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Hydraulic In situ Testing for Mining and Engineering Design: Packer Test
Procedure, Preparation, Analysis and Interpretation

Article  in  Geotechnical and Geological Engineering · November 2016

DOI: 10.1007/s10706-016-0112-9


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1 author:

Dr-Yohannes Yihdego Woldeyohannes

Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation (SMEC) & La Trobe University


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Hydraulic In situ Testing for Mining and
Engineering Design: Packer Test Procedure,
Preparation, Analysis and Interpretation

Yohannes Yihdego

Geotechnical and Geological

An International Journal

ISSN 0960-3182
Volume 35
Number 1

Geotech Geol Eng (2017) 35:29-44

DOI 10.1007/s10706-016-0112-9

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Author's personal copy
Geotech Geol Eng (2017) 35:29–44
DOI 10.1007/s10706-016-0112-9


Hydraulic In situ Testing for Mining and Engineering

Design: Packer Test Procedure, Preparation, Analysis
and Interpretation
Yohannes Yihdego

Received: 1 November 2015 / Accepted: 20 October 2016 / Published online: 1 November 2016
 Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

Abstract Hydraulic in situ measurement of rock 1 Introduction

mass permeability by packer (Lugeon) testing is an
inherent and integral element of many engineering, Hydraulic testing is an inherent and integral part of the
hydrogeological and mining investigation. This paper site characterization and geotechnical design process;
describes and discusses geotechnical testing in the it should not be viewed as an entity in isolation from
design process from a consulting practitioner’s per- analysis and design. Also it is essential in design
spective. This study focuses on the Packer testing improvement and efficiency of design, design perfor-
planning, procedure, results & interpretation. Packer mance verification for geo-structural elements such as
test system is an optimum method for obtaining values ground anchors, micro-piles, driven steel piles, bored
of hydraulic conductivity in wells that are difficult to cast-in-place piles, jet grouted columns and other
analyse using conventional slug test systems. Packer ground improvement technologies and processes and
tests are carried out to assess the variability of a quality Assurance and Quality Control for earthworks,
borehole as it intersects various hydrogeological units. foundations, ground improvement, retaining walls,
It gives vertical distribution of hydraulic properties etc. Previous works discussed on economical differ-
and water quality in the aquifer and usually cheaper ences and comparison between hydraulic conductivity
than a nest of wells and gives more continuous record tests (Benson et al. 1997; El-Daly and Farag 2006).
and this knowledge can often be essential for a proper The commonly performed tests in practice include
design. The role, objectives, types and interpretation laboratory tests, in situ tests, field performance tests;
of testing, limitations and recommended good prac- physical modelling tests; and tests as part of instru-
tices as part of the geotechnical design process are mentation and monitoring. In-situ testing is a category
outlined through the examination of test data from a of field testing corresponding to the cases where the
case record. ground is tested in place by instruments that are
inserted in or penetrate the ground. In-situ tests are
Keywords Packer test  Lugeon  Hydraulic normally associated with tests for which a borehole
conductivity  Rock mass permeability  Mining  either is unnecessary or is only an incidental part of
Infrastructure  Geotechnical engineering the overall test procedure, required only to permit
insertion of the testing tool or equipment. The
applicability of in situ and common field tests together
Y. Yihdego (&)
with their advantages and disadvantages are summa-
Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation (SMEC),
Sydney, NSW 2060, Australia rized by Becker (2001), CFEM (2006) and Mayne
e-mail: et al. (2009).

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30 Geotech Geol Eng (2017) 35:29–44

