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The green symbol displayed is RADURA symbol. The word RADURA derives from
radurization, composed of radiation and' durus' (Latin for hard, lasting, etc.). Radiation and'
caedere' (latin for the fallen, cut, kill) are the derivative of radicidation. Radappertization
(similar to the Pasteurization terminology) is derived from radiation and the name of Appert,
a French scientist/engineer who invented sterilized food for the troops of Napoleon in Egypt.
Interpretation of the symbol can be read as first from the central dot which it mean radiation
source, the two circle at segment with the ‘leaves’ shape indicate for biological shield to
protect workers and environment while the outer ring indicate as the transport system, the
lower half of its guarded from radiation by biological shield, the above half represent the rays
hitting the aim goods on the transport system. (Ehlermann, 2009)

The Radura symbol can be either pink or green but it still give same meaning where
the food that has this symbol indicates that it has been irradiated. What mean irradiated?
Irradiated represent that radiation from reactive elements like radium, uranium and other
active elements had been exposed to the food. Usually when involving food, the most
common radiation used are gamma rays and electron beams which all this use for the same
objective; to secure them from bacterial and other contamination yet extending the shelf life
of the food. Even though the radiation exposure in food still be a hot issue in some society,
the body that responsible in food safety around the world, FDA (Food and Drugs
Administration) had give ‘permission’ for radiation usage under minimum and control
exposure and only applied when the food is confirmed safe after expose to radiation.
According to FDA, irradiation considered as type of ‘pasteurization’ that protect people from
food-borne illness. Usually some products have another symbol or statement along the
Radura symbol like ‘Treated with radiation’ or ‘Treated by irradiation’ (Law, 2012).
According to Codex Alimentarius standard, Radura logo is compulsory in countries like
USA,few countries give optional use of this symbol and some countries like Europe, did not
provide the use of this logo. (Junqueira-Gonçalves et al., 2011)

Ehlermann, D. A. E. (2009). The RADURA-terminology and food irradiation. Food Control,

20(5), 526–528.

Junqueira-Gonçalves, M. P., Galotto, M. J., Valenzuela, X., Dinten, C. M., Aguirre, P., &
Miltz, J. (2011). Perception and view of consumers on food irradiation and the Radura
symbol. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 80(1), 119–122.

Law, B. (2012). Spectrophotometry of f Fo F oo d D y e s Concepts , Techniques Concepts ,

Techniques. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, (June), 1–6.

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