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1. The language learners need to practice their speaking ………. Mrs. Maharida taught them.
a. Who
b. Whose
c. Which
d. Whom
2. The teacher has the students …………were absent in his class yesterday to submit their
a. Who
b. Whose
c. Which
d. Whom
3. Prof. Bahrun explains the material to the language learners ………the school accepts lately
a. Who
b. Whose
c. Which
d. Whom
4. The book is worth ………… It contains a lot of information about the importance of English as
a second language.
a. To read
b. For being read
c. read
d. reading
5. The students casual behavior towards their teacher was ……………….for such a formal class
a. Wholly inappropriate
b. Completely inappropriate
c. Incredibly inappropriate
d. Truly inappropriate
6. The economy had been growing at a steady pace, but now with this new crisis, it ……..
a. Cries over spilt milk ( sedih berlebihan)
b. All bets are off ( Menggambarkan situasi yg mustahil akan terjadi)
c. Far cries from ( sangat berbeda dri..)
d. Best of both words ( Situation in which you can enjoy advantages of two very diffenrting
at the same time)
7. I’m so jealous of people who ……….. learning languages quickly.
a. Have a knack for
b. Feel a bit under the weather
c. Add insult to injury
d. Steal up on
8. Nobody likes working with someone who constantly ……….- it’s impossible to depend on
them for anything.
a. Burn the midnight oil ( stay up working especially studying late at night)
b. Drop someone a line ( sense a few word in writing)
c. Drag one’s feet ( you delay doing something or do it very slowly)
d. Drops the ball ( to fail in once responsibility or to make a mistakes especially at a critical
point or when the result is very negative)
9. Bill, you’re too careless with your work. I ……. with apologizing for your mistakes!
a. am feed up ( sorrow)
b. am back to drawing board (
c. am best of both worlds
d. am devil’s advocate
10. Can you help me with this problem? I’ve been …………….with it, but I just can’t solve it.
a. beating my brains out
b. beat around the bush
c. blessing in disguise
d. curiosity killed the cat

Teachers give students an ending discussion task. Lasting four to five minutes. The task (2)
requires students summarizes what they have learned from the lecture and (1) integrate it into
existing conceptual frameworks. The task may also point students toward what the homework will
cover or what what will be presented in the next class session. This (3) provides closure to the

11. The appropriate antonym of the underlined word (2) the text is .....
a. Desire
b. Solicit
c. Command
d. Beseech
12. The appropriate antonym of the underlined word (1) the text is .....
a. Sum
b. Unite
c. Mix
d. Analyze
13. The appropriate antonym of the underlined word (3) the text is .....
a. Appropriate
b. Get
c. Agree
d. Yield

Individual accountability exist when the performance of each individual students is assessed and the
(2) result are given back to the group and the individual in order to ascertain who needs more
assistance, (1) support and encouragement in completing the assignment. The purpose of
cooperative learning groups is to make each member a stronger individual in his or her right.
Students (3) learn together so that they can subsequently perform higher as individual`.

14. The appropriate antonym of the underlined word (2) the text is .....
a. End
b. Upshot
c. Antecedent
d. Conclusion
15. The appropriate antonym of the underlined word (2) the text is .....
a. Favor
b. Prop
c. Serond
d. Weaken
16. The appropriate antonym of the underlined word (3) the text is .....
a. Instruct
b. Attain
c. Imbibe
d. Glean
The longer a cooperative group exist, the more caring their relationship will (2) tend to be, the
greater social support they will provide for each other, the more committed they will be to each
other’s (1) success. An the more infuence members will have over each other. Permanent
cooperative base groups provide the arena in which caring and commited relationships can be
created that provide the social support needed to improve attendance, personalize, the eduational
experience, increase achievement and improve the (3) quality of school life.

