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Pine needles can be juiced or mixed with lemon.

However, Pine needle Juice is much better


1. Pine trees are synonymous with integrity, purity and long life in Korea. The Taoist practice
of surviving only on pine needles to gain supernatural powers has its roots in the pine tree's
symbolism of integrity and honor. The line from a poem, "I saw a green pine tree before me
upon entering the door, and a charcoal fire feeding the elixir of long life upon entering the
room," is a reference to the lofty state of mind attained by a Taoist.

2. Chewing pine needles also helps to fight fatigue and maintain one's youthful vigor. Pine
needles not only promote the discharge of waste from the body, but also stimulate brain activity
and strengthen the heart. In addition, they are rich in iron and thus effective for treating anemia.

3. The Pine needles were used as an herbal aid for syphilis by the Zunis. The patient chewed
the needles, swallowed them, drank a quantity of cold water and then ran for a mile or until he
perspired profusely. When he returned home he wrapped himself in a heavy blanket. Women
patients were not required to run. A tea of the twigs was drunk warm in conjunction with
chewing the needles. Syphilitic ulcers were scraped with the fingernails until they bled and the
powdered pinion gum was sprinkled over them to promote healing (Nie:50). [UW-Pine]

4. The Scandinavians used pine branches in saunas, and many cultures stuffed mattresses with
pine needles to repel lice, fleas, and other insects. In fact, pine-needle mattresses are still used
today in the Swiss Alps, however now their purpose is as a remedy for rheumatism.

5. Stephen Buhner, herbalist and speaker for the earth, reports that pine pollen is exceedingly
high in testosterone. Ingestion of the pollen itself, or the tincture of the pollen in proper doses,
seems to gradually increase libido in those susceptible to its action.
"Find a pine nearby. Inhale that special pine scent. Let you heart and spirit be invigorated and
uplifted with the gifts of the pine. Let the green blessings of the Earth nourish you deeply".

6. Often, simply chewing on several fresh pine needles until their sweet and sour essences were
extracted was enough to satisfy thirst and relieve hunger pains.

7. The parts of the pine tree that are highly medicinal are the needles, inner bark and sap. Pine
needle tea is high in vitamins A and C. In fact the fresh green needles have five times the
amount of vitamin C found in one lemon. Throughout the centuries, people have literally
survived on pine-needle tea as well as cured themselves of scurvy by drinking a tea of both the
needles and inner bark of the pine tee.

8. Take 10-15 fresh pine needles. Chew them thoroughly. Swallow the juice; spit what is left of
the needles. This remedy not only prevents cold and flu but relieves dry cough as well.

9. Chewing on a Pine Needle from a  Pine Tree and swallowing the juices rids you of heart

10. Pine needles have long been used as a traditional health-promoting medicinal food in Korea. 
Pine needles exhibit strong antioxidant, antimutagenic, and antiproliferative effects on cancer
cells and also antitumor effects in vivo and point to their potential usefulness in cancer

Warning: Pregnant  women must NOT an use this as pine needles will cause "abortion" this
also  happens in cows, when they eat the pine needles they will drop their calf's  (dead) within a
couple of days if not hours.

Pine Needle Recipe

For those of you that like to experiment, here is a simple recipe.

Get fresh pine needles.
Boil water.
Put needles in the kettle and let it sit for 5 minutes.
It is ready to drink.

For those of you that like more detail and scientific approach, here it is:

1 oz (28 g) Baby Pine Needles (select the newest needles, those that are at the end of a branch
and light green in color)
1.5 pints (840 ml) Water

Make an extract - Put the herbs into an enamel, glass or stainless steel pan (do not use
aluminum). Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes or until the liquid is reduced by one third.

Place the water and needles in a thermos. Let sit over-night for 12 hours. Strain and remove the
needles. Return the water to the thermos and drink the warm extract through-out one day.

Continue to drink 1 pint (500ml) of Pine Needle Tea every day for one month.

Drink for...

< Relief of Heart Disease

< Relief of Heart Ailments
< Relief of Vericose Veins
< Relief of Muscle Fatigue
< Relief of Sclerosis
< Relief of Kidney Ailments
< Promotes strengthening of nerves in eye
< Relief for eye relate ailments that concern connective muscles in the eye
< Relief of Gangrene
< Reacts with smooth muscles that line blood vessels
Pine Tree Needle Extraction is a traditional remedy that may be used in the treatment of about
80% of human diseases. The remedy is effective for working with the smooth muscles that line
the blood vessels and other muscular related diseases such as sclerosis (condition in which soft
tissues inside the body become unusually hard).

Some cancers will require additional treatment depending on the type and stage. This extraction
is known to have very good success rates with cancer in the first stage.

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