A primary objective of geotechnical testing is to methods (Levy et al. 1993; Becker 2010; Jembere
assist in obtaining information for geotechnical site and Yihdego 2016).
characterization and in developing the geotechnical Packer or Injection testing methods, otherwise
model in terms of ground conditions and engineering known as Lugeon tests are carried out to assess the
parameters and properties. The key requirement for variability of a borehole as it intersects various
testing in geotechnical engineering is driven by the hydrogeological units. It gives vertical distribution
need to suitably and adequately characterize natural of hydraulic properties and water quality in the aquifer
materials that are highly variable and subject to high which is usually cheaper than a nest of wells and gives
degrees of uncertainty. Unlike other civil engineering more continuous record. This knowledge can often be
disciplines such as structural and materials engineer- essential to the proper design of the hydrogeological
ing, the ground at a given site is generally not specified program (Meyer et al. 2008; Quinn et al. 2011a;
and manufactured to achieve desired engineering Yihdego 2016).
properties within a known degree of certainty or The paper aims on in situ testing on hydraulic tests
confidence. In geotechnical engineering state-of-prac- between packers, discusses packer testing in the
tice, the geotechnical engineer’s foremost role and design process from a consulting practitioner’s per-
responsibility are to adequately characterize the site to spective of the mining and engineering current state-
provide sufficient, reliable information of the ground of-practice and outline the procedures for operating a
conditions to facilitate good engineering decisions to wireline packer testing assembly and set work plan for
be made during assessment, design and construction the packer test from a case record focusing on Lugeon
phases of a project. test. It covers the general operating procedures, testing
A relevant code and guidelines of practice normally methods, and basic troubleshooting based on U.
outline the design process and assist engineers in S. Bureau of Reclamation 1963; Maini 1971; Zeigler
making appropriate design decisions, including testing 1976; Levy et al. 1993; CFEM 2006; Becker 2010).
requirements. From an interpretation of the results
from site characterization and testing programs, a
geotechnical model is developed in terms of ground 2 Material and Methodology
and groundwater conditions and engineering proper-
ties. The analyses, calculation procedures and design The design and implementation of packer test of a
equations for geotechnical resistance are based on successful testing program require a thorough under-
relevant theoretical frameworks or on the basis of standing and knowledge of the factors that control or
empirical correlations against a variety of laboratory, significantly affect engineering properties. The pre-
in situ and field tests. A sound design approach sented packer test detail is a considered as useful
requires a thorough understanding of the key design framework that provides linkage between the various
issues, of the geological setting and geotechnical components of geotechnical design and captures its
conditions, and of the interaction between them. In iterative nature.
most cases, a good understanding of these factors is as
important, if not more so, as the methods used for 2.1 Type of Test Apparatus
analysis and calculation. The results from the testing
(including Lefrance, Pulse, Slug, drill stem, packer Packer testing is carried out in either open boreholes
test) and analysis, when appropriately tempered or or through the wireline drilling rods. The latter
modified by engineering judgement and experience, situation allows for the packer equipment to be used
are then used in the decision making process as to what in unstable boreholes where unstable wall rock
constitutes the most appropriate designs (Cilona et al. conditions would likely cause the tool to become
2014; Gellasch et al. 2013; Price and Williams 1993; jammed by falling rock or sand. It also allows for the
Quinn et al. 2011b, 2012, 2013, 2016). Uncertainties drill rods to be used as the test water supply line, thus
in engineering properties and geotechnical predictions making it far easier to deal with the equipment
need to be considered collectively in achieving an involved in deep testing scenarios. The packer
adequate level of safety in the design and recognizing assemblies used in open boreholes and through
the inherent limitations in geotechnical testing wireline rods have different configurations. For this

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Geotech Geol Eng (2017) 35:29–44 31

Fig. 1 Single packer test assemblies. a Single packer test-open borehole; b double packer test- open borehole; c double packer test-
wireline assembly

study, the type of test apparatus (Fig. 1a) is referred is important to determine before finalising equipment
to as Single Packer tests and the test is carried out in what the expected testing range of the zones of interest
open boreholes (Fig. 1b) and through the wireline will be, before starting the testing program.
drill rods (Fig. 1c).
2.2.1 Injection Tests
2.2 Type of Test
Injection testing methods (Lugeon) tests, are carried
Packer tests consist of measuring the rate of flow and/ out in drill holes with static water levels below ground
or pressure build-up/decay in the test interval over a surface. Water is injected at specific pressure ‘‘steps’’
period of time. The upper range of hydraulic conduc- and the resulting pressure is recorded when the flow
tivity that can be measured using packer systems will has reached a quasi-steady state condition. The steps
be limited by the hydraulics of the injection system are used to ‘‘ramp’’ up and down through the expected
(rate and pressure output limit of pump, supply line pressure range. The behaviour of the system to the
(friction losses), water availability, etc.). Therefore, it increasing and recovery injection can render useful

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32 Geotech Geol Eng (2017) 35:29–44

information on the rock and fracture behaviour, as 10. Dampened gauges able to measure L/s or m3 to
well as packer and injection performance. within 5 % accuracy;
11. Pump capable of up to 3.75 L/s at 120 psi (flow
2.2.2 Discharge Tests rate and pressure specified may be greater if
testing in high permeability environments);
Discharge tests are carried out in drill holes with 12. Require minimum of 2 spares for all glands,
flowing artesian conditions. In these Drill holes, the gauges, regulators, and meters;
natural formation pressure response is monitored after 13. Regulator (if using gas) or hydraulic packer
the equilibrated shut-in is allowed to decay with inflation pump (if using water) and all lines and
respect to time. The data are plotted logarithmically fittings, capable of maintaining 2000 psi or 500 psi
and analysed using standard Jacob straight line pressure respectively;
techniques (JACOB 1947; Zheng et al. 2005). 14. Composite inflation line and support cable;
15. Reel (motorized if tests planned for greater than
2.2.3 Shut-in Recovery Tests 200 m in depth);
16. Lifting Sheave or Pulley block for running
Shut-In recovery tests are usually run immediately composite cable through.
following a Discharge Test. The shut-in pressure
In addition, equipment must be tested prior to
build-up over time is monitored and plotted against
starting program. The following testing criteria are
log10(t/t’), where t is the time elapsed since the start of
the discharge test, and t’ is the time since the recovery
test was started. • All inflation equipment must be pressure tested to
2000 psi (for pneumatic systems) or 500 psi
pressure (for hydraulic systems);
3 List of Equipment and Principle of Schemes
• All packers must be tested to maximum design
of the Equipment
• Require ability to calibrate friction losses in
The general list of equipment required for carrying out
pumping system and packer system prior to
wireline packer testing is given below for an HQ sized
wireline system. Any equipment listed as HQ will
• Will need to have bypass valves installed before
need to be duplicated as PQ or NQ if using different
and after the pressure gauge/flow meter assembly
sized systems. Note that most of the actual packer
in order to control pressure/flow and to protect
assembly components are usually made of stainless
flow meter from back-pressure;
steel. The reader is referred to Royle and Sc (2002), for
• Pressure gauges should be calibrated if possible
the detail of the packer testing equipment and standard
(plumbing in spare gauges and comparing mea-
operating procedures.
surements may be only means available on site);
Recommended list (this list may not be fully
inclusive and should only be used as a guide):
• Flow gauges should be calibrated using a container
1. HQ size wireline straddle packer unit; of known volume (should exceed 100 L).
2. Spare HQ sized glands;
3. Spare o-rings for unit;
4. HQ sized stuffing box;
4 Packer Inflation
5. Spare o-rings for stuffing box
6. HQ sized seating cone;
When packers are inflated down hole, the inflation line
7. Lifting bail and top supply tube for packer
pressure is a combination of the pressure required to:
8. Pipe couplings for connecting packer assembly • stretch the packer gland to where it will contact the
(with spares); drill hole wall;
9. Packer End cap (for blocking flow through bottom • overcome the hydrostatic pressure (i.e. pressure
of straddle packers) exerted by the overlying water column), and

