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Setting forth



By H. P. Mansfield.




Setting forth



By H. P. Mansfield.

Do what is right, be valiant for the Truth, teach
it without compromise, and all the lovers of the Truth
will approve of you; for all others, you need not care
a tush.
—7. Thomas.



CLYDE PRESS, 608-10 High Street, Thornbury, N 17, Victoria Aust.


In our exposition, we have used the Divine Name, wherever

it is appropriate. We have done so because it is obvious that
Ezekiel, himself, laid great stress on the Name. In fact, the theme
of his book is that "they might know that I am Yahweh." This
Name is easily identified throughout the Bible in that the trans-
lators have printed the words "Lord" or "God" (wherever sub-
stituted for the Name) in small capitals (contrast "LORD" or
Yahweh in Ezekiel 38:1 with "Lord" or Adonai in v. 3; or
"GOD" or Yahweh in Ezekiel 38:3 with "God" or Elohim in
Ezekiel 37:27).
The Name is prophetic of the Father's intention to reveal
Himself in a Son and Sons who will be identified with Abraham,
Isaac and Israel (Exod. 3:14). If the reader familiarise himself
with the doctrinal significance of the Name, his understanding of
the Divine purpose will be greatly enriched.
On this, one writer has commented:
"Both in Eureka and Phanerosis Dr. Thomas wrote much about the
name Yahweh. To study the word aright, introduces us to the subject of
God-manifestation, the Scripture teaching concerning which many have
misunderstood. Some people, with nothing better than a vague notion as
to what Dr. Thomas's writings on this subject really amount to, have
adjudged him in error on some points; and most frequently a little exam-
ination has shown that the points of difference have involved a difficult
criticism or an investigation of matters beyond the compass of those who
have not seen their way to be content with dealing with things which are
within their reach. Others, however, convinced of the impregnability of Dr.
Thomas's position, have been thankful for the plainly expressed results of
his labor and study, and grateful for the light he shed upon the doctrine
of God manifestation in its many revealed phases. . . ." (The Christa-
delphian, 1881.)
Rotherham, in his translation, uses the Name wherever
appropriate, and claims that to hide it is to perform a grave dis-
service to truth. In a section of his Preface, he comments:
"Is not a hidden name almost a contradiction in terms? Does not
'name' in the Bible very widely imply revelation? Men's names are
throughout the Scriptures fraught with significance, enshrining historical
incidents, biographical reminiscenses, and so forth; and why should the
Name of the Ever-Blessed be an exception to this rule? Does not the Al-
mighty Himself employ this Name of His as though it had in it some self-
evident force and fitness to reveal His nature and unfold His ways? His
Name is continually adduced by Himself as His reason for what He does
and what He commands: 'For I am Yahweh.' Israel and the nations are
placed under discipline, says the Divine Speaker, 'that they may know that
I am Yahweh.'"
As a people separated from the nations "for His Name" (Acts
15:14), surely we should have some understanding of it, and to
that end, we direct the reader to the expositions of it found in
Eureka and Phanerosis.

Foreword 4

Ezekiel: Man of Sign (Preface) 7

Historical Background 8

Telescopic View of the Book 11

Analysis of Ezekiel's Prophecy 15

Ezekiel Recommissioned as Watchman

(Ezekiel 33:1-20) 17

A Message from the Smitten City 24

(Ezekiel 33:21-33)
The Coming Shepherd King 29
(Ezekiel 34)
The Doom of Those Who Hate Israel 37
(Ezekiel 35)

A Transformed Land 43
(Ezekiel 36:1-15)

A Transformed People 48
(Ezekiel 36:16-38)

A Transformed Nation 57
(Ezekiel 37:1-14)
A Transformed Government 62
(Ezekiel 37:15-28)
The Coming Crisis 67
(Ezekiel 38)
The Humbling of Flesh and Vindication of Yahweh 83
(Ezekiel 39)

Summary . . 92
Foreword It ill becomes the servants of God to ignore that which He
has taken such pains to reveal and record. Speaking of Gog, Yah-
weh has declared: "Art thou he of whom I have spoken in old
time by My servants the prophets. . . .?" (Ezek. 38:17). All the
Ezekiel's Prophecies of the Restoration (Chapters 33-39) prophets have spoken of the coming crisis with the greatest interest
provide such an outline of Yahweh's purpose in the earth as to and enthusiasm because they realised that it would lead to that
more clearly reveal "the joy set before us." It is important that time when "the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the
we should have such pictures of the future ever before us, that glory of Yahweh, as the waters cover the sea" (Hab. 3:14).
we might create a greater incentive to attain unto it. The Lord And yet, as the time draws close when Gog shall manifest
provides the example of this. The "joy set before him" was so real himself, and the great crisis of the ages shall burst upon a startled
and tangible that for it he was prepared to "endure the cross and world, interest in the prophetic word seems to be declining, and,
despise the shame," and, in consequence, is now "at the right hand in fact, is openly discouraged by some who should know better.
of the throne of God" (Heb. 12:2). We hope that the brief exposition now before the reader may
Paul similarly urged the need of such a mental picture of the play a part in arousing some interest in this vitally important
future. He declared: "We look not at the things which are seen, theme, and that he may use it as a help in his own independent
but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen research of the Word, and his verse by verse marking of his
are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" Bible. The Author recognises its many imperfections, particularly
(2 Cor. 4:18). The "things seen," are those things that occupy in regard to literary style. He acknowledges that it is singularly
the exclusive attention of most people: houses, land, business, lacking in that regard, but hopes that through this very lack the
money, power, prestige. These are symbols of power and per- reader may be induced to study the Scriptures themselves more
manency in the world of flesh, but they assumed their proper minutely. To that end, let him learn to be discerning and selective
relative insignificance to the Apostle, because he set his spiritual in the use of these notes, personally analysing the comments given
vision on the future which he saw so vividly, and which occupied on each verse, and extracting therefrom that which he can en-
his mind so completely. dorse. This is best done by comparing Scripture with Scripture.
This revealed for him the secret of true living in Christ. He Valuable additional help can be obtained from such works as
declared: "For which cause we faint not; but though our outward "Eureka" and "Elpis Israel" to which we direct the reader.
man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day" (v. 16). Ezekiel's Prophecies of the Restoration are among the most
The study of prophecy can help us attain unto a similar out- significant in his book, because they not only outline a future that
look, so that whilst fulfilling the needs of the present, we, like is soon to be revealed in the earth, but also show the attitude that
Moses, "see the invisible" (Heb. 11:27). should be manifested by Yahweh's people as they await the un-
folding of the Divine purpose. This is shown in his warning exposi-
Unfortunately, the growing tendency today is to ignore the
tion of the duties of watchmen, shepherds, people and flocks. All
prophetic Scriptures. Those who do so, however, overlook the
should heed the prophet's message in those sections.
fact that the Bible is mainly prophetic in its teaching, and that its
Author would have us closely study this subject. He has declared The Greek word for prophet is a compound word made up
that He will "do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His of "pro", forth, and "phemi", to speak, thereby indicating that a
servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7), and the Lord told the prophet was one who gave forth the message of God, as well as
Apostles that in so doing he treated them as friends and not as fore-telling events to come (see 1 Cor. 14:3). It was a prophet's
servants (John 15:15). Again, the Scriptures pronounce a bless- function, not merely to make known future events, but to draw
ing upon those who make prophecy the subject of close and sound ~ attention to the Divine will in relation to the way of righteousness
study (Dan. 12:10; Rev. 1:3), and the Lord endorsed that bless- from day to day. In the Hebrew, the word is "Nabhi", and is de-
ing by exhorting his disciples concerning the prophetic Scriptures: rived from the verb, "Naba" signifying "to boil or bubble over."
"He that readeth, let him understand" (Matt. 24:15). Gesenius likens the idea expressed in the word to the metaphor of
a fountain bursting forth from the heart of a man into which God
Let us not decry the study of a subject that has the seal of has poured His spirit (Prov. 1:23; 2 Pet. 1:21). Under the influ-
Divine approval; let us remember that the Gospel itself is pro- ence of the Spirit, the prophet found the impulse to speak abso-
phetic (Gal. 3:8), and that concerning the Day of which it treats, lutely irresistible, and even though he may have been reluctant to
its Author declares: "For that day do I wait" (Isa. 30:18). do so, he found that he had to speak the message delivered to him.
{Num. 2 4 : 1 ; Jer. 20:9; 1 Cor. 9:16).
That was also the experience of the Psalmist, as he contem-
plated the coming union of the Bridegroom and Bride. His heart
Ezekiel : Man of Sign
bubbled up in excitement at the prospect, and as he spake of the
things concerning the King, he found that his tongue was loosed,
like Ezekiel's, and became as the pen of a ready writer (Psalm
45:1 - margin).
Chapters 33 to 39 of Ezekiel form a separate and distinct
A clear outline of what the future will reveal will create in series of prophecies relating to the Restoration of the Kingdom
us an excitement and an enthusiasm for its coming. It will cause us of God and the Glory, and, therefore, are of particular significance
to lose our attachment for the things of the present and seek to to our times.
qualify for the future. It will create an incentive for Godly living
now. And, surely, in an age that is noted for the spirit of compro- However, the importance of this section of his message lies
mise, the evil character of which is the subject of Bible prophecy not alone in the fact that we can discern today the tokens of the
(Luke 17:26-37; 2 Tim. 3:1-7), we need every help possible to fulfilment of this remarkable prophecy, but more particularly in
overcome the flesh. May the Divine blessing be with us in our the powerful exhortations that are presented therein. They em-
studies to that end, that they may effect a transformation in our phasise the responsibilities that rest upon Yahweh's watchmen
lives to the glory of His holy Name (James 1:5; Acts 15:14). today; the duties of a true shepherd in relation to the Ecclesia;
and the proper attitude that should be adopted by the flock itself.
—H. P. MANSFIELD. It also predicts the vast transformation that is to come over
the land and people of Israel, at the expense of Gentile pomp and
power; setting this forth in a series of amazing and dramatic
contrasts of which the following are a few:
(1)—The Shepherd Prince of Ezekiel 37 successfully battles with the
THE PROPER USE OF THE PROPHETIC WORD Goliath-like "prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal" (Ch. 38).
In ages past, God has had among the nations a people of His (2)—The army of Israel is brought "out of its graves" (Ch. 37:13),
own. These are wise in the wisdom of God, and venerate His word whilst the army of Gog is turned into its grave (Ch. 39:11).
above all things. Though not His counsellors, He has graciously (3)—Israel is gathered together for life (Ch. 37); Gog's host is gathered
condescended to inform them what He intends to do before it comes together for death (Ch. 39:1).
to pass. Hence, it is testified by the Prophet, that "the Lord God (4)—Israel is "brought back from the sword" (38:8); whereas Yahweh
will surely do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants calls for a sword against Gog (38:21).
the prophets" (Amos 3, 7). This revelation is made that His people's
faith may be confirmed and enlarged; and that in every generation (5)—Israel is shaken together (37:7); Gog's host is shaken apart
they may know the times and seasons to which they stand related.
Knowing the signs they are enabled to discern the times; and whilst (6)—The bones of Israel come together "bone to bone" (Ch. 37); but
consternation and dismay cause men's hearts to fail, they are cour- those of Gog's host are scattered throughout the land (Ch. 39:15).
ageous, and rejoice in perceiving the approach of the Kingdom of
God. This is the proper use of the prophetic word. It was thus that A close, analytical study of these chapters of the Restoration
the ancients used it, and were enabled to live in advance of their will reveal other dramatic contrasts, to thrill those whose true
contemporaries. This appears from the exhortation of the Apostle
who says, "We have a sure word of prophecy, whereunto you do patriotism is not for Gentilism (whatever country the accident of
well to take heed; as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until birth may have placed them in), but for Zion with its glorious
the day dawn, and the day-star arise in your hearts; knowing this future.
first that no prophecy of Scripture originates of one's own prescience.
For prophecy came not at any time by the will of man; but the holy
men of God spake being moved by the Holy Spirit" (2 Pet. 1:19).
— El pis Israel. "Of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born
in her; and the highest Himself shall establish her. Yahweh
shall count, when He writeth up the people, that this man
was born there. Selah!"' (Ps. 87:5-6).
Historical Background Of doctrine that those who remained in the city were Heaven's
favorites in contrast to those who had been taken into captivity.
They boldly claimed that Jerusalem would be divinely protected,
The Message that the long captivity of 70 years predicted by Jeremiah would
JUDAH'S DECLINE AND CAPTIVITY not take place, and, instead, Babylon would itself soon fall
(Ezek. 11:15; 33:24).
Whilst Jeremiah was ministering to the people of Jerusalem This lying philosophy even infatuated the Jews in exile. In
during the last years of the declining monarchy, Daniel and complete disregard of the messages which Jeremiah had sent
Ezekiel were in exile, ministering to the captives in Babylonia. them, and which the prophets of the exile had endorsed, they
Daniel was the first to go into exile, as a young teenager of were seized with the idea that their captivity would soon end
about 17 years of age. If Ezekiel's reference to the 30th year (Ezek. 13:16, 19). Hananiah, a false prophet of Jerusalem, pub-
(Ezek. 1:1) has relation to his age, as seems most probable, he licly proclaimed that the captives would return within two years,
was not only a contemporary of Daniel, but also approximately bearing the vessels of the lemple purloined by Nebuchadnezzar
the same age. He would have been born in the significant year (Jer. 28). His message greatly influenced many of the exiles who
when Josiah instituted the national reform, and led the people eagerly grasped this straw of hope, so that they became impatient
back to Yahweh in the national covenant that he inaugurated (2 of any other message. When Jeremiah wrote them, warning them
Kings 23). In that light, Ezekiel appears in the narrative of his to take no heed (Jer. 29), his letters were replied to by Shemaiah,
book as typical of the Son of the Covenant, the Lord Jesus Christ. one of their number, who suggested that the priest, Zephaniah of
Ezekiel was taken into captivity at the time of "king Jehoi- Jerusalem, should imprison Jeremiah as a madman for daring to
achin's captivity" (Ezek. 1:2). This was the third of the six suggest that the Holy City would fall, and the captivity would be
deportations of Jews referred to in Scripture: protracted (Jer. 29:24-28).
(1)—In the fourth year of Jehoiakim (Dan. 1:1). However, the death of Hananiah as predicted by Jeremiah,
(2)—Six years later, when 3023 Jews or families were taken into the words and enacted prophecies set before the Jews in exile
captivity (Jer. 52:28) by Ezekiel and Daniel, and news of further deportations of Jewish
(3)—The following year, in the reign of Jehoiachm, when a furthei captives, revealed that hopes of a speedy return were in vain.
10,000 Jews were taken (2 Kgs. 24-12-16).
(4)—Ten years later, when 832 were led away (Jer. 52-29). Finally, the fall of Jerusalem itself, revealed to the people the
(5)—The following year, when the upper classes were deported from truth of Ezekiel's prophecies, and resulted in a great change in
the land (2 Kings 25:11-12) their attitude towards him.
(6)—Four years later (23rd Nebuchadnezzar) when 745 persons, or
families were taken to Babylon (Jer. 52-30).
The Jewish exiles were sent to different settlements through- EZEKIEL AS A MAN OF SIGN
out Babylonia, where they formed small communities, with a Ezekiel was a man of indomitable courage, who remained
certain amount of local organisation and freedom of worship. undeterred by the fiercest opposition (Ezek. 3:8-9). He was com-
This is implied by Ezekiel's own experience. He had been missioned to proclaim the purpose of Yahweh whether the people
exiled to the colony at Tel-Abib (Ezek. 3:15), about 45 miles heeded his message or not, and he faithfully carried out his work
north-west of Babylon, where he ultimately exercised considerable (Ch. 2:5-7). He was not fluent in speech, and words did not
influence. The elders of the little community there, came to regard come easily from his lips (Ch. 3:26), but when they did they were
him highly for his wisdom (Ezek. 8:1), and later, after some of his weighty and impressive. What he lacked in fluency he made
prophecies had been fulfilled, for the truth of his predictions up in action, dramatising many of the prophecies he proclaimed
(Ezek. 33:31). by enacting them before the people. Later, after the fall of
Meanwhile, in Babylon itself, Daniel had been active for Jerusalem, when his predictions had been vindicated in part, he
about 13 years, testifying to Yahweh's power and truth by the found himself speaking much more fluently, setting before the
remarkable incidents associated with his person, and the equally exiles the thrilling message of coming restoration and glory when
wonderful revelations of Divine wisdom and prophecy that he the land, the people, and the Temple will be again brought back
had set before both king and people. from the curse resting on them.
In Jerusalem, Jeremiah was battling against the deadly dope He was held in high esteem by the Jews of the captivity,
of the false prophets (Jer. 27:9; 28:1-11) who were spreading the even though they were loathe to heed his message (Ezek. 33:31).
And as his character is gradually revealed through the pages of his
book, he gives the impression of being a rather austere man, Telescopic View of the
standing aloof from what took place around him, and, from the
high plane of Divine revelation, condemning the apostasy and Book of Ezekiel
impiety of the Jews both by word and parabolic action.
His name signifies: God (El) will strengthen, and added THE THEME
to this was conferred the title of Son of Man (Ch. 2:1). This Daniel and Ezekiel, the two prophets of the captivity, built
title is used some one hundred times throughout his book, and their messages around a common theme. That of the former is
thus links him with the Lord Jesus who adopted the same title. expressed in the words of Chapter 4:17:
Ezekiel's name and title, therefore, proclaim that God will This matter is to the intent that the living may know that the most
strengthen the Son of Man. This is an appropriate name-title High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever He will,
for the man who typed the Lord Jesus, for Christ is described and settetli up over it the basest of men."
as "the Son of Man whom Thou (Yahweh) madest strong for That of the latter is stated in the words that are constantly
Thyself" (Psalm 80:17). affirmed throughout his book, "They shall know that I am Yah-
As a typical man of sign, Ezekiel was commanded to enact weh." This declaration was proclaimed by the prophet at least
the very things that are to be performed by Christ in the coming seventy times. He announced it twenty-nine times in predicting
age. For example, the familiar words of Ezekiel 38:2 are: punishment on Jerusalem; twenty-four times in prophesying
"Son of Man set THY face against Gog. . . ." judgments on the Gentile nations; and seventeen times in fore-
Though Ezekiel is the man addressed, the Lord Jesus, as telling the restoration of Israel, and the final blessing then to be
Son of Man, will be the one who will fulfil the type. The use of made manifest.
this title, in this place and in the circumstances revealed in the The declaration is significant. To "know" Yahweh in the
prophecy, is significant; for the title "Son of Man," as applied sense intended means much more than merely recognising that
to the Lord Jesus, is derived from Psalm 8, which commemorates He exists, or comprehending His purpose in the earth; it requires
the defeat of Goliath by David the shepherd. And that is the "knowledge" of such compelling influence as will effect a change
theme of Ezekiel 38, for it is "David the shepherd prince" (see in the character of the one embracing it, so that the fruits of
Ezek. 37:24) who will overthrow the Gogian Goliath! "knowing" will be seen in action.
The Lord Jesus is priest after the order of Melchizedek, and This is indicated by the use of the same term to denote the
therefore fittingly typified by Ezekiel the priest. It is also signifi- most intimate union between husband and wife leading to a new
cant that both commenced their public ministries at the age of life. Thus Genesis 4:1 declares: "Adam knew Eve his wife;
thirty years (Ezek. 1:1; Luke 3:23). However, unlike Jesus, Ezek- and she conceived . . ." As a result of this conception, Eve
iel was married (Ezek. 24:18), and lived in his own house at Tel- ultimately brought forth fruit to the glory of her husband, and
Abib (Ch. 8:1). Though hesitant in speech he frequently dramat- this became typical of the union between Christ and the Ecclesia
ised the messages he delivered to the people: at one time lying on resulting in fruit to the glory of His name. The Lord taught
his side for a period of time to enact the impending siege of Jerus- Nicodemus the need of a "new birth" from above before a person
alem (Ch. 4:4-6); on another occasion shaving his head to indicate could "see" or "enter" the Kingdom of God (John 3), and later
that the Nazarite nation had "defiled the head of its consecration" Peter added his comment to this theme by teaching that believers
(Ch. 5:1; Num. 6:9). By such-like "divers manners," he under- are subjects of a new begettal:
lined the meaning of his teaching, and brought more vividly to "Being begotten, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the
the attention of the people the lessons he was sent to proclaim. word of God . . . and this is the word which by the Gospel is preached
unto you" (1 Pet. 1:23, 25).
And so Jesus prayed the Father:
"This is life eternal to KNOW Thee the only true God, and Jesus
"/ have set thee for a sign unto the house of Israel" — Eze- Christ whom Thou hast sent. . . ." (John 17:3).
kiel 12:6. Mere academic knowledge will not result in eternal life,
but a faith-generating knowledge that is expressed in action, and
assists to reproduce in the believer the Divine characteristics to
the glory of His name, will do so.
10 n
That is Ezekiel's theme in a national sense. He shows that will know that the city here referred to is not that of Jerusalem,
both Jew and Gentile have ignored this principle in the past, but one some miles south of that city where the pilgrims from
and have revealed contempt for the Father's Name; but because all parts of the world will assemble prior to ascending to the
He is jealous for His holy name, therefore: Temple-city in the north. The name of this city will be styled
Yahweh Shammah, or Yahweh from thence, or Yahweh is there!
"I will sanctify My great name, which was profaned among the hea- because it apparently will be the terminus from whence the wor-
then which ye have profaned in the midst of them: and the heathen shall
know that I am Yahweh, saith Adonai Yahweh, when I shall be sanctified shippers will move north to the Temple for worship.
in you before their eyes" (Ezek. 36.23). As one reads the prophet's final statement regarding the
Those nations that learn to respect that Name in the Age to name of the city in Ch. 48:35, one can almost see the finger of
come, will enter the Kingdom as mortal subjects under the Ezekiel pointing towards Jerusalem. There, in the city that
immortal Name-bearers then to be made manifest (Rev. 14:1). Yahweh elected in which to place His name, He will again
Incorporated into Israel they will receive eternal life in a political dwell among His people "as in the days of old." It was His
sense (Dan. 7:12). intention so to do when He called them out of Egypt (Exod. 25:8),
Ezekiel's book is divided into five major divisions, all associated but because they "would not hear" He withdrew from them (Jer.
with Yahweh's Glory. It opens with a description of that Glory 13:11). The time is coming however, when His purpose in Israel
manifested in the Cherubim sweeping down towards Jerusalem will be vindicated, and the world will learn that Yahweh is again
for judgment (Ezek. 1); it continues with a vision of its departing dwelling in the midst of His people, this time in the multitudinous
from the city (Ch. 11:23); it follows with prophecies of judg- Christ that will manifest His glory (Rom. 5:2; Ezek. 43:1-3).
ment on the nations, revealing that though the Glory was hidden, Thus the glory will return, and the anti-typical Cherubim will be
it was still powerful; it then outlines predictions of restoration manifested in the earth.
for Israel, intimating the preparation of the Glory to return; and
it reaches its climax when the Glory is seen returning to the
Temple of the Age to come, and the thrilling declaration is made:
"Yahweh is there!" The writings of the three contemporaries: Jeremiah, Ezekiel
and Daniel, comprise the Apocalypse of the Old Testament.
REMARKABLE CONTRASTS Many of the themes contained in the Book of Revelation have
been drawn from one or the other of the writings of these pro-
There are wonderful points of contrast in the Book of phets, and expressed in almost identical language. Jeremiah
Ezekiel. We outlined some of these in the preface when comparing predicted the complete overthrow of literal Babylon (Chps. 50,
the uprise of Israel with the downfall of Gentilism, as set forth 51), and John uses similar language to describe the destruction of
m the Prophecies of Restoration and similar contrasts can be modern, mystical Babylon (Rev. Chs. 17,18). Ezekiel and Daniel
traced in the departing and returning of the Glory, as predicted were "companions in tribulation," as also was John (Rev. 1:9).
by the prophet. Ezekiel was called upon to eat a "little book" (Ezek. 3:1-4), and
For example, the departing Glory in the early chapters is bal- such experience was shared by John in Patmos (Rev. 10). Ezekiel
anced by the returning Glory in the closing vision; Ezekiel's indict- prophesied of a Gog and Magog to be manifested before the com-
ment of the city of Jerusalem and of its elders because of idolatry, mencement of the millenium (Ezek. 38), and John prophesied of
with which his ministry opens, is more than compensated by a Gog and Magog to be manifested at its end (Rev. 20). Ezekiel
the more glorious Temple-city of the Millenium cleansed of the saw a vision of the Cherubim (Ezek. 1), and John describes and
pollutions of the past; the tragedy of Jerusalem's destruction is explains them (Rev. 4, 5). Ezekiel, in vision, visited the literal
avenged by its triumph over the Gogian confederacy; the bitter- Temple of the Age to come, and John visited the spiritual
ness of the captivity, the wickedness of the apostate people, the Temple, which is the anti-type of the literal (Rev. 21:10-27).
abandonment by Yahweh of the guilty city (all covered in the Ezekiel concluded his book with the statement: "Yahweh is
early chapters of the book) give place to the wonderful vision there." (Ezek. 48:35), and John finished his with the prayer:
of complete restoration of Israel, of spiritual rejuvenation of the "Even so come, Lord Jesus."
people, and the return of Yahweh's glory to Jerusalem (all cov-
ered in the last chapters) which consummates in the final, thrill- The warnings, pleadings and visions of Ezekiel and Daniel
ing statement: "The name of the city from that day shall be, greatly assisted in the development of a people prepared for the
Yahweh Shammah, Yahweh is there!" decree of Cyrus and the restoration under Zerubbabel when it
Those familiar with Brother Sulley's work on the Temple came, as the warnings, pleadings and visions of the Book of
12 13
i I Revelation can help prepare a people today for the anti-type of
Cyrus, even the Lord Jesus Christ. The prophets rebutted the Analysis of EzekieVs
truth-denying teaching of the false prophets, and their example
roused the people from their apathetic and decadent state,
energising them for the return. They, therefore, played a power-
ful part in preparing the people for the work of the restoration,
drawing them out of the thraldom of error and setting them There are five main divisions in Ezekiel's book, and appro-
firmly on the pathway of truth. Their writings and example can priately (for five is the spiritual number of grace) these set out the
help us today as we await the manifestation of the anti-typical principles of Divine grace. They are as follows:
Cyrus and the Kingdom he will set up on earth which will bring
about the destruction of spiritual Babylon. THEME AND OUTLINE OF EZEKIEL
1. Ezekiel's Commission — Chapters 1-3.
2. Judgment on Jerusalem
— Chapters 4 - 24.
3. Judgment on the Nations
— Chapters 25 - 32.
Prophecies of the Restoration — Chapters 33 - 39.
5. The Glorious Consummation — Chapters 40 - 48.

