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(A comparative analysis of Khaddi
and Nishat linen)

It has been decades since online marketing evolved. You must be wondering what is online
marketing? Online marketing is satisfaction. the online buying and selling of products to obtain
a better insight of customer satisfaction. In the countries abroad,this phenomena of online
marketing is at its maturity stage where almost every other individual uses internet and
perform online marketing on an almost daily basis. In Pakistan, online marketing is in its
development or the introductory stage, people here move away from such activities which
involve risks. However, few people are advancing with the change in technology as the internet
is no more a niche technology. t is a mass and an absolutely essential part of modern times.

With the invention of internet a new pattern has developed for traditional customers.
Customers are no more tied up with the opening and closing hours of the store locations ,they
can type any time feasible for them twenty-four hours to purchase goods and services. In
Pakistan there are few people who prefer purchasing goods and services online however there
are very few people who purchase fashion apparel online.

The key to a successful marketing campaign lies in consumer behavior. Marketing to an

audience that you don’t truly understand will not get you very far; the only way to reach and
connect with a customer, the only way to influence their purchasing decision is to understand
their buying behavior.

In the digital age, there are an increasing number of customers purchasing online through
company websites and 3rd party seller websites, via mobile apps or even through social media.
But there are also a number of consumers who will still prefer to make purchases via more
traditional methods such as in store or over the phone.

Author Shu-wing Wu (2002) proposed a framework for connecting the involvement construct’s
antecedents of Internet marketing, measured involvement degree, related constructs and
consequences of consumer behavior. The research first determined the factors that influence
the degree of Internet marketing involvement then established the different involvement
degree clusters by measured involvement. Finally, the relationship among influence factors,
Internet marketing involvement degree, and consequences of consumer behavior was
analyzed. Based on the research findings, this paper discusses the possible Internet marketing
strategies for a variety involvement degree clusters.

According to Dave Chaffey (2006) Internet marketing can be simply defined as achieving
marketing objectives through applying digital technologies. It is the application of Internet and
related digital technologies in conjunction with traditional communications to achieve
marketing objectives. It comprises not only advertising that is shown on websites, but also
other kinds of online activities like email and social networking.

According to a study by the authors Robinson,Wysocka & Hand,(2007) very important aspect
related to the online marketing is its ability to contact potential customers irrespective of time
and location. Online marketing has been defined as the utilization of a medium that is wireless
to ensure that consumers have access to information that is real time-based, location-sensitive
and personalized, which aims towards promoting products, services, and ideas, thus proving
beneficial for all stakeholder. The marketer’s challenge has always been one of persuasion - put
forward the product in as attractive a fashion as possible, and then through a system of
rewards and other incentives, try to influence consumer behavior in the desired direction.
Today, technology is changing the ways in which marketers and consumers interact, as well as
offering a mind-boggling range of new options. At the end of the day, though, the challenge
remains the same. Marketers must seed information into the marketplace, identify interested
consumers, engage those consumers in conversation, and then convert them into purchasers
and users of the final product.

Online marketing is buying a product or service over the internet,instead of going to a

traditional store outlet.Globally,an increasing number of people are buying over the internet
because it is more convenient. Similarly, many consumers follow their favorite stores and
brands on social media. By having a social media presence, even one as simple as a Facebook
business page, you can cash in on the opportunity to get reviews, be recommended, and keep
your customers updated on your business.

According to Belch,2012,information technology provides online consumers with tremendous

access to information about products and services from anywhere in the world and from
different sources other than solely from the product seller. The combination of less time
available for shopping ,limited information-processing capability and the explosive amount of
information on the web has ,however,led customers to demand more control,less effort and
greater efficiency during shopping.

Fashion is ever changing,which depicts your style,status,personality and much more. Fashion
clothing nowadays with the changing trends worldwide is being adopted on a faster scale. New
brands are emerging on the online market,people in Pakistan are adopting these fashion trends
on a faster pace. Now talking about the online marketing in the fashion stores and the
customer satisfaction derived from online marketing,if we compare Pakistani market with
international markets,international markets have a huge ratio of online marketing.

According to Smith & Wheeler(2002),existence of value-added information at a commercial

website can be an important incentive for people to shop online,and provides a key source of
diversity. The growth in the usage of internet provides a greater number of customers,and in
order to respond to the customers desire for control and convenience, online stores have to
design an efficient system to enable consumers easily find what they need,learn more about it
and quickly make a purchase decision.

