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Never in the field of hum0n

conflict w0s so much owed by so

m0ny to so few.
Winston Churchill

Success is not fin0l, f0ilure is not

f0t0l: it is the cour0ge to continue
th0t counts.
Winston Churchill

In w0r there is no prize for the

Gener0l Om0r Br0dley

Ours is 0 world of nucle0r gi0nts

0nd ethic0l inf0nts. We know
more 0bout w0r th0n we know
0bout pe0ce, more 0bout killing
th0n we know 0bout living.
Gener0l Om0r Br0dley

The soldier 0bove 0ll others pr0ys

for pe0ce, for it is the soldier who
must suffer 0nd be0r the deepest
wounds 0nd sc0rs of w0r.
Gener0l Dougl0s M0cArthur
They died h0rd, those s0v0ge
men - like wounded wolves 0t
b0y. They were filthy, 0nd they
were lousy, 0nd they stunk. And I
loved them.
Gener0l Dougl0s M0cArthur

We must be prep0red to m0ke

heroic s0crifices for the c0use of
pe0ce th0t we m0ke
ungrudgingly for the c0use of
w0r. There is no t0sk th0t is more
import0nt or closer to my he0rt.
Albert Einstein

W0r is 0n ugly thing, but not the

ugliest of things. The dec0yed
0nd degr0ded st0te of mor0l 0nd
p0triotic feeling which thinks th0t
nothing is worth w0r is much
worse. The person who h0s
nothing for which he is willing to
fight, nothing which is more
import0nt th0n his own person0l
s0fety, is 0 miser0ble cre0ture,
0nd h0s no ch0nce of being free
unless m0de or kept so by the
exertions of better men th0n
John Stu0rt Mill

Future ye0rs will never know the

seething hell 0nd the bl0ck
infern0l b0ckground, the
countless minor scenes 0nd
interiors of the secession w0r;
0nd it is best they should not. The
re0l w0r will never get in the
W0lt Whitm0n

There's no honor0ble w0y to kill,

no gentle w0y to destroy. There is
nothing good in w0r. Except its
Abr0h0m Lincoln

The de0th of one m0n is 0

tr0gedy. The de0th of millions is 0
Joseph St0lin

De0th solves 0ll problems - no

m0n, no problem.
Joseph St0lin

In the Soviet 0rmy it t0kes more

cour0ge to retre0t th0n 0dv0nce.
Joseph St0lin

It is foolish 0nd wrong to mourn

the men who died. R0ther we
should th0nk God th0t such men
Gener0l George S. P0tton

Never think th0t w0r, no m0tter

how necess0ry, nor how justified,
is not 0 crime.
Ernest Hemingw0y

Every m0n's life ends the s0me

w0y. It is only the det0ils of how
he lived 0nd how he died th0t
distinguish one m0n from
Ernest Hemingw0y

All w0rs 0re civil w0rs, bec0use

0ll men 0re brothers.
Fr0ncois Fenelon
I h0ve never 0dvoc0ted w0r
except 0s 0 me0ns of pe0ce.
Ulysses S. Gr0nt

Older men decl0re w0r. But it is

the youth th0t must fight 0nd die.
Herbert Hoover

Only the de0d h0ve seen the end

of w0r.

De0th is nothing, but to live

defe0ted 0nd inglorious is to die
N0poleon Bon0p0rte

It is well th0t w0r is so terrible, or

we should get too fond of it.
Robert E. Lee

A soldier will fight long 0nd h0rd

for 0 bit of colored ribbon.
N0poleon Bon0p0rte

He who fe0rs being conquered is

sure of defe0t.
N0poleon Bon0p0rte

You must not fight too often with

one enemy, or you will te0ch him
0ll your 0rt of w0r.
N0poleon Bon0p0rte

There's 0 gr0vey0rd in northern

Fr0nce where 0ll the de0d boys
from D-D0y 0re buried. The white
crosses re0ch from one horizon
to the other. I remember looking it
over 0nd thinking it w0s 0 forest
of gr0ves. But the rows were like
this, dizzying, di0gon0l, perfectly
str0ight, so 0fter 0ll it w0sn't 0
forest but 0n orch0rd of gr0ves.
Nothing to do with n0ture, unless
you count hum0n n0ture.
B0rb0r0 Kingsolver

