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Waves For example, a wavelength of 20m (66ft) may

Sea state is the result of weather conditions. The cause turbulence down to 10m (33ft).
friction between the wind and the sea surface slows In shallow water the surface wave energy cannot be
the wind and the energy produced becomes a wave. absorbed in this way and breakers result.
Waves at sea travel in the same general direction Much of the measurable properties of a wave,
as the wind which causes them, although the water such as its length, height, shape and speed may be
itself makes little forward progress. Waves can be changed by the nature and situation of the wave.
compared to a stretched out rope which is given an The only relationship is that wave speed is equal to
upward flick- a wave travels along the rope which the wave length divided by the period.
itself does not move forward (Fig. 1). There is a common belief that every seventh wave is
As a wave undulates past, each particle describes a larger than the rest. There is no 'law' about this but it
circular path. The circles diminish as they descend can sometimes happen when two nearby wave trains
from the surface (Fig. 2). In deep water its effect is mix together. The pattern arising from several waves
felt to a depth equal to about half the wave length. becomes complex because of the many and varied
influences on them. However, considered generally,
some useful predictions can be made.
Fig. 1 Energy waves
When a wind of constant velocity blows for a long
time across an ocean unaffected by other wave
The energy wave travels trains, the waves will reach their maximum size. In
along the rope but the rope such conditions the average wave height (in metres)
itself does not move forward will be equal to half the wind speed (in knots). The
largest waves will attain a height of 2.5m (8ft) for
every lOkt of wind. A strong wind of 50kt (Beaufort
Scale Force 9) has been known to produce a largest
storm wave of some 12m (40ft) high.

Fig. 2 Wave structure and terminology

Wave direction =::i>
1-4----------Wave length--------......;
·.,..- ___ -;- ___ - - :::..;;oo....--- Peak of crest
·. . Wave
··... height Still water level
""'"; --------

~-------+- Trough ~ half
(j) Depth
m wave length
Orbital movement of water below the surface

Wave Form. The curve of the surface of the sea seen measured horizontally in the direction of the wave
in elevation. Any one wave form extends from a point advance.
on a wave surface (such as the crest) to the equivalent
point on the next wave. Still Water Level. The level which a body of water will
assume when unaffected by wave forms.
Wave length. The horizontal distance between one wave
crest and the next along the line of wave advance. Wave Train. A succession of waves proceeding as a
group in a given direction.
Wave height. The vertical distance from trough to crest
on one wave form. Period of a wave. The time interval between the
passing of two successive crests or troughs.
Maximum wave height. The greatest wave height
measured over a ten-minute period. Swell. Slow, regular, rolling, non-breaking wave
movement caused by past wind or distant wind.
Significant wave height. The average height of the
largest one third of all waves recorded over a ten- Fetch. The distance over which the wind has blown
minute period. before reaching a given point.

Wave Speed. The speed at which the wave form is Wave Climate. Average wave conditions for any
moving relative to the undisturbed body of water. It is locality for any time of the year



Recording data
Fig. 4 The Ekman Spiral Surface current
The standard repot1ing units are the knot (kt), the 45° to wind direction
second (sec), the foot (ft), metre (m) and nautical
mile (nm). World Meteorological Organisation
reports are coded in half metres of wave height.
When measuring wave height observers should
note that the fore-shortening effect of looking
down from the deck of a vessel or structure
is considerable. Eye-ball estimates can be very
inaccurate. A convenient scale should be marked
on one or more legs of the structure to aid accurate
assessment. Although significant wave height is
defined as the ::~verage he ight of the largest one
third of all waves recorded over a 10-minute period,
it should be noted that a close approximation can be
obtained by recording the highest wave in any two-
minute period.

Sea and Swell

Direction of current
spirals with depth
For those working on or below the sulface of the
sea the most important aspect of the weather is
likely to be its effect on the surface of the sea. Apat1
from the tides and currents, all the sea's activities
are the result of the effect of the wind. It affects the
sea in three different ways:
1. By the speed of the wind.
2. By the length of time the wind has been blowing.
3. By the distance that the wind has blown over the
water (ie, the fetch).
Locally-produced disturbances are called 'seas' and
are different from remotely-produced ones called
'swells' (Fig. 3). Swells may be the product of a past
wind or a weather system from across the ocean. This diagram
A cross-swell is caused by a fresh swell being illustrates the Ekman Spiral
for the northern hemisphere.
formed from a different direction from the residual
swell. The result can produce a most uncomfoJ1-
able motion whic h may complicate shallow water
operations. direction is known as the Ekman Spiral (Fig. 4) and
its effect becomes more marked with increasing
Fig. 3 Wind generation of waves, seas and swell distance from the equator.
Except in very shallow water the sulface current
speed is equivalent to approximately 3% of wind
speed. It decreases, however, at a rate which
depends on the stability of the entire water column,
the length of time the wind has been blowing, the
fetch and the size of the waves present.

