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Correct Method and Sequence for Gua Sha

The sequence for gua sha depends on the health condition, 1st scrub the nape of
neck, then back, then chest, last arms and legs. This is the general principle. The
basic direction for gua sha is based on the "Yin Up / Yang Down" principle from
Chinese meridian theory. As for the method of gua sha, it'll be described in detail
in the following sections.

(1) For the nape of neck and the back, the procedure is:

1. Scrub the nape of neck and the back: From the back of
cervical vertebra, through the thoracic vertebrae, until the
end of coccyx. Separate the path to 2 sections. Scrub one
section at a time.

2 .Scrub left and right shoulder: First left then right.

3. Scrub Bladder Meridian's acupuncture points: From B-11
to the waist. They are located 1.5 Cun from the
Governing Vessel Meridian, left side and right side.

4. Follow the figure, use

Bladder Meridian as the
center, and scrub 5 to 7
oblique lines. Use rib
spacing as a reference to
separate these lines. Never
scrub the whole area.

(2) Scrub the chest:

1. First scrub Conception
Vessel Meridian: The path
from VC-22 to lower
abdomen can be separated to 3 sections. The first section is chest. The second
section is from the region between the ribs to navel. The third section is from
navel to VC-22. Scrubs section by section, never scrub
to the end once. The navel can be lightly scrubbed.
2. Center Conception Vessel Meridian, from VC-22 down,
scrub 3 to 5 oblique lines to the left and right sides.
Don't scrub the breast.

(3) Scrub arms and legs: Arms and legs, inner side and
outer side are different.

1. Outer side of arm: Scrub from tip of finger toward

elbow and shoulder.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 1 de 36
2. Inner side of arm: Scrub from shoulder to elbow and finger tip.

3. Lado externo e posterior das pernas: Esfregue da coxa em direção ao joelho e

4. Lado interno das pernas: Esfregue para cima da ponta interna do tornozelo em
direção ao joelho.

(4) Gua sha tool should be perpendicular to the skin. Always keep the same angle
for every direction.
(5) Only scrub with force in one direction. Don't scrub in return direction.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 2 de 36
(6) Scrub evenly, not too quickly, too heavily, too hastily, in order not to let
patient feel scared and painful, affecting the gua sha's result.
(7) The complete gua sha and Ventosa procedure is:
1. Scrub relevant meridian, acupuncture points and body parts according to
patient's condition.
2. Depends on the condition of sha and illness,
select 1 to 3 places, tap the skin lightly with the
plum blossom needle tool.
3. Quickly apply Ventosa on the location tapped
in step 2.
4. Remove the cups after 3 to 5 minutes.
5. Apply moxibustion on these locations 3 to 5

(2) Gua Sha Lubricant

Main function is for lubrication. According to ancient Chinese books, in early
days only water was used for lubrication. Later Sesame oil and other oil were
used too. Some Chinese herbs were added in the oil in order to help the flow of
Qi and blood. The gua sha oil developed by the association of Chinese
Scientific Qi Gong has 12 Chinese herbs in the oil. It is very efficient to help the
flow of chi and blood.

Because the main function of gua sha lubricant is for lubrication, any oil like
Ponds, Vaseline can serve the purpose.

(II) Equipment for Ventosa

(1) Ventosa Set
It can directly pull out the sha and drive the sick qi away. It can accelerate the
circulation of Qi and blood. Its effect is very astonishing. In Chin dynasty, the
cups were made of earth. Later, the cups were made of glass. They are easily
broken, and hard to use. They are very to burn the skin.
Recently a Korean invented pump type Ventosa set, eliminating the
shortcoming of glass Ventosa set. And they are easy to use. So they soon
replaced the glass ones, becoming the most popular tools in gua sha and
Ventosa. There are many different brands, their qualities are varied. Users
need to be careful to pick up the good ones.