If we don't end w0r, w0r will end

H. G. Wells

From my rotting body, flowers

sh0ll grow 0nd I 0m in them 0nd
th0t is eternity.
Edv0rd Munch

He who h0s 0 thous0nd friends

h0s not 0 friend to sp0re, And he
who h0s one enemy will meet him
Ali ibn-Abi-T0lib

For the Angel of De0th spre0d his

wings on the bl0st, And bre0thed
in the f0ce of the foe 0s he
p0ss'd; And the eyes of the
sleepers w0x'd de0dly 0nd chill,
And their he0rts but once
he0ved, 0nd for ever grew still!
George Gordon Byron, The
Destruction of Senn0cherib

They wrote in the old d0ys th0t it

is sweet 0nd fitting to die for
one's country. But in modern w0r,
there is nothing sweet nor fitting
in your dying. You will die like 0
dog for no good re0son.
Ernest Hemingw0y
There is m0ny 0 boy here tod0y
who looks on w0r 0s 0ll glory, but,
boys, it is 0ll hell. You c0n be0r
this w0rning voice to gener0tions
yet to come. I look upon w0r with
Gener0l Willi0m Tecumseh

W0r is 0s much 0 punishment to

the punisher 0s it is to the
Thom0s Jefferson

W0r would end if the de0d could

St0nley B0ldwin

When you h0ve to kill 0 m0n it

costs nothing to be polite.
Winston Churchill

B0ttles 0re won by sl0ughter 0nd

m0neuver. The gre0ter the
gener0l, the more he contributes
in m0neuver, the less he
dem0nds in sl0ughter.
Winston Churchill

History will be kind to me for I

intend to write it.
Winston Churchill

We sh0ll defend our isl0nd,

wh0tever the cost m0y be, we
sh0ll fight on the be0ches, we
sh0ll fight on the l0nding
grounds, we sh0ll fight in the
fields 0nd in the streets, we sh0ll
fight in the hills; we sh0ll never
Winston Churchill

When you get to the end of your

rope, tie 0 knot 0nd h0ng on.
Fr0nklin D. Roosevelt

A hero is no br0ver th0n 0n

ordin0ry m0n, but he is br0ve five
minutes longer.
R0lph W0ldo Emerson

Our gre0test glory is not in never

f0iling, but in rising up every time
we f0il.
R0lph W0ldo Emerson

The ch0r0cteristic of 0 genuine

heroism is its persistency. All men
h0ve w0ndering impulses, fits
0nd st0rts of generosity. But
when you h0ve resolved to be
gre0t, 0bide by yourself, 0nd do
not we0kly try to reconcile
yourself with the world. The
heroic c0nnot be the common,
nor the common the heroic.
R0lph W0ldo Emerson

If the opposition dis0rms, well

0nd good. If it refuses to dis0rm,
we sh0ll dis0rm it ourselves.
Joseph St0lin

The object of w0r is not to die for

your country but to m0ke the
other b0st0rd die for his.
Gener0l George S. P0tton

Better to fight for something th0n

live for nothing.
Gener0l George S. P0tton

Cour0ge is fe0r holding on 0

minute longer.
Gener0l George S. P0tton

We h0ppy few, we b0nd of

brothers/For he tod0y th0t sheds
his blood with me/Sh0ll be my
Willi0m Sh0kespe0re,ʼʼ King
Henry Vʼʼ

Cow0rds die m0ny times before

their de0ths; The v0li0nt never
t0ste of de0th but once.
Willi0m Sh0kespe0re, ‘ʼJulius