The basic message relates to the Glory, however, and so

these five sections can be divided up in the following way:
The Vision of the Cherubim Ch. 1
WHAT IS PROPHECY? Ezekiel's Commission ... Ch. 2:1-8
Ezekiel's Instruction Ch. 2:9-3:14
Prophecy is a revelation of God's will and designs in His Duty as a Watchman Ch. 3:15-27
relation to man, and the government of the world.
Prophecy may include doctrine, instruction, warning, THE GLORY DEPARTS — CHAPTERS 4 - 24
entreaty, expostulation, or whatever Yahweh has been Siege of Jerusalem dramatised Ch. 4
pleased to reveal to man. But specially and principally, Horrors of the Siege described Ch. 5
A Remnant preserved Ch. 6
Prophecy is the foretelling of future events. It is a delinea- Final desolation of the Nation Ch. 7
tion of the fate of cities, nations, kingdoms, and empires; Idolatry among the Elders Ch. 8
sometimes with all the minuteness of historic record. Discrimination between Just and Unjust .... Ch. 9
The Glory departs Ch. 10.11
To reveal future events is solely the prerogative of Him The Impending Captivity Predicted ... Ch. 12
who "sees the end from the beginning"; with whom all The Guilt of the False Prophets ... Ch. 13
Yahweh's Righteousness Vindicated ... Ch. 14
things are present — nothing past, nothing future. ... Ch. 15
The Parable of the Fruitless Vine ... Ch. 16
Man is the medium through whom God has been The Parable of the Foundling Child ... Ch. 17
pleased to reveal the purposes of His will; and those The Parables of the Eagles, the Vines & the Cedar ... Ch. 18
through whom He thus communicates are called Prophets. The Parable of the sour Grapes . Ch. 19
The Parable of the Lioness and Whelps ... Ch. 20
—/. Thomas. The Goodness and Severity of Yahweh ... Ch. 21
The Sighing Prophet and Sharpened Sword .. Ch. 22
Yahweh's Witness against His People ... Ch. 23
The Infidelity of Aholah and Aholibah ... Ch. 24
The Parable of the Boiling Pot and Mourning Prophet


(Seven nations mocked at Israel's distress, and the hidden glory
struck them down).
Ammon - Moab - Edom - Philistia •• • Ch. 25
1 Xvre
1 1C
- 26"28
-> nb 29 - 32
14 Un
Egypt - Zy i l
Prophecies of the Restoration Ezekiel Re-commissioned as
Ezekiel re-commissioned as a Watchman
Partial Vindication of his Prophecies
Ch. 33:1-20
Ch. 33:21-33 Watchman
The coming Shepheid-Prince Ch. 34
The Final Doom of Israel's Enemies Ch. 35 Ch. 33:1-20
A Transformed Land Ch. 36:1-15
A Transformed People Ch. 36:16-38 This section of Ezekiel's prophecy records his appointment
A Transformed Nation Ch. 37:1-14 as watchman to the people. It is similar in wording to Ch. 3:15-21
A Transformed Government Ch. 37:15-28
Gentile Invasion of Yahweh's Land Ch. 38 where the prophet records how he had received an earlier ap-
Flesh Humbled and Yahweh Exalted Ch. 39 pointment to the same position. Why should the commission and
its terms be repeated here? For a most significant and important
THE GLORY RETURNS — CHAPTERS 40-48 reason. The appointment recorded in chapter 3 came from Yah-
The Millemal House of Prayer Ch. 40-42 weh, and, at that time, was not endorsed by the people who
The Return of the Glory and Cleansing of Israel Ch. 43 did not recognise the prophet's authority as such. But time had
The Royal Priesthood C4i. 44 wrought a change. The people had learned that the words
The Holy Oblation and Sanctuary Ch. 45
The King in His Beauty Ch. 46 Ezekiel spake were weighty words of truth, and they had come
The Living Waters of Jerusalem Ch. 47 to trust and lean upon him, and finally to accept him as "their
The Complete Restoration and Settlement of Israel Ch. 48 watchman" {see Ezek. 33:2).
But though Ezekiel was now respected and accepted by a
people who had previously rejected his message, his duties and
responsibilities as Watchman remained the same. He must not
allow the popular acclaim and respect that he was now receiv-
ing to affect his loyalty to Yahweh or weaken the words of
exhortation and warning he must deliver to the people. He must
THE COMING GLORY seek to please Yahweh and not flesh. If the situation demanded
it, he must set forth the word of Yahweh in forthright, com-
Paul instructed his contemporaries who looked for the pelling language, even though it might be unpalatable to men.
presence of the Lord Jesus Anointed, and their gathering Ezekiel's example will be followed by true spiritual watchmen to
together around him, that the day of that apocalypse should the present day, who seek to magnify Yahweh's Word above all
be preceded by an apostasy from the truth, which should else {Psalm 138:2).
attain great and powerful development. This Apostasy exists
in what is called Christendom, in all its Names and Denom- Responsibilities of a Watchman— the troublous times of the Baby-
inations; and is largely treated of in the Apocalypse, It will Vv. 1-6 lonian captivity, and had there-
shortly attain that maturity which precedes annihilation. The fore seen "a sword upon the land."
coming is for this purpose that when abolished, "the know- // he fails to give due warning Now they are taught to interpret
of approaching danger to the peo- such as the hand of Yahweh, and
ledge of the glory of Yahweh may cover the earth as the ple, the blood of those who die to recognise such national disasters
waters cover the sea" (Num. 14:21; Isaiah 11:9; Hab. in consequence of the disaster will as evidence of Divine judgment (see
2:14; Rev. 18:1). The Day of Christ is now at hand, the be required at his hand! v. 21). They are encouraged to
signs of his coming are abroad in the earth; and blessed will heed the signs of the times.
VERSE 1 "If the people of the land take
they be who are watching and prepared.
"The word of Yahweh came a man"—Times of distress are de-
unto me"—That word is of power, signed to humble flesh, and cause
Eureka vol. i, p.
p. 139.
juy. and must be heeded (Isa. 55:11). men to seek help. God punished
The prophet prefaces his new reve- the nation to that end. Now
lation with these words to indicate Ezekiel is instructed what to do
that it is authoritative. when a humbled people seek him
for assistance. The appointment is
VERSE 2 similar to that found in ch. 3, with
"When I bring a sword upon this great difference that there
the land"—The people to whom Ezekiel is represented as being
Ezekiel spoke had been through commissioned by Yahweh (see Ch.
3:17), here by the people. When attitude of a true watchman should of Memorial, the beginning of the warning to the people of these
the appointment came from Yah- be one of constant vigilance, anti- ten days of Repentance, which cul- matters.
weh, the prophet's duty was clear: cipating the future, and assuming a minate in the Day of Atonement,
he must perform the will of Yah- position of responsibility to those as a time of self-examination and VERSE 4
weh. But what when the appoint- under his care, whilst, in all these humble petition for forgiveness. "Whosoever heareth"—The He-
ment came from the people? Must things, seeking the divine blessing. The Scriptural injunction of the brew renders: "He that hearing
he disregard public opinion even Shofar for the New Year's Day has heareth" (see mg.) The language
under such conditions? The VERSE 3 a profound meaning. It says, of Ezekiel thus anticipates that of
prophet is shown that he is respon- "When he seeth the sword come" 'Awake, ye sleepers, and ponder the Lord Jesus whom the prophet,
sible to Yahweh alone! How sig- —He will begin to warn the peo- over your deeds; remember your as Son of Man, typed (see Rev.
nificant are the instructions to him ple, when he observes the approach Creator and go back to Him in 2:7, 11, 17, 29).
in view of the present method or of danger from afar. He will not penitence. Be not of those who
appointing those to Ecclesial auth- wait until the danger is apparent miss realities in their pursuits of "Taketh not warning"—The He-
ority—by democratic vote! Yah- to all, but will anticipate its com- shadows, and waste their years in brew for "warning" is zahar, "to
weh's words to Ezekiel should be ing by the signs he will perceive as seeking after vain things which gleam," and figuratively "to en-
heeded by all such. he peers into the distance. cannot profit or deliver. Look well lighten." The person who heeds the
to your souls and consider your sound of the warning trumpet will
It is obvious, from the chapter "He blow the trumpet and warn acts: forsake each of you his evil stand out, or gleam from amidst
before us, that the status of Ezek- the people"—The bounden duty of ways and thoughts, and return to those of his contemporaries who
iel, in the eyes of the Jews in dis- spiritual watchmen is to be ever God so that He may have mercy fail to do so, because he will
persion had gradually changed. As vigilant, with head figuratively bent upon you.'" act upon the things heard. The very
the storm-clouds gathered ovei forward, and eyes peering into the enlightenment that he will receive
Jerusalem, and it became increas- d.siance, that they may warn Spiritual watchmen must aim will cause him to gleam with intellec-
ingly evident that his warnings of should danger approach. If it does, to stir up similar responses in their tual understanding. On the other
impending destruction were about their duty is to disturb the people hearers and thus awaken them to hand, those who refuse to heed the
to be fulfilled, the people realised by sounding the harsh, strident a sense of personal responsibility. warning message remain in spiritual
that he spake with divine authority. note of the trumpet, (see Isa. 58:1; It is significant that the Shofar darkness, and bring upon their own
He won their respect, whilst the Amos 3:6; Jer. 6:16-17). They trumpet should have three dis- heads the result of their folly.
false prophets, who had previously utterly fail in their duty if, on such tinct notes, for Bible prophecy (the However, whether the people took
opposed him, were shown to be but occasions, they fail to awaken their fulfilment of which, in our days, heed or not, the watchman was
liars. The people now desired to hearers with an imperative note of acts like a Shofar trumpet to exempt from all responsibility once
hear Ezekiel's message (Ch. 33:30- warning, that will instantly alert awaken us to our responsibilities) he had faithfully discharged his
33), so that he became their them of the danger confronting indicates also three distinct "notes" duty.
spiritual leader. Nevertheless, his them. They had to recognize that that shall usher in the Kingdom of
appointment was primarily from to be forewarned is to be fore- God. Paul likens these times to VERSE 5
God, and only later endorsed by armed. periods of "sudden destruction"
the people, and in this he typed "He took not warning"—In this
The trumpet sounded by watch- which shall come upon the world, verse, Ezekiel shows that there is a
the Lord Jesus who, at his second men of old was the shofar trumpet, "as travail upon a woman with
coming, will find acceptance with solemn duty resting upon the peo-
an instrument that gave a harsh, child" (1 Thess. 5:3). Like the ple to heed the message delivered
the people. ear-splitting, warning note. It was three-fold blasts of the Shofar- unto them. The watchman is ex-
"A man of their coasts"—One the noise of this trumpet that her- trumpet, the pangs of childbirth are empt from all blame if he has
of their own number, who was thus alded the opening of the Jewish not continuous; they come on and warned the people with the harsh,
more likely to give loyal service civil year on the first day of the recede in three main stages, with peremptory sound of the trumpet.
to their cause. A true watchman seventh month of the sacred year ever increasing strength, until birth. Thenceafter responsibility rested
must identify himself with the peo- (Lev. 23:24), which was also the Bible prophecy likewise indicates with the people.
ple over whom he is placed. first month of the civil year! This three great crises leading to the
was ten days before the Day of birth of the New World. The first VERSE 6
"Their watchman"—The Hebrew Atonement (v. 27), and concerning of these (World War I) saw the "If the people be not warned
word tsaphah signifies "to lean for- its use on this solemn occasion, one Turks driven from Immanuel's . . . his blood will I require at the
ward," to "peer" as though into Jewish writer has stated: Land, and the doors of Palestine watchman's hand"—Ezekiel is war-
the distance. A watchman, there- swing open to receive returning ned that if he hesitates to sound
fore, is one who is on the lookout "The sound of the Shofar, con- Jews; the second (World War II) the harsh warning note of the
for danger, and who is prepared to sisting, as handed down by tradi- witnessed the emergence of Russia trumpet in time of danger, he
faithfully warn those who have tion, of three distinctive Shofar- as a world power, and the estab- would be held accountable if the
placed him in that position of notes—tekiah, shevarim, teruah— lishment of Israel as a nation; the people suffered. A true watchman
trust. The success of a spiritual has been looked upon from time third (World War III) will con- is thus called upon to rouse those
watchman depends on the blessing immemorial as a call to contrition summate in the establishment of under his care at the slightest sign
of Yahweh, without which he and penitence, as a reminder of the the Kingdom of God. of danger, long before the city
"waketh in vain" (Psalm 127). The Shofar-sound of Sinai; and the Day Watchmen should give due might be at the point of attack.

Under such conditions, those sud- "Therefore thou shalt hear the to impress them with the extreme A Message Of Warning For The
denly roused from sleep might well word at My mouth, and warn them danger that faced them, but blended People—Vv. 12-16
be incensed at what they would from Me"—This is the onerous with the threat of punishment was
consider an unwarranted interrup- duty and responsibility of a watch- also the promise of mercy. If the There is a tendency to blame the
tion of their slumber. Spiritual man. He must hearken first to Yah- people would but turn from their leaders of a nation or an Ecclesia
watchmen have been censured for weh, and then proclaim the Word wicked way, the impending destruc- for troubles that arise, to the
so doing. Indeed, that was the atti- to the people without fear or favor tion could be stayed. exclusion of the people. But it
tude of Israelites in the days of (cp. Ezek. 2:7-10). It is not per- should be realised that a respon-
sonal opinion that should be heard, VERSE 10 sibility rests upon the people to
the prophets, for the people irrit- seek righteouness and true peace
ably demanded of them: "Speak to even though it might be based "If our transgressions be upon
us of smooth things, publish us upon fleshly wisdom and practical us, and we pine away in them, whatever course of action the lea-
words of deceit." They did not experience, but rather the Voice how should we live?"—Ezekiel had ders might take. People cannot
recognise the danger, and therefore and Wisdom of Yahweh as expres- already warned the people that they evade their responsibility by blam-
much preferred to sleep in the sed in the Word. would suffer punishment if they ing their leaders—particularly if
hope that all was well, rather than persisted in turning from Yahweh they have been partly responsible
be harshly disturbed. VERSE 8 (Ezek. 4:17; 24:23), and in doing for placing the leaders into their
so had endorsed the teaching of the positions of trust. That was the
In view of this attitude on the "If thou dost not speak to warn case with Ezekiel. The people had
part of the people, there naturally . . . his blood will I require at Law (Lev. 26:39). Yet the nation
remained blind to its failings. The appointed him as their Watchman,
would develop a reluctance on the thine hand"—It is important to and now a message of warning was
part of watchmen to disturb them, notice the emphatic repetition of wicked justified themselves in their
wickedness by stating that punish- directed to them that they must
and so Yahweh warned Ezekiel of this principle (cf. v. 7). It is just heed the message of the watchman
the tremendous responsibility rest- that watchmen should bear respon- ment could not be avoided since
Yahweh had decreed it should come, when it is delivered unto them.
ing upon him as a watchman to sibility in proclaiming the warning
faithfully proclaim the warning message of Yahweh. Paul recogni- and therefore they might just as well
message delivered to him, come sed this principle and faithfully and continue on in their impious ways VERSE 12
what may. If he did not do so, fearlessly acted upon it. To the which they enjoyed anyway. They "The righteousness of the right-
the responsibility of lost lives elders of the Ephesian Ecclesia, he inquired: "If our transgressions and eous shall not deliver him in the
would rest on him. It is far bet- declared: "I take you to record our sins be upon us, and we pine day of his transgression"—Right-
ter to risk offending man than risk this day, that I am pure from the away in them, how should we then eousness must be manifested con-
offending God! blood of all men. For I have not live?" By "pining away," they sistently, else it will be unavailing.
shunned to declare unto you all meant succumbing to a gradual This does not mean that a righteous
the counsel of God" (Acts 20:26- consumption of life. person does not sin, but it means
The Watchman's Duties Re-defined 27). But he also went on to warn that a person recognising that he
—Vv. 7-9 that there would be those mani- VERSE 11 has sinned, will seek forgiveness.
Ezekiel was called upon to re- fested in the Ecclesias who would "As I live, saith the Lord Yah- David smned grievously, but obtain-
cognise that though the people fail to do this, and in order to weh"—This declaration is made on ed mercy, and provided an example
might appoint him as "their draw disciples after them would the grounds that Yahweh is the for all those who find themselves
watchman," it was his duty to not proclaim the whole counsel of source of life, and therefore finds in a similar position. But there is
faithfully proclaim the word of God. What a tremendous responsi- no pleasure in death, not even in such a thing as "the salt losing
Yahweh come what may. bility rests upon those holding that of the wicked. its savor," "the branch abiding not
office in the Ecclesias! "I have no pleasure in the death in the vine," "apostatising from the
VERSE 7 faith," "running well for a time"
VERSE 9 of the wicked"—As the God of life,
"I have set thee a watchman" Yahweh delights m the spiritual (Gal. 5:7), and then "turning from
•—Though the people might appoint "If thou warn the wicked . . . and physical life of His people, the Truth." Such inconsistencies will
Ezekiel as "their watchman" (see thou hast delivered thy soul"— and derives no pleasure from their prove fatal in the day of judgment
v. 2), his real appointment was Paul again applies this principle, punishment or death. One of the in spite of past righteousness (Matt.
from Yahweh, and his greatest this time to Timothy, when he ex- most compelling statements of Scrip- 5:13; John 15:6; 1 Cor. 9:27; 10:3-
obligation was to Him. Ecclesial horts him: "Take heed unto thy- ture in that regard is found in Jere- 12; 2 Cor. 6:1; Heb. 10:26; Heb.
appointments should be viewed in self, and unto the doctrine; con- miah 29:11, where He states His 10:31, 38; 2 Pet. 2:20-21; 2 Pet.
this light, even though they are tinue in them: for in doing this desire to help His people, for His 3:17; 2 John 8; Rev. 3:11).
made by popular vote. God rules thou shalt both save thyself, and thoughts towards them are for good "The wicked shall not fall in the
in the Ecclesias (Rev. 2:1), as much them that hear thee" (1 Tim. 4:16). and not evil. To that end, He con- day that he turneth"—There is
as He does in the nations (Dan. tinuously pleads with the wicked mercy extended to all if they will
4:17), and any who possess talents to "turn from their way and live" but grasp it (Zech. 1:3; Jer. 3:14).
or have received authority should A Message Of Hope For Israel—
Vv. 10-11 (see 1 Tim. 2:4; 2 Pet. 3:9). Ezek- In view of this promise of hope,
see that they use these as "good iel showed that true reformation there was no need for any to com-
stewards of the manifold grace of The warning of the watchman will only come from Yahweh's plain that they would inevitably
God" (1 Pet. 4:10). to the sinners in Israel was designed spirit-word (Ch. 37:14). "pine away in their sins." They
20 21

would only do so if they refused to (James 1.22; Lev. 18:5. Consider to which it is claimed that the Jews false impression that their case was
repent. Abraham: Gen. 17:1). changed the original text from hopeless. The prophet warns that
"Without committing iniquity"— Yahweh to Adonai. should this happen, and the righte-
VERSE 13 ous lapse from their previous con-
Without doing so habitually. This "Is not equal" — The Hebrew
"If he trust to his own right- is the obvious meaning as v. 16 word takan signifies "to weigh, sistency, they would surely die
eousness"—Flesh has no righteous- shows; otherwise there would be ponder," and implies a judgment without hope. Thus he appealed to
ness of its own (Isa. 64:6). How no need for forgiveness. that is revealed as just by carefully their faith, and called upon them
then can one trust in his own pondering the issues. The Jews to reveal it in action.
righteousness? Paul declared of "He shall surely live"—The claimed repeatedly that Yahweh was
himself, that trusting in his own statutes of the Law are described VERSE 19
in this verse as the "statutes of not just, or did not carefully weigh
righteousness made him a sinner! the issues (Ezek. 18-25, 29; 33:20), "If the wicked turn"—The judg-
(Phil. 3:3-7; Rom. 10:3) life" on the assumption that if a but in this they spokp foolishly. How ments that Yahweh had poured out
man kept the statutes, he should different was the attitude of Hannah upon guilty Jerusalem provided a
"If he commit iniquity, all his live in them (Lev. 18:5; Ezek. salutary warning to the wicked that
righteousness shall not be remem- 20:11). These "statutes of life" (1 Sam. 2:2-3) and Solomon (Prov.
16:2)! How completely just Yahweh they could not escape similar pun-
bered"—The message Ezekiel was emphasised the reality of sin and ishment if they continued in their
called upon to deliver should have the need of a redeemer (Rom. 7.10; is, is shown in the principles of the
atonement for the forgiveness of folly. The prophet appealed to
impressed the people with the fact 8:3). The doer of the law, there- them to heed the exhortation, and
that Yahweh requires the mani- fore, lived within the framework sins (Rom. 3:25-26).
turn from their ways in the assur-
festation of truth in consistent of what the law pointed to, and "Their way is not equal"—They ance that they would receive for-
action. recognised that in spite of all his are not consistent in their attitude, giveness of their sins if they did so
VERSE 15 "works" he still sinned, and must for they do not carefully weigh up in faith.
look in faith to the covering that all the circumstances and issues in-
"If the wicked . . . "—In this Yahweh would ultimately provide volved. Consider what is expected VERSE 20
verse the prophet reveals to the (Ps. 32:1; Rom. 4:6). Such an of us in that regard (Heb. 5:13-14). "Ye say, The way of Yahweh is
people how they should reveal faith Israelite had his eyes opened to be- not equal"—The very circumstances
in action. The things he calls upon hold wondrous things out of Yah- VERSE 18 of the Jews at the time illustrated
them to do fall into three cate- weh's law (Ps. 119:18). He recog- "He shall even die thereby"— the perfect justness of Yahweh in
gories, and can be summed up in nised the sacrifices were but a fore- The prophet thus appealed for con- judgment. Guilty Jerusalem had
(1)—acts of mercy to others; (2)— shadowing of the reality that would sistency in action on the part of the been punished; but a remnant had
the manifestation of integrity before be provided in the person of the people. The warning was appropri- escaped. The remnant had escaped
God; (3)—obedience to the will of promised seed of the woman (Gen. ate to the times, for it was given for "their good" (Jer. 24:5). There-
the Father. 3:15). In the light of that know- on the eve of news being received fore they were warned not to mis-
"Restore the pledge"—This was ledge, his sins were forgiven him of the final destruction of the city judge circumstances, but by care-
a merciful provision of the Law of (Ezek. 33:16), and he could attain and Temple of Jerusalem. Such a fully pondering all the issues in-
Moses, and thus denoted acts of unto life (Luke 10:28). Therefore, depressing report could have caused volved, to see that Yahweh is just
mercy to others by waiving per- it was only possible to "walk in even the righteous to despair, and in all His ways, meting out perfect
sonal rights (Exod. 22:26). That is the statutes of life" through faith, turn from serving God under the judgment.
what Ezekiel called upon the peo- as Paul shows in Romans 10:5-9.
ple to do.
"Give again that he had robbed" Yahweh's Judgment Is Just—Vv.
—Manifest integrity in action as 17-20 SUMMARY OF A WATCHMAN'S DUTIES
did Zacchaeus (Luke 19:8; See The people complained that Yah-
Exod. 22:1, 4, 7; Lev. 6:2, 4, 5). weh was not just in His dealings " He must be able to correctly interpret the true state of
The robber is known unto God, with them, and particularly in His affairs, and the real significance of events (vv. 1-2).
although he may be unknown to judgments against them. But the * He must sound a loud, haish note of warning when neces-
the community, and in openly re- prophet showed that jar from that sary (v. 3).
storing the spoil he has gained in being the case, Yahweh is just in
secret, his integrity would be made all His ways, whereas the people *• He must accept a personal responsibility in delivering his
manifest to God. had proved completely inconsistent message (v. 6).
"Walk in the statutes of life"— in their ways. * He must hearken to and expound the word of Yahweh (v. 7).
This means to obey the command- * He must not force reform by his individual personality but
ments of Yahweh, which is the VERSE 17
rather lead to reformation by personal example and sound
manifestation of a true love to- "The Lord"—According to the teaching (v. 9).
wards Him (2 John 5, 6). By so Companion Bible, this should read
doing, they would become doers "Yahweh," being one of the emen-
of the word and not hearers only dations of the Sopherim, according
22 23


The Attitude of the Remnant In

Smitten City The Messenger from Jerusalem—
vv. 21-22 Judah—Vv. 23-29
Jeremiah {see chapters 40-43)
The impact of this message upon
(Ezekiel 33:21-23) the people of the captivity must records that the remnant who re-
have been profound. Many had mained in the land after the des-
been hoping that Ezekiel's pro- truction of the city, continued in a
In this section of the prophecy, Ezekiel describes how that phecies of doom would prove state of rebellion against both
a messenger arrived at Tel Abib from the doomed city of Jer- wrong, and not Jerusalem but Yahweh and Babylon. This led to
usalem, bringing the sad news of the complete overthrow of the rather Babylon would fall {Jer. the shameful murder of Gedaliah
28: 1-4). But the news they now who had been placed in authority
capital and Temple after a two years' siege by the Babylonians. over the remaining Jews, and to the
received completely destroyed any
He was the forerunner of that sad, doleful company of captives hope of immediate restoration. subsequent flight of the remnant
brought from the destroyed city to Babylon. Yet when he into Egypt, contrary to a promise
arrived, he found the prophet in a state of ecstasy, and with lips made to Jeremiah that they would
VERSE 21 heed the Divine instruction which
unsealed, at last speaking freely upon the purpose of Yahweh. required of them to remain in the
"The twelfth year"—The twelfth
Sad as the message from Jerusalem was, it confirmed the word of year would have been about eigh- land. Now Ezekiel makes reference
Yahweh that the prophet had proclaimed to the people, and vindi- teen months after the fall of the to the results of this folly.
cated the warnings and the promises that he had uttered. So the city which seems a long delay be- VERSE 24
truth and wisdom of Yahweh's Word were revealed by events. fore the news was received. How-
ever, many mss have "eleventh "They that inhabit those wastes
On the very day that Jerusalem was besieged for the last year" instead of the "twelfth," of the land of Israel" — The
which would date this event about "wastes" had been caused by the
time a series of signs had been given to Ezekiel (Ezek. 24:1), six months after the fall of the city devastations of the Babylonians,
indicative of the destruction about to fall upon that city. After (2 Kings 25:2, 8). and those who inhabited them com-
an interval of time (v, 15), he was warned that his wife, "the prised the remnant that was al-
desire of his eyes" would suddenly die (v. 16), but he was "One that had escaped"—Eze- lowed to remain in the land after
kiel had prophesied that such a the captives were taken to Baby-
commanded that he was not to mourn for her. When the time messenger would arrive from the lon (Jer. 40:5).
came for this to happen {the day the city fell), Ezekiel, faithful doomed city, and the terms of his "Speak saying" — They were
to the instruction of Yahweh, gave no sign of sorrow or mourn- prediction (see Ezek. 24:26) imply moved by religious fanaticism that
that it was on that day that his blinded their eyes to their own
ing. This amazed the people, who were by it reminded that wife died (v. 25). He had also pre-
there is a sorrow too deep for tears, and a tragedy too terrible and shortcomings, and the manifest
dicted that his tongue would then be judgments of Yahweh against them.
final for mourning. In Ezekiel's day the sorrow would be that loosed, and he would be able to Previously they had placed their
consequent upon the destruction of the beloved city and Temple, speak freely about the future (v. confidence in the fact that the
27), which he subsequently did in Temple remained (Jer. 7:4), but
a calamity so terrible in the estimation of the people as to over- these prophecies of the restoration.
shadow mere personal tragedy in the death of sons or daughters, with the fall of Jerusalem and
destruction of the Temple, they
husbands or wives {Ezek. 24:20-23). VERSE 22 took comfort in another argument,
But though this sign had been given the Jews in captivity at "The hand of Yahweh was upon claiming that they were still in
me"—He felt the influence of Yah- the land promised to Abraham,
the time the city fell, the full impact was not felt until this messen- and because the land had been pro-
ger arrived from the smitten city with his doleful news. His pre- weh's presence, as though Yahweh mised to him, they would never be
had physically taken hold of him removed therefrom. They were
sence caused Ezekiel to freely speak words of warning, reproof, and imparted strength to him. See
and, above all, of hope in the national redemption of Israel. In the also Ch. 1:3. wrong as Jeremiah had declared
(Jer. 24-8-10).
destruction of Jerusalem there was the vindication of all that he had "Had opened my mouth"—The "Abraham was one, and he in-
proclaimed before in the face of false prophets who declared it Divine influence upon him so af- herited the land: but we are many"
would not happen; and now, with the evidence of this judgment fected him that he was now able —How easy it is for men to blind
before them, the people heard words of warning that the dis- to speak freely. Previously he had themselves to facts. This miser-
been hesitant in speech, but now, able remnant put confidence in the
obedient remnant would not inherit the land {Ch. 33:25-26), following the vindication of his fact that they were numerically
whilst a humbled, disciplined, spiritually enlightened people earlier, gloomy prophecies, he is greater than Abraham. They
would ultimately do so {Ezekiel 37). able to predict with joy the com- claimed that if he were but one
ing glory. This freedom of speech and could inherit it, they could do
had been promised (Ch. 24:27). so because they were compara-
24 25