(2) Skin Needle Tool

It is also called Plum Blossom needle tool, seven star needle tool. After Gua
sha, tap the skin with the Plum Blossom needle tool, then apply Ventosa, the
clogged sha can be directly pulled out.
(3) Three Angle Needle Tool
After gua sha, if there are purple traces, then the three angle needle tool is
used to let a few drops of blood out of that area.
(4) Moxa Roll
After gua sha and Ventosa, apply Moxibustion to the affected part for 3 to 5


Watch List for Gua Sha\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 3 de 36
(I) Situations which gua sha can not be
applied (prohibited for beginner, not
prohibited for professionals)
The following places are prohibited for gua sha:
1. Furuncle, acne, malignant tumor, ulcerated area on the skin, bone fracture,
breast and navel.
2. Patients of diabetes, heart diseases, hemophilia, hepatitis, are prohibited for
gua sha; especially hemophilia is due to lack of platelet; the blood is hard to
3. If the patient is elderly or weak, you need to be very careful when applying
gua sha.
4. For pregnant woman, applying gua sha lightly can help to clean the blood very
effectively; but applying gua sha with lots of force will cause miscarriage; be
very careful.
5. For a woman who suffers from leucorrhea, gonorrhea, pregnant, or who is in
menstruation, doesn’t apply gua sha on her.
6. If the patient's body calcium content is abnormal, causing bone fracture, don't
apply gua sha on him/her.
7. Don't apply gua sha to the injured area with lots of force.
8. Don't apply gua sha within half an hour before and after the meal.
9. During gua sha, lower the shoulder, focus your mind, take off anything from
your hands and arms, for example, watch or bracelet, straighten your back,
watch the face of the patient, pay attention to the changes of his/her facial
10. The reason why feeling more painful than before at the places after gua sha is
because the obstruction of blood circulation is eliminated. So don't stop
applying gua sha then.
11. There is no solid rule that you have to use right hand or left hand to apply gua
sha. You can use whatever hand that you are used to.
12. After gua sha, you'll feel thirsty. You should drink one or two cups of lukewarm
water or drink water with salt added in.
13. For patients with serious illness, if traces of blood or even coagulated blood
appear during gua sha, remember that this is a good sign, you can continue to
gua sha. Within one or two weeks, the patient will have a fever, this is also
good response. It shows that the body has the power of resistance.
14. Occasionally after several times of gua sha, the patient's leg will have small
red spots, eczema or sore openings. It means that some toxin has been
expelled from these openings. The expelled places are related to the illness of
internal organs.
15. Feeling sleepy, yawning, false bowel movement, too much secretion of the
eyes, running nose, the body producing bad odor, feeling painful and sore at
unexpected places. These are the good signs. Keeping gua sha will have good
16. It is better to finish gua sha in 30 minutes each time. Not over 50 minutes.
17. Before gua sha, diagnose abnormal places very carefully. Check if the skin is
injured, bleeding, ulcerous or tumor of the vein. Need to apply gua sha lightly
at the places which are more painful.
18. When apply gua sha to patients of serious illness, mental illness, or terminal
stage of cancer, need to be very careful.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 4 de 36
19. When an acute abdominal illness seizures, check the related gua sha area for
B-23, ???, B-20, B-21, B-22. It is easier to find out the cause of illness this way
than checking individual organs. Only need to apply regular pressure
stimulation, then very sensitive response can appear.

(III) For patients:

1. The patient should trust the doctor. The effect of treatment will be faster.
2. If the patient's illness is cancer, or the body of the patient is severely damaged
by external injury, even it is not possible to recover back to original state, with
proper gua sha treatment, the pain can be soothed and the mind will be
3. Before gua sha the patient should not be hungry, working too hard, tired, not
enough sleep, or too tense.
4. A patient with backache, 3 or 4 days after gua sha will feel that the backache
is suddenly more serious than before. This is the best symptom. After this day,
your illness is half way cured. Because feeling painful means that your blood
circulation overcomes the obstacle.
5. Scrub B-22 and Lymph area will cause fever. This is normal response. But the
doctor can not apply too much force while gua sha.

(IV) For nursing one's health after Gua Sha

1. Drink a cup of lukewarm water or cold drinking water (never ice water or hot
water) to improve metabolism.
2. 2 or 3 days after gua sha, you will feel painful at the places of gua sha. This is
normal response.
3. After gua sha need to rest for 15 minutes. If sweating, need to wipe it out right
away. Never eat oily, sour, spicy food, and food which is hard to digest.