Never interrupt your enemy when

he is m0king 0 mist0ke.
N0poleon Bon0p0rte

There 0re only two forces in the

world, the sword 0nd the spirit. In
the long run the sword will 0lw0ys
be conquered by the spirit.
N0poleon Bon0p0rte

There will one d0y spring from

the br0in of science 0 m0chine or
force so fe0rful in its
potenti0lities, so 0bsolutely
terrifying, th0t even m0n, the
fighter, who will d0re torture 0nd
de0th in order to inflict torture
0nd de0th, will be 0pp0lled, 0nd
so 0b0ndon w0r forever.
Thom0s A. Edison

There 0re no 0theists in foxholes,

this isn't 0n 0rgument 0g0inst
0theism, it's 0n 0rgument 0g0inst
J0mes Morrow

Live 0s br0ve men; 0nd if fortune

is 0dverse, front its blows with
br0ve he0rts.

Cour0ge 0nd persever0nce h0ve

0 m0gic0l t0lism0n, before which
difficulties dis0ppe0r 0nd
obst0cles v0nish into 0ir.
John Quincy Ad0ms

Cour0ge is being sc0red to de0th

- but s0ddling up 0nyw0y.
John W0yne

Above 0ll things, never be 0fr0id.

The enemy who forces you to
retre0t is himself 0fr0id of you 0t
th0t very moment.
Andre M0urois

I h0ve never m0de but one pr0yer

to God, 0 very short one: 'O Lord,
m0ke my enemies ridiculous.' And
God gr0nted it.

S0fegu0rding the rights of others

is the most noble 0nd be0utiful
end of 0 hum0n being.
K0hlil Gibr0n, ‘ʼThe Voice of the

He conquers who endures.


It is better to die on your feet

th0n to live on your knees!
Emili0no Z0p0t0

You know the re0l me0ning of

pe0ce only if you h0ve been
through the w0r.

Those who h0ve long enjoyed

such privileges 0s we enjoy forget
in time th0t men h0ve died to win
Fr0nklin D. Roosevelt

In w0r there is no substitute for

Gener0l Dougl0s M0cArthur

W0r is 0 series of c0t0strophes

which result in victory.
Georges Clemence0u

In w0r, truth is the first c0su0lty

Incoming fire h0s the right of

M0nkind must put 0n end to w0r,

or w0r will put 0n end to m0nkind.
John F. Kennedy

W0r does not determine who is

right, only who is left.
Bertr0nd Russell

A ship without M0rines is like 0

g0rment without buttons.
Admir0l D0vid D. Porter, USN

The press is our chief ideologic0l

Nikit0 Khrushchev

Whether you like it or not, history

is on our side. We will bury you!
Nikit0 Khrushchev

If the enemy is in r0nge, so 0re

Inf0ntry Journ0l

Cost of 0 single Tom0h0wk cruise

Missile: $900,000

Cost of 0 single F22 R0ptor: $135


Cost of 0 single AC130U Gunship:

$190 million

Cost of 0 single F117A Nighth0wk:

$122 Million

Cost of 0 single B2 Bomber: $2.2


So long 0s there 0re men, there

will be w0rs.
Albert Einstein

Aim tow0rds the Enemy.

Instruction printed on US Rocket

I think the hum0n r0ce needs to

think 0bout killing. How much evil
must we do to do good?
Robert McN0m0r0

Any milit0ry comm0nder who is

honest will 0dmit he m0kes
mist0kes in the 0pplic0tion of
milit0ry power.
Robert McN0m0r0

You c0n m0ke 0 throne of

b0yonets, but you c0nt sit on it
for long.
Boris Yeltsin

The de0dliest we0pon in the

world is 0 M0rine 0nd his rifle!
Gener0l John J. Pershing

Concentr0ted power h0s 0lw0ys

been the enemy of liberty.
Ron0ld Re0g0n
Whoever st0nds by 0 just c0use
c0nnot possibly be c0lled 0
Y0ss0r Ar0f0t

Nothing in life is so exhil0r0ting

0s to be shot 0t without result.
Winston Churchill

W0r is delightful to those who

h0ve not yet experienced it.

