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Aspaen Gimnasio La Fragua

8 Grade
Rafael Santiago Rodríguez Díaz
Ricardo Adolfo Escobar Ríos
Novus Peace


Wherever we are we should always know how to behave very well, even if what we
do many times we will publish or share. Netiquette is a set of behavioral norms that
make the Internet and ICTs more pleasant places, where coexistence and mutual
respect are paramount. Although they represent a code of conduct, the netiquette
was not designed to limit freedom of expression, but to indicate the best way to
behave using ICT. Thanks to it we can communicate properly, while we enjoy and
take advantage of social networks, chats, videogames, forums, and ICT in general.

There is not a kind of virtual police that monitors respect for the rules of netiquette,
nobody imposes them. The netiquette is a clear example of collective work, we do
it among all and for all. Each of these standards has been the product of our
communication through information and communication technologies, the desire to
make it more effective, clear and respectful. And, as we all benefit from it, it is in
our hands to act appropriately and ask the same of the people with whom we
interact virtually.

Danger Of The Internet

Internet is the fastest and easiest way that we can use not only to socialize with
friends but there are dangers such as malware that is a malicious software for
which we must avoid vulnerable systems and be cautious, spam or spam are
harmful to the user They bring deceptive offers, scam, cyberbullying, is a hostile
behavior practiced for children, as they are subjected to threats and humiliation,
grooming is when an adult wants to persuade a child to do improper things, sexting
with erotic content that often lead teenagers to harmful practices, there are many
things we can avoid if we know how to use the internet and social networks.

As a family we all must learn to use social networks in such a way that they are a
benefit for the family and not a threat.

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