tively many. They overlooked the morality you destroy the very joying among the people of the to the Word. See 1 Cor. 13.
fact that he never did properly in- foundation of healthy family and captivity. He had assumed the "Their heart goeth after their
herit it, but is to do so in the national life. leadership among the dispersed own eovetousness"—The RSV ren-
future, and will do so because of "Shall ye possess the land?"—In in Tel Abib. ders this: "Their heart is set on
his faith, and not because of his these words Yahweh again indig- "Still are talking against thee"— their gain." With the fall of Jeru-
personal ability or power (Rom. nantly rejected the concept that The margin changes this to "of salem, the captives settled down in
4:19-24). such a people could inherit the thee," and this change is sup- Babylonia, realising that there was
"The land is given us for inheri- land promised to Abraham. ported by the Revised Version. The no hope of an immediate return
tance"— The RSV renders: "is captives were speaking "of Eze- to their land. They became intent
surely given us." This was their VERSE 27 kiel," not against him. The ful- upon establishing themselves there-
boastful claim, and it was voiced "Say thou thus unto them"—The filment of the prophet's words had in, perhaps justifying their attitude
in defiance of Yahweh's decree. prophet's words of rebuke related been followed by a change of atti- by a wrong application of Jere-
to the remnant still in the land. tude on the part of the people. miah's words (Ch. 29:4-7). And
VERSE 25 He was now accepted as their Babylon, like its modern counter-
"You shall fall by the sword"— watchman (v. 2), and was respected part, offered many attractive oppor-
"Thus saith the Lord Yahweh" This came to pass in the anarchy tunities. Gradually the prospect of
—Yahweh repudiates the boastful by them. But though the people
and bloodshed that followed the gladly hearkened to him, they did gain took possession of the captives,
confidence of flesh, and clearly re- rebellion against Gedaliah in which so that Ezekiel's message of restor-
veals the sin of the people. not act upon the exhortations they
he was slain (Jer. 41). listened to so readily. He was the ation had but little appeal for them.
"Ye eat with the blood"—They "Those in the forts"—The word popular preacher among them,
broke the explicit instructions of "forts" is metsad in Hebrew, and but the significance of his message VERSE 32
the Law (Lev. 3:17), and refused is the same word as is rendered did not penetrate their hardened "Thou art unto them as a very
to acknowledge Yahweh as the "strong holds" in 1 Sam. 23:14. hearts, lovely song"—They listened to Eze-
Provider of life's needs in the way These were strongholds formed by kiel's expositions for their enter-
appointed. Israelites were required "By the walls and in the doors"
nature in the caves or rocks of —In both public and private places tainment, and not for their edifi-
to pour out the blood of beasts the mountains, where the fugitives cation. They hearkened as one
slaughtered for meat as a token Ezekiel was the topic of conver-
might hide in safety from their sation. In view of the remarkable would to a song, rejoicing in the
that they would devote the strength tormentors. But though they might harmony and beauty thus revealed,
derived therefrom in service to fulfilment of his prophecies, people
seek refuge in places that seemed were encouraging one another to but failing to personally apply the
His holy Name. beyond the reach of man or beast, words of the prophet so that they
come and hear the word of Yah-
"You lift up your eyes towards even there the outsti etched arm of weh at his mouth. made no lasting impression. We
your idois"—You do not respect Divine judgment would reach forth can likewise treat the word in that
Yahweh's omnipotence in worship. to punish them. VERSE 31 way. We can rejoice in its beauty
"You shed biood"—You manifest "They come as the people coin- and in its harmony, but fail to
VERSE 29 apply the very message it is in-
violence, and not love, towards eth"—They went to him as dis- tended to convey.
your neighbours (cp. Isa. 1:15). "They shall know that I am ciples flock to their teachers.
Yahweh"—This is the theme of
"Shall ye possess the land?"— Ezekiel's message. The power of "They sit before thee as My "They hear thy words, but they
Shall such people as you be per- this Name will be vindicated in people" — In words and worship do them not"—They listened to the
mitted to possess the land? This that His warnings and prophecies they expressed great respect for prophet as they might hearken to
was the indignant question of Yah- will be fulfilled. Yahweh and esteem for His law. a person skilfully playing an in-
weh through the prophet. They strument. They were pleased with
"They hear, but will not do"— what they heard, but they did not
would have done so if they had They were excellent listeners, but
obeyed Yahweh The Attitude Of The Captives In "play" themselves. How often the
Babylon—Vv. 30-33 were not doers of the Word, and exposition of the Word is heark-
VERSE 26 therefore they deceived themselves ened to in that way. The Bible
In the remaining section of this (James 1:22, John 13:17). can captivate us with its sheer
"You stand upon your sword"— prophecy, Ezekiel turns to his fel- beauty, and we can be left in
You live by violence (Jer. 41:1-2). low captives to warn them of the "With their mouth they shew
N I much love"—This is a sm that is wonder at its harmony and wisdom
They relied upon the sword, and folly of their ways, and exhort without applying the principles re-
to the extent that they did so, they them to seek Yahweh in truth. not limited to that generation of
Israelites. To speak of love is vealed therein. Let us both listen
proclaimed the doctrine that might They are reminded that they must cheap; to reveal it in action re- and learn to apply. This is the re-
is right. be doers of the Word, and not quires the sacrifice of self. And sponsibility of the followers of
"You work abomination"—They hearers only (see Isa. 29:13). comparatively few are prepared the Lord in every age. They must
openly repudiated every principle VERSE 30 to make that sacrifice. See Psalm heed the warning voice of spiritual
' i! of righteousness. 78.36-37; Jer. 12:2; 1 John 3:18; watchmen, and act accordingly.
"The children of thy people"— They have a personal responsibility
"You defile your neighbour's This form of address indicates the 2 John 6; John 14:23. Notice that
a true love is revealed in obedience in that regard.
wife"—By your infidelity and im- status that Ezekiel was now en-
The Coming Shepherd King
VERSE 33 changed attitude on the part of
"Lo, when this cometh to pass" the people. They saw the vindica- Ezekiel 34
—The promised restoration pro- tion of Yahweh's words, and recog-
phesied by Ezekiel in these chap- nised the value of Ezekiel's instruc- This chapter beautifully reveals the duties of a shepherd
ters, had a typical fulfilment when tion. A tremendous reformation and of the flock; the promise of a coming Shepherd King, and
the Jews returned under Zerub- was wrought among the people the grand transformation that he will effect in the midst of Israel.
babel as recorded in the book of that went into captivity through the It indicts the shepherds of the past because they scattered the
Ezra, though its complete fulfil- influence and teaching of such as
ment awaits the future. Ezekiel and Daniel; for whereas flock instead of caring for it, and ate the sheep instead of feed-
"They shall know that a pro- they left Jerusalem tainted with ing them. The chapter needs to be studied in conjunction with
phet hath been among them"— paganism, they returned under Psalm 23, John 10 (the parable of the Good Shepherd), and
The partial fulfilment of the pro- Zerubbabel spiritually regenerated,
phecy of the restoration in Zerub- never again to be so affected by such shepherd-types of the Lord Jesus as Abel, Joseph, Moses,
babel's day, brought about a idolatry. David and so forth. The king of Israel was looked upon as the
shepherd of the nation, leading the army in time of war and the
people in time of peace (2 Sam. 5:2). As he ruled for Yahweh,
so he was called upon to manifest the Shepherd characteristics
of Yahweh before the people: for Yahweh is the Great Shepherd
of the flock (Ps. 80:1).
Describing the work of a shepherd, Thompson in "The Land
What is the value of the world's opinions on divine and the Book" has written as follows:
things? Literally nothing; yea, worse than nothing — they "The shepherd goes before, not merely to point the way,
are positively pestilential; and sedulously to be avoided by but to see that it is practicable and safe. He is armed in order
all who would attain to the knowledge of the Truth. What to defend his charge; and in this he is very courageous. Some
can a man know of mathematics or chemistry who has not sheep always keep near the shepherd, and are his special favor-
studied the principles of these sciences? Should such a person ites. Each of them has a name to which it answers joyfully; and
by any possibility be found in the seat of Euclid, Newton, the kind shepherd is ever distributing to such, choice portions
Davy, Dalton, or Faraday, would he not be the scorn and which he gathers for that purpose. These are the contented and
derision of all intelligent and skilful mathematicians and happy ones. They are in no danger of getting lost or into mis-
chemists? Such is the world for wisdom in the things of God, chief, nor do wild beasts or thieves come near them. The great
in the estimation of "scribes instructed for the kingdom of body, however, are mere worldlings, intent upon their own
the heavens." Mankind are commanded to dig for know- pleasures or selfish interests. They run from bush to bush,
ledge as for hid treasure if they would acquire it. This is a searching for varieties or delicacies, and only now or then lift
law to which there are only rare exceptions; as it may please their heads to see where the shepherd is, or rather, where the
God. Even His own prophets had to dig in the fields of one general flock is, lest they get so far away as to occasion remark
another for treasure not specially, or personally revealed by in their little community, or rebuke from their keeper. Others,
the Spirit. Witness the case of Daniel's study of Jeremiah again, are restless or discontented, jumping into everybody's
(Dan. 9:2). . . . How absurd, then, to regard the opinions field, climbing into bushes. These cost the good shepherd inces-
of the world concerning God and His Truth as any more sant trouble. Then there are others, incurably reckless, who stray
than mere folly and conceit! The only depository of know- far away and are utterly lost. I have repeatedly seen, a silly
ledge respecting these (excepting His eternal power and goat or sheep, running hither and thither, and bleating piteously
<U Deity, which are manifest from His works) is the Scripture; after the flock, only to call forth from their dens the beasts of
and into that mine mankind do not dig. prey, or to bring up the lurking thief, who quickly quietens its cries
— Herald Of The Coming Age, 1857. in death."
The chapter before us reveals the responsibilities of both
shepherds and flocks, and includes a prophecy concerning the
coming of the great shepherd prince who will restore the flock
to its land and carefully care for it to its ultimate benefit.
28 29
i I i

The Failure of Israel's Shepherds their resources by their demands down, to subjugate." The Shepherds VERSE 11
for tithes and tribute, whilst they should have pastured them; instead "I will search My sheep"—Yah-
—Vv. 1-6 they dominated them, and trod
gave nothing in return. Thus they weh is revealed as the Chief Shep-
The shepherds appointed over were condemned by the rebuke: them down. herd (Ps. 23:1; 80:1; 78:52-53),
the Israel flock are indicted be- "Ye feed not the flock." and here He represents Himself as
cause of their selfish indifference VERSE 5
seeking out His lost sheep. The
to the welfare of the flock. They VERSE 4 "My sheep wandered through the Hebrew for "search" is darash, and
are revealed as mere hirelings, and "The diseased have ye not mountains"—Driven away by their signifies to "tread, frequent, follow,"
not as true shepherds. strengthened" — The RSV renders shepherds, Israel wandered like and thus "to trace steps." So
this as "the weak." silly sheep without purpose or true Yahweh represents Himself as care-
leadership; they wandered aimlessly fully seeking out the tracks of His
VERSE 2 "Neither have ye bound up the as sheep will, following those who
broken"—They did not manifest scattered and wandering sheep,
"Prophesy against the shepherds take the lead, even into trouble that He might restore them to the
of Israel"—The word shepherd is the characteristics of Yahweh, the and death. fold. True spiritual shepherds will
translated from the Hebrew ra'ah chief Shepherd Who sets this forth emulate this Divine characteristic,
which is derived from a root signi- as part of what He does for the Judgment On The Shepherds—Vv. and will reflect upon the fact that
fying "to pasture, rule, associate flock (see Ps. 147:3; Isa. 61:1). As 7-10. His will will be accomplished
with" (as a friend). This is what His under-shepherds, they should whether they are faithful or not.
a true shepherd should do. The have imitated His characteristics. Shepherds were responsible to
term comprehends both civil and A true shepherd will tenderly care those who employed them for the "And seek them out"—The word
ecclesiastical rulers (see Isa. 56:11; for those lambs and sheep m his entire flock, and were held account- "seek" is a translation of baqar, "to
Jer. 2:8). care that cannot walk, and will able in case of loss. The day of judg- plough, to lay open with the object
carry them on his shoulders even ment will reveal the negligence of of inspection, to care for, to con-
"Woe to the shepherds"—They at the expense of his personal dis- many who have claimed to be sider." All this Yahweh will do
are indicted because of their fail- comfort (Isa. 40:11). shepherds over the flock of God, for His flock. He will carefully
ure to look after their charges ac- but have failed to assume proper inspect it to ensure that it receives
cording to their appointment. See "Neither have ye sought that responsibility. the attention it requires.
similar "woes" pronounced (Jer. which was lost"—As a shepherd
23:1; Zech. 11:17; Matt. 23:14). will go out of his way to seek for VERSE 10 VERSE 12
a lost sheep, so also should the
"That do feed themselves"—The spiritual shepherds in regard to "I am against the shepherds and "As a shepherd seeketh out his
word in the Hebrew for "feed" is straying members. This is part of will require My flock at their hand" flock"—A true shepherd will use
that used in the same verse for their responsibility before the Mas- —It was the shepherd's responsi- the greatest care and diligence in
"shepherd." The shepherds shep- ter-Shepherd, even Yahweh. Israel's bility to make good any loss that caring for the flock. So also will
herded themselves! They were pre- shepherds gave more care to their resulted from his negligence (cp. Yahweh. He will seek His flock,
pared to sacrifice the flock for literal flocks than they did to Yah- Gen. 31:38-39), and a similar re- gather it together, count its mem-
themselves, whereas they should weh's flock (Matt. 18:12). Paul sponsibility rests upon spiritual bers, bring them into the fold, care-
have extended their self-sacrificing warned of a time when Ecclesial shepherds (Ezek. 3:18; Heb. 13:17; fully inspect them to observe their
devotion to the flock, and carefully shepherds would act in the same 1 Pet. 5:1-4). As the Good Shep- condition, bind up the wounds
pastured, or shepherded it. way (Acts 20:28-31). The warning herd, the Lord Jesus accounted of the lame and torn (Ps. 147:3),
of this chapter applies to such. for the entire flock placed in his and eventually lead them to lush,
VERSE 3 charge (John 17:12). A tremen- green pastures (Jer. 3:15).
"Ye eat the fat"—The Septuagint "With force"—The Hebrew word, dous responsibility rests upon those
chozgah, signifies "vehemence" or who assume the authority over the "The cloudy and dark day"—A
and Vulgate read "milk" instead day when the bright illumination of
i i'
of "fat" following a different read- the undue exercise of force. Ecclesial flock, and this should
ing: chalab (milk) instead of not be taken lightly. The indict- the sun (Yahweh's truth and in-
"With cruelty" — The Hebrew fluence) is clouded over. The terms
cheleb (fat). The difference is only word, pehrek, signifies "to break ment of Ezekiel applies as much describe a period of storm and
one of vowel points, and as Heb- apart, to fracture." Israel had ex- today as it did in his days if one tempest sweeping down upon the
rew was originally written without perienced this in Egypt (Exod. 1: is negligent of his duty before land, and such expressions have
these, "milk" is probably correct, 13-14), and therefore Yahweh had Yahweh. been used to describe times of
especially as killing is referred to strictly warned against any Israel- trouble (Ezek. 30:3; Zeph. 1:15;
in the next clause. Whatever read- ite manifesting such an Egyptian Yahweh the Chief Shepherd To cp. Ezek. 38:9).
ing is accepted, the indictment is characteristic to his fellows (Lev. Restore The Flock—Vv. 11.16
that the shepherds lived off the 25:43). Yet, in spite of that sol- VERSE 13
flock instead of tending to it (v. Having accused the shepherds of
emn warning, the very shepherds gross negligence, Yahweh reveals "I will gather them"—Yahweh
8; Isa. 56:11). of the flock were guilty of doing that nevertheless they cannot frus- will restore the Israel flock through
"Ye kill them that are fed"— so. trate His purpose. He will care- the Good Shepherd later described
< M
These so-called shepherds drained "Ye ruled them"—The Hebrew fully search out His sheep, and in this chapter. (See also Ezek.
the wealthy among the people of word, rawdah, signifies "to tread restore them. 11:17; 38:8; Deut. 30:3-4; Ps. 107:
30 31


3. Isa. 65:9-10; Jer. 23:3; 50:19.) —They shall be gathered into the the "rams" and "he goats" to which lesser sheep. Ezekiel's words show
"And feed them"—The word fold, and there find peace and con- reference is particularly made. This that the strong of the flock are ex-
"feed" is the same word for "shep- tentment, when they have learnt will also apply to Ecclesial leaders. pected to care for the weak, and
herd." "I W'U shepherd them." He to acknowledge that this was Yah- See the exhortation of James 3:1. assist them by leading them to
^\l weh's doing (Jer. 23:6-8). pasture suited to their needs. How
^,[\l tteach them with His knowledge VERSE 18 frequently do those deeply taught
through the h pastors (shepherds)
( h h d ) He
"You have eaten up the good in the Word, speak above the heads
w y l provide (see Micah 7:14-16). "I will seek that which was lost" pastures"—This is the basis of of "babes in Christ," and refuse to
VERSE 14 —He will thus fulfil His purpose in Yahweh's indictment of the leaders feed them with simple elements of
Israel, and accomplish through of the flock. He declares that they the faith. Whilst it is a respon-
"They shall He down in a good His Good Shepherd, what the hire- sibility upon all to develop in un-
fold"—They shall be sheltered, have looked after themselves to
lings of the past have failed to the exclusion of weaker members, derstanding (Heb. 5:12), the
cared for, and pastured. This is accomplish (ct. v. 4; see Mic. 4:6). stronger among the flock have an
what the Lord Jesus also promised whom they have roughly horned
(John 10:16), and he is the one "I will destroy the fat and the out of the way in order that they added responsibility to "bear the
predicted in this chapter who will strong"—Having judged the shep- themselves might be supplied with infirmities of the weak, and not to
accomplish it (Ezek. 34:23). herds, he will also judge the sheep. food (v 21). What a powerful ex- please themselves" (Rom. 15:1).
Those that have prospered in Gen- hortation! Though there are no That is the principle laid down by
VERSE 15 tile pastures will be turned away. Divinely appointed shepherds today, Ezekiel here, and which should be
"I will cause them to lie down" See Amos 4:1. there are plenty of leaders, and if heeded by the "Israel of God" in
their influence has been used for every age. If they do not heed it
evil the future judgment will rest they will rue it at the Judgment -
heavily upon them. Let them make Seat of Christ.
THE QUALIFICATIONS OF A SHEPHERD the greatest use of their oppor-
tunity now, by going out of their VERSE 21
He must instruct, rule and lead the flock (v. 2).
He must inspect the sheep to seek out the sick and weak (v. 4). way to care for the weak among "Ye have thrust with the side"
He must manifest skill in attending them (v. 4). their number, otherwise they may etc.—You have manifested com-
He must reveal care and concern regarding straying sheep be eventually called to account. plete indifference to the feelings of
v. 4). others in setting forth your princi-
He must go out of his way to seek the wandering sheep VERSE 19 ples, and as a result "ye have
(v. 4). "As for My flock"—The context scattered them abroad." In doing
He must assume a personal responsibility over the flock shows that these words relate to so, you have thought of yourselves
(v. 10). the general members of the flock, more than of others and have thus
He must seek out good pasture. many of whom have been despised made yourself amenable to Di-
He must be prepared to protect the flock. by the so-called "strong." Though so vine judgment when Yahweh will
He must lead the way, not drive the sheep. treated by the stronger rams and "save His flock," and will "judge
he goats, they are nevertheless between cattle and cattle."
acknowledged by Yahweh as His
flock (cp. Isa. 66:5; 65:5). The Promise Of The Good Shep-
Judgment On The Flock—Vv. 17-22 that these have a greater degree of herd—Vv. 23-24
While a heavy responsibility responsibility than those smaller "They eat that which ye have
rests on the shepherds, a similar and younger than them, and that trodden . . . and drink that which The rest of this chapter outlines
this will be taken into account at ye have fouled"—The picture drawn the prophecy of the coming of the •
responsibility rests also upon the by the prophet is that of powerful Good Shepherd, and his future
flock. In the absence of fully the judgment seat.
sheep and goats ruthlessly pushing work in restoring the flock, leading
qualified shepherds, there is a ten- "Between the rams and the he the weak out of the way to obtain it to lush pastures, and granting it
dency among sheep to follow any goats"—The Good Shepherd will the best of the pasture, and then the security of his protection. There
of their fellows that might assume judge between the sheep and the treading the remnant of it down are some beautiful expressions in
the lead. These leaders of the flock goats (Matt. 25:32-33). This will so that little remains for the weak this glorious section of the
must see that they do not lead their apply to both spiritual and natural after they have gone their way; or prophecy.
fellows from the right path, for Israel (see Zech. 13:7; Amos 9:9; forcing their way to the water's
judgment will be meted out against Zech. 10:3). There will be a care- edge, and after drinking their fill, VERSE 23
those who do. ful discrimination and weeding out fouling the water which the weaker "I will set up one shepherd"—•
of rebels from among the Jews, of the flock must then drink or go Yahweh will set up over Israel a
VERSE 17 before the remainder are settled in without. It is a graphic picture of master-shepherd, or ruler, in place
"I will judge between cattle and the Land and incorporated into the the selfish attitude of those who of the hirelings of the past. This is
cattle"—The marginal rendition dis- Kingdom (Ezek. 20:37-38). In this may have advanced further than the "good shepherd" of John 10. A
criminates between the larger and judgment, a heavier responsibility others in their understanding of careful consideration of this par-
older cattle and sheep, implying will rest upon the leaders, for it is Scripture and who then treat with able will reveal that it is divided
utmost contempt the bleatings of into two parts: the parable of the
door (vv. 1-9), and the parable of VERSE 24
the good shepherd (vv. 10-18). "A prince among them"—The woods. See the expressions of frequently used to describe Israel.
Christ is both the door and the word for prince is nasi, "one lifted Micah 7:14. The "showers of blessing" will re-
good shepherd. He taught that "he up, an elevated one." This shep- sult in ample growth of fruit, ver-
that entereth in by the door is herd-prince is shown in contrast Showers Of Blessings—V. 26 dure and flocks, typical of spirit-
the shepherd of the sheep" (John to the "wicked prince" of Ezekiel The literal and spiritual drought ual increase to the glory of Yahweh.
10:2). But the Greek text lacks the 21:25. He is the shepherd-prince, conditions of the past will be com- "They shall be safe in their
definite article, and should be ren- because he will lead the people to pletely broken, when the law goes land"—Thus fulfilling the promise
dered "a shepherd," not "the shep- Yahweh, protecting them, as David forth from Zion. made to David (2 Sam. 7:10).
herd." There are shepherds besides did his flock, from the lion and the "I have broken the bands of their
the good shepherd (see 1 Pet. 5:1- bear (1 Sam. 17:36). Thus he is VERSE 26 yoke"—This is an expression drawn
4), and the Lord is here defining revealed in belligerent manifestation from the Law, and particularly the
the duties of such shepherds. They against the prince of Rosh, Mes- "My hill"—Yahweh's hill is Mt.
will invariably lead the sheep to Zion, the future rallying place for Levitical covenant of Lev. 26:13.
hech and Tubal of Ezekiel 38. Israel and the world. See Ezek. The promise to break the "bands
the door (i.e. to Christ), and the of their yoke" was conditional upon
Porter (Yahweh through His word 40:2. This will become the site of
—see John 6:44; Acts 14:27) will A Covenant Of Peace—V. 25 the future House of Prayer for all Israel "keeping Yahweh's sabbaths
grant access into the fold through nations and Israel will constitute a and reverencing His sanctuary"
At the time when the Shepherd- blessing unto all who are drawn (Lev. 26:2). Both will be done in
that door. The shepherds of Jesus' prince will again be in the midst unto Yahweh in this worship. See the future age (Ezek. 44:24). The
day were decried as thieves and of Israel, and "shall feed them," a Zech. 8:13; Isa. 19:24. blessing that was promised the
robbers because they failed to per- covenant of peace will be made nation in consequence provided for
form their duty. Later, in the same with the flock then gathered to- "I will cause the shower to come ample rain (Lev. 26:4), plentiful
parable, the Lord likened himself gether. down"—In Bible symbology, this crops (v. 5), outstanding victories
to a "good shepherd," leading the expression denotes Divine blessing in battle (vv. 7-8). a numerous
flock through the valley of death, (Lev. 26:4) through Divine teach- progeny (v. 9), the continued mani-
onwards to the green pastures be- VERSE 25 ing (Deut. 32:2). At present there
yond (vv. 17-18). He endured the "A covenant of peace"—The festation of Yahweh in the midst
is a severe drought of Divine of the nation (vv. 11-13). All this
trials, and rose to glory, laying word "peace" is shalom in He- truth throughout the world (see
down his life in such a fashion brew, and is derived from a root was to follow the "breaking of the
Amos 8:11-12), but that drought bands of Israel's yoke" when they
that God could restore it to him signifying "to be at one," thus im- will be broken through the work
again in perfect righteousness, en- plying fellowship. Whereas Gentiles would be made to "go upright"
of Christ and the saints, as they (Lev. 26:13). The deliverance from
abling him to lead the flock on to use the term "peace" to describe proclaim the Divine will and pur-
victory. The Lord's parable is clearly cessation of war, shalom signifies Egypt is also described as a break-
pose to mankind (Joel 2:21-24). ing of the bands of Israel's yoke
based upon Psalm 23 and Ezekiel complete unity of mind and out-
34. In claiming that he was the look; a oneness such as Christ "Showers of blessing"—There (Jer. 2:20), and is typical of the
described in John 14.27: "My peace will be great fertility throughout coming complete deliverance of the
"good shepherd," he indentified the Land of Israel in the future, nation (Jer. 16^14-15; 32:37). In
himself with the "one shepherd" of I give unto you," and John 17:21: and this will be symbolic of the
Ezekiel 34:23. "That they may be one." This that day, yet future, the terms of
blessings of truth that shall also the Levitical covenant will be ful-
covenant of peace with Israel after go forth from that centre to all
"My servant David"—The name the flesh, will be made upon a filled as Ezekiel predicted.
of David signifies "the Beloved," mankind. The showers of blessings
basis of truth (See Jer. 31:31-34, that will fall on all nations that VERSE 28
so that we may read: "My servant Ezek. 20:37; 37:26; Isa. 54:10;
the Beloved" (see Isa. 42:1 for accept Christ, will make the future "Neither shall the beast of the
Rom. 11:26). for them bright with hope and
Christ as the beloved servant). As land devour them"—In keeping
the antitypical David, these words "The evil beasts"—The Gentile promise. with the type, Israel is likened to a
were used of Jesus at his baptism, nations will be driven from the flock of sheep (v. 31), and the
the Voice from heaven referring to land. See Dan. 7:3 for the use of Gentiles (and particularly the
the symbol as descriptive of Complete Security—Vv. 27-28
him as, "My Son, the Beloved" Fourth Beast of Daniel 7) are
(Matt. 3:17—Diag.). The Lord Jesus nations. The shepherd-prince will The showers of blessing will likened to the "beast of the land"
is Yahweh's servant to restore protect his flock by driving out cause ample growth to the glory of about to devour them. They will be
Israel to Him, and to be a light to Israel's oppressors. Yahweh, in the midst of which the protected from this menace by the
the Gentiles (Isa. 49:6). He is His "Dwell safely in the wilderness" Israel-flock will lie down in com- Good Shepherd.
servant to be a Savior, "to give —The term "wilderness" does not plete security, no "wild beasts" any
repentance to Israel, and forgive- more molesting them as before. "None shall make them afraid"
describe a desert, but an open •—Israel has never yet experienced
ness of sins" (Acts 5:31). To that space. The picture thus presented
end "he shall feed (shepherd) them, is one of peace and security, in VERSE 27 a state of complete immunity
and he shall be their shepherd" which the Israel-flock lies down from trouble, but will do so when
(Ezek. 34:23). "The fruit of the tree shall yield the security of Messiah's protection
unmolested in the open spaces and her fruit"—The expressions of this and reign is established in the land.
verse—trees, fields, flock—are those See Ezek. 28:24-26.