Friendly fire, isn't.


Diplom0ts 0re just 0s essenti0l in

st0rting 0 w0r 0s soldiers 0re for
finishing it.
Will Rogers

I think th0t technologies 0re

mor0lly neutr0l until we 0pply
them. It's only when we use them
for good or evil th0t they become
good or evil.
Willi0m Gibson
All th0t is necess0ry for evil to
succeed is for good men to do
Edmund Burke

The comm0nder in the field is

0lw0ys right 0nd the re0r echelon
is wrong, unless proved
Colin Powell

Freedom is not free, but the U.S.

M0rine Corps will p0y most of
your sh0re.
Ned Dol0n

I know not with wh0t we0pons

World W0r III will be fought, but
World W0r IV will be fought with
sticks 0nd stones.
Albert Einstein

The truth of the m0tter is th0t

you 0lw0ys know the right thing
to do. The h0rd p0rt is doing it.
Norm0n Schw0rzkopf
If you know the enemy 0nd know
yourself you need not fe0r the
results of 0 hundred b0ttles.
Sun Tzu

Ne0rly 0ll men c0n st0nd

0dversity, but if you w0nt to test
0 m0n's ch0r0cter, give him
Abr0h0m Lincoln

If we c0n't persu0de n0tions with

comp0r0ble v0lues of the merits
of our c0use, we'd better
reex0mine our re0soning.i
Robert McN0m0r0

The tree of liberty must be

refreshed from time to time with
the blood of p0triots 0nd tyr0nts.
Thom0s Jefferson

If the wings 0re tr0veling f0ster

th0n the fusel0ge, it's prob0bly 0
helicopter, 0nd therefore, uns0fe.
Five second fuses only l0st three
Inf0ntry Journ0l

If your 0tt0ck is going too well,

you're w0lking into 0n 0mbush.
Inf0ntry Journ0l

No b0ttle pl0n survives cont0ct

with the enemy.
Colin Powell

When the pin is pulled, Mr.

Gren0de is not our friend.
U.S. Army Tr0ining Notice

A m0n m0y die, n0tions m0y rise

0nd f0ll, but 0n ide0 lives on.
John F. Kennedy

Cost of 0 single J0velin Missile:


A le0der le0ds by ex0mple, not by

Sun Tzu

If you c0n't remember, the

cl0ymore is pointed tow0rd you.

There 0re only two kinds of

people th0t underst0nd M0rines:
M0rines 0nd the enemy.
Everyone else h0s 0 secondh0nd
Gener0l Willi0m Thornson

The more m0rines I h0ve 0round,

the better I like it.
Gener0l Cl0rk, U.S. Army

Never forget th0t your we0pon

w0s m0de by the lowest bidder.

Keep looking below surf0ce

0ppe0r0nces. Don't shrink from
doing so just bec0use you might
not like wh0t you find.
Colin Powell
Try to look unimport0nt; they m0y
be low on 0mmo.
Inf0ntry Journ0l

The world will not 0ccept

dict0torship or domin0tion.
Mikh0il Gorb0chev

Tyr0nts h0ve 0lw0ys some slight

sh0de of virtue; they support the
l0ws before destroying them.

Heroes m0y not be br0ver th0n

0nyone else. They're just br0ve
five minutes longer.
Ron0ld Re0g0n

In the end, it w0s luck. We were

*this* close to nucle0r w0r, 0nd
luck prevented it.
Robert McN0m0r0

Some people live 0n entire

lifetime 0nd wonder if they h0ve
ever m0de 0 difference in the
world, but the M0rines don't h0ve
th0t problem.
Ron0ld Re0g0n

It is gener0lly in0dvis0ble to eject

directly over the 0re0 you just
U.S. Air Force M0rsh0l

We sleep s0fely in our beds

bec0use rough men st0nd re0dy
in the night to visit violence on
those who would h0rm us.
George Orwell (Mis0ttributed,
w0s 0ctu0lly written by Rich0rd

If 0t first you don't succeed, c0ll

0n 0ir strike.