(V) Watch list for eating and drinking

1. Should take medicine while cold or lukewarm, never hot.
2. When the illness is almost cured, the patient's appetite has been recovered.
Sometimes the patient will have excellent appetite. The patient still feel
hungry after eating lots of food. At this moment, the patient has to stop
eating. The patient should fast a couple times and then resume normal eating.
If not so, the illness is very easy to relapse.
3. The patient should eat simple and easily digestible food, for example, corn
gruel, millet gruel.
4. The patient should not eat fatty food, hot soup, hot wine and spicy food, in
order not to affect the efficiency of the treatment and worsen the illness.
5. If the patient has the following symptoms related to indigestion or dyspepsia:
don't want to eat, got bellyache after eating, fart, stinking night soil, the
patient should eat less. It is even better if the patient can fast a couple times.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 5 de 36
Guasha: IG-4, B-1,
E-3, E-8, VB-20, VG-
14, B-13, B-23, BP-
Ventosa: B-23, R-7

Guasha: B-13, B-
14, B-15, B-23,
B-47, P-1, VC-17,
VC-14, R-16, P-4,
Ventosa: P-1, VC-
17, B-13\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 6 de 36
Guasha: (1) E-10, E-11, VC-12, IG-4, B-10, VB-20, IG-17.
Guasha: (2) From VG-15 to VG-14.
Ventosa: VG-14.

Guasha: P-1, P-2, P-11, B-13, B-20, B-21, B-25, E-25.
Ventosa: P-1, B-13.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 7 de 36
Guasha: Scrub
VC-17, VC-14,
C-7, CS-4 and
VG-14, VB-21,
B-13, B-15.
Need to watch
out if the
patient feels
very painful
scrubbing the
VG-14. To cure
children's bronchial asthma, need to scrub B-13 besides VG-14. If at
the mean time there is a sore shoulder, need to scrub VB-21 too. If
the patient feels stagnantly in the chest, scrub B-15. If asthma is very
serious, scrub VC-22, P-1 too.
Ventosa: VG-12, VG-4.

Guasha: B-14, B-15, C-7, CS-4, R-7.
Ventosa: B-14, R-7.

Coração, aperto (constrição)\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 8 de 36
Guasha: (1)
From B-12 to
Guasha: (2)
B-22, B-23.
Guasha: (3)
Ventosa: B-
14, B-23.

Guasha: (1)
Press and drag
from B-15 to B-
23. It can relax
the spirit and
Guasha: (2)
Press and drag
the Stomach
Meridian and
Small Intestine Meridian. It prohibits the stomach to press the
diaphragm and the heart, in order not to provoke the heart into
produce gripping pain.
Ventosa: B-15, B-17, B-21.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 9 de 36
Guasha: VG-20, B-10, E-9, VC-4, VB-21, B-15, B-17, B-23, IG-4, R-1. It
can stabilize the blood pressure.
Ventosa: B-23, B-17.

Guasha: VG-20, B-10, VB-21, B-15, B-23, IG-5, R-3, P-9, R-16, E-27.
Ventosa: B-23, B-15.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 10 de 36
Guasha: B-10, VB-21, B-14 to B-23, ID-11, B-50, P-1, VC-17, VC-12, E-
25, VC-4, ???, P-5, CS-7, ???, R-3, B-60, BP-9, E-35, E-36.
Ventosa: B-15, B-18, B-23, VC-17, E-36, E-35, ???.

Guasha: VC-17,
R-16, E-27, R-9,
B-14, B-23, B-
25, B-31, R-1.
If the foot is
very cold,
press and drag
harder on R-1.
If both the
hand and the
foot are very cold, press and drag harder on TA-4. Ventosa: B-23.
aplicar moxa
em R-7.
Guasha: VC-
12, Pain Spot,\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 11 de 36
E-36, CS-6, VC-4, F-14, F-13, B-18, B-20, B-23. Apply moxibustion
after gua sha.
Ventosa: VC-12, E-36, B-18, F-14.

Baço, mau

Guasha: B-20, B-21, B-27, F-13, VC-12, B-18, B-15, BP-6.
Ventosa: B-20, BP-6.

Guasha: VG-12,
B-18, B-23, VC-
12, E-27, TA-4,
Ventosa: VG-
12, VC-12, BP-
6.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 12 de 36
Guasha: B-18,
B-20, B-23, BP-
6, VC-17, VC-12,
VC-4, E-36.
Ventosa: BP-6,

Guasha: B-22, B-23,
B-60, VC-12, VB-29,
VC-4, BP-10, E-34,
B-54, B-57, BP-8.
Ventosa: B-23, VC-

Cansar, facilmente
Guasha: B-18,
B-22, B-23, R-3,
TA-4, VC-17, VC-
12, R-16, VC-4,
Ventosa: B-23,
VC-12, VC-17.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 13 de 36
Guasha: VC-14,
VC-12, E-25, B-17
to B-19, B-22.
Ventosa: B-17, B-

Guasha: VC-
12, E-25, E-
27, E-42, B-
17, B-18, B-
20, B-23, E-
36, BP-6.
Ventosa: VC-
12, B-17.