17. The appropriate antonym of the underlined word (2) the text is .....
a. Desert
b. Guard
c. Keep
d. Aid
18. The appropriate antonym of the underlined word (1) the text is .....
a. Ruin
b. Luck
c. Victory
d. Prosperity
19. The appropriate antonym of the underlined word (3) the text is .....
a. Condition
b. Power
c. Nature
d. Incapacity

Border strip, otherwise known as border check or bay irrigation could be considered as a hybrid
of level basin and furrow irrigation. The field is divided into a number of bays or strips, each bay
is separated by raised earth check banks (borders). The bays are typically longer and narrower
compared to basin irrigation and are orientated to align lengthwise with the slope of the field.
Typical bay dimensions are between 10-70m wide and 100-700m long. The water is applied to
the top end of the bay, which is usually constructed to facilitate free-flowing conditions at the
downstream end. One common use of this technique includes the irrigation of pasture for dairy

20. The best title of the text is…….(bay/border strip irrigation)

21. In can be inferred from the text…..
22. The steps of bay/border strip irrigation..except..

A difficult conversation

Often when a person is dying they find that everybody around them wants to change the subject for
fear of upsetting them. Yet for them, being able to express what they are really feeling can be
incredibly powerful. Simply being with the person and listening may be the greatest gift you can

Don’t worry too much about finding the perfect words. Listen from a place of acceptance,
compassion and non-judgement about what they need to express – whether it’s sadness,
exhaustion, anger, guilt, shame or loss of purpose.
Help them to remember and celebrate their life, to reflect on what has happened and to
acknowledge it has all been worthwhile. Dying can be a very lonely experience, and often what
people want to hear is that they will be loved and supported until the end.

“Begin to explore what’s scaring them,” says Liz Arnott, a social worker at a children’s hospice.
“You can reassure them that the medical side of things will make them more comfortable, that they
will be surrounded by people who love them and they’re in a safe space.”

Suggested words:

The four phrases identified by US palliative care physician Ira Byock as mattering most in our lives
are especially important at the end:

“Please forgive me.”

“I forgive you.”

“Thank you.”

“I love you.”

23. The word “non-judgement” in the text means....

24. The word “worthwhile” in the text means....
25. The word worthwhile in the text means….
26. The text suggests that attending a dying person requires to do…., except
27. The person who is dying mostly needs …. Not to fell lonely. (to be loved and
being comfortable)
28. The statement “Begin to explore what’s scaring them” is ……..(personal point)

We can help them about their problem.

Make memories
Symbolism will help you feel connected to your loved one in the future, so it’s vital to take the time
to create lasting memories while they are still alive. Ann-Marie Perry, a nurse specialist at a
children’s hospice, works with families whose children are terminally ill. She has found that often,
following a death, families and friends can feel stressed that they haven’t collected enough
memories so they surround themselves with photos and memorabilia. But doing this can prevent
them from moving on in their grief. Work on creating symbolic, simple memories – take a last walk
on the beach, have a family meal together, cut off a lock of hair.

“I remember once we had a baby come from intensive care to the hospice,” says Perry. “We took
her off all the equipment and put her in a bassinet, and her mother said it was the sweetest memory
as she never thought she would see her child in a proper bassinet. It’s about creating normal
experiences and simple pleasures.”

29. The word “terminally ill” in the text means ….

30. The word “symbolic” in the text means…
31. The word “bassinet” in the text means…
32. The families and the friends need to build symbolism in order to make a dying person…. (feel
Deal with the practical stuff

Tying up loose ends is an important priority for people who are dying. You can help them find
ways to express their regrets, contact others to say goodbye, and complete any other outstanding
tasks before they die. As they may not be able to advocate for themselves near the end, it’s essential
you know their wishes. Have a conversation about their values, their medical care choices, whether
they wish to be resuscitated in an emergency, and how they want their last moments to be.

While you might not be able to ensure all of their wishes are met – for example, they may want to
die at home but it isn’t always possible – having the conversation will ensure you know what the
person really values. It’s also important to document this conversation so that everyone who is
involved at the end is clear on what the dying person wants. A good way of doing this is to draw up
an Advanced Care Directive, or “Living Will”.

Suggested words:

“I love you and I want you to have control over what happens to you.”

“If you get so sick that you can’t communicate, who should advise the doctors on your medical

“What would be a desirable outcome of that care?”

“And what are the things you would like to tell your family?”

33. The word “resuscitated” in the text means …

34. The word “Advanced Care Directive” in the text means…
35. The word “Living Will” in the text means…
36. What is the significant thing to do at the end of people dying… (to document conversation)

At the end

As death draws closer, there are still important things you can do to help. See to their physical
comfort by keeping their mouth moist, and not being afraid to touch them. Gently lift their arms
and legs to help deal with the discomfort of lying still for long periods of time. If you know they
like being massaged, then give it a go. You could play their favorite music or open the window so
they can hear the birds. Make the atmosphere feel as safe and relaxing as possible to keep the
person calm.

