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Cancellation Report

Egypt Hotel Development Forum

April 17th-18th 2019, Cairo Egypt

Reasons for Cancellation:

 Event Cost
 Skype credits. For the month of November, the total skype credits was
approximately 4000 yuan. At this rate, we are expecting the cost of calls
to reach up to 6000 yuan or more, once the delegate acquisition team
and the closer start making phone calls and follow ups.
 Venue Cost
 Flights and Hotel Accommodation

 Package Cost
 Currently the packages are set at 2000 USD higher than Philippine Events.
Although we do have good feedbacks from the companies based in Egypt,
they find it really expensive primarily because of their exchange rate
(17.91 Egyptian pound = 1 USD)

 Target versus Potential company income

 Given the costings for the event, the target for break-even may reach up
to 110,000 USD. Same effort from everyone involved but lesser income
and bigger risk.

This event’s no call has reached 325 entries from October 16 until November 27, and has also
received good feedbacks from big companies like Samsung, Honeywell Inncom, Diversey, plus
Yvette’s positives but the risk for losing money if we pursue this event is bigger than what it can

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