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Learning activity 1

Evidence: Identities

My name is:Jhon
I am from Australia. (El auxiliar para el pronombre I es am)
My nationality is Australian.
I am 20 years old.
I have a notebook, a pen and a schoolbag (Agrega útiles escolares en los espacios en blanco)


This is my friend Johana.

She is from Colombia, her nationality is Colombian.

She is 19 years old. There are many buildings in her city! ( el auxiliar de There cuando es plural
es are)

They are my friends Nicole and John. (el auxiliar del verbo to be para they es are)

Nicole is from The United States, her nationality is American (Nicole es femenino, el
pronombre femenino es she y el auxliar del verbo to be para she es IS)

and John is from Australia. His nationality is Autralian.

We are in Rome now. (el auxiliar del verbo to be para We es are)


Teacher: Hello, what _IS___ your name? // hola cual es su nombre (is)

Student 1: My name _IS__ Kevin // Mi nombre es Kevin (is)

Teacher: How old _ARE_ you Kevin? // El auxiliar del verbo to be para You es are

Student 1: I AM_ 9 years old // El auxiliar del verbo to be para I es am

Teacher: Lorena, where _ARE_ you from? // El auxiliar del verbo to be para You es are

Student 2: I _am___ from COLOMBIA, so my nationality is _COLOMBIAN_ //

Teacher: Where ____ your mother from? // De donde es tu madre?

Student 2: My mom is FROM COLOMBIA // Mi mamá es de COLOMBIA

Her nationality is COLOMBIAN. // Su nacionalidad es COLOMBIANA.

En este punto debes escribir solamente there is (cuando es singular) o there are (cuando es
plural) dependiendo de lo que dice cada pregunta.

In the classroom there __IS___board // En el salon hay un tablero (singular)
there ARE four students // Hay cuatro estudiantes en el salon (plural)


There IS desk // Hay un escritorio (singular)


there ARE a big __window // Hay una gran ventana (singular)

Learning activity 2 / Actividad de aprendizaje 2

Evidence: A world of differences and similarities / Evidencia: Un mundo

de diferencias y semejanzas

Read the following paragraph about Scott Dinsmore’s morning routine. Scott is a
32-year-old entrepreneur, writer, and ultra-runner. Find similarities and
differences between his routine and your routine. Write at least six sentences
using the grammar and vocabulary you have learned in this learning activity. /
Lea el siguiente párrafo sobre la rutina de la mañana de Scott Dinsmore. Scott
es un empresario, escritor y ultra-corredor de 32 años de edad. Encuentre
similitudes y diferencias entre su rutina y la rutina de Scott. Escribe al menos
seis frases utilizando la gramática y el vocabulario aprendido en esta actividad
de aprendizaje.

Example: / Ejemplo:

1. Scott and I usually get up at 6.00 am. / Scott y yo por lo general nos
levantamos a las 6:00 a. m.

2. Scott exercises in the morning. I don’t like to exercise. / Scott hace ejercicio en
la mañana. A mí no me gusta hacer ejercicio.

Scott Dinsmore’s morning routine

Fuente: SENA

Scott usually wakes up at 6.00 am. He always drinks a liter of water after he
gets up. He says it is very important to be hydrated. He meditates from 6.10 to
6.30 am. He feels meditation is an essential element to avoid stress. He
watches a TED talk or reads a little from 6.30 to 7.00 am. These activities give
him inspiration to start the day. He exercises from 7.00 to 8.00 am. He says
exercising clarifies his ideas. Then, he takes a cold shower at 8.10 am. He
thinks cold showers increase testosterone levels and improve circulation. He
has breakfast at 8.40 am. He usually has vegetable juice, bananas, peanut
butter, and almonds. Finally, he does all his creative work from 8.40 to 12.00 m.
Similarities and differences
1. Scott usually gets up at six o’clock. I get up at eight o'clock
2. Scott drinks water in the morning. I do not like water
3. Scott reads in the morning. I read in the afternoon.
4. Scott and I shower with cold water
5. Scott exercise in the morning. I do not exercise.
6. Scott and I had breakfast after the shower


Describa la frecuencia en que su ser ideal hace las 12 actividades que usted
piensa están asociadas al éxito.
12 Actividades de éxito:

1. My ideal self is always understanding, patient, loving, caring and most

importantly is a good mother; she knows very well treat my children.
//Mi ser ideal siempre tiene deseo de superación; ella siempre está
estudiando y trabajando fuertemente, ella tiene mucha disciplina.
2. My ideal self is always happy and we can talk about any subject because
there is a lot of confidence. // Mi ser ideal siempre está feliz y podemos
hablar sobre cualquier tema porque hay mucha confianza.
3. My ideal self is always understanding, patient, loving, caring.//
Mi ser ideal siempre es comprensiva, paciente, amorosa, cariñosa.
4. My ideal self always avoid comments, discussions, contests; she never
criticize or judge, she's a very patient person.// Mi ser ideal siempre evita
comentarios , discusiones , contiendas; ella nunca critica ni juzga, ella es
una persona muy paciente.
5. My ideal self has always been very spiritual and is the best it has my
same religious beliefs, believe in Jesus Christ. // Mi ser ideal siempre ha
sido muy espiritual y lo mejor es que tiene mis mismas creencias
religiosas, cree en Jesucristo.
6. My ideal self is always very good friend, is my support, my company, my
companion on the road of life. // Mi ser ideal siempre es muy buena
amiga, es mi apoyo, mi compañía, mi compañera en el camino de la
7. My ideal self always takes her spare time because it makes many things
you like, for example she likes going to the movies, likes to go pool and
likes to rides and trips in the countryside. // Mi ser ideal siempre
aprovecha su tiempo libre porque hace muchas cosas que le gusta ,por
ejemplo a ella le gusta ir al cine , le gusta ir a piscina y le gusta hacer
paseos y viajes en el campo.
8. My ideal self is always fun and funny, she likes to see me happy, she
knows telling jokes and making jokes, and makes me laugh a lot. // Mi
ser ideal siempre es divertida y graciosa, a ella le gusta verme feliz , ella
sabe contar chistes y hacer bromas, y me hace reír mucho.
9. My ideal self always likes sports, she likes to watch football with me, she
likes the team of Real Madrid and I like the Barcelona team.
She says that Cristiano Ronaldo is the best but I would say it is better
Messi. // Mi ser ideal siempre le gusta los deportes, ella le gusta ver
futbol conmigo, ella le gusta el equipo del Real Madrid y a mi me gusta el
equipo Barcelona.Ella dice que Cristiano Ronaldo es el mejor pero yo le
digo que mejor es Messi.
10. My ideal self has always been a great chef. She prepares delicious
meals and special meals for only two. // Mi ser ideal siempre ha sido una
gran chef. Ella prepara comidas deliciosas y comidas especiales solo
para los dos.
11. My ideal self seldom drinks alcohol. she only drinks alcohol occasionally
for special date or special celebrations.
She only takes two glasses of drink because you have to be measured
with the alcohol. // Mi ser ideal siempre muy rara vez toma trago. ella
solo toma trago ocasionalmente para fecha especiales o celebraciones
ella solo toma dos copas del trago porque hay que ser mesurados en el
12. My ideal self Sometimes on weekends goes out in the gym.She likes to
keep fit. She eats little calories and exercise a lot. // Mi ser ideal siempre
algunas veces pasa los fines de semana en el Gimnasio. Ella le gusta
mantenerse en forma. Ella come pocas calorías y hace mucho ejercicio.

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