Keep holding the person’s hand and talking to them, even if it appears they cannot hear you.
Associate Professor Bill Silvester, an intensive care specialist at Melbourne’s Austin Hospital, says
studies have shown that hearing is the last sense to disappear as people die.

“We teach ICU nurses who are caring for patients who are very sick to continue to talk to them
even if we think they are deeply unconscious,” Silvester says. “If there is a chance they can hear,
we want them to be hearing things. It shows we are continuing to care for them for as long as
Suggested words:
“It’s OK to die, I will be fine.”
“Thank you for everything.”
“I’m safe. It’s OK for you to go.”

37. The word “physical comfort” in the text means…

38. The dying person needs to …. (touchable and being spoken)

Discovery learning is an inquiry-based, constructivist learning theory that takes place in problem
solving situations where the learner draws on his or her own past experience and existing
knowledge to (1)…… facts and relationships and new truths to be (2)…………. Students interact
with the world by exploring and manipulating objects, wrestling with questions and controversies,
or performing experiments.

39. The appropriate word for the blank space (2) in the text is …..
a. Taught
b. Learned
c. Studied
d. Achieved

40. The appropriate word for the blank space (1) in the text is …..
a. Discover
b. Inquiry
c. Teach
d. Learn

Think-pair-share (TPS) is a collaborative learning strategy in which students work together to solve
a problem or answer a question about an (1)…… reading. This technique requires students to think
individually about a topic or answer to a question; and share ideas with classmates. (2)…… an
answer with a partner serves to maximize participation, focus attention and engage students in
comprehending the reading material.

41. The appropriate word for the blank space (1) in the text is …..
a. Assigned
b. Pointed
c. Did
d. Skimmed

42. The appropriate word for the blank space (2) in the text is …..
a. Grouping
b. Learning
c. Discussing
d. Talking

Long Trunk of Elephant

A long, long time ago, the elephants had a small trunk. It was not as long as it is now.

One day an elephant saw a crocodile in a river bank. The elephant teased said, "Hey, you crawling
creatures, I wonder why you are not small like the other creatures. You are too long for your

The crocodile lost his temper at being called a crawler. So he said, "Now I'll show you how strong a
crawling creature can be!"

So immediately the crocodile caught the elephant's trunk in his mouth. The elephant cried out in
pain and tried to pull his trunk out but the crocodile held on to it. Soon the other animals heard the
elephant's cries and came to help. They pulled the elephant by the tail and so this pulling caused the
trunk to be stretched long. The elephant grew very sad at this, but the animals told him the
advantages of a long trunk. So the elephant felt happy again.

43. The story is about ….

44. We learn from the text that …

45. Why was the trunk of elephant being lengthen in size?

46. It is implied in the story that the elephant is happy because?

Gold for Rahman

Once, Rahman was sitting outside his hut on a hill watching the beautiful sun set. Just then, he saw
something shining at a distance. He exclaimed, "Oh, it's a shiny house. It must be made of gold."

So Rahman rushed towards the golden house. He wanted to reach it as soon as possible. But when
he reached the spot, there was no golden house. There was an old hut. The sun's rays had given its
walls a golden glow. So Rahman turned to go back up the hill. He looked up and saw a golden
house at the top. He shouted, "There is a golden house up there too!"

So he climbed up the hill quickly. He reached the hill to find that golden house to be his own hut.
He had thrown some glass pieces on the roof. The glass pieces were catching the sun’s rays and
shining. Then Rahman smiled to himself and said, "Oh, it is not gold either. Anyway now I've
learnt that all that glitters is not gold."

47. The story is about ….

48. We learn from the text that …

49. Why Rahman saw a golden house at the top?

50. It is implied in the story that Rahman smiled to himself because?

Cool your eyes and avoid painful strain

1. Take A Break
Whenever you’re working on a task that requires close concentration, take a break every 20 minutes
or so. Look at a faraway object, such as a picture on the opposite wall, or a view out the window,
for at least 30 seconds. By allowing your eyes to shift focus, you give them a rest.