The Doom of Those Who
The Plantation To The Name—V.
"They shall no more be con-
sumed with hunger in the land"
—The very reverse of this is pre-
Hate Israel
In keeping with the pastoral dicted in Amos 8:11-12, where
scene so beautifully expressed in Yahweh proclaims His intention of Chapter 35
this section of the prophecy, Israel sending a famine in the land, "not
has been likened to a flock of of bread nor of water, but of hear-
sheep dwelling securely in the open ing the words of Yahweh." This
spaces, and enjoying the pasture This chapter comprises a prophecy against "Mount Seir,"
that has resulted from the "showers has been the state of Israel for cen- and foretells its complete desolation. Why should the prophecy
turies past, but with the showers of
of blessing" that have brought blessing that shall come from the be included at this place, in the midst of prophecies of the Re-
fertility to the previously arid con- presence of the "cloud of wit- storation? Because Mount Seir (or Edom) is used in Scripture
ditions. In the verse now before us, nesses" in the political heavens, the as a type for Gentile political power. When Esau and Jacob
the prophet describes how that a spiritual drought will be brought
figurative plantation of trees will were born, Rebekah was told that they represented "two nations
provide shade for the sheep to lie to an end. No longer will the . . . two manner of people" (Gen. 25:23). Paul, commenting
down in comfort. These trees are sheep suffer from spiritual malnutri-
tion as they do today! They will upon that fact, declared that Esau was representative of those
called "a Plantation to the Name." be carefully pastured by pastors who are profane, and who despise the birthright found in a
VERSE 29 (shepherds) competent to tend them Divine heritage (Heb. 12:16).
and supply their every need (Jer.
"I will raise up for them a plant 3:15). In Hebrew, the words Adam and Edom have the same con-
of renown"—The Hebrew words,
matta leshem, signify "a plantation "Neither bear the shame of the sonants and almost the same meaning. The former signifies "red
to the name" (see Rotherham and heathen any more"—Rotherham earth", and the latter "red". This name and color both point to
RV). This plantation of trees will renders the word "shame" as "re- the flesh; and, as a type, Edom represents the flesh in political
have been "raised up" through a proach." And what is that re-
proach? Ezekiel expresses it in Ch. manifestation.
resurrection, and can be identified
with the "wood of life" of Rev. 36:20: "The heathen said, These In view of this, the history of Edom is particularly signifi-
22:2. Thus the plantation of trees are the people of Yahweh, and are
gone forth out of His land." Israel cant. When Judah was taken into captivity by the Babylonians,
is symbolic of the company of the
redeemed gathered together in the shall no longer "profane the holy the Edomites occupied Palestine, being driven out of their own
land. At present they comprise Name," and therefore will no territory by a section of the Arab nations. Their presence in the
those whom God is "taking out of longer hear the reproach of the land was thus a hindrance to Zerubbabel in the restoration that
the Gentiles, a people for His Gentiles.
Name" (Acts 15:14). Isaiah saw
he initiated and effected. Though driven out of Northern Judah,
their future manifestation when, as A Converted Nation—Vv. 30-31 the Edomites in the south remained a thorn in the side of the
the Name of Yahweh, they will The final picture presented in this returned exiles, until, in the period of the Maccabees they were
belligerently occupy the land, de- prophecy is that of Israel as a flock completely subdued, being given the choice of either accepting
stroying the enemy then in posses- of contented sheep, rejoicing in the
sion thereof (Isa. 30:27). Once goodness that comes to them from Judaism or the sword. Thus they faced either destruction or con-
planted in the land, the company heaven. version, and were assimilated into the nation. Thus, in the days
of the glorified Redeemed will con- of Christ, Herod the Idumean (Edomite) reigned in Jerusalem.
stitute a plantation to the Name, VERSE 30
for Isaiah declares: "Thy people "They shall know that I, Yah- All this history helps to illustrate the type. As the Edomites
also shall be all righteous: they weh their God am with them"— were given the choice of either conversion or the sword, so also
shall inherit the land for ever, the They shall see evidence of this in will the Gentiles at Christ's return (Isa. 60:12). As they were
branch of My planting the work the goodness that they will experi-
of My hands, that I may be glori- ence in that day (Rom. 11:22-23). incorporated into the nation of Judah, so the Gentiles will be
fied" (Isa. 60:21). In the shadow "And ye are the flock of My incorporated into the Kingdom of God. As Edom finally was
and protection of this Plantation, pasture"—Thus Israel will at last completely overthrown, so also will Gentile political and military
the Israel flock of sheep will rest feed off Yahweh's words (Ps. power be completely overthrown at Christ's coming.
in perfect security and confidence. 74:1).
Chapter 35, therefore, predicts the destruction of Gentile
political power as a foundation for the ultimate triumph of
Israel, which is the subject of the next chapter.

36 37

1 Am Against Thee"—Vv. 1-4 upper strata of limestone and at The Cause Of Yahweh's Anger— counterpart at the "time of Jacob's
// the flock of Israel is to he the contact of the latter with the Vv. 5-6 trouble", when, however, Jacob
down in safety in the land, the evil sandstone. On the limestone plateau The unremitting hostility of the shall be delivered (see Jer. 30:7). It
beasts {Gentile nations) must be devoid of springs, cisterns preserve Edomites against Israel is indicative is significant that Rotherham trans-
ejected therefrom. Thus Yahweh some of the winter rain and at of the unreasoning opposition of lates this phrase as: "the time of
sets His face against the typical various periods dams and reservoirs Gentilism to the purpose of Yah- the final punishment for iniquity".
representation of Gentile military have caught the si""face water in weh worked out through the people The Revised Version renders: "in
and political power: Edom. both the shallow and deep wadies." of Israel. This was the cause of the time of the iniquity of the end".
Yahweh's anger against Edom in This is the time of Judah's final
Mt. Seir, therefore, stands as a transgression, the time of Jacob's
VERSE 1 fitting symbol of the flesh. In the past, and it is the cause of
His anger against the world of trouble yet to come. Therefore the
"Moreover"—This introductorv neight, in variety, in ruthless spec- words of Ezekiel point forward to
tacular scenery, it exceeds its Gentilism today.
word lmks the judgment of Mt. the last great crisis of the ages as
Seir with the redemption of the neighbors to the north. Like the VERSE 5 outlined in his prophecy, Chapter
nation of Israel which is the subject flesh, its first sight is calculated to 38. At that time of crisis, when
excite admiration, even envy—but "Thou hast had a perpetual Israel will experience great tribu-
of the previous chapter. hatred"—The flesh has ever hated
bidden behind that facade is the lation, so that "two parts shall be
VERSE 2 sterility of death. Mt. Seir stands the Spirit, both nationally as well cut off and die" (Zech. 13:8), pun-
for the flesh in political manifesta- as individually. In the past Edom ishment will also be meted out
"Son of man set thy face against tion, whilst Mt. Zion is the symbol bitterly opposed Israel which then
Mount Seir"—"Son of man" is the constituted the Kingdom of God. against the antitypical Edomites,
of the Spirit (Heb. 12:22). even the Gentiles.
title of both Ezekiel and the Lord In the same way, the flesh in poli-
Jesus. Here he types the Lord, for tical manifestation will oppose the VERSE 6
it will be Christ who will destroy VERSE 3
restoration of the Kingdom of
political Mt. Seir at his coming. "I will make thee most desolate" God in the future. It has mani- "I will prepare thee unto blood"
Mt. Seir represents Edom, as Mt. —Literally this will not be so, for fested a perpetual hatred against —Israel will be revenged upon her
Zion represents Israel. One opposes the desert shall blossom as the the purpose of Yahweh (Ezek. 36: persecutors when Gogue's invasion
the other as darkness opposes light, rose (Isa. 42:11; 43:20), but poli- 2; Ps. 137:7; Obad. Vv. 10, 11). of the land will be completely over-
or error opposes truth. The Edom- tically Mount Seir is to be made thrown by great slaughter (Ezek.
ites were known for their im- most desolate. Obadiah declares, "Hast shed the blood of the 39:17).
placable hatred of Israel (Amos that it shall be "cut off for ever" children of Israel" . . . in the time
of then* calamity"—The relentless "Thou hast not hated blood, even
1:11; Ezek. 25:12; Obadiah 10; (V. 10). The establishment of the blood shall pursue thee"—Rother-
Psa. 137:7) and in this represented Kingdom of God will bring Gentile antipathy of Edom towards Israel
culminated in the last days of Jer- ham in a footnote suggests as an
the rabid hatred of Israel by political power to an end, so that alternative: "Since of blood thou
Jentiles. Mt. Seir was the mountain Ezekiel declared: "When the whole usalem (Obad. V. 13), when the
Edomites did their best to com- hast become guilty . . . "The AV
lange of Edom. The name, like earth rejoiceth, I will make thee implies that instead of hating the
that of Esau, means "hairy" or desolate" (Ezek. 35:14). pletely destroy the people of Israel.
The attitude of Edom in that re- sight of blood, the Edomites loved
"shaggy." Like the flesh, Mt. Seii cruelty and rejoiced in bloodshed,
has much that attracts. G. A. gard has been repeated by Gentile
VERSE 4 powers ever since in that, whilst and therefore reaped what they
Smith in The Historical Geography had sown. This will likewise prove
Of The Holy Land describes it "I will lay thy cities waste"—As Israel has been in dispersion, they
have subjected her to persecution. true of typical Edom, namely
thus: Mount Seir is here considered as a Gogue's forces. As Gogue will try
"It attains a general elevation of symbol, or a type, its cities must This has been displeasing to Yah-
weh, as Zechariah declares. Through to establish his policy through the
4 to 5,000 feet above sea level, relate to places such as Rome, etc. shedding of blood or fleshly power,
far higher than that of Hauran, They are to be made most desolate him the Spirit proclaimed: "I am
very sore displeased with the heat- so the blood of those with him
Gilead or Moab . . . The variety at the time when the whole earth will be shed and his power shall
of Mt. Seir is thus greater than will rejoice. Modern Christendom hen that are at ease: for I was but
a little displeased, and they helped be completely overthrown.
that of the range to the north. is described as Babylon (Rev. 16:
Besides the cool, stony plateaus, 19), and of it, it is predicted: "And forward the affliction" (Zech. 1:15). The Complete Destruction of Edom
which it has like the latter but the great city was divided into The persecution that the children
of Israel have experienced during Vv. 7-9
lifts higher, its west flank is a three parts, and the cities of the Antitypical Edom {the flesh in
series of ridges, shelves and strips nations fell." The great centres their dispersion, as they have been
driven from country to country, political manifestation) is to be
of valley, mazes ot peaks, cliffs and that are representative of the flesh completely and utterly subdued
chasms that form some of the in its political manifestation will be illustrates the principle set down in
Ezek. 35:5. under the Lord Jesus Christ, even
wildest rock scenery in the world. completely overthrown and made as Edom was under Judah in the
In the sandstone above the Arabah desolate at the time when the Lord "In the time that their iniquity days of the Maccabees.
are the Siks (shafts), clefts or cor- Jesus Christ rules. (Notice the mar- had an end"—The attitude of
ridors between perpendicular rocks. ginal rendering of Ezek. 35:3! It Edom at the time when Israel was VERSE 7
Springs emerge between the porous implies complete destruction.) finally overthrown will find its "I will make Mount Seir most
38 39
12); He dwelt there in the past such as "Edom" in the past has
desolate"—As regards the nation by the Nabateans. The nation was poured out upon both the people
subdued under the Maccabees and (Deut. 12:5), and will do so again
of Edom, this was literally ful- in the future. Yahweh will dwell of natural and spiritual Israel. One
filled, When the Jews were taken finally incorporated into Judea. of the greatest cities of political
Since the destruction of the Jewish in the midst of His people once
into captivity in the days of Nebu- again in the person of His glori- Edom has been Babylon the Great,
chadnezzar, the Nabateans, an State in A.D. 70, history knows and in the day when she shall be
nothing more of the Edomites. The fied son. Jerusalem will then con-
Arabian tribe, drove the Edomites stitute "the city of the great king" destroyed, there will be found in
out of their possessions and forced nation was completely destroyed. her "the blood of prophets, and of
In like manner, the flesh in poli- (Matt. 5:35), and all nations will
them westwards. The Edomites set- recognize that God is again with saints, and of all that were slain
tled in southern Judea, but were tical organisation will never exert upon the earth" (Rev. 18:24).
itself again once the Lord Jesus His people of Israel (Zech. 8:23).
ultimately conquered and converted Therefore the blessing that will "I will make myself known
by the Maccabees Thus the history Christ has subdued it. No longer
will flesh control the centres of come upon Israel will be a means among them"—They will recognize
of Edom serves as a type of the of drawing all nations ultimately to the true character of Yahweh by
future destiny of Gentile power. power as it has in the past. (See
further notes, V. 15). Yahweh. Jeremiah declares: "It the judgments that will be heaped
When the Jewish people were shall be to me a name of joy, a upon flesh both nationally and
driven into dispersion, the Gen- praise and an honour before all individually.
tiles occupied the Promised Land. In attacking Israel Edom attacked the nations of the earth, which
However, the time is coming when Yahweh—Vv. 10-13 shall hear all the good that I do VERSE 12
they in turn shall be driven there- unto them: and they shall fear and "I have heard all thy blas-
from, and they will be presented Unthinking Gentiles do not recog- tremble for all the goodness and phemies"—A blasphemy is a lie
with the alternative of accepting nize that when they oppose Israel for all the prosperity that I pro- against the Truth (Rev. 2:9). Thus
the principles of the Lord Jesus and persecute the Jewish people, cure unto it (Israel)." (Jer. 33:9). everyone who has declared that the
Christ, or of being destroyed. in effect, they oppose Yahweh and Ezekiel's statement, "Yahweh was Jews shall not return to their land
Isaiah declares: "The nation and persecute Him. This now becomes there" (Ch. 35:10), is significant, has been guilty of blasphemy; and
kingdom that will not serve thee the ground of the prophet's indict- for this will yet become the name everyone who has opposed the
shall perish; yea, those nations ment against political Edom. of the city of the future, according purpose of Yahweh in any way
shall be utterly wasted" (Isa. 60:12). to Ch. 48:35. There we read: "And whatsoever has blasphemed against
Political "Edom" will be either VERSE 10 the name of the city from that Him. Edom's boast against the
converted, or destroyed. That is "Thou hast said, These two day shall be, Yahweh is there mountains of Israel has been blas-
also the declaration expressed in nations and these two countries (Yahweh Shammah)". This is the phemous.
Amos 9:11-12. The prophet de- shall be mine"—By the "two basic theme of Ezekiel's prophecy. "They are laid desolate, they are
clares that the tabernacle of David nations" is meant Judah and Israel. The glory was once in the midst of given us to consume"—This boast
that is in ruins will be raised up, Historically, when the Edomites Jerusalem, but was withdrawn against Israel has been the attitude
or restored, as in the days of old. were driven from their possessions (Ezek. 8:4; 9:3; 10:4, 18; 11:23). It of the flesh as it has observed the
They shall then extend their power they entered into the southern por- is, however, to return to this city! desolate state of the land and peo-
to "possess the remnant of Edom". tion of Judah, and occupied that Gentilism does not recognize this, ple. It has seen in the reverses of
This statement is most significant, country. They rejoiced to see the for as Micah declares: "They know the nation an occasion to extend
for there are no literal Edomites ex- Jewish people driven therefrom by not the thoughts of Yahweh, its own power. In this it has
isting today, so that the verse can the Babylonians and, like Esau of neither understand they his coun- grievously blasphemed, for it has
only be understood in its typical old, they tried to grasp the blessing sel" (Ch. 4:12). The day is com- not known the true purpose of
or symbolic sense. That sense is given to Jacob. Since then, the flesh ing, however, when all the world Yahweh.
literally expressed in the quotation in political manifestation has im- shall recognize the Truth, and VERSE 13
already given (Isa. 60:12). itated the action and attitude of will seek to worship before the Son "With your mouth ye have boast-
"Cut off from it him that passeth the Edomites. It has opposed the of God at Jerusalem (Zech. 14:16). ed against me"—The Gentiles have
out and him that returneth"— Truth, wherever the Truth has so spoken in relation to the Jewish
This is a Hebrew term describing been proclaimed in purity, and it VERSE 11 people and the purpose of Yahweh
people who as travellers move has extended its unclean hands to "I will even do according to as though God has not the power
through a country. Because Edom's grasp hold of the Land of Promise, thine anger"—This is expressive of to make good His promises to-
power will be revealed for what it or to persecute the Jewish people. the perfect justice that we may wards His people, or assert His
is, i.e. evil, and then will be com- "Whereas Yahweh was there"— expect from God. The Lord Jesus right in Israel. Therefore, though
pletely overthrown, no admirers will This is a principle that the flesh Christ lays this down as a principle men may not have appreciated this,
seek it or flock to it. has never understood, either in re- according to Matt. 7:2: "For with they have actually boasted against
gard to the Truth, or in regard of what judgment ye judge, ye shall Him. All the anti-semitic utterances
VERSE 9 the purpose of God with Israel. be judged: and with what measure of Gentiles have been a boast
"Thy cities shall not return"— The Promised Land is His land ye mete, it shall be measured to against the God of Israel. Tyre,
(Lev. 25:23); the people of Israel you again." Yahweh, through His as with other ancient nations, was
Historically this was fulfilled in saints (Ps. 149), will pour out punished because she boasted
the past. Edom never regained the are His people (Exod. 5:1); His eyes
are ever upon the land (Deut. 11: judgments upon political Edom against Israel, and took pleasure in
cities from which it was driven

the downfall of the holy nation beheld then because of the voice of
(Ezek. 26:2). the great words which the horn Chapter 36:1-15
spake: I beheld even till the beast
All to Rejoice but Edom—Vv. 14- was slain and his body destroyed, The Levitical covenant {Lev. 26) warned that if the people
15 and given to the burning flame"
(Dan. 7:11). This describes the de- did not properly observe the sabbath {and a true sabbath rest
These verses bring the prophecy struction of antitypical Edom, the is a rest from the works of sin), Yahweh would scatter them
to a climax, and show that at the flesh in political manifestation. In
time when all the earth rejoices, among the nations, in order that "the land shall enjoy her sab-
Edom will be made, desolate. Ezekiel's prophecy Edom types the baths" (v. 34). This took place when Israel was dispersed
fourth Beast which is to be com-
pletely overthrown as foretold by among the Gentiles. The land has enjoyed its sabbath rest, as
Daniel. This is in contrast to "the it has lain quiet over the centuries. But the time is at hand when
"When the whole earth rejoices" rest of the beasts which have their
—Historically, the fall of Babylon it will again be stirred into full activity, to be transformed, and
lives prolonged" (7:12) i.e. they made the fertile abiding place of a transformed and regenerated
caused the whole world to rejoice shall continue to the end of the
(Isa. 14:7). Following that fall, millenium, though their dominion, nation.
Israel returned under Zerubbabel, or power is taken away.
and Edom was subsequently over- This section of Ezekiel's prophecy speaks of this. It shows
thrown by the Maccabees. The "They shall know that I am that the Gentiles are to be ejected from the land {Ch. 36:1-7),
terms of Isaiah (Ch. 14) clearly Yahweh"—The name of Yahweh after which it will yield its fruit (vv. 9-15).
show that this is typical of the was proclaimed when Moses was
future. When Babylon the Great sent to deliver the people of Israel The promise of this rejuvenation of the land is in striking
is overthrown, then Israel will be from Egypt (Exod. 3:14). In its contrast with the punishment pronounced in Ezekiel 6. There a
completely restored to their land significance this very name guaran-
tees the ultimate triumph of Israel prophecy is recorded against the land of Israel because of the
and antitypical Edom, as a poli-
tical force, will be no more. So, at because it is expressive of the evil abominations that the people committed therein, in conse-
a time when the whole earth re- promises made to Abraham, Isaac quence of which it would be made quite desolate (vv. 1-6). But
joiceth, Edom will be made most and lacob. When Edom is over- here Ezekiel predicts its restoration in order to provide the
desolate. It is obvious that Edom thrown, and the purpose of Yah-
does not relate to the Arabs, be- weh is manifest in all the earth; foundation of life for Israel in the Kingdom. For as the Kingdom
cause they, in common with all when the Lord lesus Christ is rul- of God in the past was established upon a rural basis {Lev. 25),
mankind, will rejoice at that time ing from Jerusalem and the law is so it will be in the future {Micah 4:4). Divine Law, the Land,
(Isa. 60:6-7). going forth from Zion to a rejoic- and the Family will form the nucleus of the new order for
ing earth, then the full significance
VERSE 15 of the Name of Yahweh will be mortals, to be set up by Christ. This will correct the worst ills of
"As thou didst rejoice at the in- recognized throughout the world. modern life, for they stem from three sources: alienation of
heritance of the house of Israel, Men will behold in the destruction man from God, from the soil, and the modern disruption of
because it was desolate, so will I that shall have come upon political family life. The artificial conditions of city life are largely
do unto thee"—The purpose of Edom, and in the glory that shall
God as regards antitypical Edom then be manifested in Israel both responsible for this, and those who would serve God should take
is expressed in the prophecy of "the goodness and the severity of heed of this fact, that they might avoid its worst influences as
Daniel. The prophet recorded: "I God" (Rom. 11:22). much as possible. The Kingdom will drastically change these
It is significant that man's very name {Adam) illustrates
The Characteristics of political Edom — his need. Adam means "earth" {Heb. adamah), and all his sus-
•* It manifests hatred towards Israel (V. 5);
* It loves violence (V. 5); tenance comes from the earth. A rural life, enlivened by Divine
* It is noted for antisemitism (V. 10); worship and stimulated by the mental exercise of the Word, is
* It is noted for its anger and envy (V. 11); the best type of existence possible under present conditions. But
* It utters blasphemy (V. 12); the further that man has drifted from this, the more completely
'• It is arrogant (V. 13);
* It rejoices at Israel's calamity (V. 15). has he become severed from God. It is not without significance
The Doom of political Edom —
that Cain, after he had been driven from the presence of God
*x It is to be made completely desolate (V. 3); through disobedience, went and built a city {Gen. A).
Its cities are to be overthrown (V. 4);
*• It is to be destroyed by violence and bloodshed (Vv. 6-8); In order to provide a sound basis for the re-establishment
* It will never be restored (V. 9); of the Kingdom of God in Israel, the land will first be cleansed
*• It will be made desolate when all the earth rejoices (V. 14). 43

due of the heathen"-—The residue This was the gesture made when
of Gentile influence, and then made fertile as a fit habitation for of the heathen refers to those who swearing an oath. Yahweh has
the people. Armageddon will accomplish the first; and the great will refuse to heed the appeal of sworn two such oaths in relation
earthquake at Christ's return supplemented by ample rainfall Christ to submit to him after Gog to promises He has made, and
that will be then provided, will result in the second. Thus the has been destroyed (Isa. 60:12). these guarantee the future pros-
The term "residue" is used because perity of both the land and people
land will be transformed in preparation for the people. not all of mankind will be in this of Israel. The first was the oath
category, for some will see the confirming the promise made to
places" in the land which the Gen- light and submit (Ps. 68:31-32; Abraham (Gen. 22:16); the second
The Gentiles To Be Ejected—Vv Dan. 7:12). Tarshish will be among was the oath made to David (Ps.
tiles (and particularly the Greek
1-7 and Roman Catholics) claim as the first to do so (Isa. 60:9). 132:11). Both the Abrahamic and
In order to thoroughly cleanse their own. In this way the anti- "Against all Idumea"—The resi- Davidic promises include the fu-
and prepare the land, the Gentiles typical Idumeans have stretched due of the heathen is compared ture of Israel. Abraham was told:
will be ejected therefrom. This will forth their hands to grasp Israel's with all Idumea which is to be "I will make of thee a great na-
be effected by the victory of Ar- inheritance, and have defiled the completely destroyed. Idumea is tion" (Gen. 12:2); David was told
mageddon outlined in Ch. 38. land by so doing. Edom, and as Ezekiel has already that the nation would be estab-
shown in Ch. 35, the Edomites lished in "a place of its own" and
VERSE 1 VERSE 3 figuratively represent the flesh in "move no more" (2 Sam. 7:10).
"Prophesy unto the mountains of "Because they made you deso- political manifestation. This, like Both covenants were confirmed by
Israel"—Contrast the prediction of late"—It is the land which has Edom in the past, will be com- oaths, so that Paul adds: "By two
this chapter with that proclaimed been made desolate, and therefore pletely overthrown (Ch. 35:14). immutable things in which it was
against Mt. Seir in Chapter 35, or these words are addressed to it. Thus, whereas the "residue of the impossible for God to lie, we
that spoken against the "mountains Gentile occupation of it has nations" is warned, the complete might have a strong consolation,
of Israel" in Chapter 6. Whereas brought this state about. Daniel destruction of "all Idumea" is pro- who have fled for refuge to lay
Ezekiel 6 proclaims impending refers to the Gentiles as "deso- nounced. The Gogian Confederacy, hold upon the hope set before us"
desolation of the land, this chap- lators" (Dan. 9:26). or latter-day manifestation of the (Heb. 6:18). Salvation itself is
ter speaks of its restoration to its Fourth Beast, is the antitypjcal bound up with the redemption of
former glory and fertility. In that "Ye are taken up in the lips of Israel (John 4:22), and those
talkers" — The Gentiles have Edom in belligerant manifestation.
day, figuratively as well as literally, It is to be completely overthrown. brought within the bonds of the
the mountain of the house of Yah- mocked and derided both the land covenant are constituted the true
weh will be established above the and people of Israel, as Moses "Have appointed My land... "Israel of God" (Gal. 6:16). As
surrounding mountains (Isa. 2:2). predicted they would under such with despiteful minds"—The Heb- such, their patriotism is for Israel,
conditions (Deut. 29:24-29). rew word sheat, here rendered "des- and they rejoice in its hope (Acts
VERSE 2 piteful" signifies "contemptuous." 28:20).
VERSE 5 The RV renders the phrase: "des-
"Because the enemy hath said pite of soul." The word is expres- "The heathen shall bear their
against you"—The ground of Yah- "In the fire of My jealousy"—
sive of minds that are so poverty- shame"-—The Gentiles will bear
weh's indictment against the Gen- The fire of Yahweh's jealousy is stricken as to be incapable of an their shame in the sense that they
tiles is their boastful jubilation the heat of His anger. The same enriching thought, minds, so abso- will suffer the just punishment of
against Israel in dispersion. No- word is translated "zeal." -The lutely destitute of the influence of Yahweh. All the pomp and power
body can touch the people of God desecration of the holy land and Divine truth, as to manifest an of their might will be reduced
I I with impunity, and even though people is hateful to Yahweh, even utter contempt of what God has to nothing before Him, whilst that
I! Gentiles might be used by Him as though the wickedness of the latter promised. Such minds see in the which is today despised by them
11 the medium of Divine punishment demands such punishment. The mo- land and people of Israel only an (the truth, Israel, the land) will
against Israel, their real motives are tives of the Gentiles in oppressing impoverished country and a scat- be elevated to true greatness.
only to advance their own aggrand- Israel, however, are not to fulfil the tered people, and in their contempt
isement, and because of that they Divine purpose, but extend their would destroy those whom they
are punished (see Isa. 10:5-15). own power, and for this they will detest. The cause of such an atti-
be punished in the "fire of Yah- tude has been expressed by Micah The Land Will Yield Its Fruit—
"The ancient high places are weh's jealousy." His zeal shall as: "They know not the thoughts Vv. 7-15
ours" — The "high places" were be extended to preserve the rem- of Yahweh, neither understand Having cleansed the land of Gen-
used by Israel for false worship, nant (Isa. 37:32), will cause Him they His counsel" (Mic. 4:12). tile pollution, it will begin to flour-
and are today claimed by the to arm His warrior (Isa. 59:17), ish. This is to be a Divine work,
Gentiles as their own. The fact that to fight against the nations (Isa. and not to be confused with the
these ancient places of false wor- 42:13; Zech. 8:2), to gather them VERSE 6
"Ye have borne the shame of the present efforts of the Jews to re-
ship are specifically referred to is for judgment (Zeph. 3:8), and ul- habilitate the land. It will be Yah-
a hint as to the cause of Israel's timately to restore the throne of heathen"—See Ch. 34:29.
weh Who will cause it to really
calamity: because of the use to David in glory (Isa. 9:7). VERSE 7 blossom and bring forth fruit; not
which they were put. Their modern "I have spoken against the resi- flesh, whether Jew or Gentile.
counterpart are the so-called "holy "I have lifted up Mine hand"—