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• inflate it to the working pressure. is normally in the range of 250 psi. As mentioned
above, when the packers are inflated downhole,
The inflation pressure will therefore change based
allowances for the hydrostatic pressure must also be
on the equipment used and the height of the overlying
accounted for.
column of water above the packer. The various aspects
If the water column is assumed to be approximately
of the inflation pressure determination are discussed
1.4 psi/m of water (based on density of fresh water),
then the inflation pressure (gauge pressure at surface)
required will be:
4.1 Hydraulic Versus Pneumatic: Overcoming
Hydrostatic Head Pi ¼ Pw þ Hwc  1:4 psi=m ð1Þ
where: Pi = packer inflation pressure, Pw = packer
Packers are commonly inflated with compressed gas.
working pressure, Hwc = Height (vertical) of water
Generally, an inert gas such as nitrogen is used for
column above packer (adjust for inclined holes)
safety reasons. A disadvantage of compressed gas in
It is important to note that in a drill hole with water
deep testing applications is the inherent safety concern
levels close to, or at surface, such as in a flowing
of bursting inflation lines or fittings at surface due to
artesian hole, the water column in the inflation line and
the high working pressures required.
in the drill hole will be essentially equal; therefore Hwc
Alternatively, for deeper applications, water or
will be approximately equal to 0 m. This is not the
hydraulic fluid/antifreeze can be used to inflate the
case for pneumatically inflated packers, which require
packers. The advantage is that water is essentially
extremely high inflation line pressures, presenting a
inelastic, and so burst lines do not have the same
significant safety and gas usage problem. This infla-
degree of stored potential energy that an elastic gas
tion line pressure would then need to be increased to
filled line does. Therefore, burst hydraulic lines pose a
approximately 1250 psi to inflate the packers to the
lower risk than pneumatic lines. A further advantage
required working pressure.
to a hydraulic (water) system in deep test situations in
that the natural hydrostatic pressure of the water in the
4.3 Hydraulic Versus Compressed Gas Inflation
inflation line will equal, or exceed that of the adjacent
in Deep Drill Holes
water in the formation, and therefore, the only pressure
required is to inflate the packer itself.
In a packer system equipped with hydraulically
It should be noted that both pneumatic and water
inflated packers, it is common to have a dual inflate/
inflated systems are prone to freezing in cold conditions.
deflate line. This apparatus allow for water to be
Antifreeze or hydraulic fluid can be used to overcome
pumped down one line when inflating the packer, and
this problem, but may pose an unacceptable environ-
allows water to be returned up the second line when
mental risk. Brine solutions can also be used to reduce
deflating the packers. The packer gland, and both the
freezing susceptibility, but this can cause corrosion
inflate and the deflate lines, can also be evacuated
issues that are just as problematic. Inflation fluids must
using compressed gas to push the water out.
be assessed for compatibility with the packer gland
However, for very deep testing systems, the dual
material as well. Use of antifreeze or brine solutions
inflate/deflate line is prohibitively expensive and
could also affect permeability results if interactions with
bulky. Therefore, a single line cable system is used.
clay gouge in open fractures causes these materials to
This then requires that the single line acts as both the
swell, thus reducing the apparent permeability of the
inflation line and the deflation line. For a compressed
rock being tested. This can be assessed by inspecting
gas system this does not pose a problem. However, for
gouge material in the rock core and carrying out surface
a hydraulic system, the water in the line can cause
tests with the expected test fluid.
unwanted packer inflation as the equipment is lowered
and raised in the un-submerged portion of the drill hole
4.2 Packer Inflation Pressure if the water level is significantly below ground surface.
The water volume of the inflation line will be of
The testing unit packers must be inflated to the limited capacity, and therefore, will not supply
working pressure to ensure a proper seal. This pressure significant inflation fluid. However, it can be enough