Estomago, cãibra / neurite / úlcera

Guasha: (1) B-
18, B-19, B-
20, VC-14, VC-
12, E-34, E-36.
Guasha: (2)
Lightly press
and drag
Ventosa: E-36,
VC-12.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 14 de 36\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 15 de 36
Intestinos, Catarro crônico
Guasha: B-
23, B-25, B-
27, BP-6, IG-
10, E-25, E-
27, VC-4, E-
Ventosa: B-
23, B-27.
on VC-8.

Guasha: 1.
Scrub CS-6,
VC-12, VC-
22 first. If
the belch
doesn't stop,
also scrub F-
14, E-36.
on VC-6 15
units. Scrub
B-17, B-20, B-21 first then apply moxibustion on them. 2. Scrub IG-17,
E-11, VC-14, B-17, IG-4. (Normally used for non-stopping belch)
Ventosa: VC-12, B-17, VC-14.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 16 de 36
Guasha: VB-34, VC-12, E-25, E-27, B-20, B-22, B-25.
Ventosa: VB-34, E-25.

Guasha: (1) Press and drag Large Intestine Meridian, especially IG-2.
Guasha: (2) Lightly press and drag the center of the palm and the foot
Guasha: (3) B-18, B-19, B-20, B-21.
Ventosa: B-18, B-21, VC-8.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 17 de 36
Guasha: VC-
12, R-16, E-36,
B-18, B-20, B-
Ventosa: VC-
12, E-36.

Metabolismo, doenças do
Guasha: VG-20, B-17 to B-23.
Ventosa: B-17, B-23, VC-12.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 18 de 36
Guasha: E-25,
E-27, VB-20,
B-10, B-18, B-
20, B-21, B-
23, BP-9, BP-
6, E-36.
Ventosa: B-
20, B-23.

Tireóide, Hiperfunção
Guasha: First press and drag the
whole palm and sole once, then
press and drag B-20, B-21.
Ventosa: B-20.

Dismenorréia, Menstruação Dolorosa

Guasha: (1)
Press and drag
the back, waist,
from VC-6 to
VC-3, and both
Guasha: (2) R-3
to R-9.
Ventosa: B-23.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 19 de 36
Disfunção Fisiológica (das atividades vitais)
Guasha: (1) VC-4, E-
27, B-31, B-48.
Guasha: (2) From
BP-6 to BP-9.
Ventosa: BP-6, VC-4.

Guasha: VG-20, B-10,
VB-21, B-14, B-31, B-
48, R-3, VC-17, VC-4.
Ventosa: VB-21, VC-

Guasha: (1)
Press and drag
the Kidney,
Bladder reflex-
Guasha: (2)
From B-18 to
B-23.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 20 de 36
Guasha: (3) VB-34.
Ventosa: B-18, VB-34.

Guasha: B-1, B-
2, B-10, VB-20,
from B-18 to B-
23, R-7.
Ventosa: B-23,
B-18, R-7.

Pé de Atleta
Guasha: (1)4th and 5th
Guasha: (2) B-22, B-23.
Guasha: (3) BP-6.
Ventosa: BP-6.

Guasha: (1)
From B-12 to B-
Guasha: (2)
From B-23 to B-
25.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 21 de 36
Guasha: (3) From the region between the ribs to VC-12.
Ventosa: B-13, VC-12, B-23.

Envelhecimento, pele e músculos

Guasha: (1) From
B-12 to B-23.
Guasha: (2) TA-4,
VC-12, TA-1.
Ventosa: B-23, VC-

Urticaria, Eczema
Guasha: (1)
From B-18 to
Guasha: (2)
VG-20, VG-14,
IG-11, IG-10,
TA-4, VC-12,
Ventosa: B-18,
B-20, B-23.

Frieira\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 22 de 36
Guasha: BP-
6, VC-12, E-
25, VG-14,
from B-13 to
B-23, B-25,
TA-4, IG-4.
Ventosa: B-
23, E-25.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 23 de 36
Guasha: B-12,
B-13, from B-
18 to B-23,
VG-4, P-1, F-
14, VC-12, R-
Ventosa: B-13,
B-13, B-20.

Guasha: P-1, VC-
12, VC-4, VG-20,
B-10, VG-14, from
B-13 to B-23, IG-4,
from P-5 to P-9.
Ventosa: VC-12, B-

Guasha: From IG-4
to P-11, from R-7 to
R-9, from B-12 to B-
Ventosa: R-9, B-13.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 24 de 36
Guasha: (1) For
Halitosis due to the
disease of the cavity of
the mouth, fix the
teeth completely.
Guasha: (2) For
Halitosis due to the
malfunction of the
Stomach and
Intestines, press and
drag B-15 to B-21, C-7.
Ventosa: B-15.