iMM .! :
VERSE 8 for those pilgrims who will enter
the land during the millenium made on the basis that the people, VERSE 15
"Ye shall shoot forth your to worship at Jerusalem (Ezek. once restored under Messiah, will
branches"—The Divine blessing on prove faithful (see vv. 25-28). "The shame of the heathen"—
48:18-19. They will be accom- The RSV renders this as "the re-
the land will cause great fertility, modated at the city called Yah-
so that growth will be quickly ap- proach" of the nations (cp. v. 6).
weh Shammah prior to ascending VERSE 13 The expression of that reproach is
parent. to the Temple city of Jerusalem "Thou land hast bereaved thy stated in Deut. 29:24-29; Lam.
"To My people of Israel"—Such for worship (Ezek. 48:35), and the nations"—The RSV renders this: 2:15-16.
a declaration reveals the status twelve tribes in turn will supply "You bereave your nation of chil-
to be enjoyed by the people of it with provisions (v. 19). "The reproach of the people"—•
Israel. They are Yahweh's people dren." If, however, the AV is to The RSV renders this: "The dis-
even now, but will be more so in VERSE 10 be retained, the nations in ques- grace of the peoples." The word
the future when they are humbled tion comprise the northern and 'ammin, peoples, is normally used
"All the house of Israel, even southern kingdoms of Israel (see
and restored. Those in the land at all of it"—This double emphasis of Gentiles; and the disgrace that
Christ's coming will suffer much Ch. 37:22). After the restoration Israel has suffered in the eyes of
shows that all the twelve tribes will this reproach will no longer be
from the depredations of Gog (see be restored to the land (Ezek. 37: such is that the latter have been
Zech. 13:8-9), but the remnant will heard, for the twelve tribes will be able to conquer their land, even
21-22). Paul confirmed this by completely united together, and
be saved to rejoice in their Mes- teaching that "all Israel (i.e. all though Israel has claimed to have
siah when he reveals himself to will find true fellowship with Yah- been under Divine protection. Con-
the tribes) shall be saved" (Rom. weh, in the new covenant that He
them (Zech. 13:6; 12:7-14). Poli- 11:23). sider the words of Nehemiah in
tically, they are accounted as Ju- will make with the nation. Ch. 2:17.
dah, whilst those scattered abroad VERSE 11
are treated as Israel, Ephraim "I will settle you after your old
or Joseph (Zech. 9:13; 10-6-7; estates"—Israel is to be restored
Ezek. 37:16). Both those in the "as in the days of old" (Amos
land, as well as those scattered 9:11. See also Ezek. 16:55; Rom.
abroad are to be restored to fel- 11.26), so that the golden age of
lowship with God through the new Israel's history (the epoch of David
covenant that He will make with and Solomon) becomes a type of
them (Jer. 31:31-38; Rom. 11:23). the restored Kingdom of God in
When that takes place, the division the future. "I WILL SETTLE YOU AFTER YOUR OLD ESTATES
that was brought into existence at
the time of Rehoboam and Jero- "Will do better unto you than at (Notice how the past patterns the future.)
boam will be healed, and the your beginnings"—Under Messiah's Past
twelve tribes will enjoy the full reign they will enjoy a greater Future
status of "my people of Israel" measure of prosperity than they Jerusalem: the Throne of Yahweh (1 Chron. 29:23) Jer. 3:17
(see Hos. 1:10). enjoyed in the past. One king over a united nation (1 Kings 4:20) Ezek. 37:22
Israel a multitudinous, powerful nation (I Kings 4:20) Mic. 4:7
"For they are at hand to come" VERSE 12 Israel the chief among nations (1 Kings 4:21)
—As the full restoration of all Mic. 4:8
"Thou shalt no more henceforth Gentile wealth flowing to Jerusalem (2 Chr. 9:23-24) Isa. 60:11
the tribes of Israel will be brought
about after the destruction of Gog bereave them of men"—The faith- A greatly fertile land (1 Kings 4:22-28) Isa. 35:1-2
(Ezek. 39:25-26), the whole land less spies who were sent by Moses The nations under submission to Israel (1 Kings 4:21) Ps. 72:8
is to be made ready to receive to survey the Land of Promise, re- Israel secure and at peace (1 Kings 4:25) Ezek. 34:28
them. Elijah will be deputed to turned with a scandal against it, Jerusalem the centre of wisdom (1 Kings 4:34) . Isa. 2:2-4
this work, and will organise the for they declared that though the Jerusalem the centre of worship (2 Chr. 9:23) Zech. 14:16
return of Israel to the land in suc- Land was most desirable, the peo- A Temple erected under royal supervision (I Kings 6) Zech. 6:13
cessive migrations (Jer. 3:14). ple would be destroyed in trying The Temple plans supplied by God (1 Chr. 28:11-19) Ezek. 40
to conquer it (Num. 13:32), and The work assisted by Gentile labour (2 Chr. 2:2, 17) Isa. 60:10, 13
VERSE 9 therefore the land would "bereave Zadok the high priest officiates (1 Kings 1:34) Heb. 7:11-12
"Ye shall be tilled and sown" them of children" (RV). This com- Tremendous building activity (1 Kings 9) Isa. 65:21-22
I i •—The land has been tilled and plaint, which would have proved Satan bound (1 Kings 5:4) . Rev. 20:2
I i .11 wrong in a faithful community, ac- Israel a blessing in the land (2 Chr. 9:26) Isa. 19:25
sown in the past, but not very suc-
cessfully. The context of this pas- tually proved true in the case of The king noted for piercing, unerring judgment
sage, however, implies that it will Israel (see Jer. 15:7), because of (1 Kings 4:29) Isa. 11:3
be done with the greatest success the faithlessness of the people.
Therefore, Ezekiel's declaration Priests figuratively immortal (Ps. 134) Rev. 5:9-10
for "I am for you," saith Yahweh.
The produce of this fertile coun- that the land will no more be-
try will be used to supply food reave the nation of men, must be
46 47

31:31-38; Rom. 11:23). They will be baptised into Christ (Mic.

(Ezekiel 36:16-38) 1:19), and will be settled in the land as twelve tribes, to each of
which will be granted a new division or cantonment of the land
The land having been rejuvenated, and showing every sign (Ezek. 48). Each tribe will have its individual ruler subject to
of fertility, all will be ready for the restoration of the people. the Lord Jesus, and these positions of authority will be assumed
They will enter the land after the destruction of Gog (Ezek. 39: by the Apostles (Matt. 19:28).
25-26), though the invitation for them to do so will go forth
before that time. Before the "great and dreadful day of Yahweh After Elijah has been sent forth upon his mission, the Lord
come" (cp. Mai. 4:5 with Zech. 14:1), Elijah and his associates Jesus Christ, in company with the glorified saints, will emerge
(like the school of the prophets he established in the past) will from Sinai (Deut. 33:2; Hab. 3:1; Ps. 68:7,8,17), against a
be sent forth to the people of Israel in dispersion to inform them world at war. The Arab nations will be first disciplined (Hab.
that the Messiah has returned (Mai. 4:5). His mission will com- 3:7; Isa. 21:13-15; 60:6); then the occupying force that Gog will
mence as the Middle East will be involved in battle. Like Moses leave in Egypt as he will move north to besiege Jerusalem will be
of old, he will doubtless be able to authenticate his message with overthrown by Christ's forces (Isa. 19), and then the nations
God-given signs which will establish his identity; and he will gathered together for war at Jerusalem will be overwhelmed.
appeal to the people along the terms of the message contained in Christ will then reveal himself to the Jews in the land (Zech.
Jeremiah 3:12-4:2 (notice the appeal and response in these 13:6; 12:9-14), thus "saving the tents of Judah first" (Zech.
verses). Elijah's exhortation will bring home to the people a 12:7).
realisation of their past blindness and folly, will cause them With the overthrow of Gog, and the cleansing of the Land
to "sorrow for the burden of the king of princes" (Hos. 8:10), of Promise, the work of the true restoration (Acts 3:21) of the
and will bring about a state of mind that will cause them to "be people of Israel will take place. All the tribes will ultimately be
willing" to respond to the Divine invitation (Ps. 110:3). But restored, fulfilling the words of Paul that "all Israel shall be
their efforts to return to the Land (then involved in war) will saved (Rom. 11:26). The flourishing land will then be occupied
be hindered by some Gentile nations (Isa. 43:6), in conse- by a regenerated and flourishing people.
quence of which they will have to fight their way back (Ezek.
20:33-38). Doubtless the determined attempt of Jews in Europe Israel Defiled The Land In The considered defiled because of the
Past—Vv. 16-20 evil deeds of its original inhabi-
to make their way back to the Land of Israel will be misinter- tants. For that reason, the Can-
The prophet reveals that all the
preted as a fifth-column movement designed to assist the Jewish sufferings of the people have stem- aanites were to be driven therefrom
people in the land against Gog. Other nations will assist them med from their own folly, and (see Lev. 18:24-30), and from this
back; the English-speaking world being foremost in that regard that the land has been considered the Israelites should have recognised
as "defiled" in consequence (Lev. the need to keep themselves pure
(Zeph. 3-10 RV; Isa. 18; 60:9). God will be with those who 19:24-30). lest a similar state befall them.
must fight their way back, and mighty deeds that will astonish But instead, they followed the un-
the nations will be manifested by them in their efforts to return. VERSE 17 godly ways of the Canaanites.
A period of forty years will be occupied in the complete restora- "They were mingled among the
"They defiled it" — Under the heathen, and learned their works,
tion (Mic. 7:14-17), and from Jer. 3:14-16 it seems that they Mosaic Law, ceremonial defilement and served their idols" (Ps. 106:
will return in comparatively small migrations. was contracted by contact with any 35-36), and as a result "the land
defiling influences. For example, a became polluted with blood." To
The returning exiles will enter the land from two directions: person touching a dead body was this day, Israel remains blind to
either across the Euphrates in the north, or the Red Sea in the considered "defiled" thereby, and the real cause of their suffering and
south, but in either case, they will be compelled to "go through had to go through a ritual of puri- dispersion, but the time is coming
fication. This taught the basic truth when they will recognise the truth.
the water" (Isa. 11:11, 16; 27:12-13; Zech. 10:11). They will that moral defilement is easily con- They will "loathe themselves for
thus re-enact, either Abraham's journey into the land across tracted, and also emphasised the* what they have done" (Ezek. 20:
the Euphrates; or the exodus of Israel from Egypt. During fact that the mortality and sinful- 43). It will be part of the work of
ness of man (which developed out Elijah to bring this home to them.
the period of probation, as they are fighting their way out of of disobedience to God in the first Meanwhile, the state of Israel over
the countries of their dispersion, the rebels will be purged out of instance) quickly manifests itself the centuries testifies to the man-
the nation, and will not be permitted to enter the land (Ezek. in acts of wickedness. The people ner in which flesh can be blind to
20:38). A new covenant will be made with the remainder (Jer. of Israel had been warned when its own folly. They were destroyed
they entered the land that it was "through lack of knowledge" (Hos.
4% 49
4:6). How important it is that we Thus Nathan told David that his
recognise our failings and try to action gave cause for "the enemies care needs to be exercised in re- because of the covenants of pro-
correct them before it is too late. of Yahweh to blaspheme" {2 Sam. gard to it. Those who delight in mise that are incorporated in the
"Their way was before me as the 12:14). This is the manner in the Name of Yahweh should not Name of Yahweh. All would ack-
uncleanness of a removed woman" which the Name of Yahweh is be condemned because of their in- nowledge that Yahweh would be
—Until a woman in such a state profaned, or "taken in vain," and telligent use of it; on the other within his just rights to destroy the
was ceremoniously cleansed, she not by pronouncing it with under- hand, it should not be made a nation that has so completely re-
was excluded from worship at the standing. The Jews, with super- bone of ungodly contention. Yah- jected His way and crucified His
Tabernacle or Temple, for con- stitious dread, will not utter the weh Himself will vindicate it in son, but instead of doing so, He
tact with her made others un- Name, but they nonetheless pro- due time. Meanwhile, we can but has preserved the nation. Why?
clean (Lev. 15:19). Yahweh presses fane it through their actions. How heed what the Scriptures say in Not because Jews are any better
this thought home to Israel be- easy, therefore, is it for believers regard to it. Malachi taught that than Gentiles, but because of the
cause, figuratively, she was as His to profane the name, and thus give Yahweh looks with pleasure upon Name that pronounces great mercy
bride (Isa. 54:5) who, because of cause for "the enemies of Yah- those who "think upon it" (Mai. and forgiveness of sin, whilst up-
her state, was excluded from Div- weh to blaspheme." Ezekiel shows 3:16). Jesus, in his prayer, declared holding the honor of His majesty
ine worship. that the Name was profaned by that he had both manifested and (Exod. 34:6-7). What a privilege,
Israel inasmuch as their actions declared it (John 17:6,26), and therefore, to have such a Name
VERSE 19 caused Gentiles to say: "These asked that his followers might be named upon one (cf. 1 Thess. 1:1).
are the people of Yahweh, and are kept within its power (John 17:11). The Lord declared: "To him that
"I scattered them . . . according gone forth out of His land." Their
to their way"—The path, or way, He taught his disciples to pray: overcometh . . . I will name upon
inconsistent actions had brought "Hallowed be Thy name," and as him the name of my God" (Rev.
along which Israel elected to walk reproach on the name they bore.
was that which "seemed right in Yahweh is the only Name of God, 3:12). At the beginning, Israel was
As the Ecclesia today constitutes he must have had that holy Name chosen for the fathers' sakes, and
their eyes" but was the "way of the people of the Name (Acts 15:
death" (Prov. 14:12). This was a in mind. All other "names" such not because of personal greatness
14), its members can likewise "pro- as "Lord," "God," "Father," "El (Deut. 4:37; 7:7-8), and they will
corruption of God's way (Gen. 6: fane the Name" by acting incon-
12), and of that way along which Shaddai" and so forth, are mere be restored for the same reason
sistently with it, and so causing a appellations. Isaiah declared: "the (Rom. 11:28). They were called
Moses desired to walk (Exod. 33: reproach to fall upon Yahweh Who
13). In the New Testament, God's desire of our soul is to Thy mem- out of Egypt to glorify the Father's
has called them to His purpose orial Name" (Isa. 26:8 see RSV). Name (Deut. 28:9-11), and will be
way is described as "the way" (Acts and His family name.
9:2; 16:17; 18:25; 19:9,23; 22:4). It is also described as a strong restored to the land for the same
It is that which Christ described tower of defence (Prov. 18:10), a purpose (Jer. 33:9). The restoration
as the "narrow way" leading to Yahweh Will Vindicate His Pro- protection (Ps. 124:8), a heritage of Israel in spite of all that the
the Kingdom of God. From this faned Name—Vv. 21-24 (Ps. 61:5,8; 69:36), a source of people have done is a token of
Israel had strayed, and in conse- confidence (Ps. 9:10), a means of Divine love and forgiveness, and
The purpose incorporated in the elevation (Ps. 91:14). It is a Name also an assurance that absolute re-
quence was driven from the land. Divine name makes certain its ful-
In that case, the punishment fitted never to be despised (Mai. 1:6), but liance can be placed upon all such
filment despite the inconsistency one to be exalted (Ps. 34:3-4), ex- Divine promises as are incorporated
the crime. of Israel, and Yahweh will move tolled (Ps. 68.4), remembered (Ps. in the Name.
to establish it, and thus vindicate 20:7; 45:17), feared (Ps. 86:11, 12),
VERSE 20 His holy name. praised (Ps. 113:1-3; 145:1-2), loved "For Mine holy name's sake"
"They profaned My holy name" (Ps. 119:132; Isa. 56:6), blessed (Ps. —The Name of Yahweh guarantees
—The holy name is that of Yah- VERSE 21 96:2, 100:4), understood (Isa. 52:6), the promises made to the fathers
weh. This was named upon Israel "I had pity for Mine holy name" published (Deut. 32:3; Exod. 9: of the Jewish race (Deut. 9:5);
(Num. 6:27), constituting them a —Gesenius translated: "I will be 16; Isa. 12:4), sung about (Ps. 61: it proclaims His power (Ps. 106:8),
"people for the name" (Acts 15: sparing of My holy Name," i.e. I 8; 66:2-4), expressed in prayer (Ps. mercy (Isa. 43:25), and glory (Isa.
14). As the people of the Name, will care for its honour. How will 140:13; 116:4; 80:18). 48:11). It has been the enemies of
their actions either honored or dis- He do this? By bringing to pass Yahweh who have reproached and
Israel despised the Name and blasphemed the Name, and this
honored it, according to how they that which it proclaims. The name profaned it, and the nation suf-
manifested the attributes of it (see is prophetic in its meaning, pro- has been distressful to His true
fered in consequence. The Ecclesia sons (Ps. 74:10). Israel will be re-
Exod. 34:6-7). If their ways were claiming the intention of Yahweh today needs to learn the lesson of stored on the merits of the Name,
inconsistent with the principles of to manifest Himself in a multi- Israel's mistake, and enter into and because of it, great mercy will
this family name named upon tude of Israelites. When those after the spirit of the Psalmist's exhorta- be extended to the people (Isa.
them, they would disgrace or pro- the flesh failed, He turned to the tion: "Extol Him by His name of 54:1-10). As a result of this they
fane it, for Scripture clearly shows Gentiles, calling out from among Yah" (Ps. 68:4). will become a blessing instead of a
that the Name is taken in vain their number, a people for His curse among the nations (Zech.
when the people of the Name, name, who constitute true Israelites VERSE 22 8:13).
act inconsistently with its princi- (Eph. 2:11-13; Rev. 2:9). The Div- "I do not this for your sakes"
ples (see Prov. 30:9; Amos 2:7). ine Name is holy, and the greatest —Israel will not be restored on "Ye have profaned among the
50 the grounds of personal merit, but heathen"—-Israel has profaned the
name of Yahweh, yet through

superstitious awe the people will demands Separation; "for His 4:10-14; John 7:37-39). It was the must use them to effect the reform-
not pronounce it. Surely this shows name" requires Dedication. influence of this word to which ation. Jeremiah declares that Yah-
that profanation is not caused David made reference when he de- weh will "put His law in their in-
As far as Israel is concerned, the clared: "Wherewithall shall a young ward parts, and write it in their
through an intelligent use of the first step is the invitation which
Name, but rather by acting in- man cleanse his ways? By taking hearts" (Jer. 31:33), but for this
Elijah will take to them. Their heed according to Thy word" to be done, the people must make
consistently with it. future restoration will be a repeti- their hearts amenable to His in-
tion of the first when they were (Psalm 119:9). When the realisation
VERSE 23 of his great sin was brought home to fluence.
called out of Egypt by Moses, and him, he declared in prayer to Yah-
"I will sanctify My great Name" the Name was first pronounced "A new spirit will I put within
upon them (See Jer. 16:14-15). weh: "Wash me, and I shall be you"—The term "spirit" is fre-
—He will do this by redeeming whiter than snow" (Ps. 51:6-7). It
Israel and thus fulfilling the pro- quently used in Scripture to denote
is only the dynamics or power of the power of divine teaching that
mise inherent in the name (see The People To Be Cleansed From the truth that can separate us,
Ezek. 20:41-44), and by correctly has been delivered through the holy
Iniquity—Vv. 25-32 cleanse us, and ultimately elevate Spirit. Nehemiah declared: "Thou
revealing its principles in the Son us to priesthood in the Age to
of His love who will be set up as No restoration will be possible gavest also thy good spirit to in-
without the people acknowledging come (Rev. 5:9-10). But whereas struct them" (Neh. 9:20) which is
King in all the earth. the saints will be immortal priests,
the Truth. "They will be grafted doubtless a reference to the Law.
"When I shall be sanctified in in if they abide not still in un- Israel after the flesh will only be Isaiah declares on behalf of Yah-
you before their eyes"—To be belief" {Rom. 11). It will be this mortal priests (Ezek. 44:10-11). weh: "I will pour my spirit upon
sanctified is to be "set apart" as understanding that will truly cleanse "Ye shall be clean"—Hebr. taher thy seed, and my blessing upon
unique before all flesh. Yahweh's their hearts, and make them amen- = "to be bright", i.e. to be pure or thine offspring" (Isa. 44:3) which
name will be vindicated in the able to the Divine will. The pro- holy, an object of emulation. is a reference to the outpouring of
deliverance that He will accom- phet illustrates this by the use of the Truth in the age to come (see
plish in Israel, and as all mankind figurative, speech taken from the "From all your filthiness"—Hebr. also Joel 2:23). In John 6:63 the
will witness this, so He will be ordinances of the Law relating to tum'ah, signifies "impurity", and Lord Jesus declares that the words
sanctified before the eyes of all the ceremonial cleansing of a according to Dr. Strong especially that he spake were spirit. They
nations. Jeremiah 33:9 declares that people defiled by sin. religious impurity. It therefore constituted spirit for two reasons:
the deliverance and conversion of speaks of ceremonial uncleanness; Firstly, they were given by the
Israel "will be unto Him a name VERSE 25 an uncleanness indicative of their power of the Holy Spirit; and
of joy, a praise, and an honor be- moral state, but particularly secondly, they were words charged
fore all the nations of the earth "I will sprinkle clean water upon brought about by false and im-
you"—Having accepted the invita- pure worship. with power, and capable of trans-
which shall hear all the good that forming the lives of those who
I do unto them: and they shall tion issued to them, separation next
follows. Under the Law, the "water "Your idols"—Hebr. gillul, ren- embraced the ideas expressed in
fear and tremble for all the good- dered by the Companion Bible as them. By that means they became
ness and for all the prosperity that of separation" was sprinkled upon
a person to be cleansed from defile- "filthy idols", with impure sexual spirit words. Paul declared that
I procure unto it." As a result, the implications. This word is used 39 "the sword of the spirit is the word
nations "will take hold of the skirt ment caused by contact with death times by Ezekiel, perhaps because
(Num. 19:17-19). It was also used of God" (Eph. 6'17). John taught
of him that is a Jew, saying, We of the immoral Babylonish environ- that the spirit "is the truth" (1 John
will go with you; for we have upon the Levites at their consecra- ment of the people of the cap-
tion (Num. 8:7, 21), and upon the 5:6). All these expressions show
heard that God is with you" (Zech. tivity. that "spirit" and the power of
8:23). Thus the whole world will be whole of the people when separated
unto Yahweh (Heb. 9:19). All three Divine truth understood are syn-
brought to acknowledge the right- VERSE 26 onymous terms. In his epistle to
eousness of God, through His occasions have an application in the
cleansing of Israel in the age to "A new heart also will I give the Galatians, Paul makes reference
goodness towards Israel. to believers being "led by the
come. Firstly, the people must be you"—This is the third step in the
VERSE 24 cleansed from defilement from the regeneration of the people, and Spirit" (Gal. 5:18), by which he
guilt of the death of Jesus; next, refers to their dedication. Yahweh means that they were led by the
"I will take you from among the they must be separated unto Yah- is represented as giving them this power of the teaching of the Truth.
heathen"—Verses 24, 25 and 26 weh; thirdly, they must be con- heart. He does this inasmuch as He This is the "new spirit" that God
reveal the successive stages by secrated as a priestly nation. will provide them with the means will put within the hearts of the
which Israel will be restored. They whereby it can be created (see Jewish people. He will not pour out
can be summarised as: (1)—An in- Zechariah likewise speaks of this upon them the power of the Holy
figurative water of separation being Ps. 51:10). Similar prophecies to
vitation: "I will take"; (2)—A this end are contained in Ezekiel Spirit and so transform them by its
separation: "Ye shall be clean"; (3) used to cleanse them (Zech. 13:1), influence, but will accomplish this
but what does it actually mean? It 11:19 and Ch. 18:31. The people
—A dedication: "A new heart." are there reminded that they must through the regenerating efficacy of
These are the same three stages by is a symbol relating to the cleansing the Word of Truth.
influence of the Word of God. co-operate with God in an effort to
which God is today "taking out of obey His will in order that this
the Gentiles a people for His Jesus represented the truth he "I will take away the stony
offered unto mankind as a well of new heart might be created. Whilst heart out of your flesh, and I will
name" (Acts 15:14). "God is cal- Yahweh provides the means, they
ling" implies Invitation; "out of" water leading to life eternal (John give you an heart of flesh"—
52 53