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34 Geotech Geol Eng (2017) 35:29–44

to distort the packer gland if the depth to water is count of rods in drill hole), position of packers,
significant. If water levels are more than 25 m below inflation pressure and water pressure for three
ground surface, the hydraulic packer system should be stages
equipped with an inflation activation valve as part of 7. Drill hole preparation: removal of drilling mud
the inflation line that prevents inflation when lowering and cuttings (flush with clear water);
the tool into a drill hole where the water level is below 8. Pull rods up to locate drill bit at selected depth;
ground surface. To prevent this, the pressure valve is 9. Prepare wire line winch;
set to a predetermined opening pressure (i.e.: 100 psi; 10. Install stuffing box on drill rods;
equal to *70 m of hydrostatic head) to compensate. 11. Measure groundwater level prior to installing
Alternately, it is possible to use compressed gas. packer system several times to assess static
However, ‘‘pressure compensation’’ will likely be groundwater level (or measure pressure, if flowing
required in deep tests as the gas filled gland can distort artesian, once packer assembly and stuffing box
due to the hydrostatic pressure during tripping in and are installed);
out of the drill hole. This procedure will require that 12. Lift the packer assembly using the wireline and
the packer glands to be pressurized during lowering, lower to landing ring at drill bit– check if seats on
and depressurised during raising, to compensate for landing ring by ‘‘listening’’ to rods using wrench,
the applied hydrostatic pressure. The line pressure etc. If possible, check depth marking on wire line
used will be dependent on the hydrostatic pressure and if this has been marked for the expected depth;
will, therefore, need to be calculated based on drill 13. If hole is flowing artesian, install stuffing box
hole conditions, and depth of test, and tested by trial seals around wireline and inflation lines—if not,
and error. Great care must be taken in the initial go to step 15;
tripping in and out as incorrect pressures could cause 14. Measure shut-in pressure if hole is flowing
the tool to jam. artesian;
15. Inflate packer slowly (by 50 psi steps) until
working pressure has been reached.
5 Packer Test: Preparation 16. This will require filling to working pressure plus
calculated hydrostatic pressure (see below for
This section has been written for wireline, hydrauli- calculation);
cally inflated packer systems, but is similar to 17. After inflation is complete, monitor packer infla-
pneumatic system operation. The basic steps for tion line pressure for 2 min minimum to see if
preparing for a packer test are outlined below. system is leaking. If no leaks apparent, then;
18. Seal stuffing box cap and attach water feed
1. Prepare packer assembly: two packers with open
bottom for single test or three packers with
19. If flowing artesian conditions exist, wait for
perforated middle pipe section and closed cap on
pressure to stabilize and record pressure.
the bottom for straddle packer test (see Fig. 1);
20. Note: a shut-in test can be carried out during the
2. Check inflation line connecting the packers and
pressure stabilization (this will be described
fittings—do not over tighten as you might strip the
21. Check inflation lines and inflation pressure to
3. Check packer assembly for any leakage. Inflate to
ensure no leaks occur, check water feeding
maximum gland working pressure in appropriate
system, prepare stop-watch and field test form;
length and diameter of drill casing or drilling rods;
22. Packer system is now ready for testing.
4. Check wire line connectors on packer assembly
and stuffing box components (especially seals);
5. Prepare and check water feeding system: tank, 5.1 Work Plan for the Packer Test Program: Case
supply, pump, connection hoses, pressure gauges, Study
valves and flow-meter;
6. Design test parameters: depth and length of tested Hydraulic conductivity tests were carried out in
zone, drilling bit depth (double check drillers underground bore holes in a confidential underground

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Geotech Geol Eng (2017) 35:29–44 35

mine project dominated by fractured metamorphic host • The packers were placed in position through the
rock. There was two phases of testing. The first was in HQ drilling rods at the required depth. The testing
the shallow, oxidized section of the hole and the second for this depth was carried out. The packer assem-
was in the bottom, fresh rock section. With packer bly was removed. The drill rod was then with-
inserted, a static pressure of a few kPa only was drawn to the next test depth and the packer
measured in some of the bores. The height of collar assembly reinserted and the next test undertaken.
above static groundwater head was calculated from the • The depth interval was determined after core
pressure which would correspond to zero flow in the review from the selected holes. The packer was set
water injection test. The results are quite variable, to the desired depths and inflated the packers to a
probably due to the superimposed effects of drilling pressure above the maximum test pressure.
water, water injection in other holes and progressive • A maximum test length was five meters.
drainage of the rock mass by the adit. The tests were • There was five testing depths, five tests and each
carried out after the holes was completed, using single test duration was from 30 min–1 h (Packer
NQ size inflatable inserted meters into the hole on deployed, inflated, formation tested, packer
19 mm pipe extension rods. Some holes had collapsed deflated and withdrawn) and the drill holes are
and could not be tested. After, setting the packer, water inclined (46–72) and hence anisotropic perme-
was pumped into the hole at several different constant ability was estimated given the test boreholes were
pressures, generally in the range of 100–600 kPa and the oriented in different directions.
flow rate measured. Correction pressures applied in the • Measuring of the water flow rates and pressure
hole. A linear relationship between flow and pressure being applied to the formation was done according
was obtained and the ratio ranging from 2.3 to 430 to the information provided in this document.
L/min/kPa. From this ratio and the test length (20–60 m), • It was also planned to collect groundwater sam-
hydraulic conductivity of the rock mass intersected by pling (using bailing) that fairly represent the test
the test section was calculated. The average permeability
from the underground holes was from 0.06 9 10-7 m/s
to 23 9 10-7 m/s (2.6 9 10-7 m/s, on average). A
6 Packer Test Procedure
packer test was not able to be conducted in the upper
weathered zone. The result of the previous packer testing
Procedure for the packer testing method is described
showed the hydraulic conductivity in the bore holes site
and along the entire length of the boreholes to be
The following procedure was implemented for the
relatively consistent. No clear aquitard was noted from
packer testing program:
either the core inspection or from the packer testing. This
will have an implication for the current packer testing • The contractor was provided with test intervals for
program in selecting the test length intervals. nine of the eleven drill holes at the site; seven to
twelve test intervals were provided for the drill
5.2 Proposed Works Schedule holes, allowing the contractor contingency inter-
vals should packer testing fail at a certain interval.
It was planned to conduct packer test in five boreholes • Previous study indicated that the standard proce-
after the diamond drilling has been completed. There dures and recommendations for packer testing in
were five testing depths in each of the boreholes. Test fractured rock can be expected to produce results in
depths will be provided after inspection of core the non-linear range when testing small intervals
recovered. The drilling rig was on each of the boreholes (i.e. \3 m). Such tests underestimate transmissiv-
during the testing and assisted with the insertion and ity values by as much as an order of magnitude
removal. The drilling rig had an adequate clean water (Quinn et al. 2011a). Therefore, a fixed packer
supply and pumping capability. Onsite drillers (deep straddle (or test length) of 5 m (i.e. [3 m) was
core) would set up over the completed holes and run selected for the first drill hole. This length worked
roads at each test. Here are few points taken into successfully for the first drill hole and was therefore
consideration while planned to carry out the packer adopted for the remainder of the program.