Lohse et al (2000) attempted using a Psychographic based study to provide an understanding of

the characteristics of users various lifestyles that lead to online buying behavior. The survey
revealed that the very important factors in predicting online buying behavior include: i) Looking
for product information online, ii) Leading a “wired lifestyle"- this is when consumers spend
relatively large amount of their time online, and when iii) Recently ordering from a catalog.

Consumers' attitude towards online shopping is a prominent factor affecting actual buying
behaviour. Jarvenpaa and Todd (1997) as revised by Lowengart and Tractinsky (2001) proposed
a model of attitudes and buying intention towards Internet purchases in general. The model
included several indicators, belonging to four major categories; the value of the product, the
shopping experience, the quality of service offered by the website and the risk perceptions of
Internet retail shopping.

According to the Vinerean S.,Cetina J.,DumitrescuL.&TichindeleanM.(2013) in their research

paper titled ―The Effects of Social Media Marketing on Online Consumer Behavior uggests
different approaches for online marketers and managers looking to invest in advertising on
social networking sites and hence improve their ads‘ performance regarding clicking the advert
and generating positive reactions towards it. One approach implies understanding the sources
of trust in online information provided by sources social media users may or may not know, and
how their concern for privacy influences their reactions to online advertising.

Hennig-Thurau et. al. (2010), denotes this new decade as the rise of new media which is
consisted of websites and other digital communication and information channels in which
active consumer engage in behaviors that can be consumed by others both in real time and
long afterwards regardless of their spatial location.

Introduction of web-based social networking and social media tools have created a virtual
network place where people freely express their feelings, opinions and messages about a
specific product or service (Chung and Austria, 2010). Former studies have proved the
importance of consumers’ comments on social media over purchasing behaviors of new
Author Magee (2003) says that the growth in the number of people who shop online has
become more than the growth in general Internet users. This indicates that more Internet users
have begun to get comfortable with the concept of shopping online.

Online marketing is becoming more popular day by day with the increase in the usage of
internet. Understanding the consumers attitudes towards online marketing,making
improvement and studying the impact of consumer purchase behavior on online marketing of
fashion stores.

Problem Statement:
To find out impact of consumer purchase behavior on online marketing on fashion stores.

Research questions:
With the help of this research on “ online marketing and consumer purchase behavior on fashion
stores”, we will try to get answers to the following questions:
1. What are the strategies that Khaadi and Nishat linen use in online marketing to gain
customer’s attention?
2. Do Khaadi and Nishat linen focus on improving the website content and the layout?
3. What is the impact of consumer buying on online marketing?
4. Do people prefer online marketing and are they satisfied?
5. What are companies’ and consumers’ perspectives in pursuing Internet marketing?

Investigative questions:
From this research , we will try to find out the answers to the following questions:

1.What strategies are needed and which activities will be the most practical and successful given
your time and resource constraints?

2.Which of the fashion stores( Khaadi or Nishat linen) is better in dealing with its online

3.Do consumers prefer online marketing over retail marketing?

4.To what extent does the functionality of the infrastructure of the internet impact consumer
purchase behavior?

Our basic and primary aim is to compare these two brands implement their strategies to enhance
customer a

This research will be accomplished with the help of the following objectives:

To understand the customer satisfaction form online buying of fashion clothing.

To study the influence of social media on sales of the brand.
To know the response of consumers through marketing on social media.
To identify that which of the brands customers will prefer more?
To analyse the sales and profitabiltity through online marketing of the two brands.


The study focuses on the consumer behavior towards online shopping. At any given time there are
millions of people online and each of them is a potential customer for a company providing online sales.
Due to the rapid development of the technologies surrounding the Internet, a company that is
interested in selling products from its web site will constantly has to search for an edge in the fierce
competition. Since there is a huge potential consumer, it is of the out most importance to be able to
understand what the consumer wants and needs.


The fundamental reason for this research is that as online marketing is taking over retail
marketing, so we need to find out that what consumers prefer more. How their buying behavior
is changing due to online marketing. This will help the brands in developing further new
strategies for online marketing.


Time constraint
Lack of information or data related to firm
Due to the wide varity of the brand’s offerings our research will only focus the female

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