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English Department is one a most favorite major in Hasanuddin University

Hasanuddin University is one of the largest autonomous universities in east

Indonesia and located in capital town of Makassar. This red campus has 22,2 hectare
large. Campus with a rooster symbol was established in 1956. Faculty of Economics is
the first faculty in Hasanuddin University which is a branch of University of Indonesia. For
the faculty of letters actually was built at November, 2nd 1959 as a sixth faculty in
Hasanuddin University. Right now Hasanuddin University has 14 faculty, include faculty
of Cultural Sciences. Faculty of Cultural sciences has eight majors. There are English
Department, Japan Department, French Department, Historical scients, Archeology,
Arabic Department, Local Language Department, Indonesian Department. Specially for
English Department it has a big devotee than other major. Why can it could be? What
happend if the number of increasing students are high?
The English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences is one of the eight
departments within the Faculty of Cultural Sciences that has receive student between 90-
140 students both through SBMPTN, JNS, and POSK. Data from Department
organization as known as PERISAI, the number of student in 2017 to 2018 Have a little
bit increase. Actually not only in English Department but also in another Department.

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