2. Give Them A Rest

Briskly rub your hands together until they grow warm, and gently place the heels of your palms
over your closed eyes. Hold them there for a few seconds.
If you soak a washcloth or hand towel in cool water, wring it out, and lay it over your eyes for five
minutes, it will relieve strain.

3. Make Adjustments
Turn the contrast on your computer monitor to high. Letters and images become crisper.
Adjust your chair height so you’re looking slightly downward at the screen. Tilt the screen to meet
your gaze. Make sure that your eyes are at least 20 inches from the screen.
Adjust your computer screen or close the shades near your work area so that you don’t have
window-glare on the screen. If glare still bothers you, attach a special antiglare filter to the screen.

51. The purpose of the text is telling the readers about ….

52. Among the function of hand towel in cool water?

53. What you can do if glare still bothers you?


Our top tips to avoid getting sick.

It’s that time of year again-cold and flu season is just around the corner. This year, be proactive by
taking steps to prevent these illnesses before they start. Here are some strategies for staying healthy.

1. Get Your Flu Shot

A cold is a mild infection of the upper respiratory tract that causes a runny nose, cough and sore
throat. The flu hits much harder: Symptoms usually include fever, headaches, muscle aches and, at
times, nausea and vomiting.

You’ve heard it before, but it bears repeating: Get your flu shot! It’s the best way to prevent the
illness, and it’s safe. Keep in mind that the vaccine’s effectiveness wears off, so it’s important to
get inoculated every year.

2. Wash Your Hands

Both the common cold and the flu are contagious viral infections; you can catch a cold or flu if you
come into contact with a contaminated person or object and then proceed to touch your face. Both
viruses are airborne, and the influenza virus spreads particularly easily, so protect yourself, and
those around you, by practicing good hygiene.

Wash your hands often-scrub with hot, soapy water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based
hand sanitizer if water isn’t an option. Don’t cough or sneeze into your hands; use tissues or your
sleeve. And always avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
3. Keep it Clean

Virus droplets from a sick person’s sneeze or cough can land on all kinds of surfaces, so make sure
to disinfect things like doorknobs, remotes and phones. This is especially important if someone in
your home or office has a cold or flu. Don’t share drinking glasses, utensils or-yikes!-a toothbrush
with anyone who’s sick.

Regularly clean kids’ toys. And when you hit the gym, remember to wipe down equipment before
and after using it.

54. The purpose of the text is telling the readers about….

55. Among the function of wash your hands?
56. Among the function of keep it clean?
57. If the government were to apply the new curriculum, teachers would not be ready
yet. The sentence has the same meaning with...
a. The teacher was not ready to apply the curriculum.
b. The government didn’t apply the curriculum.
c. The teacher was ready to apply the new curriculum because the government had
applied it earlier.
d. Were the government to apply the new curriculum earlier, the teacher would not be
ready yet.


58. The graph is most probably written for the purpose of ….

59. It is concluding from the graph that…

60. The graph mainly indicates ….

61. It can be inferred from the chart that…

62. In May, the number of students is…

63. The chart shows that birthday of students in November is …

64. In most cases, learning another language enhances a child's English ability. Children can learn
much about English by learning the structure of other languages. Common vocabulary also
helps children learn the meaning of new words in English. Experimental studies have shown
that no long-term delay in native English language development occurs between children
participating in second language immersion classes and those schooled exclusively in English.
In fact, children enrolled in foreign language programs score statistically higher on
standardized tests conducted in English. A number of reports have demonstrated that children
who have learned a second language earn higher SAT scores, particularly on the verbal section
of the test. One study showed that by the fifth year of an immersion program, students
outperform all comparison groups and remain high academic achievers throughout their

65. Most importantly, encourage your child's interest in the language and in other cultures. Show
her that you value the ability to speak a second language. Attend cultural events that feature
music, dance, or food from the country or countries where the language is spoken. If possible,
provide some books, videos, or other materials in the second language. If you are familiar with
the language yourself, read to her. Summer programs offering international exchange are
suitable for older children and offer valuable opportunities to speak the second language and
explore a different culture firsthand. Children normally live with a host family, which provides
them with a safe and sheltered environment where they can practice their language skills.

