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Jason Bauguess

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12th Grade Best Work Reflective Essay

Throughout all my experiences in high school, my time as a senior was the year I felt

more in touch with the ESET family. The bonds I have created with students and teachers have

driven me to to be an active member of our school’s community and to constantly push myself to

do my best work on countless occasions. One of the best things I have done was to contribute to

the landscaping process within our campus near the main office. Within my 6th period class,

Introduction to Biotech, we were given this project in order to give life to a bland area of our

school’s campus. This project is close to me because of all the hard work my classmates and I

had put into it. Most, if not all, of the participants were very proud of the outcome and were

excited to see the reaction of school staff.

Being a part of the process has taught me a variety of things. However, the most

important ideal I have learned is the value of teamwork. Working alone on such a project would

not be an easy task. There was a constant bouncing of ideas between the students and Mrs. Bird

in order to achieve the look that had been planned. Also there was many experienced students

helping out, which allowed for a faster process of completion and for the other students to learn

from them. The collaboration process along with trial and error allowed us to successfully create

a beautiful piece of scenery for our campus.

This project shows my determination and dedication as a student. After hearing about this

project for months, I was very excited to finally start it. I threw on a pair of gloves and started
working pulling out weeds and planting succulents. While landscaping the area, I was constantly

making sure other were on task and was asking for input every time something was added or

taken away. I did this in order to ensure that the area would look as nice as could be.

When I took my final steps back to look what I had contributed, I was very proud. I was

able to make a difference in my school’s community and had fun doing so. This project means a

lot to me. It has added to my character and also has strengthened the bond I have with students

and teachers. This project is one that I am glad to call my best work.

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