a portable computer, please?
*c) I was looking for a portable computer, please.

You shouldn't use "want" to ask for things in a polite way. "b" is an
appropriate way to ask for permission to borrow something. "c" is polite
and adequate for the situation described.

How would you call someone with walking difficulties?

A slow walking person.
*b) A slow pacer.
c) A non-fast walker.

"b" is the politically correct term that is most widely used for such

How do you feel when you are confused?

*b) Puzzled.
c) Listless.

"a" means "naughty" and "c" means "apathetic, without energy".

And how do you definitely NOT feel when you are proud of something?
*a) Ashamed.
b) Overwhelmed.
c) Wary.

"b" means "overcome" and "c" means "cautious".

Inglés para Fines Profesionales
Grado en Turismo
Self-Evaluation 3 /Unit 3

What must you do when you shake hands in a job interview?

a) Pump the other hand.
*b) Shake it firmly.
c) Provide a limp and damp handshake.

It is obviously "b"; "a" and "c" are rather unpleasant!

How would you finish a covering letter when you apply for a job?
As you can see I'm a most suitable candidate so please give me the job.
*b) I look forward to hearing from you in due course.
c)I really need the job so I remain at your disposal.

"a" is pompous and arrogant and "c" would make you sound desperate,
which would also cause a negative impression.

What is NOT typical contained in the language of marketing?

*a) Passives.
Positive adjectives.

The language of marketing (brochures, commercials, adverts, etc.) is

very direct and imaginative, so passive structures are not common.

Which European war was crucial in the history of Canada?

The Anglo-Irish War.
The Second World War.
*c)The Seven Years' War.

The Seven Years' War is the name given to the final phase in the
century-long struggle between France and Great Britain for dominance
in North America and supremacy in the world. It is so named as war
officially started in 1756, and the peace treaty that resolved it was
signed in 1763. In reality, a state of war had existed in North America
since 1754. The war was of significance as the two great powers fought
on land and sea in nearly all parts of the world, invested huge amounts
of money, material and men in this conflict, to the point that they both
emerged exhausted from it. The balance of power was tipped
irretrievably in Britain's favour and the course of Canadian history was
profoundly altered as the Canadians were conquered and annexed to
the British Empire. As such, this war is the central event in Quebec
history. In recognition of this fact, in Canada it is simply called the War
of the Conquest.

How do you typically ask for advice at the Tourist Information Office?
Can you tell me what I have to do?
Inglés para Fines Profesionales
Grado en Turismo
Self-Evaluation 3 /Unit 3

Can you please advice me to make the most?

*c) Can you suggest the best options I have?

Option "a" is too direct and inappropriate for an advising bureau like the
tourist information office. What they do there rather is advise tourists
about different options for hotels, excursions, etc. Option "b" is
grammatically incorrect since "to make the most of" cannot be left
incomplete (e.g., "…my two-day stay in this town?").

How do you express partial agreement?

You have half a point.
*b) I agree up to a point.
c) OK, I make your point.

Option "a" is grammatically correct but meaningless in this context (you

may hear it, for example, while calculating the score during a game). "c"
is rather meaningless. Option "b" is another way of saying: "I agree with
you up to a certain point".

17. Which expression would NOT be used to give directions to find an

office on the same floor?
*a) Walk down that path.
b) Go down the corridor.
c) Turn right past the lift.

Corridors and lifts are typically found in a storey building. Paths, on the
contrary, are likely to be outdoors (e.g., in a garden or park).

How do you express a current routine?

I would like to go the gym every day.
I use to go to the gym every day.
*c) I like going to the gym every day.

Option "a" is grammatically correct but expresses a wish, not a routine.

The verb "use to" is defective and can only be used in the past to
indicate a past habit (I used to go to the gym everyday… but I don't do it
anymore / when I was young / etc.).

19. Which celebrations does Canada share with Britain?

a) Thanksgiving.
b) Guy Fawkes night.
*c)Boxing Day.

Canada shares Thanksgiving with the US but Guy Fawkes Night is only
British. All three celebrate Boxing Day. Boxing Day is traditionally a day
following Christmas when wealthy people in the United Kingdom would
Inglés para Fines Profesionales
Grado en Turismo
Self-Evaluation 3 /Unit 3

give a box containing a gift to their servants. Today, Boxing Day is better
known as a bank or public holiday that occurs on December 26, or the
first or second weekday after Christmas Day, depending on national or
regional laws. It is celebrated in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada,
New Zealand, and some other Commonwealth nations.

What is "mirroring"?
*a)When a person unconsciously imitates the postures of the person in
front of him/her.
b) When a person consciously imitates another one whom s/he admires.
When a person rehearses the postures and movements prior to
attending and interview.

It's exactly "a", not "b", and it is not related specifically to interviews.

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