66. Immersion programs allow children to spend part or all of the school day learning in a second
language. In full (total) immersion programs, which are available in a limited number of
schools, children learn all of their subjects (math, social studies, science, etc.) in the second
language. Partial immersion programs operate on the same principle, but only a portion of the
curriculum is presented in the second language. Under this type of program, a child may learn
social studies and science in Spanish or French in the morning and learn mathematics and
language arts in English in the afternoon. In both cases, the second language is the medium for
content instruction rather than the subject of instruction. Children enrolled in immersion
programs work toward full proficiency in the second language and usually reach a higher level
of competence than those participating in other language programs.

Born on July 4, 1918, in Sioux City, Iowa, Eppie Lederer would eventually come to be
known across the globe as Ann Landers via her advice column in the Chicago Sun-Times. Known
for her wisecracking yet straightforward advice, Landers' column went into syndication in more
than a thousand newspapers. Her twin sister had a rival column, Dear Abby. Lederer died on June
22, 2002.
Using the pen name "Ann Landers," Eppie Lederer became one of America's most trusted
source of advice for decades through her newspaper column. Landers was born Esther Pauline
Friedman on July 4, 1918, in Sioux City, Iowa, to Russian-Jewish immigrants: Her father owned a
successful movie theater business, and her mother was a homemaker.
Growing up, Landers was incredibly close to her identical twin sister, Pauline Phillips, who
would also go on to become a revered advice columnist, under the pseudonym "Abigail Van
Buren." The two even went to the same college -- Morningside College in Sioux City -- and, on
July 2, 1938, had a joint wedding ceremony: Landers married Jules Lederer, who would later found
Budget Rent-a-Car, and Van Buren wed a businessman named Morton Phillips. In 1940, Landers
and Lederer welcomed a daughter, Margo.

67. The text implies that Ann Landers……

68. It can be inferred from the text that the Landers’s family lived….

69. When his sister married, how old Landers….

One of the secrets to a great-tasting soup is adding aromatic vegetables such as onion, carrot
and celery. This is a thick and hearty soup!
1 tbsp oil
350 g blade steak fat trimmed, chopped
1 leek white part only
2 garlic cloves crushed
1 carrot halved and sliced
1 celery stalks thinly sliced
410 g diced tomatoes cups beef stock
1 bay leaf
1 zucchini halved and sliced
1/4 cabbage shredded
2 tbsp. fresh parsley chopped
1. Heat half the oil in a stock pot or large saucepan over high heat. Cook the beef in
batches, stirring often, for 2-3 minutes, until browned. Transfer the beef to a plate.
2. Heat the remaining oil in the pot and cook the leek and garlic over low heat for 3-5 minutes,
until soft.
3. Add the carrot and celery to the pot, then add the beef, tomatoes, stock, bay leaf and 2
cups water. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 1 hour, until the beef and
vegetables are tender. Add more water if the soup is too thick.
4. Stir in the zucchini and cabbage, and cook for 5 minutes, until the vegetables are
tender. Discard the bay leaf.
5. Sprinkle the soup with the chopped parsley. Ladle into four bowls to serve.
70. The best title of the above text is…..

71. The word “ladle” in the text means….

72. What step after Add the carrot and celery to the pot…

Amid the falling temperatures and early sunsets, these comforting winter drinks make
intimate gatherings feel cozy and special.

4 cups (1 L) apple cider, 1 cup (250 mL) orange juice, 2 tablespoons (30 mL) honey, 12 whole
allspice berries, 4 cinnamon sticks, each 3 inches (7.5 cm) long, 1 whole nutmeg, 1⁄2 teaspoon
(2 mL) grated orange rind, 1 small red apple, cored and cut into wedges Instructions:

1. In a medium-size saucepan, bring the cider, orange juice, honey, allspice berries,
cinnamon sticks, whole nutmeg, and orange rind to a boil over high heat.
2. Lower the heat and simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes.
3. Add apple wedges and simmer for 3 minutes more.
4. Remove from heat. Strain into a heatproof pitcher, reserving apple wedges.
5. Place a few of the apple wedges in each cup and fill cups with cider to serve.

73. The word “Pitcher” in the text means…..

74. The best title of the above text is…….

75. Following the ingredients are about the saucepan, except…..

Located in Cereste, Guesthouse Le nid d'amour is set in a typical white-stone wall Luberon house
surrounded by a landscaped garden with a heated outdoor swimming pool and a hot tub. At
Guesthouse Le nid d'amour, guests can find air-conditioned rooms or an apartment with free
WiFi access and a private bathroom with a hairdryer and free toiletries. There are restaurants and
small stores in the heart of Cereste village just 1.5 km away. Hiking and bicycling can be enjoyed
in the surroundings using the Luberon Natural Park paths. Manosque Train Station is a 35-minute
drive from the property.
76. The text informs us about?