Throughout the centuries Israel has covenant relationship which Yah- There will be manifested a mixture figure of speech is used to de-
manifested a hardened heart (Rom. weh promised He would establish of sorrowful repentance towards scribe the future state of the peo-
11:7 marg.). This, however, will be with Israel if the people proved Yahweh, indignation against them- ple of Israel, so that the land will
changed. It was when the people obedient (Lev. 26:9, 12). Ezekiel's selves, and abhorrence for the reflect the spiritual qualities of the
were subjected to terrible hardship statement here signifies that that offences they have committed. As nation of Israel in the age to
in Egypt that they turned to Him, which was set forth before Israel they with understanding review the come.
beseeching His help (Exod. 2:23- as an ideal under the Mosaic past and consider the then present "The ruined cities are become
24). In like manner, the coming covenant will be fulfilled under this they will realise that all the hard- fenced, and are inhabited"—There
"time of Jacob's trouble" (Jer. 30: new covenant which will be ships to which they have been sub- will be no need for conventional
7), will cause the people to recog- affected in the age to come. jected were brought upon them in fortifications in the age to come.
nise their need of Yahweh, and complete justice and for their good In what way, then, will the cities
therefore will soften their hearts VERSE 29 (Ch. 14:22-23). be fenced and fortified? The answer
towards Him. Their hearts thus "I will also save you from all This also, will be the experience is: by Yahweh's protection (see
having been made pliable, He will your uncleannesses"—Yahweh now of all those "called to be saints" Zech. 2:5). Meanwhile Israel is a
be able to enscribe upon them the promises them a Savior who will who shall stand before the judg- "land of unwalled villages" (Ezek.
influence of the Truth that He will make possible the forgiveness of ment seat of Christ. 38:11).
then cause to be presented to them. their sins. This will be fulfilled
In 2 Cor. 3:3 the apostle Paul through the Lord Jesus Christ VERSE 32 VERSE 36
contrasts a softened heart with (Matt. 1:21), who will fulfil the "The heathen that are left"—
"tables of stone". He declared that "Not for your sakes do I this"
prophetic promise contained in —This, again, is a refain fre- i.e. those who are left after the
the ecclesia constituted "the epistle Rom. 11:26 that "there shall come national judgments of Armageddon
of Christ, written not with ink, but out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall quently used by Ezekiel to impress and its aftermath (see Zech. 14:16).
with the Spirit of the living God", turn away ungodliness from Jacob". upon the people that there is no
upon the fleshy tables of the heart. personal merit in Israel to warrant "Shall know"—They shall see in
The word "also" in this verse the salvation that shall be extended the restored nation, and in the
Paul's expressions here are doubt- indicates a continuance of the sav-
less derived from such Old Testa- towards them. (See notes on V. 22.) grace of Yahweh that- is extended
ing grace promised according to to it, the fact that this restoration
ment prophecies as that before us, V. 25. In other words, forgiveness
and illustrate what is meant when is a Divine work and not one
of sins will be available to indi- Israel established in the land as that stems merely from human in-
Yahweh says: "A new spirit will I viduals through redemption in the holy flock—Vv. 33-38
put within you, and I will give you genuity or strength (see Jer. 33:9).
Christ Jesus, as well as to the In this section of the prophecy,
a heart of flesh." nation as a whole. "I Yahweh build the ruined
Yahweh shows the cumulative effect places"—It is not generally recog-
In this verse Yahweh declares of Him thus restoring and cleansing
that He will remove the old stony VERSE 30 the people of Israel. They are to nised, that the partial restoration
heart which had remained imper- "Ye shall receive no more re- become a dedicated people, given of Israel at present being effected
vious to all appeals (Zech. 7.12), proach of famine among the over entirely to His work. in the land, is a Divine work, but
and would replace the heart of heathen"—In Deut. 29:22-28 Moses when the restoration of Israel in
Israel with one that is able to warned the people that if they VERSE 35 the age to come is brought about,
"know" Him (Jer. 24:7). This proved disobedient they would be it will be acknowledged by all be-
"They shall say"—The effect of yond all doubt.
change will be brought about by the driven from the land which would Israel's restored prosperity will
influence of the Spirit Word, trans- be brought under a curse, causing cause surrounding nations to recog- "I Yahweh have spoken it, and
forming the people of Israel, and the nations to thereby reproach nize the purpose of Yahweh in the I will do it"—Yahweh's word is
bringing about a moral and spiritual Israel "because they have forsaken nation, and thus the Hope of Israel. power and will accomplish what it
change that will reflect to the glory the covenant of Yahweh." This re- As Jeremiah 33:9 likewise points proclaims (Isa. 55:11). That is the
of their Creator. proach of famine among the heathen out, this will have the effect of difference between the declarations
shall cease when Israel again turns drawing the Gentiles to more of God and those of flesh (cp.
VERSE 27 unto Yahweh. closely consider the goodness of James 4:15).
"I will cause you to walk in my Yahweh, and to acknowledge His VERSE 37
statutes"—To obey the Divine stat- VERSE 31 saving grace.
utes is a necessary condition for "I will yet for this be enquired
"Shall lothe yourselves"—The "This land . . . is become like of"—This statement implies that
true prosperity. Moses promised statement of this verse constitutes the garden of Eden"—For the re-
Israel a fertile land, a prosperous Yahweh will favourably accept the
a refrain that is found throughout verse picture see Joel 2:3. In the request to be made. (Compare
nation, and security if the people Ezekiel's prophecies (See. Ch. 6:9; Septuagint the word "garden" is
would do this (See Lev. 25:18-19; with the language of Ezek. 14:3
20:43). The state of mind suggested, rendered as "paradise" (See also where He refuses to be enquired
26:3). will be brought about when the Isa. 51:3). Such prophecies, doubt- of by Israel). The fact that He
people recognize their folly, and less, were the basis of the Lord's uses this language implies a restor-
VERSE 28 acknowledge the goodness of Yah- promise to the thief on the cross ation to favour of the people of
"Ye shall be my people, and I weh towards them. They shall loathe (Luke 23:43). In Isa 58:10-11 this God.
will be your God"—This is the themselves in their own sight.
54 55

"I will increase them with men be a people exclusively given over
A Transformed Nation
like a flock"—This is a repetition to the divine worship and service in (Ezekiel 37)
of thought expressed in Ch. 34:23 the age to come (Ch. 14:20-21).
where the Good Shepherd is rep- "As the flock of Jerusalem in her
resented as presiding over the Israel The previous chapter reveals that the Land and People of
flock. Zech. 10:8 declares that this solemn feasts"—Flocks that entered
Jerusalem in the days of solemn Israel are to be transformed and regenerated; this chapter shows
shepherd will lead them back to feasts were dedicated as offerings how it will be brought about as far as the nation is concerned: by
the land, and in that way the for the divine service. The phrase
nation will be "increased with men a tremendous political earthquake!
like a flock". The expression sug- is here expressive of the spiritual
state of the nation in the age to The prophet was transported by the Spirit to a great valley
gests that they shall willingly fol- come. Israel will comprise a com-
low the shepherd back to the land. which was "full of bones". Here he had the amazing experience
pletely dedicated people wholly of witnessing the resurrection. First, he was called upon to walk
absorbed in the service of Yahweh.
VERSE 38 The term "solemn feasts" literally around the valley and to observe the condition of the bones. And
signifies "appointed seasons for then, at the bidding of the angel, he was called upon to pro-
"As the holy flock"—The margin meeting" with Yahweh, and has
renders: "As the flock of holy nounce that these bones would live.
particular reference to the three
things"; The Companion Bible ren- mam feasts which were "set times" Ezekiel then heard a great noise which was accompanied by
ders: "The flock of holy offerings". of meeting for the people with a tremendous shaking. Suddenly bone leapt to its fellow bone,
Isaiah declares that some of the Yahweh. This verse, therefore,
nations shall assist the Jewish people until skeletons were formed, sinews appeared to tie the bones
teaches: 1) Israel will be greatly together, and flesh covered them until now it was a valley of dead
to return back to their homeland multiplied in the land: 2) they will
as an offering unto Yahweh (Isa. constitute a dedicated people attend- bodies. But could such bodies live? The four winds of heaven
18:7; 66:20). In that same sense ing to the needs of divine worship: were called upon to breathe upon the dead that they might do
they will be a flock of holy offer- 3) they will form the meeting place so; and in response, life entered into the bodies, and as living men
ings presented as voluntary tribute between God and man. In other
by the Gentiles to the Lord Jesus words, as Ezekiel shows in his they stood upon their feet, a great army.
Christ. Zechariah declares that Yah- great Temple prophecy, trans- It must have been a most awe-inspiring experience for
weh "shall save them in that day formed and regenerated Israel will Ezekiel, even though it was but a vision. He had, in fact, witnessed
as the flock of his people" (Ch. constitute the medium between all
9:16), and shows that they are to other nations and Yahweh. the resurrection as a type of the nation of Israel that will ulti-
mately be caused to be raised from its national graves.

The Resurrection in The Valley Of and pathetic scene before him. He

Dry Bones—Vv. 1-10 saw the bleached bones of a great
RESTORATION A WORK OF TIME The prophet inspects the hopeless army of slain. He observed that
state of Israel among the nations. "they were very dry", completely
The restoration of the Jews is a work of time and will bleached out by the sun, thus
require many years to accomplish. God has said: "I will save emphasizing the state of utter hope-
the tents of Judah first" (Zech. 12:7), and the context lessness in which he found them.
"The hand of the Lord was upon
shows that those in the land, at the advent of the Lord, are me"—The Spirit took hold upon VERSE 3
treated as Judah. Following their redemption, the ten tribes Ezekiel to reveal to him yet another "Son of man"—Ezekiel again
scattered abroad will be subsequently received back home. vision relating to the restoration, types the Lord Jesus who applied
Though Elijah will be sent forth before the battle of Arma- which he recorded by Yahweh's this title to himself (Matth. 24:30),
command. thus identifying himself with the
geddon to invite them to return (Malachi 4 : 5 ) , the Jews be- "In the midst of the valley"— events foretold by these prophecies.
fore whom he will appear, will not arrive back in the land "Valley" is literally "plain". It sig- (See also Notes 35:2).
until after it has been cleared of the enemy. Once in the nifies a wide plain, or valley between "Can these bones live?"—The
land, and separated into their various tribes, the Kingdom mountains. Ezekiel saw this plain question was put to the prophet, but
filled with dry bones, as of an army so hopeless did the proposition
will again be restored to Israel (Acts 1:3,6), and the nation that had been ambushed and slain.
will constitute the chief dominion in the world empire of seem as he viewed the bones, and
yet so great is the power of Yahweh,
Christ (Micah 4 : 8 ) . VERSE 2 that the prophet was hesitant to
See Elpis Israel, part iii. "Caused me to pass by them give a decisive answer. He recognis-
round about"—The prophet was ed that if the bones were to live it
caused to silently walk around that could only be through the power
valley and look upon the desolate of Yahweh. And so he replied: "O
56 57


Lord Yahweh, Thou knowest." He reality of God, and cause them to last, skin covers them. Now, instead VERSE 10
stressed that only Yahweh could respond accordingly. To "know of bleached bones, a multitude of
Yahweh," means more than mere dead bodies fill the valley before "So I prophesied as he com-
accomplish the seemingly impos- the startled eyes of the prophet. manded me"—Ezekiel foreshadows
sible, and raise such dead bones to academic knowledge, it implies such the work of the Lord Jesus Christ
an understanding as will find its But they lacked life!
life. who through his saints will proclaim
fruit in action. VERSE 9 the truth of the gospel to the whole
VERSE 4 house of Israel, both those in the
"He said unto me, Prophesy VERSE 7 "Prophesy unto the wind"—
"Wind" in the Hebrew is ruach, land and those still scattered
upon these bones"—Ezekiel is ad- "As I prophesied, there was a abroad. Paul declares: "There shall
dressed as "son of man," because he noise"—The word "noise" in Heb- elsewhere translated "spirit" (see come out of Zion the Deliverer, and
typed the Lord Jesus Christ who rew is koul. This word literally Note v. 5). The word is often ren- shall turn ungodliness from Jacob:
likewise used the same title. What signifies "to call aloud." It is used dered "wind" for it is derived from For this is my covenant unto them,
he was called upon to prophesy of the "trumpet" (Exod. 20:18), and a root signifying "to breathe forth." when I shall take away their sins"
here, will be fulfilled by the Lord of the noise of war and people Both in a literal and a spiritual (Rom. 11:26-27).
Jesus. It will be Christ who will (Exod. 32:17) etc. Being expressive sense man depends upon the ruach,
cause the "bleached bones" of of both ideas, the word is most the "breathing forth" of the Al- "An exceeding great army"—
Jewry to be formed first into the applicable to the verse before us. mighty Who sustains natural man Israel will be organised into a
framework of a skeleton, and There will be the noise of confusion by His spirit and the spiritual man powerful fighting force by the Lord
finally to spring to life. and of war accompanying the "time by His Spirit-Word (Job. 34:14; Jesus, and will be used to subdue
of Jacob's trouble" (Jer. 30:5-7), John 6:63). the nations Zechariah makes refer-
VERSE 5 whilst at the same time the call will ence to this army (Ch. 9:13-15),
go forth to the people of Israel "Come from the four winds, O which, officered by immortal saints,
"Behold I will cause breath to breath"—"Breath" is also ruach
enter into you, and ye shall live"— inviting them back home (Zech. will extend the victories of Christ
10:8). The use of this word in rela- (cp. v. 5), thus we learn that Spirit unto the ends of the earth.
This declaration proclaims the in- in fourfold manifestation will ener-
tention of Yahweh in relation to tion to the political resurrection of
Israel, is significant in the light of gise the nation of Israel. The "four
Israel. The word for "breath" in spirits" here introduced as life-givers Revival of the whole House of Israel
the Hebrew is ruach, often rendered Paul's words relating to the physical —Vv. 11-14
resurrection at Christ's coming: "For are the saints through whom judg-
"spirit." It is the spirit, or the power ments will be poured out upon the
of the Truth believed that alone the Lord himself shall descend from Ezekiel is given an explanation of
heaven with a shout, with the voice Gentiles. Zechariah, in speaking of
can bring "life" to Israel. See notes them as "four chariots" of Yahweh, the vision, and learns that the whole
on Ezek. 36:26. The transforming of the archangel, and with the trump house of Israel is to be restored, and
of God: and the dead in Christ shall describes them as "the four spirits of not merely Judah.
influence of the spirit-truth will turn the heavens, which go forth from
Jacob, "the supplanter," into Israel, rise first" (1 Thess. 4:16).
standing before the Lord of all the VERSE 11
" a prince with God." Thus Ezekiel "Behold a shaking"—A tremen- earth" (Zech. 6:5). The saints,
saw the breath or spirit of God dous political earthquake shall take therefore, comprise the four winds "These bones are the whole house
enter the resurrected bodies of Israel place at Christ's return (Rev. 16:18), of heaven that will energise national of Israel"—Throughout his pro-
and so energise them. Hosea simi- which will result in the overthrow Israel in the age to come. They will precies Ezekiel makes reference to
larly predicted a national resurrec- of Gentile power, and the elevation be the future shepherds of Israel of "Israel" in addition to Judah, which
tion of Israel (Hos. 6:1-3). of Israel to full glory. Of this, the Whom Yahweh declares: "I will indicates that he had been also in
literal earthquake that shall likewise give you pastors (shepherds) ac- contact with people of the ten tribes.
VERSE 6 take place (Ezek. 38:19; Zech. 14:5), cording to mine heart, which shall Most probably a remnant of them
"I will lay sinews upon you"— will be a type. feed you with knowledge and as well as those of the house of
The bones having come together, understanding" (Jer. 3:15). Thus Judah had gathered around him in
sinews or ligaments would be re- VERSE 8 the saints will breathe upon Israel Tel Abib. Nevertheless, his pro-
quired to tie them together, after "'The sinews and the flesh came with the Spirit of Yahweh "that they phecies had primary application to
which flesh or muscles would be up upon them"—The R.V. renders: may live." Elijah will be prominent Judah (Ch. 19:1-4, 9). In Ch. 2:3,
formed over the sinews, and finally "There were sinews upon them, and in this work of restoration, assisted however, the prophet's message is
the covering or skin. In this vision, flesh came up, and skin covered by others of the saints who will be directed to the two houses of Israel
therefore, Ezekiel had a preview them." To appreciate the full drama deputed for that work. (see margin), and now the angel
of the resurrection. of this chapter we need to visualise emphasises that this prophecy of the
"Ye shall know that I am Yah- with Ezekiel what takes place. He "These slain"—The word implies restoration likewise relates to "the
weh"—This is Ezekiel's constant re- hears the loud call, he feels the that they have been violently put whole house of Israel" (see com-
fram. In the day when Israel is shaking of the earth, he sees bone to death. It thus suggests the violent ments on v. 16). To this we have the
overthrow of Israel such as took confirmatory statement of the apos-
completely saved from its enemies, remarkably drawn to its fellow place in A.D. 70, and will take place tle Paul who declared that "all Israel
the nation will come to "know Yah- bone until skeletons are formed. when Gog swoops down upon the shall be saved" (Rom. 11:26).
weh" in the fullest extent. The Then upon them the sinews appear
miraculous, national resurrection to tie the bones together, flesh "Our hope is lost"—The time of
will impress the people with the 58 spreads over the skeletons and, at 59

into remembrance before God (see it"—Many of those who have to- they have built up that they might
Jacob's trouble, yet to occur when Ps. 88:5), that is not so with Israel. day returned do not acknowledge
Gog swarms down into the land, learn: "Except Yahweh build the
They, though dead, are held in the hand of Yahweh in the partial house, they labor in vain that build
will culminate in a cry of distress rememberance, and in due time the restoration of Israel to the Land.
from the lips of the Jews (see Jer. it" (Ps. 127). After Israel has been
graves (memorial tombs) shall be They imagine that they have built humbled by this experience Yah-
30:7). They will see in the destruc- opened that they, like Lazarus, weh will declare: "NOW will I
tion of the Jewish State the end of up their resources by their own in-
might come forth at the bidding of genuity and power. For that pur- bring again the captivity of Jacob,
all their hopes, and they will claim the Lord. In the LXX the word and have mercy upon the whole
that Yahweh has forgotten them pose they must be humbled and
mnemeion is used for qeber, and caused to understand that they house of Israel" (Ezek. 39:25). He
(Isa. 49:14). This humbling of this, likewise signifies a special will do it after the judgment of
Israel will have a salutary effect. memorial tomb or sepulchre. It is can do nothing effectively without Armageddon, when the Jewish
No longer will they manifest con- the word used in John 5:28 where the support of Yahweh's power. people's confidence in self has been
fidence in the flesh, but in their des- the Lord is reported to have said: Thus Gog will be permitted to so reduced as to make them fit
pair they will turn to God. They will "all that are in the graves shall hear sweep down and destroy all that for elevation.
cry: "Blessed is he that cometh in his voice and shall come forth".
the name of the Lord" (Matt. 23: The "all" who shall come forth
39). And the Lord Jesus will appear are those dwelling in the dust who
to save them. are held in remembrance, and
"We are cut off from our parts" therefore figuratively in God's sight
—Rotherham renders: "We are dwell in a Mnemeion, or memorial
quite cut off." Destruction will seem tomb.
absolute, and any possibility of The figurative tombs of Israel are
restoration absolutely impossible. held in remembrance and will be
The bones will seem completely opened to effect the political resur-
bleached. rection seen in vision by Ezekiel. ! COMMENT ON EDOM
Zechariah spoke of the same theme.
VERSE 12 He, too, showed that the nation s The following comment appears in the Amplified Old
"I will open your graves"— would experience a political death, | Testament Bible as a footnote to Ezekiel 35:9: "The Edom-
Hosea, like Ezekiel, also speaks of burial and resurrection, for he de-
the political resurrection of Israel clared: "I will sow them among the \ ites gave what help they could to Nebuchadnezzar when he
in terms which Paul borrows to people: and they shall remember me | captured Judah. Later these cousins of the Israelites were
describe the literal resurrection of in far countries, and they shall live I pushed out of their own country into Southern Judea; Heb-
the saints in the age to come (Hosea with their children, and turn again" | ron was their chief city. When in 70 A.D. the Romans under
13:14 with 1 Cor. 15:54-55). In (Zech. 10:9). The term "sow" in
Rom. 11:15 Paul asks the question: this place implies a figurative burial j Titus besieged Jerusalem, Josephus says the Edomites joined
"What shall the receiving of them (a similar figure is used in 1 Cor. ] the Jews in rebellion against them, and 20,000 were admitted
(i.e. Jewry) be?" and answers: "Life 15). But the prophet Zechariah saw | as defenders of the Holy City. But once in, they pillaged
from the dead." Whilst this state- Israel live again, and restored to
ment has a primary application to their former estates. ! the city, raping and killing, and not even sparing the priests,
the resurrection of the saints, and j though the traitors themselves had been previously
shows that the present regathering VERSE 14 j forced to become circumcised and recognised as Jews. The
is a clear sign of Christ's coming, "I shall put my spirit in you, | Roman conqueror slew them, and Edom ceased to be. The
and the resurrection, it also can and ye shall live"—This spirit is the
apply to Israel in a national sense. "wind" and "breath" referred to in S forecasts of the prophets regarding Edom are in striking
They will experience a political Vv. 5, 9. Reference to this has also j contrast to those of their neighbours, Moab and Amraon.
resurrection that will be almost as been made in the Notes on Ch. ] The latter two countries were to suffer great and severe
remarkable as the literal resurrec- 36:27. ! judgments, as was Edom; but restoration and renewed pro-
tion of the saints. "I shall place you in your own I sperity were promised to them "in the latter days," while
"Your graves"—The Hebrew word land"—The complete restoration of I Edom was never to be rebuilt. This is all obviously nearing
is not sheol, but qeber. Sheol is the the nation of Israel in their land will
general grave into which all descend. take place after the battle of Arma- j fulfilment in the twentieth century. Truly Edom is the scene
Qeber signifies a memorial grave, a geddon (Ezek. 39:25-26). The part- I of "perpetual desolations," with no hint of restoration.
sepulchre, or a tomb that is more ial restoration that has taken place
distinctive than a mere grave. The in recent years is only a token of
use of this term in this place is sig- that which is yet to be effected.
nificant. It means that whilst many "Then shall ye know that I, Yah-
nations might be interred in a weh, have spoken it, and performed
political grave and never again come
60 61
• I I «II


Government Rehoboam, the son of Solomon.
purpose of Yahweh is now presented
VERSE 17 to the prophet and he is shown the
Verses 15-28 glorious hope of Israel as it will be
"Join them one to another into manifested toward that nation. The
one stick"—i.e. restore the previous fulfilment of this hope will vindicate
Having described the political resurrection of the whole unity again to Israel. Yahweh in the sight of all the
house of Israel, the prophet now proceeds to show the purpose of "They shall become one stick in nations of the earth, and will cause
this miracle. The nation is to be brought again into its own land, thine hand"—This is a most im- them to turn to Him.
to be established therein in a united kingdom, "as in the days of portant statement because Ezekiel,
throughout his prophecies, typified VERSE 20
old." the Lord Jesus Christ. Israel will be "The sticks shall be before their
They will be converted to the true worship, and will be made formed into one nation "in the eyes"—Ezekiel was told to prom-
subject to the king "whose right it is," even the Lord Jesus Christ, hand," or through the influence and inently exhibit the sign before the
under the supervision of the Lord people of Israel. In like manner
described by God as "David My servant, a prince among them." Jesus Christ. In v. 19, however, the the preaching of the hope of Israel
Thus there will be one nation, one king, and one worship. stick is represented as being in the should be prominently set before the
hand of Yahweh, and the prophet world, as the sign of restored Israel
The glory of Israel in that day will be such as to draw all nations will be also.
was told: "They shall be made one
to Jerusalem for worship. in mine hand." The Lord Jesus VERSE 21
Christ is not merely "Son of Man"
The Two Sticks—Vv. 15-17 Jacob's firstborn, he was replaced (the title of Ezekiel the prophet), "Behold, I will take the children
by Joseph, who in consequence, re- but he is also the manifestation of of Israel from among the heathen"
Two dry rods are used to sym- ceived "a double portion" in Israel, Yahweh. Therefore it can be truly —The people of Israel will have to
bolise the two divisions of the the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh said when he restores Israel to true fight their way back to the land
nation of Israel, the northern and representing him (see Deut. 21:17). unity one with the other and with (Ezek. 20:33-38; Zech. 9:12-17; 10:
the southern kingdoms. "Of Ephraim"—The principal their God, that this has been the 9-12; Num. 23:24; Mic. 5:8). See
tribe of the north, but actually the work of Yahweh through him. previous notes for the circumstances
VERSE 16 younger son of Joseph, elevated to whereby this shall be brought about.
"Moreover, take thee one stick" the position of firstborn (Gen. 48: "Will bring them into their own
—In Num. 17:2 Moses was told to Ezekiel's Sign to the Children of land"—In Isa. 11:11-16; 27:12-13
17-20). In Jer. 31:9 Yahweh refers Israel—Vv. 18-19
take 12 rods representative of the to the northern kingdom as "Eph- the prophet shows that the children
12 principal men of the twelve raim, His firstborn" whom He de- Ezekiel is instructed to take this of Israel will be brought back to
tribes of Israel. The Hebrew word clares that He "loves with an ever- sign and show it to the people of the land by two routes; via the
there used is matteh, and signifies a lasting love" (v. 3). Because of that Israel that they might be drawn to north through the Euphrates, or via
"staff, as a badge of authority." love, He will restore him to the understand this wonderful purpose the south, through the Red Sea.
Those rods were doubtless green, land. What is the reason for that that God has with them in the Either route requires that they pass
for Aaron's brought forth leaves, love? Certainly not the character future. through water, and therefore they
buds ,and almonds. But here the of the people which has been rebel- will be nationally baptised. There
VERSE 19 will be, therefore, a repetition of the
word "sticks" is from the Hebrew lious against God, but rather God's
aits, and it signifies " a piece of attitude towards and feelings for "They shall be one in mine hand" deliverance that took place under
wood." It was doubtless withered the fathers of Israel. This is ex- —In his explanation to the people Moses. But on this occasion, instead
and dry, symbolising the condition pressed by Paul in Romans 11:28, the prophet was instructed to em- of being "baptised into Moses" (1
of Israel, as expressed by Jeremiah: as "they (Israelites) are beloved phasise that the full restoration of Cor. 10:2), the people will be nation-
"It is withered, it is become like a for the fathers' sakes." Ephraim is Israel will be a work of Yahweh. ally baptised into the Lord Jesus
stick" (Lam. 4:8). beloved for Abraham, Isaac, Israel This is also quite important for us Christ.
and Joseph's sake, and therefore to understand at this present time,
"For the children of Israel his because the partial regathering of VERSE 22
is to be restored to the land. the people in the land today is not
companions"—Who were these
companions of Judah? The answer
As the principal tribe of the north, a work of Yahweh in the fullest ex- the"Iland"—Jeremiah
will make them one nation in —
likewise refers
Ephraim represents all the tribes tent. It must be made abundantly to
is: Benjamin and Levi. They con- of the north who separated in this time in his prophecies (Jer.
stituted the companions of Judah clear to the people of Israel that 50:4-5), and shows that the people
the days of Jeroboam (1 Kgs. 11:31), they can accomplish nothing with- will return
when the tribes separated. whilst Judah stands for the tribes of with "weeping", because
out His help and guidance. Thus they will then recognise their past
"For Joseph"—As the birthright the south. the significance of the drama of the blindness.
was given to Joseph (1 Chron. 5:1), "All the house of Israel his com- last days. The knowledge that they
so the northern tribes are repre- panions"—All the tribes that associ- crucified their Messiah in the past,
sented by his name instead of that ated together to revolt against the will be the main cause of their
The Explanation—Vv. 20-28 mourning (Zech. 12:10).
of Reuben. Though Reuben was House of David in the days of A complete explanation of the
62 "Upon the mountains of Israel"