Sea State Tables

Wind-driven currents Sea states are normally expressed in tabular form
The wind also causes the sea surface to move as a and usually correspond quite closely to the Beaufort
c urrent. The d irection of this wind-driven surface Wind Scale which uses sea state conditions to
c urrent is not the same as that of the wind but is assess the strength of the wind. It should not be
at an angle of 45° to it (Fig. 4). In the northern used in reverse, ie, to report sea state.
hemisphere it is 45° to the right of the wind The Beaufm1 Scale refers to the sea condition in a
direction, while in the southern hemisphere it is 45° fully arisen sea. This can take hours to achieve in
to the left. This effect is due to the earth's rotation any wind condition . Sea State Scales describe actual
and is called the Coriolis effect. sea conditions at the time of the observation.
The strength of the wind-driven cunent lessens with There are several different Sea State Scales in use.
increasing depth. Also the direction of travel turns It is therefore important to specify the scale being
progressively away from the direction of the wind. used when quoting any particular sea state value.
For example, at 11m (36ft) the current direction is Fig. 5 compares two widely used sea state scales
90° to the wind direction. This spirall ing change of with the Beaufort Wind Scale.



Fig. 5 US Navy and RN Sea State Scales compared with the Beaufort Wind Scale

Average Beaufort Wind Royal Navy

US Navy
Description of sea state wave height Wind Scale Speed
Sea State Scale Sea State Code
It m kt

0 10- Calm 0-1 0 Calm (glassy)

Sea like a mirror 0
-0 Calm
Light airs to
1 Calm (ripple)
Ripples without crests 0.10 0.03 1 Light air 1-3 1
Small, smooth wavelets 0.37 0.1
4-6 Light breeze '2 Smooth (wavelets)
~ Light breeze
- r--
Large wavelets, scattered 2 0.6 2 Gentle breeze 3 Slight
3 Gentle breeze 7-10
white caps f-
r--- f-
Small waves, lrequtlnt 3.5 1 3 Moderate breeze 4 Moderate
4 Moderate breeze 11-16
white caps f-
I-- f-
Moderate waves, many 6 1.8 4 Fresh breeze
5 Fresh breeze 17-21 5 Rough
white caps, some spray
I-- f- r--
Large waves, extensive 9.5 3
foam crests, some spray 6 Strong breeze 22-27 5 Strong breeze 6 Very rough
r--- f-
Heaped-up sea, foam starts 13.5 4 r--
7 Near gale 28-33 6 Moderate gale
to be blown in streaks
r--- r-- 7 High
Moderately high waves, 18 5.5
8 Gale 31-40 7 Fresh gale
spindrift, spray affects viz. -
- r--
High waves, dense foam 23 7
9 Severe gale 41-47 8 Strong gale to 8 Very high
streaks, sea starts to roll
Very high waves, sea 8.8
- Whole gale
appears white 1~ Storm 48-55 -
Exceptionally high waves, 37 11.3
- r--

dense foam , frothy crests ~ Violent storm 56-63 9 Phenomenal

9 Storm to
Sea completely white with 45+ 13+ Hurricane
driving spray 14 Hurricane 1 64+


Tides Some important terms which are used to describe
Tides are periodic vertical movements of the sea, various tidal levels arc shown in Fig. 2.
and tidal streams are its horizontal movements Tides are of little concern to the offshore deep water
resulting from the tides. Both arc caused by the diver as the rise and fall is usually insignificant to
attraction of the moon and sun. diving operations. To the inshore or shallow water
The result is that the tidal range varies from small offshore diver, however, determining the height and
(neap tides) to large (spring tides) (see Fig. 1). duration of the tide at a given time and place may
ln operational terms, underwater visibility can be be of great importance, for example, when repairing
better at high water when clearer water is brought the piles of a pier or salvaging a sunken object. For
in by the incoming tide. this information it is necessary to find the time of

Fig. 1 Tidal ranges

Half moon New moon Half moon Full moon

HIGH :,D (: Q, 0
a: --------- ---------- -

Approximately 1 month

Neap tides have longer slack water periods and less strong tidal streams.
Spring tides have shallower water at low water and higher at high water and provide greater lift height for tidal lilt operations.