77. It can be inferred from the text that the property is….

78. The text writer is boasting about ….

Chez Anne-Marie Perez is a self-catering apartment located 2 km from the centre of Apt. It features
access to an outdoor seasonal swimming pool and a sun terrace with sun loungers. This apartment
offers a balcony and a seating area with a TV. It has a private bathroom with a bathtub and toilet.
An oven, stove and dishwasher can be found in the kitchenette and BBQ facilities are available.
Grocery shops and restaurants can be found in Apt, 2 km away. Luberon Regional Park is 2 km
away and guests can visit the typical Provençal village Saignon, a 12-minute drive away. Rustrel
and the Colorado Canyon are 15 km from the property. Avignon TGV Station is 56 km away. Free
private parking and 24 hour reception are also offered at this property. This property is also rated
for the best value in Apt! Guests are getting more for their money when compared to other
properties in this city.
79. The text informs us about….

80. It can be inferred from the text that the property is

81. According to the text the property price is …


Analisa pertama
Nowadays, language error is an inevitable universal phenomenon which occurs in the process of
learning English. How should we deal with students’ errors? This is an important issue. When
meeting the students ‘error, a teacher should find the causes of the errors. We usually find some
unbelievable errors which occur in students’ spoken English. Because students can’t master the
whole knowledge that teacher introduced. They must go through a long process to master the whole
knowledge. So teachers should use right way to correct these errors of our students.

Analisa kedua
Error correction is seen as a form of feedback given to learners on their language use. No teacher
can deny the fact that correcting the errors made by students when they speak or write is one of the
most difficult tasks in language acquisition. Thus, every language practitioner or teacher should
consider some the following issues about error correction: the difference between a mistake and an
error, how much correction should be made, at what phases the teacher should correct the error and
how the teacher can correct the learner without de-motivating him/her.

Jumble sentences
Analisa pertama
Even though students are ultimately responsible for their own learning, the roles we assume as
instructors are critical in guiding students’ thinking and behavior (1). We can take on a variety of
roles in our teaching (e.g., synthesizer, moderator, challenger, and commentator) (2). These roles
should be chosen in service of the learning objectives and in support of the instructional activities
(3). For example, if the objective is for students to be able to analyze arguments from a case or
written text, the most productive instructor role might be to frame, guide and moderate a discussion
(4). If the objective is to help students learn to defend their positions or creative choices as they
present their work, our role might be to challenge them to explain their decisions and consider
alternative perspectives (5). Such roles may be constant or variable across the semester depending
on the learning objectives (6).

Analisa kedua
1. Logic is the science of how to evaluate arguments and reasoning.
2. Critical thinking is a process of evaluation which uses logic to separate truth from falsehood,
reasonable from unreasonable beliefs.
3. If you want to better evaluate the various claims, ideas, and arguments you encounter,
4. You need a better understanding of basic logic and the process of critical thinking.
5. These aren't trivial pursuits;
6. They are essential to making good decisions and forming sound beliefs about our world.
Fill in the blank

1. Language -with all of its magnificent complexity- is one of the greatest gifts we give our
children. Yet, we so often treat our verbal communication with children in a casual way. It is a
misconception that children learn language passively. Language acquisition is a product of
active, repetitive, and complex learning. The child's brain is learning and changing more
during language acquisition in the first six years of life than during any other cognitive ability
he is working to acquire. How much easier this learning process can be for children when adults
are active participants!

2. It is very common for teachers in early childhood classrooms to have children with speech and
language delays. The process of learning language can be impaired in many ways. These
can include difficulties in hearing, problems in making associations between sight and sound,
attention deficits, and a limited background of experience. A child's language skills are directly
related to the number of words and complex conversations they have with others. In order to
learn the relationship between sounds and objects- a child must hear

3. In The Age Factor in Second Language Acquisition, David Singleton concedes that in second-
language instruction, “younger = better in the long run.” But this is a general rule with plenty
of exceptions. The exceptions include the 5 percent of adult bilinguals who master a second
language even though they begin learning it when they are well into adulthood, long after any
critical period has presumably come to a close.