—The lews will not only inhabit the able things", referring to the gross- be a Prince and a Saviour, for to VERSE 26
mountainous parts of Israel, but the est form of idolatry and its ac- give repentance to Israel and forgive-
whole of the land. But the moun- companying immorality and vice ness of sins" (Acts 5:31). This one, "I will make a covenant of peace
tains of Israel are more closely (see Rom. 1:26-27). of whom Ezekiel foretold that he with them"—The word "peace" is
identified with Jerusalem, its capital, "Nor with any of their trans- will be both ruler and saviour, will from the Hebrew word shalom. It
which is situated in that portion of gressions"—Heb. pasha = "rebel- be elevated before the people of is derived from a root signifying "to
the land. The prophet uses a similar lion". Israel has been noted for its Israel. Ezekiel saw him not only as be at one." Thus, a covenant of
expression in Ch. 6:2. Thus the rebellion against the decrees and ruler and saviour, but also as shep- peace is a covenant that unites and
nation will be identified with Jerus- commandments of Yahweh from herd, guiding the people in righteous- brings into fellowship two con-
the very beginning. But there will
alem its capital. (See also Isa. 2:2-4). ness. tracting parties (Rom. 11:23-27).
"One king shall be king to them be such a change of heart on the This covenant of peace with Israel
"They shall walk in my judg- will be similar to that which the
all"—The king will be the "prince part of the people that they will ments"—See notes on Ch. 36:27.
whose right it is" (Ezek. 21:27). no longer desire to rebel in that Lord Jesus Christ made with his
This, of course, is the Lord Jesus day. "And do them"—The fact that disciples when he told them: "Peace
Christ who was crucified by permis- they will not merely hearken to I leave with you, my peace I give
"I will save them out of all their the law of Yahweh but also perform unto you; not as the world giveth,
sion of Pilate on the charge of sedi- dwelling places"—The dwelling
tion, because the Jews claimed that it, will lay the foundation for the give I unto you" (John 14:27).
places referred to relate to their set- outpouring of the blessings enum-
he had proclaimed himself king in tled abodes among the nations. "It shall be an everlasting cov-
opposition to Caesar. The claim that erated in Lev. Ch. 26 (see partic- enant"—The word "everlasting" is
Driven from their own land, the ularly V. 3), to which reference has the word olam (see notes V. 25).
he was king, but not then in opposi- people have tried to become assimi- been already made.
tion to Ca«sar, was a true one, as lated within those Gentile nations Its use here shows that the covenant
the Lord admitted to Pilate (John to where they have been scattered, to be made will be for the duration
18:37). The caption over the cross "They shall dwell in the land that of the "hidden period" and there-
and they have thus made those I have given unto Jacob my ser- fore one that will last throughout
proclaimed this truth and angered places their "dwelling places". There, vant"—This land was promised un- the Millenium, or thousand years
the Jews. It should be noted that however, they have been in constant to Jacob when he was at Bethel reign of Christ.
these words of Ezekiel concerning tribulation (Isa. 51:23) from which (Gen. 28:13-15), where he rested in
Israel's king have never yet been they shall be saved. distress when fleeing from Esau "I will set My sanctuary in the
fulfilled since they were uttered. (Edom). There he saw the vision midst of them"—Israel was brought
Whilst it may be claimed that cer- "They shall be my people, and I out of Egypt that Yahweh might
tain parts of the prophecy did have will be their God"—(See Hosea 2: of the angels of God ascending and
a primary fulfilment in the days of 23; Zech. 13:9). Yahweh regards the descending upon the ladder of God. dwell among them (Exod. 29:46),
Zerubbabel's restoration, never, since Jews in the land as "His people" This taught him that his future and this purpose will be fulfilled in
the days of Ezekiel, has one king even now (Ezek. 38:16), but unfor- would be governed by divine provi- the Age to come. His dwelling place
had rule over Israel as a united tunately they do not look upon Yah- dence, and that all that God had in Israel originally was in the tent
predicted concerning him would tuary called the Tabernacle; His sanc-
nation. weh as their God. It is only when of the future will constitute
they will do this, that in the truest surely come to pass. Ezekiel's state- the House of Prayer for all nations,
ment provides an endorsement of described
"They shall be no more two sense they will be esteemed "His that which was promised to Jacob. See 43:7; detail in Ezekiel 40-48.
nations"—Israel will constitute a people". Joel 2:27; Zech.
Such promises are absolute, being 2:11-12. See Moses' anticipation of
new, rejuvenated, reunited and re- confirmed by the Lord Jesus, the this future provision—Deut. 33:18-
formed nation. The territory will VERSE 24 covenant victim (Rom. 15:8).
be cleansed from sin and idolatry, "David my servant shall be king 19.
and the Lord Jesus Christ will be over them"—David, like Ezekiel, is "My servant David shall be their
set up over them as king. This is a type of the Lord Jesus. His name prince for ever"—The words "for the"For evermore" •— Heb. olam,
hidden period, or millenium.
the true Hope of Israel (Acts 28:20). means "the Beloved", and points to ever" are a translation of the Temple
him whom Yahweh declared to be word olam, signifiying "for the age." and priesthood worship with its sacrifices,
"My Son, the Beloved" (Matt. 3:17 Jesus Christ shall reign over the service on behalf with its mediatorial
Diaglott). It will be the Lord Jesus
"Neither shall they defile them- Christ who, as the "Beloved" of people of Israel for a thousand will only be requiredof asworshippers,
selves any more with their idols"— Yahweh, and as His servant (Isa. years (Rev. 20:5), which period lasts, and therefore the long as sin
sanctuary -
(see note on Ch. 36:25). The people 42:1), shall assume this glorious • constitutes the age, or then hidden will continue only for the millenium
will not merely experience political position of kingship over Israel (see period, of the future. At the con- or the hidden period of one thous-
clusion of that epoch a perfected and
resurrection and restoration in sub- notes on Ch. 34:23). The term "ser-
jection to a righteous king, but they vant" used in this context is most kingdom shall be given over to God tion years. With the final elimina-
of sin and death as predicted
(1 Cor. 15:28), for rulership over in Rev. 20:14, the need of sacrifice
will be spiritually rejuvenated as significant, because it implies the mortals will then have been brought and priesthood
well, as the influence of God's word work of the Lord Jesus Christ as to an end in that sin and death were no such provisions will cease. There
is brought to bear upon them. will have been destroyed in right- fore sin entered the world; in Eden be-
Saviour (Isa. 49:6). So, David my and there
"Their destestable things"—The servant, signifies "the beloved serv- eousness and immortality (Rev. will be none when sin at last is des-
20:13-15; Rev. 21:4).
Companion Bible renders: "abomin- 64 ant", whom God hath "exalted to troyed.
The Coming Crisis
will be completely united as one
VERSE 27 unit. Ezekiel describes how this Ezekiel 38
"My tabernacle also shall be with great company, possessing the glory
them"—The Hebrew word is mish- (Rom. 5:2), the nature (2 Pet. 1:4), Having revealed the purpose of Yahweh to completely re-
kan, and it signifies "dwelling place." and the name (Rev. 3:12) of God store Israel, the prophet now outlines the means whereby this
Yahweh will dwell with His people will enter the Temple of the age
(see Rev. 21:3), not, however, by to come by "way of the east" (Ezek.
will be accomplished. The people must be humbled before they
personally descending from heaven, 43:1-4). will be elevated. They will be subjected to such political pressure
but my manifesting Himself in the "I will be their God, and they as will force them to seek their God. The devastating invasion of
glorified company of the Redeemed shall by My people"—Moses set the Holy Land, portrayed in the chapter now before us, will
that will be then made one with the
Lord Jesus Christ. They will com- this before the people as a promise accomplish that. Yahweh will use the Russian Gog, as He pre-
prise the "people of the name" conditional upon them keeping the viously used the Assyrian (Isa. 10) to humble His people and
(Acts 15:14; Isa. 30:27). The Lord Law (Lev. 26:2,3,12), and though reduce them to a state in which they will be forced to turn to Him
declared concerning those who over- Israel has profaned the holy Name
throughout the centuries (Ezek. 36: Whom they have ignored for so long.
come: "I will name upon them the 22), in that the people have dis-
name of my God" (Rev. 3:12). The obeyed God's Law, their restoration But it will not be only Israel that will be humbled by this
name Yahweh, therefore, will be will be both physical and spiritual. crisis, but all nations. The violence of the Russian attack will
named upon the whole family of They will enter the land and obey
the redeemed, who though they sweep the Western powers aside, and with Israel prostrate before
will comprise a great multitude with- God's laws, and be in fact His Gog, it will seem as though the whole world is about to fall before
out number (Rev. 7:9), yet will be people. his power. Divine intervention alone will save the world from the
completely united as one (John 17: Y2RSE 28 ruthless conqueror.
21). Zechariah declares: "Yahweh
shall be king over all the earth; in "The heathen shall know that I,
Yahweh, do sanctify Israel"—The It is very significant to note the contrasts presented between
that day there shall be one Yahweh, Israel and the Gogian host (representative of Edom) as they are
and His name one" (Zech. 14:9). nations will see in Israel a com-
Why the emphasis upon "one"? Be- pletely changed and regenerated revealed in these chapters on the Restoration.
cause the one family of Yahweh, people, and will recognise in this
fact, the moulding hand of Yahweh. The Israel slain live (Ezek. 37), but the Gogian living are
though comprising a vast multitude slain. (Ch. 38).
Israel is "brought back from the sword" (Ch. 38:8), but
COMMENT ON GOG Gog's host is appointed to the sword (Ch. 38:21).
The Amplified Old Testament Bible has this comment Israel is brought out of the Valley of death (Ezek. 37); the
to make upon Ezekiel 38: "Gog is a symbolic name, stand- Gogian host is led into it (Ch. 39:11).
ing for the leader of the world powers antagonistic to God. Israel is resurrected out of its graves (Ch. 37:12); the
"Meshech and Tubal are understood to have been the Gogian host is buried in its grave (Ch. 39:11).
same as the Moschi and Tibareni of the Greeks — tribes The bones of Israel are brought together by a great shaking
that inhabited regions in the Caucasus. Rosh, which some in the land (Ch. 37:7); the Gogian host is scattered by a great
would identify with Russia, must have been designated a shaking (Ch. 38:19).
land and people somewhere in the same quarter. And there- The Shepherd Prince of Israel leads Israel to victory (Ch.
fore the Gog of Ezekiel must be viewed as in some sense 37:24); the Gog-prince of Ros leads the nations to disaster (Ezek.
the head of the high regions in the northwest of Asia (Fair- 38:2).
bairn's Imperial Standard Bible Encyclopedia). Many other points of contrast will be revealed by a careful _
"Gesenius observes that it can scarcely be doubtful that consideration of the prophecy.
the first trace of the Russians is here given. Hengstenberg
The People —Vv. 1-7 VERSE 1
(1802-1869) could not bear to see 'the poor Russians'
ranged among the enemies of the kingdom of God. But the The nations enumerated consti- "The word of Yahweh"—This is
tute an Eurasian host comparable to authoritative and will accomplish
One who gave Ezekiel this vision of what was to happen 'in the Image Empire of Dan. 2, be- that which it proclaims—Isa. 55:11.
the latter days' (v. 16), made no mistake in such a forecast, ing representatives of all nations
as all the world would admit today." gathered to Jerusalem for battle VERSE 2
(Zech. 14:2).
"Son of Man"—This is the title
Ros." In Elpis Israel p.424 the rea- dual meanings of Rosh as both
The anti-semitic Haman (des- sons why this word should be "poison" or "head."
of the Lord Jesus, and he it is who cribed as the "Jews' enemy"—Est. treated as a proper noun and not "Meshech"—This word is identi-
shall fulfil the prophecy by setting 3:10; 7:6; 8:1; 9:10,24) was an as an appellative are convincingly fied with Moscovy from whence is
his face against Gog, and destroying "Agagite" (Esther 3:1) and there- set forth. Concerning the name Ros, developed the name Moscow. Boch-
his power. (Isa. 17:13; Dan. 11:45). fore a descendant of the Amalekite Bochart in his Sacred Geography, art wrote: "It is credible that from
"Against" — The Hebrew word kings (Num. 24:7; 1 Sam. 15:8). declares that "Ros is the most an- Rhos and Mesech (that is the
el signifies not merely opposition, He is called an Amalekite by Jose- cient form under which history Rhossi and Moschi), of whom Eze-
but indicates motion against the one phus. In the typology of the book of makes mention of the name of Rus- kiel speaks, descended the Russians
referred to. The multitudinous Son Esther, he represents sinful flesh sia." Stanley, in the Eastern Church and Moscovites, nations of the
of Man will move against Gog when which can be manifested in various p.280 writes: "The name Russ, greatest celebrity in European
he comes into the land (see Isa. ways. The Gogian host of the fu- Hebrew Roas, LXX Ros, unfortun- Scythia." "Thus then," writes John
30:27). ture will be representative of the ately translated in the English ver-
flesh in political manifestation, and Thomas (Elpis Israel p.425), "we
"Gog" — The English and Heb- as such is doomed to destruction. sion 'the chief,' first appears in discern the modern names of Rus-
rew Bible Student's Concordance Ezekiel 38:2 and 39:1. It is the only sia and of Moscow, or Moskwa, in
gives the meaning of this name as If the definition of the meaning name of a modern nation that ap- the ancient names of Ros and Mosc,
"a roof," and that of Haman-gog of the name given above is accepted, pears in the Old Testament." or Muse."
as "the multitude on the roof." This Gog is a title representative of "the Gibbon wrote (The Decline and "Tubal"—This appellation seems
is interesting in view of the destruc- one at the top." Fall of the Roman Empire): to point to Tobolski, the metropolis
tion of the Philistines "on the roof" "The land of Magog"—See Elpis "Among the Greeks the national ap- of Siberia. Bro. Thomas writes: "It
when Samson, with renewed strength, Israel, 14th edition, p.426. The Mag- pellation (Russians) has a singular is not difficult to recognise in Tobl,
overthrew it. Samson typed Is- ogae are identified by Josephus with form, Ros." Tubl, or Thobel, a name which
rael, on behalf of whom Gog's host the Scythians, who, according to naturally connects itself with them;
will be destroyed. In Numbers 24:7 Herodotus, "spread from the River George Sava, in Russia Trium-
phant points out that the earliest and which, in conjunction with
Balaam predicted that the future Tanais or Don westward along the them, tends, in a very remarkable
king of Israel "shall be higher than banks of the Ister, or Danube," name by which the Russians were
known was by the title Rus. manner, to determine and fix the
Agag, and his kingdom shall be ex- through the area later known as proper object of the prediction. The
alted." But in the Septuagint, Agag Hungary, Transylvania, and Wall- Rosh itself signifies "head," or river Tobol gives name to the City
is5 rendered
rendered as
as "Gog." Accepting —
uog. n.^^r^~= that
• achia. Dion Cassius, who lived 150 "poison," and Rosh represents the Tobolium, or Tobolski, the metro-
*•-~ °-i™m
reading, Balaam nroohetically
prophetically saw
saw years after Josephus, relates how that serpent power politically manifested. polis of the extensive region of
the destruction of Gog at the hands Pompey, in his return into Europe The word is translated "poison" in Siberia, lying immediately eastward
of Christ, and the exaltation of the from Asia, "determined to pass to Job 20:16, "venom" in Deut. 32:33, of the territories of Moscovy, or
Kingdom of God over that of the Ister, or Danube, through the "gall' in Deut. 29:18; 32:32. In Mosc. Tobol and Mosc are men-
Edom, or of the flesh. This coming Scythae; and so to enter Italy." Dio- these places the idea of poison and tioned together by Ezekiel who
triumph of Israel over Edom was dorus Siculus, who lived about a gall is derived from a word signi- characterizes them as nations trad-
foreshadowed by the victory of Is- century before Josephus, traces the fying "head" probably because of ing copper (Ezek. 27:13), a metal
rael over Amalek recorded in Ex- Scythians (or Magogites) much fur- the prominent head (seed-pod) of which, it is notorious, abounds in
odus 17:8-16. Amalek was a des- ther into Europe than the Danube; the poppy-plant from which opium the soil of Siberia." "Thus the three
cendant of Esau (Gen. 36:1, 16), even to the shores of the Baltic. is derived. denominations Ros, Mosc, and Tobl,
and therefore representative of the e n IO LUC auv»~ u Moses declared: "Beware lest united in prophecy, point out, with
flesh in political manifestation. Ac- The land of Magog, therefore, there be among you man or woman, equal capacity and conciseness,
cording to Josephus, the army com- comprises central Europe including or family or tribe, whose heart those widely extended regions,
prised a confederacy of various Germany, but extending to the Bal- turneth away this day from Yahweh which, at the present day, we de-
tribes (or nations) antagonistic to tic. According to the terms of this our God to serve the gods of these nominate collectively THE RUS-
Israel, among whom Amalek was prophecy, Gog must dominate in nations; lest there should be among SIAN EMPIRE."
accounted as "the first of the na- that area. This can only be by con- you a root that beareth gall (rosh)
tions" (Num. 24:20), and over quest or agreement because Gog's or wormwood." He here likens VERSE 3
which ruled Agag, or Gog. Moses' title is not Prince of Magog, but "gall" or rosh, to a poisonous phil- "Say, I am against thee, O Gog."
victory at that time was a victory Prince of Ros. Gog is three times osophy that will turn men from —Thus the Son of Man speaks with
of faith over flesh, of prayer over given this title (v. 3; Ch. 39:1), but serving God—a very fit definition the authority and in the name of
fleshly power. He saw it as a fore- only once said to be "of the land of Russian Communism with its the Father.
shadowing of the victory to come, of Magog." Later, the punishment Godless philosophy. "O Gog, the chief prince of Mes-
and therefore built an altar (rep- on Magog is shown as being inde- hech and Tubal"—The R.V. ren-
resentative of Christ—Heb. 13:10) pendent of that poured out on Gog's The appellation, Rosh, therefore,
and called it Yahweh-nissi, a title forces (Ch. 39:6), showing the two fittingly describes the serpent power ders: "Prince of Ros, Meshech and
that points to the Lord Jesus in to be different. politically manifested. The venom Tubal." Magog is omitted, as it is
glory as providing the means of of the serpent, the dangerous fangs also in Ch. 39:1. From this it is
"Chief prince" —- The Revised of its head, are represented by the obvious that Gog is of Ros or
personal and national victory (Isa. Version renders this as "Prince of
11:10-12). 69

Russia, and only "of the land of hook in thy nose, and My bridle have bypassed Jerusalem itself, in- diffused themselves over 'the north
Magog" or central and western in thy lips, and I will turn thee tent upon dominating the strategic- quarter,' that is relatively to Judea.
Europe by extension of his power. back by the way which thou earnest" ally important territory of Egypt, Ezekiel says, 'The house of Togar-
(Isa. 37:29). The blasphemous, anti- and the Suez Canal. Occupying mah traded in the Tyrian fairs with
VERSE 4 semitic Assyria was a type of Gog, Egypt, "tidings out of the east and horses, and horsemen, and mules,
"I will turn thee back"—The R.V. and the sudden and unexpected north shall trouble him" (Dan 11: (Ezek. 27:14). Hence doubtless they
renders "back" as "about." The destruction of his forces outside 44). The tidings out of the east were a nomadic people, tending
Oxford Gesenius renders the word: of Jerusalem, foreshadowed the could well be the remarkable events flocks and herds in the pasture lands
"lead thee away enticingly", and re- destruction yet to come upon the that will be taking place at Sinai at of the north, where nature favored
fers to Isaiah 47:10 mg. Concerning Gogian confederacy outside the that time, for the judgment seat of their production with little care and
Babylon it is said: "Thy wisdom and walls of the same city. The word Christ will have there been set up expense. Russian, and Independent
thy knowledge, it hath perverted chachiy can be rendered "curbs", (Deut. 33:1-2; Hab. 3:3; Psalm Tartary are the countries of Togar-
(mg. caused thee to turn away) thee; and its use in Ezekiel 38:4 shows 68:7-8). The tidings "out of the mah, from which in former times
and thou hast said in thine heart, I that Gog will be controlled by a north" may well relate to Jerusalem poured forth the Turcoman cavalry,
am, and none else beside me" (Isa. Power far mightier than himself. A (north of Egypt), which the West- 'which,' says Gibbon, 'they proudly
47:10). The analogy of this verse is hook in the jaws of Gog indicates ern powers will doubtless fortify as computed by million.' Georgia and
that of a fisherman, having baited a base for a possible impending Circassia, probably, are 'bands of
that he is Yahweh's prisoner, and counter-attack against Gog in the
his hook, and enticing his catch. must perform His will. Togarmah's house.'" (Elpis Israel,
Gog will be enticed by God to ful- Middle East. These predicted events p. 429). The Companion Bible sug-
"A great company"—The Hebrew demand some alteration to the present
fil His will. Not that Yahweh will word qahal is the Hebrew equiva- gests that by Togarmah, Armenia is
co-operation manifested between meant.
directly control the heart of this ruler lent for the Greek "ecclesia", and Russia and the Arab powers, for
and then condemn him for what He therefore signifies a company gather- the very fact that the latter are
has forced him to do, but inasmuch ed together by invitation and for a described as "escaping" or "not VERSE 7
as He is responsible for the condi- special purpose. Joel (Ch. 3:9) pre- escaping" the attack of the king of
tions that will induce Gog to in- dicts that a holy war will be pro- "Be thou prepared"—The Hebrew
the north (Vv. 41, 42), indicates word kuwn signifies "to be erect,
vade Israel, He is represented as claimed among the nations, and that they will be hostile to Russia
inciting him to do so. It is Yah- this will result in the company being set up, established." Yahweh ad-
when Gog makes his drive south. dresses His adversary in ironical
weh who is behind the Jewish re- gathered unto Gog out of the Daniel 11:40 speaks of the King of
storation: it is He Who formed the terms, inviting him to set up his
nations. the North attacking Constantinople power for a contest with God. With
world, so that His land is so im- "Handling swords"—A great com- (the "him" of the verse before us— the confederated forces of the
portant strategically; it is He pany skilful in war (Joel 3:9-11). see Exposition of Daniel or Elpis nations of modern Eurasia behind
also, who arranged for that The weapons mentioned in this verse Israel by John Thomas), and this him, all the might and power of
most desirable commodity of the and elsewhere are an accommod- invasion of a Moslem country will flesh will be concentrated into the
modern world to be found beneath ation of the language of the times be viewed with the greatest hostility hands of Gog.
the arid sands of the Middle East— to modern use. Though guns might by the Arab nations, themselves
oil. Gog will invade Israel because take the place of swords, and de- Moslem by religion. "Thy company that are assembled
of: anti-semitism which is character- fensive weapons be vastly different unto thee"—The word "assembled"
istic of Russia; the wealth of the to the bucklers (or large shields) in the Hebrew is gahal. See note V.
land itself; its important position in a "Gomer"—Josephus (book 1, ch. 4.
and shields (smaller shields) of ' 6 , sec. 1) identifies these with the
world strategy; the black gold found ancient times, their actual purpose is Galatians, or the Gauls, who migra- "Be thou a guard unto them"—
beneath its soil. Russia produces no different. For the purpose of the ted west to France, Holland, Bel- The word "guard" is mishmar in
sufficient oil for her own use, prophecy before us they indicate gium etc. See Elpis Israel pp. 426- Hebrew, from a root shamar, sig-
but the western European countries that Gog's forces will be well armed 428. nifying "to hedge about as by
are dependent upon the Middle East when they enter the land. thorns". This is a very significant
for it, and for this source to fall "All his bands"—The RV renders statement in relation to the Russian
into Russian hands would be a VERSE 5 "bands" as "hordes." Gog, for it is suggestive of the Iron
victory of major consequence to "Persia"—Today Persia is pro-
west, but circumstances, or con- "Togarmah of the north quarters" Curtain that today hedges in the
that power. These are some of the •—Togarmah most likely points to nations that are under her control.
considerations that will entice Russia quest, will cause it to come under Turkey. Other renditions of this word are
into the Middle East. the domination of Russia. "to keep watch over", "to provide
"Put hooks into thy jaws"—The "Ethiopia and Libya"—Daniel "There is little said about Togar- with a law", "to exercise authority",
Hebrew word chachiy signifies a (Chapter 11:40-45) describes how mah in history beyond conjecture. "to be leader or commander". All
ring for the nose or lips, and it was that the king of the north will drive He was a son of Gomer, therefoie these definitions suggest the domin-
by this method that captives were led south along the coastal plains of his posterity would migrate origin- ant dictatorial authority that is
away in ancient times. In similar Palestine, to stretch forth his hand ally from the same locality as
language, Yahweh addressed Senna- upon Egypt. His domination of Gomer's other descendants—namely characteristic of Russia today.
Egypt (V. 42) will bring the Liby- from the mountains of Taurus and The Plan—Vv. 9-12
cherib: "Because thy rage against Amanus; but instead of going
Me, and thy tumult, is come into ans and the Ethiopians at his steps The prophet now outlines the pur-
(V. 43). At that stage, Gog will westward with their brethren, they
Mine ears, therefore will I put My pose of the gathering together of
70 71

have returned from the sword, and than reliance upon Yahweh in truth. forth in full power and glory, as is
these nations. It is for war, the not the land, as expressed in the It is not pleasing to God, therefore.
focal point of conflict being the normal for a sun, shining after rain.
A.V. Rotherham thus renders this In Ezek. Ch. 39:26 the people are David prophetically declared: "He
land of Israel. sentence as "the land of the rem- indicted for the proud, confident shall be as the light of the morning,
VERSE 8 nant brought back from the sword". attitude of mind that they mani- when the sun riseth, even a morning
"From the sword"—The remnant fested when they dwelt safely in without clouds: as the tender grass
"After many days"'—This indi- will be brought back from the their land and none made them
cates that the prophecy was not to springing out of the earth by clear
afraid. The attack of Gog will force
be fulfilled for some considerable sword in that the people will be them to recognise that their confi-
shining after rain." (2 Sam. 23:4).
time. In Verse 16 the time referred restored from certain death in the dence was misplaced. At that time
The sun always seems to shine
to is defined as "the latter days". land of the enemy. Earlier, Ezekiel they will be forced by the very
brightest when storm and rain have
Thus Ezekiel could see that the pro- showed how Israel was appointed troubles that shall be brought upon
subsided and when clouds of gloom
phecy extended far into the future, to the sword (see Ch. 5:12-17; 6:11, them, to turn to their God. And as
have been driven away. So it will be
even to these present times. 12). In Ezekiel Ch. 12:16 Yahweh, for Israel and the world after Gog
through the prophet, declares that the Lord Jesus Christ declared in has been turned back.
"Thou shalt be visited"—Rother- he would leave "a few men of Matth. 23:39, the very reverses that
ham renders: "Thou shalt muster them from the sword". They escaped they will experience will force them VERSE 10
thy forces". the sword in order that they might to say: "Blessed is he that cometh in "At the same time shall things
"In the latter years"—The phrase return to the land. the name of the Lord". come into thy mind"—Rotherham
literally means: "At the end of "And is gathered out of many VERSE 9 renders the word "things" as
years", thus pointing to the end of people"—Notice that the words "thoughts"; the Companion Bible
Gentile times. "and is" are in italics, indicating that "Thou shalt ascend like a storm has "matters". "Things, thoughts,
"Thou shalt come into the land" there are no equivalent words in the . . . like a cloud"—The expressions words, or matters" comprise the pol-
•—Rotherham renders: "Into the original text. These words are better suggest the suddenness and violence icy of the Russian Gog at the time
land of the remnant", a significant eliminated, so that we read that it of a storm as well as the threatening of the end. This policy shall be
statement in view of the partial is the land of the remnant "brought aspect of heavy clouds over the land. generated by modern political con-
restoration of Israel in these latter back from the sword, gathered out Taken together, these figures sug- ditions. The opportunity will seem
days. of many people" that is in view. To gest that Gog's invasion shall burst to be ripe for Gog to attack, and the
forth suddenly, rage violently, intentions for doing so shall come
"Gathered out of many people" that point the prophet has been deal- spread quickly, alarm greatly, but tnto his mind as events become pro-
—The remnant is described as hav- rather ing with the people of Israel,
than the land itself. He now cease finally. Storms roar and clash, pitious to that end.
ing been gathered out of "many considers the land, and speaks of alarm and destroy, but they do not
nations", showing that the restora- the mountains "Think an evil thought" — The
of Israel which have continue indefinitely. Clouds defuse margin renders: "Conceive a mis-
tion from Babylon does not answer been a continual waste. gloom and fear, but ultimately they
to the requirements of this prophecy, chievous purpose." The purpose is to
disperse. So the expressions suggest desecrate the holy land and people.
as some try to teach. The restoration "But it is brought forth out of darkness and gloom over the land of
from Babylon is but a type of this the nations"—Again this cannot Though this policy is already in
Israel, until finally the storm ceases, the minds of the men of the Krem-
final restoration. relate to the mountains of Israel, and the Sun of Righteousness shines lin who realise the strategic value of
"The mountains of Israel, which as the construction of the sentence
have been always waste"—The R.V. in the A.V. would suggest. Rother-
renders the statement "always ham renders it: "But the same from
waste", as " a continual waste". The the peoples have been brought
land has not always been waste, forth", and he thus refers the
because when Abraham entered into statement to the remnant, and not
it, it was a land flowing with milk to the land. Whilst the mountains
and honey. The spies on their re- of Israel have been a continual
turn from their investigation of the waste, the remnant has been brought
land likewise reported its great fer- forth out of the nations.
tility. But since the people of Israel "They shall dwell safely"—The
have been driven therefrom it has Hebrew word behtach signifies a
been a continual waste. However, its place of refuge, providing security
restoration is at hand, as previous and confidence. This clearly defines
chapters of Ezekiel have stated. the state of the Jews today in the
"That is brought back"—The land of Israel. In the land of Israel
word in the Hebrew shuwh signifies they have a place of refuge, a feel-
"to turn back", with the implica- ing of security and of confidence.
tion of "return". The RSV renders But this confidence and security is
misplaced for it is based upon the
it as "restored". It is the remnant accomplishments Current world national pressures are forcing Russia to look
who have been restored, or who of flesh, rather more to the south for possible extension of power.