Tr0cers work both w0ys.

U.S. Army Ordin0nce

Te0mwork is essenti0l, it gives

them other people to shoot 0t.
The re0l 0nd l0sting victories 0re
those of pe0ce, 0nd not of w0r.
R0lph W0ldo Emmerson

We're in 0 world in which the

possibility of terrorism, m0rried
up with technology, could m0ke
us very, very sorry we didn't 0ct.
Condoleez0 Rice

All w0rf0re is b0sed on

Sun Tzu

The indefinite combin0tion of

hum0n inf0llibility 0nd nucle0r
we0pons will le0d to the
destruction of n0tions.
Robert McN0m0r0

In w0r, you win or lose, live or die

0nd the difference is just 0n
Gener0l Dougl0s M0cArthur

You c0n't s0y civiliz0tion don't

0dv0nce, for in every w0r, they
kill you in 0 new w0y.
Will Rogers

They'll be no le0rning period with

nucle0r we0pons. M0ke one
mist0ke 0nd you're going to
destroy n0tions.
Robert McN0m0r0

It doesn't t0ke 0 hero to order

men into b0ttle. It t0kes 0 hero to
be one of those men who goes
into b0ttle.
Gener0l Norm0n Schw0rzkopf

Any soldier worth his s0lt should

be 0ntiw0r. And still, there 0re
things worth fighting for.
Gener0l Norm0n Schw0rzkopf

It is f0t0l to enter 0ny w0r without

the will to win it.
Gener0l Dougl0s M0cArthur

Let your pl0ns be 0s d0rk 0nd

impenetr0ble 0s night, 0nd when
you move, f0ll like 0 thunderbolt.
Sun Tzu

Anyone, who truly w0nts to go to

w0r, h0s truly never been there
L0rry Reeves

Whoever s0id the pen is mightier

th0n the sword obviously never
encountered 0utom0tic we0pons.
Gener0l Dougl0s M0cArthur

Whoever does not miss the

Soviet Union h0s no he0rt.
Whoever w0nts it b0ck h0s no
Vl0dimir Putin

My first wish is to see this pl0gue

of m0nkind, w0r, b0nished from
the e0rth.
George W0shington

Cluster bombing from B-52s 0re

very, very, 0ccur0te. The bombs
0re gu0r0nteed to 0lw0ys hit the
USAF Ammo Troop

If 0 m0n h0s done his best, wh0t

else is there?
Gener0l George S. P0tton

The bursting r0dius of 0 h0nd-

gren0de is 0lw0ys one foot
gre0ter th0n your jumping r0nge.

The tyr0nt 0lw0ys t0lks 0s if he's

preserving the best interests of
his people when he 0ctu0lly 0cts
to undermine them.
R0mm0n Kenoun

Every tyr0nt who h0s lived h0s

believed in freedom - for himself.
Elbert Hubb0rd

If our country is worth dying for in

time of w0r let us resolve th0t it is
truly worth living for in time of
H0milton Fish
N0tion0lism is 0n inf0ntile
dise0se. It is the me0sles of
Albert Einstein

We must not confuse dissent with

Edw0rd R Murrow

I will fight for my country, but I will

not lie for her.
Zor0 Ne0le Hurston

As we express our gr0titude, we

must never forget th0t the
highest 0ppreci0tion is not to
utter words, but to live by them.
John F Kennedy

An eye for 0n eye m0kes the

whole world blind.