4. Although acquiring the grammar of one’s first language does seem to be subject to a critical
period which ends around puberty, the issue of whether or not there is also a critical period for
second-language grammar acquisition is more complex. In The Myth of the First Three Years,
Bruer does not state that there is a critical period for second-language grammar learning;
instead, he claims that there “may be some maturational constraints on second-language
grammar learning.”

Replace the Phrase

Think-pair-share (TPS) is a collaborative learning (1) strategy in which students work together to
solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned reading. This technique requires
students to (2) think individually about a topic or answer to a question; and share ideas with
classmates. Discussing an answer with a partner serves to maximize participation, (3) focus
attention and engage students in comprehending the reading material. (

1. Which of the following sentences can best replace the underline part (1) in the text.

2. Which of the following sentences can best replace the underline part (2) in the text.

3. Which of the following sentences can best replace the underline part (3) in the text.
Direct instruction is the general term that refers to the traditional teaching strategy that (1) relies
on explicit teaching through lectures and teacher-led demonstrations. Direct instruction is the
primary teaching strategy under the teacher-centered approach, in that (2) teachers and professors
are the sole supplier of knowledge and information. Direct instruction is (3) effective in
teaching basic and fundamental skills across all content areas. (

1. Which of the following sentences can best replace the underline part (1) in the text.

2. Which of the following sentences can best replace the underline part (2) in the text.

3. Which of the following sentences can best replace the underline part (3) in the text.

Report Text

Significant increases in human population occur whenever the birth rate exceeds the death rate
for extended periods of time. Traditionally, the fertility rate is strongly influenced by cultural and
social norms that are rather stable and therefore slow to adapt to changes in the social,
technological, or environmental conditions. For example, when death rates fell during the 19th and
20th century – as a result of improved sanitation, child immunizations, and other advances in
medicine – allowing more newborns to survive, the fertility rate did not adjust downward fast
enough, resulting in significant population growth. Prior to these changes, seven out of ten children
died before reaching reproductive age, while today about 95% of newborns in industrialized nations
reach adulthood.
1. The text above intends to….
Humanity's overall impact on the planet is affected by many factors besides raw population. The
lifestyle (including overall affluence and resource utilization) and the pollution (including carbon
footprint) are equally important. In 2008, The New York Times stated that the inhabitants of the
developed nations of the world consume resources like oil and metals at a rate almost 32 times
greater than those of the developing world, who make up the majority of the human population.
1. The text above intends to….

Overpopulation does not depend only on the size or density of the population, but on the ratio of
population to available sustainable resources. It also depends on how resources are managed and
distributed throughout the population. The resources to be considered when evaluating whether an
ecological niche is overpopulated include clean water, clean air, food, shelter, warmth, and other
resources necessary to sustain life. If the quality of human life is addressed, there may be additional
resources considered, such as medical care, education, proper sewage treatment, waste disposal and
energy supplies. Overpopulation places competitive stress on the basic life sustaining resources,
leading to a diminished quality of life.

1. The text above intends to….

Types of Airplanes
There are a wide variety of types of airplanes. Land planes, carrier-based airplanes, seaplanes,
amphibians, vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL), short takeoff and landing (STOL), and space
shuttles all take advantage of the same basic technology, but their capabilities and uses make
them seem only distantly related.
Land planes
Land planes are designed to operate from a hard surface, typically a paved runway. Some land
planes are specially equipped to operate from grass or other unfinished surfaces. A land plane
usually has wheels to taxi, take off, and land, though some specialized aircraft operating in the
Arctic or Antarctic regions have skis in place of wheels. The wheels are sometimes referred to as
the undercarriage, although they are often called, together with the associated brakes, the landing
gear. Landing gear may be fixed, as in some general-aviation airplanes, or retractable, usually into
the fuselage or wings, as in more-sophisticated airplanes in general and commercial aviation.