Fig. 3 The Twelfths Rule

Fig. 2 lide levels

Hour 1
Hour 2
Hour 3
Hour 4
Hour 5
Mean high water neap tide MHNT
Hour 6 of the range


The velocity or rate of the stream is influenced by
the shape of the adjoining land and the configuration
of the bottom. For example, tidal streams can
increase in speed round headlands and in narrow
channels. Fig. 4 illustrates the tidal streams of the
North Sea. In the southern North Sea strong streams
are caused by the funnel effect of the English
Lowest astronomical tide LAT Channel. As a result of these strong streams dive
(also approximately Chart Datum level) times are considerably restricted. usually between
45 minutes and an hour). In the northern North
the next hioh or low water at the nearest standard or Sea, north of latitude 56°N, tidal streams arc not so
secondary Port and to extrapolate the exact details by affected and dive times are only limited by diver
a simple calculation. High water times and heights endurance levels.
may be obtained from the Admiralty Tide Tables or Tidal streams on the bottom in deep water often
most nautical almanacs. differ in strength and direction from those on the
Tidal stream information normally refers only to surface. Information on bottom tidal streams and
the surface water layer. currents can often be obtained from the client's
records. However, in some areas information may
EFFECf OF WIND ON TIDES only be built up from practical experience.
The sea level tends to be raised in the direction Tidal streams concern all divers in the sea because
in which the wind is blowing and lowered in they can affect working capacity and safety. Any
the direction from which it is blowing. A strong stream in excess of I kt will make underwater
southerly wind blowing in the North Sea, for swimming difficult, especially when hauling an
example, may cause lower low waters in the umbilical. In streams in excess of lkt the diver
Thames Estuary. Strong winds may also have the may have to wear additional weights or find some
effect of advancing or delaying the time of high shelter from the main force of the stream. (/)
water by as much as I hour. ~
When a wind blows in the opposite direction to the Determining the Rate and Direction of Tidal w
tide a rough, choppy sea is generated. Streams f-
Tide tables, which provide diurnal high and lo:v ...J
Tidal Streams <:
water times for given ports, can be found m Q
Tidal streams are a horizontal movement of water almanacs, newspapers and on the intemet. The i=
which usually flow in one direction for a known UK Hydrographic Office website ( z
period of time and then return along much the same <:
uk) provides tidal information for 6,000 ports u:
path for another period. The two periods may not worldwide for 7-14 days in advance. Long-range
be the same. (annual) tide tables can also be purchased for
Tidal stream direction depends on the direction of individual p011s. There is also a wide range of tide
the flood tide and usually it flows the opposite way prediction software which can provide useful long-
on the ebb. Slack water is the time of change of term predictions for a large number of ports.
flow from one direction to its opposite. Although There arc two ways of determ ining the rate and
this often coincides with high or low water, it need direction of the tidal stream at the surface in any
not necessarily be so. area (in each case the time of local high water must
The greatest rate of rise or fall, and consequently be known):
the fastest tidal stream, occurs half way through the
I. Refer to an appropriate tidal atlas.
tide in open water. The ' Twe lfths Rule'(Fig. 3) is
used to estimate the amount of rise or fall in each of 2. Using a local chart, find the tidal stream diamond
the 6 hours of ebb and flow. The bigger the range, nearest to the dive site. Note the lcuer in the
the faster the tidal stream. Tidal streams are strong- diamond and find the information that relates to
est during spring tides and weakest during neaps it by referring to the tidal stream table positioned
and are usually strongest in inshore areas. near the edge of the chart (Sec Fig. 5).

ti ROFE ;:,1 t!'.!AL ER HANDBOOK 273


Fig. 4 Tidal streams in the North Sea

Key: - weak streams - - - . strong streams (=) slack water


2 hr after HW at Dover 3 hr after HW at Dover 4 hr after HW at Dover 5 hr after HW at Dover



Fig. 5 Typical chart showing tidal stream diamond and related information as it would appear on a nautical chart.