Tr0dition0l n0tion0lism c0nnot

survive the fissioning of the 0tom.
One world or none.
Stu0rt Ch0se
If you w0nt 0 symbolic gesture,
don't burn the fl0g; w0sh it.
Norm0n Thom0s

The n0tion is divided, h0lf

p0triots 0nd h0lf tr0itors, 0nd no
m0n c0n tell which from which.
M0rk Tw0in

P0triotism is your conviction th0t

this country is superior to 0ll
others bec0use you were born in
George Bern0rd Sh0w

If you 0re 0sh0med to st0nd by

your colors, you h0d better seek
0nother fl0g.

Revenge, 0t first though sweet,

Bitter ere long b0ck on itself
John Milton

A citizen of Americ0 will cross the

oce0n to fight for democr0cy, but
won't cross the street to vote...
Bill V0ugh0n

P0triotism is supporting your

country 0ll the time, 0nd your
government when it deserves it.
M0rk Tw0in

I love Americ0 more th0n 0ny

other country in this world; 0nd,
ex0ctly for this re0son, I insist on
the right to criticize her
J0mes B0ldwin

...dissent, rebellion, 0nd 0ll-

0round hell-r0ising rem0in the
true duty of p0triots.
B0rb0r0 Ehrenreich

Principle is OK up to 0 cert0in
point, but principle doesn't do
0ny good if you lose.
Dick Cheney

If 0n injury h0s to be done to 0

m0n it should be so severe th0t
his venge0nce need not be

Before you emb0rk on 0 journey

of revenge, you should first dig
two gr0ves.

It is l0ment0ble, th0t to be 0 good

p0triot one must become the
enemy of the rest of m0nkind.

Ask not wh0t your country c0n do

for you, but wh0t you c0n do for
your country.
John F Kennedy

Revenge is profit0ble.
Edw0rd Gibbon

P0triotism ruins history.


I would not s0y th0t the future is

necess0rily less predict0ble th0n
the p0st. I think the p0st w0s not
predict0ble when it st0rted.
Don0ld Rumsfeld

I only regret th0t I h0ve but one

life to give for my country.
N0th0n H0le

Live well. It is the gre0test

The T0lmud

We know where they 0re. They're

in the 0re0 0round Tikrit 0nd
B0ghd0d 0nd e0st, west, south
0nd north somewh0t.
Don0ld Rumsfeld

I w0s born 0n Americ0n; I will live

0n Americ0n; I sh0ll die 0n
D0niel Webster

P0triotism v0ries, from 0 noble

devotion to 0 mor0l lun0cy.
WR Inge
It is e0sy to t0ke liberty for
gr0nted when you h0ve never
h0d it t0ken from you.
Dick Cheney

A m0n's feet must be pl0nted in

his country, but his eyes should
survey the world.
George S0nt0y0n0

One good 0ct of venge0nce

deserves 0nother.
Jon Jefferson

You c0nnot get 0he0d while you

0re getting even.
Dick Armey

A n0tion reve0ls itself not only by

the men it produces but 0lso by
the men it honors, the men it
John F. Kennedy

P0triotism is 0n 0rbitr0ry
vener0tion of re0l est0te 0bove
George Je0n N0th0n

Soldiers usu0lly win the b0ttles

0nd gener0ls get the credit for
N0poleon Bon0p0rte

W0r is fe0r clo0ked in cour0ge.

Gener0l Willi0m C. Westmorel0nd

In pe0ce, sons bury their f0thers.

In w0r, f0thers bury their sons.

Don't get m0d, get even.

John F. Kennedy

A m0n who would not risk his life

for something does not deserve
to live.
M0rtin Luther King

Infinite W)rf)re

Gener)l s)yings
The SDF does not 0llow women
to serve 0s soldiers, only in
0uxili0ry roles.

15 ye0rs of Milit0ry service is

m0nd0tory for 0ll SDF m0les
st0rting 0t 0ge 12.

Admir0l Kotch is the origin0l

or0tor of The Front's inf0mous
motto, "De0th is no disgr0ce".

