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Cusco dates back to 1200 AD and is linked to the first Inca ruler Manco Capac.

Its main
period of expansion occurred in the 15th century under the rule of the Inca Pachacuti, who
was responsible for the growth of the Inca Empire as far south as Chile and Argentina, and
north to Ecuador and Columbia. The empire came to an abrupt end on the arrival of the
Spanish Conquistadors,

One of the most noticeable things about the architecture of Cusco are the Inca walls
constructed of enormous granite blocks.

The Inca architecture has survived numerous earthquakes

The Sacred Valley of the Incas or Urubamba Valley was formed by the Urubamba River and
stretches from the old Inca capital of Cusco to below the sacred city of Machu Picchu.

The Basilica Cathedral of Lima was conceived, designed and built by the Spanish
Conquistador Francisco Pizarro (1529-41). Pizarro founded Lima after subduing the Inca
and establishing it as the capital of Peru. Construction began in 1535 and was completed
in 1538, although this was a small adobe building. In 1541 the church was designated a
cathedral by Pope Paul III

Huaca Pucllana is located amongst the residential buildings of the Miraflores district of Lima
and dates back to 500 AD

Huaca Pucllana was an important religious centre of the Lima culture and was dedicated to
a female deity linked to the sea

The archaeological site at El Brujo (which means witch doctor) derived its name from the
fact that the site was used to perform Shamanic rituals. It is situated on the coast of Peru
near Trujillo and consists of two pyramids, Huaca El Brujo (or Huaca Cortada) and Huaca
Cao Viejo (or Huaca Blanca),

The site is situated on a natural terrace 17 meters above sea

The archaeological site of Chan Chan is located near the Pacific coast, close to the city of
Trujillo in Northern Peru

The city’s structure shows the social and political status of its occupants, with the nobility
and elite living in the centre, whilst the common people would have had their homes and
work place outside.

Located near the city of Trujillo at the mouth of the Moche River in Northern Peru, the Huaca
de la Luna (Temple of the Moon) together with the Huaca del Sol (Temple of the Sun) formed
part of the ancient city of Huacas de Moche which was the capital city of the Moche people.

Machu Picchu is considered the most important building of Peru, and has been chosen
as one of the wonders of the ancient world.

We must consider the conservation of our buildings because they generate economic
development through tourism.

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