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36 Geotech Geol Eng (2017) 35:29–44

• The driller was advised of the deepest packer test wall. Incomplete inflation, irregularities on the drill
interval, and the drill rods were inserted to a depth hole wall, tears in the outer gland material, etc. are
which allowed testing at this depth. likely reasons for this to happen. Leakage of this type
• The packer equipment was ‘reeled’ down to the is difficult to assess as flow past the packer and that
planned depth and the packers were inflated to the into the zone cannot be distinguished at surface. In
required pressure. order to determine if the packers are sealing properly,
• The water injection flow was set at a selected various information is available to the operator:
pressure (generally starting at 100 kPa, and
1. Check for a drop in packer inflation pressure
increasing to pressures of up to 1100 kPa, depend-
during the test. A drop in pressure indicates that
ing on the measured flow rate). If little to no water
the packer is deflating;
flow was recorded, the test would generally be
2. Check for bubbles if using a pneumatic system
terminated at a gauge pressure of approximately
and the water level is visible at the top of the drill
500 kPa. Water flow was recorded as litres/minute.
rods; and
• After completion of a test, the packers were
3. Note unexpected flow versus pressure perfor-
deflated and the driller would remove the required
mance either within a single test or as compared to
number of drill rods to enable testing of the next
other test zones of similar rock (as determined
interval. The packer equipment would be reeled up
from the drill core). This indicates that more water
to the required interval, reinflated, and the testing
is being ‘‘taken’’ by the zone, whereas it is in fact
procedure was repeated.
It is probably necessary to remove the packer
6.1 Test QA/QC
assembly, test it, and re-run the test in order to verify
that the data collected is representative and accurate.
To ensure that the data collected during the test is
This is time consuming, but overestimating the zone
accurate, and more importantly, representative of the
permeability due to poor data collection could have
zone of interest, the tester must verify that the test
serious consequences on later engineering design
assembly is not leaking. Leaks through the supply line
or rods, or past the packers might have the effect of
apparently increasing the permeability of the test zone.
This is because water pumped during the test was 6.3 Drill Rods Leaks
assumed to be flowing into the test zone, but was
instead a combination of zone uptake and leakage. The joints in the drill rods should be ‘‘wicked’’ in order
This becomes more significant as permeability of the to reduce leakage. Wicking consists of wrapping a
zone decreases and/or the injection pressure increases. string or wicking material around the rods threads
Potential areas where leaks can occur are mainly prior to connecting rods. The leakage may be greatly
through packers (bypass), injection pipe joints and reduced, but may still have a significant effect when
drill rods. Also it is suggested by Quinn et al. (2016), the cumulative leakage is taken into account. To test
to minimize error using trial and error procedures to for the apparent leakage, it is recommended that at
determine the short-circuiting flow rate to account for ‘‘blind’’ packer assembly is lowered to just above the
the head conditions in the open–hole segments during bit and inflated. Water is then pumped into the rods
each hydraulic test. Understanding open-hole flow and the flow versus pressure response is recorded. If it
dynamics gives insight about the potential for vertical is assumed that the packers are sealing the rods, and
cross connection of chemical constituents caused by that water is not flowing through the bit, then any flow
the open holes. is the cumulative joint leakage. The pump pressure
should correspond to the expected test pressures, with
6.2 Packer Bypass Leakage a 150% increase in order to test the system (note: do
not exceed 80% of packer inflation pressure as this
A common area where a leak can occur is past the potentially force water past the gland, regardless of
packer, between the expanded gland and the drill hole proper inflation or not).