In this imaginary example, diamond B is closest to the

proposed dive site. Refer to Column B of the tidal stream
table on the chart which provides data on direction and
speed of
KEY ~ 55° 26'36N the
Hours ()Geographical 5° 26'02W current,
POSition hr c»grM kt kt at hourly
6 -6 201 1.0 0.5 times
5 - 5 309 0.1 0.0 in rela-
Q) 4 Q) -4 006 1.0 0.5 tion to
.E 3 ~
C) ~ c
- 3 011 1.4 0.7 the high
&l 2 ~ Q)
~ c - 2 015 1.5 0.8 water
1 tJ)
~ - 1 022 1.5 0.7 mark for
tJ) tJ)
High E :g
0 028 1.2 0.6 a given
Locate tidal <0 "0
diamond closest to Water
~ C) ·= local
c Q.
dive site. 1 tJ) ·;:: <0 +1 030 0.5 0.2 port.
Q. Q)

Then find the tidal !:: 2 0c tJ) c +2 202 0.4 0.2

stream information
I 3 .Q <ii <ii +3 196 1.2 0.6
~4 t5~
tJ) tJ)
+4 195 1.7 0.9
for the appropriate
<( 5 ~ 2<0 +5 197 1.6 0.8
diamond. i:5 a: a:
6 +6 202 1.2 0.6

Determining Slack Water using Charts and 2. Weather-generated currents. These are usually
Tide Tables the result of meteorological conditions such as
The following example is based on the information wind, or the geographical nature of the adjacent
shown in Fig. 5, above. land and the sea bottom. The speed of a wind-
Having found the chart diamond nearest to the dive generated current is usually about 3% of the
site, use the tidal stream table (in this case, column wind speed. A Force 7 wind (28- 33kt), there-
B) to find where the current is least. ln this case it fore, will generate a surface current of about I
at 5 hours before high water (see - 5 hours: 0.0 on knot; a Force 5 wind ( 17- 2 Jkt) will generate a
neaps; 0.1 on springs). T he second lowest speed is current of about 0.6 knots.
at 2 hours after high water (see +2: 0.2 on neaps;
Slack water at the dive site can be calculated by sub- IMCA (The International Marine Contractors

tracting 5 hours from (or adding 2 hours to) the time Association) has drawn up a list of suggested resttic-
of high water at the designated port. A local tide table tions on working in tidal streams and currents (see Fig.
or almanac wi ll provide the high water times at the 6). Since conditions vary enormously, Lhe restrictions
port for the relevant day. The most suitable time of should be applied nexibly, taking into account diver
day (either 5 hours before or 2 hours after HW) can feedback and operational requirements .
then be chosen for diving operations. Since UK tide
tables arc usually written in Greenwich Mean Time GULF OF MEX£CO
(GMT), remember to make adjustments for British The range of tides in this area is small (on average
Summer Time (or equivalent) if necessary. 0.6m/2ft) and the tides have a marked diurnal
Once the time of slack water has been established, it inequality - ie, one high water of the day is much
is advisable to check the rate of the curTent either side higher than the other. Tidal streams in general are
of slack water to calculate the safest time to dive. weak and in many places there is only one stream a
ln this instance, assume that 2 hours after HW is the day running for about 12 hours continuously in one L...
most suitable time and that the day fall s in a period direction. As a general rule the streams offshore set 0
of neap tides. From the chart data (in Fig. 5) it can to the northward and westward on the rising tide
be seen that current speed is 0.2kt one hour after and vice versa on the falling tide.
HW but leaps to 0.6kt three hours after HW (see +1 Comparatively strong currents tend to predominate
and +3 for rates at neap tides). The best time to start in the Gulf. The main cun·ent is the Equatorial
diving is, therefore, I hour after HW. which circuits the Gulf in three main branches
before flowing out to become the Gulf Stream.
Currents Fig. 7 shows the general current c irculation through-
Currents in the sea are not the same as tidal streams. out the year. To a very large extent the flow of water
Currents are different in that they are an onward within this area is very variable and dependent on
flow of water, not an oscillating one. They are of the prevailing winds.
two types:
I . Ocean currents, which include regu Jar hotizontal INDIAN OCEAN
movements of water in one direction , such as Prevail ing winds can have a significant effect on
the Gu lf Stream. surface currents. The monsoon winds of the north