Guasha: (1)
Press and drag
the reflex-
zones of
Adrenal Gland
and Vertebra.
Guasha: From
BP-6 to BP-9.
Ventosa: BP-6.

Guasha: (1) VG-6,
VG-1, Add VG-20 for
those whose' piles
slip out of the anus.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 25 de 36
Guasha: (3) B-54.
Ventosa: P-6, B-54.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 26 de 36
Guasha: VC-12, R-16, BP-9, E-36, B-22, B-23, B-47, B-25, VB-29, B-27.
Ventosa: B-23, E-36.

Guasha: From B-
22 to B-28, B-50,
B-51, B-54, B-57,
VB-34, E-36, VB-
39, E-41.
Ventosa: B-23, E-

Joelho, dor no
Guasha: B-54, B-57, F-
8, B-53, R-1, BP-6, E-
34, BP-10, E-35, E-36.
Ventosa: BP-10, E-36,
Pain Spot.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 27 de 36\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 28 de 36
Costas, dor
Guasha: ID-15,
ID-14, VB-21, B-
11, B-12, B-13,
B-14, B-15, B-
17, B-36, B-37,
B-42, ID-13, ID-
Ventosa: Pain

Ombro, dor
Guasha: If arm
pain, scrub IG-15,
IG-11, IG-10, IG-4,
CS-3, CS-5, TA-3,
ID-7, ID-4, ID-3. If
pain at the
shoulder, scrub B-
11, ID-15, VB-21,
ID-13. If pain at
the back of
shoulder, scrub VB-21, IG-15, ID-13, TA-4 and ID-9.
Ventosa: Pain Spot.

Ombro, dor dos 50

Guasha: P-2, P-1, VB-20, B-10,
TA-15, IG-15, ID-11, B-23.
Ventosa: P-1, IG-15, ID-11.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 29 de 36
Pescoço/Ombro duro
Guasha: B-10, VB-20, VB-21,
B-13, B-38, B-18, B-25.
Ventosa: VB-21, B-38.

Pescoço, dor
Guasha: First press and
drag the VB-20 on the
sick side, then press and
drag VG-14, VB-21, ID-9,
TA-5, VB-39, Pain Spot. It
should stop the pain. One
or two times should cure
the pain.
Ventosa: VG-14, Pain

Guasha: B-54,
B-57, R-1, BP-6,
E-36, E-41, B-
22, B-23, VB-29,
B-25, B-51.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 30 de 36
Ventosa: E-36, B-23.

Cintura com
Guasha: VG-4, B-23, VG-3,
B-25, B-26, E-41.
Ventosa: Pain Spot.

Braço, dor
Guasha: Scrub the
acupuncture points
in order: VG-14, VB-
21, TA-4, ID-11, B-
23, P-1, IG-14, C-3,
P-5, CS-4, C-7, IG-
11, IG-5, TA-4. For
the pain from the tip
of the little finger to
elbow, through the middle of the palm to the middle finger, need to
scrub C-3, C-7.
Ventosa: VG-14, ID-11, IG-11.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 31 de 36
Guasha: B-25, B-28,
B-54, B-57, R-1, R-3,
Ventosa: B-54, B-57.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 32 de 36
Guasha: Press
and drag the
Govern Vessel
Meridian and
Meridian from
neck to hip, the
left and right
sides of calf.
Ventosa: B-18,
VG-14, VB-34.

Enjôo em
Guasha: VG-
20, B-10, TA-
17, VC-12, B-
18, B-20, R-9.
Ventosa: VC-
12, B-18.

Cabeça, dor de\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 33 de 36

Guasha: B-10,
VC-17, VC-12,
VC-7, IG-4, E-36,
B-13, IG-8, B-23.
Ventosa: B-18,

Artrite Reumatóide Crônica

Guasha: B-10, TA-
14, TA-4, B-18, B-
20, B-23, B-54, VC-
14, P-5, VC-4, CS-7.
Ventosa: B-23, Pain
Spot.\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 34 de 36

Guasha: B-
23, B-48,
B-28, VC-4,
VC-3, BP-6.
Ventosa: B-
23, VC-
4(for man
only), VC-
only).\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 35 de 36\kptsao2000\eguasha.htm – Pág 36 de 36

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