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6.4 Supply Pipe Leaks Table 1 Pressure step versus pressure

Pressure step Pressure (psi)
Testing an independent supply line can be done on
surface. The only modification required is to block the A 20
water injection pipe at the bottom of the upper packer B 40
using a plug threaded to fit. Testing pressures should C 60
be the same, except that allowance for packer inflation D 80
pressure is not required. E 100
Dr 80
6.5 Injection (Lugeon) Tests Cr 60
Br 40
Injection (Lugeon) tests consist of isolating a section Ar 20
of borehole and injecting water under pressure into the
rock to determine the effective transmissivity (T) of
straight-line match can indicate hydro-fracturing (if
the zone. The transmissivity can be related to the
decreasing data is above the line) or non-Darcian flow
hydraulic conductivity (K) of the rock or hydrogeo-
(if decreasing data is below the line; Quinn et al.
logical features (fractures, etc.) by means of K = T/L,
where L = length of test zone). The data recorded
Note that it was assumed that injection losses due to
during the test simply consists of the flow rate and the
friction losses in the drill rods were not significant
corresponding pressure when ‘‘steady-state’’ condi-
because of the large diameter. Friction losses through
tions were achieved. These data were recorded over a
the packer assembly flow pipe would be significant,
number of increasing and decreasing steps, as
but the short length involved reduces this impact and
explained below.
so it was ignored in subsequent calculations (U.
S. Bureau of Reclamation 1965).
6.5.1 Test Description
6.5.2 Basic Testing Procedures
Observations of flow are made every minute until
three consecutive, consistent readings are taken. This
Data should be plotted on a flow rate versus pressure
should represent steady-state flow. The pressure is
graph, for each pressure step. The shape of the plot,
then increased, usually for 5 equal increments,
especially with regard to the decreasing pressure curve
followed by 3 decreasing pressures. The steady-state
match, was used to assess the test results. The test
flow at each pressure is recorded.
usually consists of 3–5 ascending pressure steps, and
To begin the test, the tester needs to have an idea of
2–4 recovery pressure steps, as illustrated in the
the pressures to be tested (these are referred to as
example below.
pressure steps A, B, and C in Table 1). The expected
Note that step ‘‘Br’’ refers to recovery pressure B,
pressure range will be based on the estimated perme-
which should equal, or be similar, to ascending
ability of the rock and the expected intake of injected
pressure step B.
water. These were assessed based on previous expe-
Using the expected initial pressure and estimated
rience in the drill hole(s), and correlated to the
range of steps as a starting point, the following
pumping equipment available. If insufficient, or
procedures were followed. If pressures and/or required
excessive, pressures were used for Pressure A, the
pumping rates were not as expected, the tester had to
test can be extended (more pressure steps for the
adjust the pressure steps as required.
former) or stopped and restarted for the latter at a
The basic test procedures were as listed below:
lower initial pressure.
It is common practice to ‘‘ramp up’’ over at least 4. Open water feeding system valve and maintain
three (3) ‘‘increasing’’ steps in the test, and to ‘‘ramp constant initial pressure A until it appears to have
back down’’ two or three decreasing steps (at pressures stabilized (often about 10–15 min);
that match the ramping up pressures). This was done to 5. During this time, record the elapsed time and total
test for hysteresis in the plotted data. Deviation from a volume of consumed water every 0.5 min or so,

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38 Geotech Geol Eng (2017) 35:29–44

for the first 2–3 min of the test stage, then every 17. Tight fractures, impermeable material
minute; 18. Highly permeable, large open fractures. Water
6. After pressure A has stabilized for approximately acceptance exceeds capacity of the test system
3 min, increase the pressure to pressure B; and pressure recorded is due to friction in supply
7. Record time versus flow rate as for A system.
8. Increase the pressure, after pressure B has stabi- 19. Fairly high permeability with a decrease in flow
lized for approximately 3 min, to pressure C; with time due partially to a change from laminar to
9. Test can be carried out for pressures D and E if the turbulent flow, as well as partial clogging of
pump system has sufficient range left. The final fractures with time.
pump rate should not be more than 80% of the 20. Low permeability, but washing out of gouge
maximum rate if possible; material from the fractures, increasing the
10. Repeat pressure stage B (or last ascending pres- permeability.
sure, D or C, if more than 3 steps used in test)—if 21. Laminar flow, moderate permeability but with an
formation is tight, release pressure by bypass increase in flow with pressure. Increasing packer
valve on water feeding system to decrease pres- pressure brings the flow back to a linear relation-
sure from C to B quickly; ship with pressure, indicating increased flow was
11. Repeat pressure stage A—if formation is tight, previous leakage past the packer.
release pressure by bypass valve on water feeding 22. Increase in permeability with increased pressure
system to decrease pressure from B to A quickly; and the recovery curve follows the same path.
12. After repeating stage A, perform recovery test: This indicates that fractures have been opened up
shut the feed valve and record pressure decrease due to excess pressure (hydro-fracturing).
versus time for about 10–15 min, or until 90% 23. Progressive decrease in permeability with pres-
recovery has occurred; sure (and time) indicating incomplete blocking of
13. Deflate packer assembly and remove stuffing box the fractures by transported material.
cap and seal; 24. Moderate permeability and flow rate is not linear.
14. Wait until all nitrogen escapes from the packer The down turned curve and similar recovery curve
cells, wait an additional 5 min and then pull the indicate that turbulent flow conditions exist beyond
assembly carefully to top of drill rods, watching 15 bars (U. S. Bureau of Reclamation 1965).
for the marker flag to prevent pulling assembly
The data from the injection test can be used to
into overhead sheave; and
determine the effective transmissivity (T) by means of
15. Measure groundwater level after the test several
Thiem equation (Thiem 1906):
time to assess level recovery and static level.  
Test can be modified and made shorter or longer. Qln rRb
T¼ ð2Þ
One option is to perform only a constant head test with 2pPi
water level maintained near the head of drilling rods.
where: T = transmissivity (m2/day); Q = injection
When steady state occurs, measure flow-rate using
rate (m3/day); R = radius of influence (m); rb = ra-
calibrated bucket. Constant head test can be followed
dius of borehole (m); and Pi = net injection pressure
by simple falling head test with duration about 10–15
(m). ln = natural logarithm
Similarly, transmissivity can be calculated using
Eq. 4 (i.e. permeability (K) 9 test length) through
6.5.3 Data Interpretation packer pressure testing data.