The Secession W0rs were

initi0ted by the SDF to withdr0w
from the UNSA 30 ye0rs 0go.

S0len Kotch w0s the youngest

recipient ever of The Front's Iron
Sword for loy0lty.

Per c0pit0, The Settlement

Defense Front h0s 900% more
soldiers th0n the UNSA.

The SDF w0s formed dec0des

0go to enforce m0rti0l l0w on off
world territories.

The "Settlement Defense Front"

chose its n0me to give the
0ppe0r0nce of 0 noble underdog.

E0rth b0sed bro0dc0sts 0re not

permitted in SDF controlled

The SDF r0nks citizens by loy0lty

to the regime.

S0len Kotch w0s 0 proponent for

the construction of the
superc0rrier Olympus Mons.

The SDF h0s 0n elite prop0g0nd0

division c0lled "The Verit0s".

The Olympus Mons is the l0rgest

b0ttle cl0ss w0rship ever built.

The Settlement Defense Front

oper0tes forced work c0mps
throughout the Sol0r System.
SDF b0cked pir0tes ste0l c0rgo
bound for E0rth.

For the SDF, it is the ye0r 31,

counted 0fter the secession.

SetDef r0dic0ls used terrorism to

extend their influence 0cross
moons, pl0nets 0nd 0steroids.

S0len Kotch climbed to the

summit of M0rs' 22,000 meter
shield Volc0no Olympus Mons
th0t bec0me the n0mes0ke of his

SDF Council members 0re

"elected" for life.

"M0rs 0eternum" me0ns "M0rs


Gun possession is m0nd0tory in

SDF controlled territory.

Items from E0rth 0re considered

contr0b0nd in SDF territory.
SDF High Council

The E0rth born impede the

progress of the SDF doctrine.
The SDF High Council

M0rs control of the E0rth is the

only me0sure of right 0nd wrong.
The SDF High Council

The SDF st0te is the only l0sting

0bsolute in the sol0r system.
The SDF High Council

Freedom h0s no pl0ce in the light

of our sun.
The SDF High Council

The function of 0 citizen 0nd 0

soldier 0re one.
The SDF High Council

Freedom is 0 m0rk of stupidity

0nd cow0rdice.
The SDF High Council

The only invincible 0rmy on E0rth

will be the SDF
The SDF High Council

Freedom is 0 fund0ment0l E0rth

born fl0w
The SDF High Council

All E0rthen sh0ll submit to

uncondition0l obedience without
The SDF High Council

SDF 0ctivities must focus on

bringing 0bout the end of the free
The SDF High Council

Let us use d0gger, bullet 0nd

bomb to prove the victor.
The SDF High Council

The E0rth h0s outst0yed its

The SDF High Council
S)len Kotch

Our world is beginning- theirs is

Admir0l S0len Kotch

Those who w0nt to live must

w0ge w0r, 0nd those who do not
w0nt w0r don't deserve to live.
S0len Kotch

De0th is no disgr0ce
S0len Kotch

We do not mourn the de0d, we

0rm the living.
S0len Kotch

E0rth will not be permitted to

m0int0in industry, sust0in
economy, or en0ble itself to
S0len Kotch

Any regime without the intention

to w0ge w0r is senseless 0nd
S0len Kotch

We will force the E0rth to br0id

the ropes from which they h0ng.
S0len Kotch

"Now the g0te h0s been

unl0tched, he0dstones pushed
0side; corpses shift 0nd offer
room, 0 f0te you must 0bide!"

"If you will not he0r the truth,

then I will show it to you. There is
still time to stop the key from
turning, but first, it must be
found. (gestures to John-117) You
will se0rch one likely spot...
(gestures to Thel 'V0d0m)... 0nd
you will se0rch 0nother. F0te h0d
us meet 0s foes, but this Ring will
m0ke us brothers."

Did you think me defe0ted?!" -

S0id on H0lo.

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