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Name : Irwansyah

NPM : 17 - 621 - 050

Courses : English
Semester/Class : II/A2

My Motorcycle
I have a favorite motorcycle. My father bought it for me when I was in
Senior High School. This is the only motorcycle that I have right now, but even
if one day I buy another one, this one will always be my favorite, because there
are so many thing happened with me and this motorcycle. For me, it is

The type of my favorite motorcycle is underbones. If you are familiar

with various types of motorcycles, then I believe you can imagine what my
motorcycle looks like. The dominant color of my motorcycle is red. It has spoke
wheels type of rim and standard tire. The original rearview mirror was broken
and I replace it with a smaller one. Last year I replace the original shock
absorber with the new one. The color of the new shock absorber is black. A
very distinctive part of my motorcycle is the seat. It is because I modified it a
little bit from the original shape. The seat of my motorcycle is so long so it can
accommodate two person. I decided to add some foam rubber on it, start from
the middle part of the seat up to the back part. It makes the back part of the seat
to be higher than the front part and cause a border which separated the driver's
seat and the passenger's seat.

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