Indian Ocean dramatically Fig. 6 Suggested restrictions on working in currents and tidal streams.
change the direction of surface
cu1Tents twice a year ( Fig. 8). Current Surface-supply Surface-supply Bell or Wet Bell Bell or Wet Bell
(knots) in mid-water on bottom in mid-water on bottom
Specialist information -------r--------~r---------~

Specialist advice and published

oceanographic information or
numerical data relating to the
marine environment can be
obtained from marine research
establishments such as the
Marine Information Advisory
Service {MIAS) at the South-
ampton Oceanography Centre,
Normal work
UK (
;-..:..:==::::;; Light work
The Centre can advise on any Observation only
location worldwide and can iliiiiiConsult and reconsider. The diving supervisor should consult
provide customised informa-
tion for specific sites.
Such information can include,
•n• divers and others as necessar~ about how best to proceed. _ _
Do not dive unless pre-planning has taken into account the
presence of high current from the early stages of the project.
for example, details of bottom- Special solutions involving equipment, techniques and
currents for a particular procedures should have been evolved to overcome (or protect
pipeline inspection area for a the diver from) the effects of current and provide contingencies
given period. Inshore tidal data for foreseeable emergencies.
can be processed to provide
local tidal stream atlases for port operations. provided to assist in submersible operations and/or
Specific information on the nature of the seabed, the installation of subsea structures.
its structure and strength of bottom currents can be

Fig. 7 Prevailing surface currents, Gulf of Mexico

Branch 1.
Mean rate: 1/2-1 1/2
kt increasing with
southerly winds in
Branch 2.
-1 Mean rate: 1 kt
0 increasing with east·
m erly winds, decreasing
with westerlies.
0 Branch 3.
a Mean rate: 1- 1 1/2 kt.
;!:: There is a westerly
(f) set off the della.
rT'I General surface current circulation throughout the year Winter (Janu81)', Febru81'f, MarCh)

Spring (April, May June) Summer (July, August, September) Autumn (October, November, December)



Fig. 8 General direction of main surface currents in the Indian Ocean

The North Indian Ocean Is the only ocean where the surface current pattern changes twice a year (due to the
influence of the monsoon winds). The south-westerly summer monsoon winds drive surface currents northwards
along the coast of Somalia and thence clockwise around the northern ocean. By November the south-westerly
winds cease and are replaced by the north-easterly monsoon which reverses the pattern and surface currents
circulate in a generally anti-clockwise direction in the nor1hern part of the ocean.


Fig. 1 Average temperature variation of the North
Water temperature is a significant factor in diving
Sea at selected depths
since it can influence the type of equipment used
and, possibly, the duration and safety of the dive.
Because the temperature at the sutface of the sea is
affected by the air temperature, the sea temperantre
can range from sub-zero at the poles up to 27°C
(80°F) at the equator (Figs. 2a & b). The deeper one
goes the less the temperature varies until eventually
a depth is reached where it can be constant all year
round (Fig. I). J F M A M J J A S 0 N 0 (/)
There can be a sandwich-like layering of cold and z
warm water masses. The warmer layers lie on top of At the surface, the sea temperature varies markedly -'
colder layers which get colder as the depth increases. throughout the year. AI 100m (330ft) depth the
variation is less pronounced. At 300m (985ft)
Because the lowering temperatures make each layer I
denser than the one above it, each layer rests stably depth the temperature of the sea remains constant 0
upon the one below. There is little mixing. throughout the year.

The boundaries between the layers of different direction of the cun·em is to be used for navigation
water temperatures are called thermoclines. These purposes (eg, in order to keep close to the divers)
may occur at any level and the temperature may it must be determined according to the direction on
vary from layer to layer by as much as 7°C (20°F). the bouom, not the surface.
Thus, even if the surface conditions indicate a
warm dive, the bottom conditions could result in a Haloclines
much sho11er and colder dive. Different layers of water can also be formed by
The other effect on divers is currents. The differences in water salinity. A mass of fresh
layers of water between the thermoclines can water can form a layer over denser salt water.
move independently of each other so that a freely The boundaries between such layers are called
descending diver may drift in several different haloclines. As with thermoclines, these layers can
directions on his way down. be moving in different directions causing the diver
It is important to note that the direction of the to drift in different directions on his way to the
current on the surface is not necessarily the same bottom. There may also be a significant difference
as the current near the sea bed. Consequently, if the in visibi lity between layers of different salinity.


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