The graphs in Fig. 2 illustrate a selection of type 6.5.4 Effective Radius or Radius of Influence; R
curves, which are commonly observed. The following
describes each curve. Determining a reasonable value for R, the effective
16. Ideal result where flow is laminar, probably on clean radius or radius of influence is not a simple matter.
fractures, discharge proportional to pressure head. This is because the parameter is a function of the

Author's personal copy
Geotech Geol Eng (2017) 35:29–44 39

Fig. 2 Typical flow versus pressure curves. The flow (L/s) and pressure (kPa) are shown at the Y and X axis respectively

hydraulic conductivity of the test zone, heavily the testing process are taken into account. Therefore, it
influenced on variations in primary and secondary is considered that an R value of between 5 and 10 is
(fractures, etc.) permeability within the zone, specific reasonable and yields a reasonable value for Hydraulic
storage of the rock mass and fractures, test interval conductivity (Becker 2001; Meyer et al. 2008; U.
length, pump pressure, and time of test period. S. Bureau of Reclamation 1965).
However, as the parameter occurs within a natural
logarithmic function, a reasonable value can be 6.5.5 Net Injection Pressure; Pi
substituted. For example, if the drill hole radius is
assumed to be approximately 0.04 m, or approxi- The net injection pressure is calculated as the
mately HQ wireline size, then values of R equal to 1, 5, combined pressure head (m) that is exerted on the test
10, and 100 m would result in values of ‘‘ln (R/rb)’’ zone. It is calculated as follows:
equal to 3.3, 4.9, 5.6, and 7.9, respectively. Conse-
Pi ¼ Pg þ hg þ hshf ð3Þ
quently, it can be seen that the R value used in the
equation above will have a less effect on the value of where: Pi = net injection pressure (m); Pg = gauge
T calculated using the equations for analysing the pressure (m); hg = height of gauge above ground
packer data. This is especially true when all the level (m); hs = depth to pre-test water level (m); and
possible variables and potential cumulative errors in hf = friction losses (m).

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40 Geotech Geol Eng (2017) 35:29–44

The sum of hg and hs is usually referred to as the The pressure test was initiated by pumping water at
column height. Both components of the column height a rate that developed a suitable injection pressure. The
should be measured before the test is carried out. The suitable injection pressure is a function of the size of
value for hg should be the same for each test if the the injection piping, test interval depth, and ground-
testing apparatus is not changed, but hs will varying water elevation in the well bore. Upon reaching the
depending on the hydrogeologic zone penetrated by desired injection pressure, pumping was conducted
the drill hole. until the flow rate becomes steady. This was deter-
mined by monitoring and recording flow rate at 1-min
6.6 Approach Followed in the Current Packer intervals for a 3–5-min period while maintain a
Testing constant injection pressure. The diameter and length
of the perforated piping, diameter of the high-pressure
Packer pressure testing was performed at 5 m intervals hose/piping and elevation of the pressure gage and
in the boreholes to determine the hydraulic conductivity groundwater were also recorded. After 3–5-min
of each interval. The packer pressure testing equipment injection at a steady flow rate was completed, the test
consisted of an injection pump, a source of potable wa- was repeated within the same interval at a different
ter, high-pressure water feed hose/piping, an impeller- injection pressure and flow rate, and the average
type calibrated flow meter (range 1–100 gallon per hydraulic conductivity was calculated for each test
minute (gpm), pressure gages (range 10–100 lb per interval. Upon completion of the tests in one test
square inch (psig), inflatable packers, 10—foot perfo- interval, the packers were deflated and the test set-up
rated piping section, and a water—level indicator. The was moved to another pressure test interval and the test
test procedure is based on the protocol developed by the procedures were repeated.
United States department of the Interior Bureau of Using the packer pressure testing data (The U. S.
reclamation (U. S. Bureau of Reclamation 1963 and U. Bureau of Reclamation 1965), the hydraulic conduc-
S. Bureau of Reclamation 1965). tivities were calculated using the following formula:

Fig. 3 Standard wireline packer frictional head loss chart (Thomas 1982)