Carrier-based airplanes are a specially modified type of land plane designed for takeoff from and
landing aboard naval aircraft-carrier ships. Carrier airplanes have a strengthened structure,
including their landing gear, to handle the stresses of catapult-assisted takeoff, in which the craft is
launched by a steam-driven catapult; and arrested landings, made by using a hook attached to the
underside of the aircraft's tail to catch one of four wires strung across the flight deck of the carrier.
There are a wide variety of types of airplanes. Land planes, carrier-based airplanes, seaplanes,
amphibians, vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL), short takeoff and landing (STOL), and space
shuttles all take advantage of the same basic technology, but their capabilities and uses make them
seem only distantly related. Seaplanes, sometimes called floatplanes or Pontoon Planes, are often
ordinary land planes modified with floats instead of wheels so they can operate from water. A
number of seaplanes have been designed from scratch to operate only from water bases. Such
seaplanes have bodies, or fuselages, that resemble and perform like boat hulls. Known as flying
boats, they may have small floats attached to their outer wing panels to help steady them at low
speeds on the water, but the weight of the airplane is borne by the floating hull.

1. The text tells about?

2. The advantage seaplane is?
3. The most significant characteristics of Seaplanes type is?
4. The word …….. is?
There are a wide variety of types of airplanes. Land planes, carrier-based airplanes, seaplanes,
amphibians, vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL), short takeoff and landing (STOL), and space
shuttles all take advantage of the same basic technology, but their capabilities and uses make them
seem only distantly related. Amphibians, like their animal namesakes, operate from both water and
land bases. In many cases, an amphibian is a true seaplane, with a boat hull and the addition of
specially designed landing gear that can be extended to allow the airplane to taxi right out of the
water onto land. Historically, some flying boats, a type of amphibious aircraft, were fitted with so-
called beaching gear, a system of cradles on wheels positioned under the floating aircraft, which
then allowed the aircraft to be rolled onto land.
There are a wide variety of types of airplanes. Land planes, carrier-based airplanes, seaplanes,
amphibians, vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL), short takeoff and landing (STOL), and space
shuttles all take advantage of the same basic technology, but their capabilities and uses make
them seem only distantly related. Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) airplanes typically use
the jet thrust from their engines, pointed down at the earth, to take off and land straight up and
down. After taking off, a VTOLairplane usually transitions to wing-borne flight in order to cover a
longer distance or carry a significant load. A helicopter is a type of VTOLaircraft, but there are
very few VTOL airplanes. One unique type of VTOL aircraft is the tilt-rotor, which has large,
propellerlike rotating wings or rotors driven by jet engines at the wingtips. For takeoff and
landing, the engines and rotors are positioned vertically, much like a helicopter. After takeoff,
however, the engine/rotor combination tilts forward, and the wing takes on the load of the craft.
The most prominent example of a true VTOL airplane flying today is the McDonnell Douglas
AV-8B Harrier II, a military attack plane that uses rotating nozzles attached to its jet engine to
direct the engine exhaust in the appropriate direction. Flown in the United States by the Marine
Corps, as well as in Spain and Great Britain, where it was originally developed, the Harrier can
take off vertically from smaller ships, or be flown to operating areas near the ground troops it
supports in its ground-attack role.
1. The text tells about?
2. The advantage VTOL is?
3. The most significant characteristics of VTOL type is?
4. The word …….. is?
Short Takeoff and Landing (STOL) airplanes are designed to be able to function on relatively
short runways. Their designs usually employ wings and high-lift devices on the wings
optimized for best performance during takeoff and landing, as distinguished from an airplane
that has a wing optimized for high-speed cruise at high altitude. STOL airplanes are usually
cargo airplanes, although some serve in a passenger-carrying capacity as well.
Space Shuttle
There are a wide variety of types of airplanes. Land planes, carrier-based airplanes, seaplanes,
amphibians, vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL), short takeoff and landing (STOL), and space
shuttles all take advantage of the same basic technology, but their capabilities and uses make
them seem only distantly related. The space shuttle, flown by the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA), is an aircraft unlike any other because it flies as a fixed-wing
airplane within the atmosphere, and as a spacecraft outside the earth's atmosphere. When the
space shuttle takes off, it flies like a rocket with wings, relying on the 3175 metric tons of thrust
generated by its solid-fuel rocket boosters and liquid-fueled main engines to power its way up,
through, and out of the atmosphere. During landing, the shuttle becomes the world's most
sophisticated glider, landing without propulsion.
1. The text tells about?
2. The advantage space shuttle is?
3. The most significant characteristics of space shuttle type is?
4. The word ……………... is?

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