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2/17/2019 12 Physics - Test Maker @ EasyLearningHome.

Name: _______________________

12 Physics Roll #:
Time: 35Min; Marks:20 for video lectures, past papers and other helping material
Q1) Choose the most appropriate op on. Cu ng / overwri ng is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) Poten al difference across two terminals of silicon diode at 3000k is ____
A) 0.3V B) 0.7V C) 0.9V D) 1.2V
ii) A PN-junc on cannot be used as:
A) Rec fier B) Amplifier C) Detector D) LED
iii) The ra o of poten al barriers of Ge to Si at room temperature is
A) 7:3 B) 2:5 C) 1:3 D) 3:7
iv) When a p-n junc on is reverse biased, the deple on region is ____
A) Widened B) Narrowed C) Normal D) No change
v) The thickness of base in a transistor is of the order of ____
A) 10 m
B) 10 m −4
C) 10 m −3
D) 10 −1
vi) Which one pair belongs to accepter impurity?
A) Arsenic, phosphorus B) Boron, gallium C) An mony, indium D) Arsenic, an mony

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) The bas current in a transistor is very small. Discuss.
ii) Why is the base current in a transistor very small?
iii) Why a photodiode is operated in reverse biased state?
iv) Write the truth table of OR gate.
v) Write down characteris cs of opera onal amplifier.
vi) What is poten al barrier? What is the value of poten al barrier of Si and Ge?

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) What is an amplifier? Explain the CE transistor as an amplifier. Determine the voltage gain of transistor
amplifier also.
4) The current flowing into the base of a transistor is 100μA. Find its collector current I , its emi er current I C

E and the ra o I / I , if the value of the current gain β is 100.

C E 1/1

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