Author's personal copy
Geotech Geol Eng (2017) 35:29–44 41

q L standard wire line packer frictional head loss

k¼ ln when L  10r ð4Þ
2pLH r b chart (Fig. 3). This could include historicity effect
and skin effect. The problem of accurately determin-
where: K = hydraulic conductivity (m/s); Q = con-
ing the excess pressure head, H, is best solved by
stant rate of inflow into test interval (m3/s);
measuring water pressure within the test section. Maini
L = length of test interval (m); H = differential head
(1971) used an electric transducer to record water
of water at test interval (m); rb = radius of the well
pressures in fissured rock. An electric transducer
bore (cm); ln = natural logarithm
within the test section would provide a measure of
The excess pressure head (or injection head) at the
total pressure head. Consequently for tests conducted
centre of the test section, H, must be calculated from
below the water table, the height of the water
the pressure test data. The U. S. Bureau of Reclama-
table above the centre of the test section must be
tion (1963, 1965) assumes ‘‘H’’ to equal the pressure
subtracted from the measured total pressure to give the
measured at the surface gage in units of height of
excess head, H (Zeigler 1976).
water, plus an excess pressure head due to the height of
water in the flow pipe (In tests above the water table, it
is equal to the height of water in the flow pipe from the 7 Result and Analysis
centre of the test section to the ground surface. In tests
b below the water table, it is measured from the The data collected in borehole water pressure test were
groundwater table to the ground. entered into spreadsheet and hydraulic conductivity
A more accurate estimate of ‘‘H’’ is attained by values were calculated for each test in a selected
considering head loss in the flow pipe using the interval (Table 2). Average hydraulic conductivity

Table 2 Packer testing Bore ID Depth interval (m bgl) Hydraulic conductivity (m/s)
results: hydraulic
conductivity From To

BH51 203 208 5.73391E-08

167 172 6.0823E-08
105 112 4.68662E-07
72 77 3.92243E-07
BH55 181 285 4.3353E-07
161 165 3.18798E-08
117 122 3.06508E-06
87 92 3.12115E-07
BH56 226 231 1.48099E-07
207 212 3.72436E-07
188 193 1.43021E-07
161 165 8.24794E-08
126 131 1.41491E-08
BH57 255 260 2.82602E-07
239 244 1.36965E-06
196 201 1.19126E-07
114 119 1.72158E-07
61 66 3.70292E-07
BH60 273 278 1.59491E-07
223 228 2.95235E-07
182 187 1.68983E-07
128 133 1.54579E-06
84 89 3.3093E-07

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42 Geotech Geol Eng (2017) 35:29–44

values was calculated for each test interval in the well with an increase in flow with pressure. Increasing
bore and repeated for additional well bores. The packer pressure brings the flow back to a linear
results of the interpretation of the test data are relationship with pressure, indicating increased flow
presented in Table 2. was previous leakage past the packer (matches with
A representative data obtained from the packer tests the type curve 6: Fig. 2). On the other hand, BH51 and
is presented in Fig. 4. BH55, BH56, BH57 is inter- BH60 are interpreted as low permeability, but washing
preted as a laminar flow, moderate permeability but out of gouge material from the fractures, increasing
the permeability (fairly matches with the type curve 5:
Fig. 2). The limitations of each test type must also be
BH51 known, including interval at each hole, which is
Flow rate (m3/min)

specific to the site condition and cannot be replicated
or up scaled from other area.
0 200 400 600 800
- 0.005
Pressure (kPa)
8 Discussion and Conclusion
Flow rate (m3/min)

Geotechnical testing is also a key integral part of
0.01 achieving design improvement, design efficiencies
0.005 and verifying performance of geotechnical structures
0 and geo-structural components. The use of specialized
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 in situ testing in geotechnical engineering practice is
Pressure (kPa) rapidly gaining increased popularity. Improvements in
apparatus, instrumentation, technique of deployment,
BH56 data acquisition and analysis procedure have been
Flow rate (m3/min)

significant. The description and applicability of wide
0.002 range of geotechnical in situ tests for rocks have been
summarized by numerous researchers.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 This paper focuses on the packer test (including its
Pressure (kPa) procedure, preparation, analysis, interpretation) which
is commonly used for the hydraulic conductivity
0.02 BH57 parameter estimate in the geotechnical and mining
Flow rate (m3/min)

engineering works. The role, objectives, types and

interpretation of packer testing, limitations and rec-
0.01 ommended good practices as part of the geotechnical
0.005 design process are outlined. Implementation of testing
in design is shown through the examination of test data
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
from a case record. Although the procedures presented
Pressure (kPa) in this paper can be very useful and insightful towards
establishing consistency and reliability of project
0.008 BH60 specific packer test data, care must be taken as
Flow rate (m3/min)

described in this paper to ensure that appropriate
analysis and interpretation used. The basis and limi-
0.004 tations of the numerous empirical correlations that
0.002 Series1 exist in the technical literature should also be under-
stood. It is recommended that performance tests such
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
pore pressure tests be taken to maximize design
Pressure (kPa)
refinements and packer test efficiencies. The tests
should be described to clients in terms of an invest-
Fig. 4 Flow versus pressure curves ment. Packer/Lugeon tests are carried out to assess the

Author's personal copy
Geotech Geol Eng (2017) 35:29–44 43

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