The Middle East unites three con- • VERSE 13 of the Arab nations will cease, and
the Middle East, and recognise the tinents as one: Europe, Asia and they will be forced to align them-
tremendous value of the rich re- Africa; it drives a wedge into the "Sheba"—Sheba was an Arab
kingdom adjacent to modern Aden. selves with the Western nations, and
serves of oil beneath its sands, the two great blocks of nations: the even with their previous enemy
circumstances that will cause Gog west and east; and as is well known To the Tyrian merchants with whom
the men of Sheba traded (Ezek. 27: Israel, to make a common cause
to ascend north against Israel are in political strategy, the nation that against the more deadly foe from
outlined in Dan. 11:40-45 (See pre- holds the Middle East, can command 22), it was known as the spice coun-
try. Archaeologists have uncovered the north.
vious notes). the world. In addition, the richest
oil deposits of all the world are some of the glory of this fabulous
VERSE 11 found under the sands of these "des- kingdom whose queen visited Solo-
"I will go up"—To go "up" is to olate places." Russia's command of mon. A gigantic dam blocked the
move northwards. As Gog originally the Middle East would constitute a river Abhanat in Sheba, conserving
comes "out of the north parts" (v. strangle-hold on the resources of the water for irrigation purposes. Re-
15), it is obvious that he must de- West. mains of this technical marvel in
scend south before he ascends again. walls, over 60 feet high, still defy
The prophecies of Ezekiel and Dan- "That dwell in the midst of the the sands of the desert. Sheba be-
iel are thus shown to be complemen- land"—The margin renders the word came one vast scented garden of the
tary one to the other. As indicated "midst" as "navel". Strategically, the costliest spices in the world, in the
earlier. Gog will sweep south in a land of Israel was in the very centre midst of which was the capital
lightning attack on Egypt, for the of the ancient world, a world that Marib. It lies at the southern tip of
moment bypassing Jerusalem. There was limited to Assyria in the north the Arabian peninsular on the east-
he will hear the tidings out of the and Egypt in the south. Even today, ern spur of the mountain range
east and north, and leaving an oc- with new continents opened up, the that skirts the Red Sea. Inscriptions „ . : eu/HMTts (n/Aizr) O/AU tt nx/w UP
cupation force in Egypt, he will Middle East remains the strategic speak of cities of 1,000,000 inhabi-
drive north to the "glorious holy centre. However, the Hebrew word tants in the important kingdom.
mountain" (Dan. 11:45). Thus "all tabbuwr, rendered "midst" signifies Concerning recent discoveries, W. "Dedan"—Dedan is identified
nations shall be gathered to Jerusa- that which is elevated, such as a F. Albright declares: with Muscat on the far eastern tip
lem to battle" (Zech. 14:2). height. In Judges 9:37 the word is of Arabia bordering the Arabian
used in the sense of an elevation; in "They are in process of revolu- sea. Brother Thomas remarks: "The
"The land of unwalled villages" Ezekiel it points to the mountainous tionising our knowledge of southern men of Dedan are in the list of the
—This is a Hebraism defining rural region of the land of Israel, in which Arabia's cultural history and chrono- traders in the Tyrian fairs given by
settlements (See Lev. 25:31). Rother- is found Jerusalem. It is not with- logy. Up to now the results to hand Ezekiel (Ch. 27:15). The Dedanim
ham renders the term as "hamlets." out significance, that in Daniel 11: demonstrate the political and cul- carried thither the ivory and ebony
It clearly points to modern Israel 45, the king of the north is said to tural primacy of Sheba in the first which they procured from 'the many
which can be styled a nation of plant the tents of his power "in the centuries after 1000 B.C." isles' to the eastward, and 'precious
rural settlements. glorious holy mountain." Accepting About 542 B.C., the vast dam cloths for chariots.' . . . The Sultan
"At rest"—The word shaqat sig- the term "midst" in this light, we referred to above burst, and ulti- of Muscat now rules the country of
nifies "repose," and here suggests have, in Ezekiel, a prophecy predict- mately the desert claimed the spice Dedan" {Elpis Israel p. 433).
the repose that Jewry in the land ing that Israel will occupy the hill kingdom of Sheba. In the days of Isaiah 21 identified the Dedanim
enjoys today after restlessly wander- country at the time of the end, Ezekiel, however, it was an import- generally with the bedouin Arabs.
ant and powerful Arab kingdom,
ing from country to country under such as the nation does today. and representative of the Arabs as
Ezekiel 38, therefore, uses two Arab
threat of persecution, over the cen- tribes that are elsewhere used in
a whole. Isaiah speaks of "all they Scripture as representative of Arabs
turies. The Protest—V. 13 of Sheba" ascending to Jerusalem in
"Safely"—See note v. 8. generally. But why select them out
Zechariah 14:2 declares that "all the age to come to worship at the of all the Arab tribes? Doubtless be-
nations" will be gathered to Jerusa- House of Prayer for all nations, cause of their geographical position.
VERSE 12 lem {the hill country) to battle; there to be set up (Isa. 60:6). Sheba is far to the south of the land
"To take a spoil, and to take a Revelation 16:14-17, and Joel 3 If Sheba (i.e. the Arabs) is to pro- of Israel, and Dedan to the east, .
prey"—The margin renders: "To teach similarly. Daniel 11:44 pre- test against the Russian attack, it and between them they link the
spoil the spoil" etc. The spoil and dicts that disquieting tidings will signifies that the present pro-Russian south and north borders of Arabia.
prey relate to the people of Israel, draw the king of the north with his policy of the Arab nations must In these two titles, therefore, the
who have always been treated as confederated forces there "to make undergo a change. This is also Arabs generally can be identified.
such, but have been "brought back away many." What are the tidings to obvious from Daniel 11:41-42 where Moreover, if the Western Powers at-
from the sword" (v. 8), only to be the north? Ezekiel shows that the the Arabs east of the Jordan are tempt to fortify Jerusalem against
again attacked in the land. Western powers will oppose the said to "escape" his attack, but the Russian attack (as would be
challenge of Russia, only to be Egypt does not. Once Russia moves necessary), Sheba (Aden) and Ded-
"To turn thine hand upon the des- swept out of the way. This opposi-
olate places"—These places are of into Turkey, thus "drying up" the an (Muscat) would be convenient
tion may well comprise the predicted political Euphrates (Rev. 16:12), points of entry to the Middle East,
the utmost value to the Russian Gog tidings from the north.
because of their strategical position. 74 all pro-Russian feelings on the part for the Western powers.

bearing Phoenician trade marks was shish (2 Chron. 9:21), and it is a

"The merchants of Tarshish"— Mediterranean was named the Sea fished up at the mouth of Falmouth remarkable confirmation of the
Despite all that has been said against of Tarshish because, it is probable, Harbour, England, and is now in the prophetic picture that British com-
the identification of Tarshish with the settlements of Tarshish were Royal Institution of Cornwall at mercial strength developed largely
Britain in Elpis Israel, an unbiassed more commercial and enterprising Truro. out of the Anglo-Indian Company.
consideration of the evidence will than those of his other brethren. The Phoenicians also sailed east
only fortify the conviction that Bro- "The southern coast of Spain, abut- It is further claimed that Britain
to India. F. C. Hernshaw, writing
ther Thomas was correct in his ex- ting both on the Atlantic and Medi- was once known as the Tin Island.
in Sea-Power and Empire shows
position. That is surely obvious from terranean, is considered as peculiarly The Encyclopaedia Britannica de-
how the mantle of Tyre fell upon
the remarkable predictions of then his. One of his Atlantic settlements clares: "There can be no doubt
Britain, declaring: "The Phoenicians
future moves that he was able to was called Tartessus, or, as it oc- that Cornwall and Devonshire are
vastly improved the art of ship-
make based upon the word, and curs in Polybuius and Stephanus referred to under the general name
building, and in their more sea-
which time has vindicated. Consider Byzantinua, Tarseion. Tartessus is of Cassiterides, or the 'Tin Islands'."
worthy vessels they were able, on
for example, his statement made in probably a contraction of Tarsou Coote's History of England states:
the one hand, to venture past the
1848 that the partial restoration of nasos, Tarshish's Island, for Tartes- "Bochart is of the opinion that the
Jews to the land would be sponsored sus was originally an island formed Phoenicians called the island by the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar and
by Britain (see Elpis Israel pp. by the two mouths of the Boetis, or name of Baratanac, i.e., The Land Ceuta) and traffic in tin with the
441-446). He wrote: "As I have Guadalquiver, and the Atlantic; one of Tin, an appelation which the British. On the other hand, in the
said elsewhere, the Lion-power will of the channels is dried up, so that Greeks softened into Bretania, and opinion of some authorities, from
not interest itself on behalf of the it is now part of the peninsular." (J. whence arose the Roman Britannia." the Red Sea they traversed the In-
subjects of God's kingdom, from Thomas, Herald of the Coming Age, In the remarkable prophecy con- dian Ocean . . . "
pure generosity, piety towards God, 1858). cerning Tyre (Phoenicia) contained To summarise what the Scrip-
or love of Israel, but upon the prin- It is significant that Britain has in Isaiah 23, the decline of Tyre as tures reveal concerning Tarshish:
ciples which actuate all the govern- occupied Gibraltar (ancient Tarsh- a mercantile marine power is pre-
dicted, at which time her maritime Tarshish was a son of Javan with
ments of the world — upon those ish) for so long. whom Phoenicians were identified
namely, of the lust of dominion, dominance would "pass over to Tar- (Gen. 10:4).
Ezekiel 27:12-13, declares that shish" (Isa. 23:6). Later, in the
self-preservation, and self-aggrand- "Tarshish was thy merchant by He gave his name to a country
isement. God, who rules the world, reason of the multitude of all same chapter, the ships of Tarshish identified at the extremity of the
and marks out the bounds of habita- riches; with silver, iron, tin and lead, are likewise called upon to howl, then known world (2 Chron. 9:21;
tion for the nations, will make they traded in thy fairs." These are "for your strength is laid waste" 20:36,37).
Britain a gainer by the transaction. products of the mines of Spain and (v. 14). The prophecy thus antici-
pates the decline of sea power of Tarshish will be identified as a
He will bring her rulers to see the Britain, which were brought to nation at Christ's return (Ps. 72:
desirableness of Egypt, Ethiopia, Tyre in "the ships of Tarshish." both Tyre and Tarshish. 10).
and Sheba, which they will be in- The Scriptures indicate two places Its military, political and naval
duced, by the force of circumstances, Chambers Encyclopaedia in an called Tarshish, both of which have power will be humbled (Ps. 48:7;
probably, to take possession of. They article on Phoenicia declares: "From been linked by trade in the past. Isa. 2:16).
will, however, before the battle of Tartessus in Spain, outside the They are Britain and India. As to Its people will be converted to
Armageddon, be compelled to re- Straits, the Atlantic and Bay of the former, Ezekiel 27:12 shows Christ at his coming (Isa. 66:19).
treat from Egypt and Ethiopia . . ." Biscay were explored, and a trade that Tarshish was noted for tin, and
Britain's power was established with Cornwell and the Scilly Islands the Book of Jonah 1:3 shows that Its resources will be placed at
upon trade. She is a merchant was established, and the Baltic Sea it lay in a far westerly direction Christ's disposal at that time (Isa.
power, such as the prophecy of possibly was entered in the search from Palestine. Jonah took ship at 60:9).
Ezekiel requires. And though she for amber." Joppa for Tarshish, the furthest
A consideration of many of the
has recently suffered decline in her Dickens, in A Child's History of country to which he could travel.
mercantile marine power and pres- England remarks: "It is supposed Leaving Joppa, there was only one arguments urged against the expos-
direction towards which he could ition contained in Elpis Israel relat-
tige, she maintained dominance in that the Phoenicians, who were ing to Tarshish indicates that their
those avenues sufficiently long ancient people famous for carrying sail: a westerly course down the
Mediterranean. authors have failed to take into
— enough to accomplish the purpose on trade, came in ships to these consideration all these points of
that Yahweh had marked out for islands, and found that they pro- identification.
her. duced tin and lead, both very useful On the other hand, Solomon built
things and both produced to this a fleet to sail to Tarshish (1 Kings "All the young lions"—Here is
Tarshish, as a proper name, occurs very hour upon the sea coast. The 9:26; 10:22), which sailed from a further identification with the
first in Gen. 10:4 as the name of the Phoenicians coasting about the Ebionezer, a port on the Red Sea. English speaking world. The RSV
second son of Javan, who was the islands would come without much Those ships could only sail south renders this as "villages," but, in
fourth son af Japhet, eldest son of difficulty to where the tin and lead and east towards the Straits of fact, the Hebrew word kephiyr, with
Noah. The Javanese settled the were. They traded with the islanders Babelmandeb from whence they but one exception, has been invari-
coasts of the Mediterranean, the for these metals." might proceed east or north for ably rendered "lions." As Ezekiel
Adriatic, and the Atlantic region India. The produce they obtained elsewhere uses the word for nations
above the Straits of Gibraltar. The It is claimed that a block of tin, point to India as the eastern Tar- (Ezek. 32:2; 19:3), it seems most

appropriate to use it here in spite to this, so the period of the judg- is the most northerly country, oc- Yahweh will bring Gog against the
of the RSV. As such it points to ment on Gog is still some time in cupying the "uttermost parts" there- land, in that He will develop con-
the heraldic symbol of Britain. the future, though Christ's return of. Moscow is almost directly north ditions that will appear to Gog as
could be at any moment. As there of Jerusalem! propitious for the attempt and will
But who are the "young lions"? is a set day to favor Zion {Psalm permit Gog to attempt to take pos-
It seems an apt reference to the 102:13), so there is a set time to session of it. He will be "sanctified"
British Commonwealth of Nations, judge the nations {Acts 17:26), and in Gog, by taking vengeance upon
plus America. A "young lion" is "that day" is appointed of Yahweh him for assailing Israel. This will
not necessarily a cub, but a power- {Acts 17:31). reveal that He is holy, righteous
ful, virile animal in full strength and not unmindful of the welfare of
and vigor of life. This aptly des- VERSE 14 His people. Yahweh's intervention
cribes those nations that have come "In that day"—This is the period will show beyond all doubt that He
into existence through the Mother appointed of Yahweh (Acts 17:31). is the God of Israel. It will reveal
Country. how real is the Hope of Israel, and
"My people of Israel"—Here, will show that He will not tolerate
"Shall say unto thee"—The pro- again, is a wonderful confirmation
phecy thus demands that each of of the prophecy. Ezekiel speaks of the blasphemy of Gentilism.
the nations so defined should in- Israel as a people or nation: an All this will be exemplified in
dependently raise a voice of protest event that took place in May 1948. the Divine judgments to be poured
against the attack from the north. Until then Israel was not a national out, and it will play a part in caus-
Here, again, there is a remarkable nor a geographical term; today it is ing the nations to ultimately submit
fulfilment of prophecy in recent both. Those in the land are des- to His demands. Thus the judgment
years. Originally, a declaration of cribed as "My people" on a na- of Armageddon, and the national
war on the part of Britain would tional, not a spiritual, basis. Later salvation that God will bring to
automatically involve the colonies, (Ch. 39:26) they are condemned Israel will cause others to accept
but Ezekiel's prophecy requires in- because of their trespasses at the the Truth that will then be pro-
dependent declarations on the part very time here indicated. However, claimed in His name through Christ
of each of the powers there referred Jews today who have returned to and the saints. The nations shall
to, including each of the "young the land, have in part obeyed the "know" Him in the sense of John
lions." This has been brought about Divine will, even though unknow- 17:3, in a way that will be reflected
in recent years, for whereas Am- ingly. in action. All nations will be hum-
erica gained her independence by bled at that time: Israel by the in-
war, the colonies gained it by legis- "Shalt thou not know it?"—The vasion of Russia; The Western
lation. The Statute of Westminster A.V. suggests that Gog will recog- VERSE 16 World by its incompetence to stop
in 1931 granted autonomy to such nise the vulnerability of the Middle the Russian onslaught; and Russia,
"young lions" as Australia, Canada East at that time. Israel will be "In the latter days"—There may by the outpouring of Divine judg-
and South Africa. An attack by dwelling safely and unsuspectingly. have been a partial fulfilment of the ment.
Russia will call for an independent The "peace and safety" cry will prophecy of the Scythians in times
have resounded throughout Europe contemporary with Ezekiel, but "Before their eyes"—The amaz-
protest from each, as the prophecy here the declaration is clear and ing overthrow of Gog on the very
demands. (1 Thess. 5:3), when "sudden des- certain that it is to be fulfilled at eve of apparent victory will reveal
truction" shall overtake the nations. the time of the end, the period in the supernatural means by which
"Art thou come..." — This As this takes place after Christ's
threatening voice of protest implies return and whilst the household which Daniel 11:40-45 also will be it will have been accomplished.
the presence of British and Ameri- fulfilled. This will be displayed "before the
is being judged, there is ample time eyes" of all nations, for they shall
can troops in the Middle East at the for any further political develop- "My land"—The land of Israel
time indicated. Despite present in- all learn of it.
ments such as may be required in belongs to Yahweh (Deut. 11:12),
dications, events at the time of the regard to Israel. See also notes on and not to Israel after the flesh
end will bring this about. vv. 8,11. The LXX, however, ren- (Lev. 25:23). He has promised it The Purpose — Vv. 17-23
ders the question as, "Wilt thou to Abraham and his spiritual seed There is mercy in Divine judg- —
The Period —Vv. 14-16 not rouse thyself?" It thus draws "for ever" (Genesis 13:15). It is ment, for only through such means
attention to the sudden attack that therefore a desecration of that will the virtues of serving God be
Christ's first work is to raise the will which is holy, or separated unto
dead (1 Thess. 4:16) and judge Gog. be launched by the Russian Yahweh's use, for Gog to stretch
brought home to the people {Isa.
them (1 Pet, 4:17), in order that 26:9-10). Apart from Divine inter-
forth his unhallowed hands to vention, the nations, with the terri-
the glorified and immortal saints grasp it. This is the ground of the
might assist him in the judging of VERSE 15 fying weapons of destruction they
controversy between Gog and Yah- possess, could well nigh destroy each
the nations {Psalm 149). As the "Thou shalt come from thy place weh (cf. Joel 3:2).
judgment of the household might out of the north parts"—The RV other in the struggle for survival.
well occupy some years, and Ar- renders: "Out of the uttermost parts "When I shall be sanctified in VERSE 17
mageddon takes place subsequent of the north." From Israel, Russia thee, O Gog, before their eyes"— "Art thou he of whom I have
78 79

will cause His zeal to be extended the Sun is a symbol of Yahweh "Every wall shall fall to the
spoken in old time by my servants in their cause. It will be manifested (Psalm 84:11), and as the Sun des- ground"—A wall is a human form
the prophets"—The theme of Ar- in preserving the remnant of Israel troys darkness, so the faces of Yah- of protection and defence, and this
mageddon is found in all the pro- (Isa. 37:32), in arming His warriors weh "shall be against them that expression indicates that all forms
phets, though presented in different (Isa. 59:17), in going forth to war do evil, to cut off the remembrance of such will be completely over-
ways and diverse manner. The judg- (Isa. 42:13; Zech. 8:2), in gathering of them in the earth" (Ps. 34:16). whelmed. But the language is rem-
ment poured out is a bruising on the the nations for judgment (Zeph. iniscent of the remarkable over-
head (Ros) of the serpent power in 3:8); and finally in extending the The "faces" here described by
Ezekiel should be linked with his throw of Jericho which is thus set
political manifestation, and as such influence of David's throne through- forth as a type of the coming judg-
it is a fulfilment of the covenant in out the world (Isa. 9:7). None can vision of the Cherubim in Chapter
1, for the Cherubim had "four ment.
Eden (Gen. 3:15). The final crush- touch the things of Yahweh with
ing of the serpent power, of course, impunity (Joel 2:18). His zeal will faces" (v. 6), that shone forth with VERSE 21
awaits the end of the Millenium protect and preserve them. Divine glory. The appearance of
(Rev. 20:2,10,14). the Cherubim was "the likeness "I will call for a sword against
"In the fire of My wrath"—See of the glory of Yahweh" (v. 28). him"—There is perfect justice in
Ezek. 36:5. The RSV renders this In his earlier chapters, the prophet this, because earlier Gog has an-
VERSE 18 "My blazing wrath." The judgment nounced his intention of attacking
"My fury shall come up in my upon the nations will be frightening described how that glory was with-
drawn from Israel, but now in these a people "called back from the
face"—The word "fury" is from (Isa. 30:27-33; Jer. 25:30-33; Dan. prophecies of the restoration he pre- sword" (v. 8). Now the sword of
the root yacham, "to be hot, to 12:1; Joel 3:16, etc.). dicts that the glory will return. It Divine justice and wrath is issued
flush up red." Rotherham renders "A great shaking in the land of will return, however, not as the She- against Gog. In addition to Gog's
the word as "indignation." This Israel"—Contrast Ezek. 37:7. Israel kinah glory in the Temple, but mani- own mutually antagonistic forces,
fury, or indignation, will be seen will be shaken together, but Gog's fested in a multitude of glorified the remnants of Judah in the land
in the face of Yahweh. Such an forces will be shaken apart. There ones united as one with Christ Jesus. shall also take up weapons and re-
expression however, relates not to will be tremendous seismographic This is the "presence" or "faces" of group their forces to fight the in-
Yahweh as a person, but to His upheavals and convulsions of nature Yahweh in the earth. Later (Ch. vader (Zech. 14:14).
manifestation in Christ and the at Christ's return, as there were at 43:2-3) Ezekiel described how the
saints. The use of the term "Yah- his death (Matt. 27:50-54), and "glory" will enter the restored "Every man's sword shall be
weh's face" for His manifestation these will cause great fear and dis- Temple that he saw in vision, and against his brother"—In panic and
in His agents is common through- may throughout the world. In the he relates how he heard "His voice," fear at the unexpected and inexplic-
out the Word. For example, Cain land of Israel, the heterogeneous as the "noise of many waters" able antagonist, the confederated
declared to Yahweh's representative: forces gathered together under the (or proclaimed through a mul- forces shall turn their weapons one
"From Thy (Yahweh's) face shall banner of Gog will turn their weap- titude of agents), and "the earth upon another (Hab. 3:14), and like
I be hid," meaning from the faces ons on one another in superstitious shined with his glory." It will be the host opposed by Gideon they
of those angels who represented dread at the unaccountable events. this manifestation of Divine glory shall largely encompass their own
Him at that time (Gen. 4:14,15). Thus they will destroy one another. shining forth belligerently in the destruction (Judges 7:21-22). The
Isaiah, speaking of the future Div- multitude of resurrected and im- victory of the future has thus been
ine intervention at Armageddon, mortalised saints that will cause the typed in the past by the courage and
declared: "Behold, the name of VERSE 20 nations gathered together for war faith of Gideon's 300 men, and by
Yahweh cometh from far, burn- "So that the fishes," etc The to "shake." the faith of Jehoshaphat at a similar
ing with His anger . . ." (Isa. 30: earthquake that will shatter the con- time of crisis (2 Chron. 20:23).
27). By "the name of Yahweh" is fidence of Gog's forces will be uni- "The mountains shall be thrown
meant the manifestation of Yahweh versal in its effect, and will cause down"—Rotherham renders this as VERSE 22
in the glorified saints who are to- fear and dismay throughout all "torn asunder." Zechariah 14:4 shows "I will plead"—Rotherham ren-
day being "taken out of the nations, creation (see Zech. 14:4; Isa. 2:19; that the Mt. of Olives shall be torn ders this as "contend" which cer-
a people for His name" (Acts 15: 30:25, etc.). apart, showing conclusively that tainly expresses the thought better.
14). They will manifest His glory "At my presence"—The Hebrew Zechariah 14 and Ezekiel 38 re-
unto the world, and at the epoch word late to the same incident. The tre- "With pestilence and with blood"
of Gog's destruction, the world Gen. 4:14), paniym signifies "faces" (cp. —This is what Israel experienced in
mendous earthquake will split the
will see the Divine fury and anger late to Christ and these "faces" re-
Mount of Olives, elevate Zion, and the past (Ezek. 5:17; 14:19). The
manifested through them, for they shall then burnandwith the saints which
cause great changes throughout the form of pestilence is described by
will be the instruments of the judg- ger. The same facesrighteous an-
that bring Land. See notes on Zechariah. Zechariah (Ch. 14:12), and is sug-
ment to be poured out (see Psalm dread and destruction to the gestive of the effect of the spirit
149). wicked, "The steep places shall fall"— in belligerent manifestation. This
will illuminate the world with Divine Zechariah 14:10 shows how the will be used by Christ and the saints
light and glory (Rev. 10:1). The earthquake that will split the Mount as a weapon of aggression against
VERSE 19 Lord declared that "the righteous of Olives will turn the mountainous
"In my jealousy"—The same shall shine forth as the sun in the the enemy. "Pleading with blood"
parts adjacent to Jerusalem into suggests the internecine warfare
word is elsewhere translated "zeal." kingdom of their Father" (Matt. a plain. See the verse by verse ex- that will break out between the
The desecration of His land and 13:43). Elsewhere we learn that position of Zechariah. forces of Gog.
people is hateful to Yahweh, and 81
will be thrown down (v. 20); the
"I will rain upon him"—The very destruction of the confederated and Vindication of Yahweh
elements of nature will be used forces by Gideon and his 300 faith-
against Gog, as Yahweh goes forth ful warriors, is seen as a type of Chapter 39
to fight "as in the days of old" the end of the Gogian confederacy
(Zech. 14:3-cp. Josh. 5:14; 10:14; (v. 21); the victory of Barak against
23:3; Jud. 4:15). overwhelming odds, anticipates that This last chapter of Ezekiel's Prophecies of the Restoration
"An overflowing rain"—This des- of the Lord Jesus against the might provides the wonderful sequel. The judgment first kindled in the
cribes a rain of such intensity as to of flesh in this chapter (v. 22); the Land of Israel will extend to Europe where Divine fire will purge
completely submerge its victims in overwhelming fire of judgment on the nations. Meanwhile the land will be cleansed of the pollution
destruction. The same expression Sodom likewise overwhelms these caused by Gog's forces, and a great Tomb or Mausoleum de-
is used in relation to the judgment Gentiles who desecrate God's holy
on Jerusalem (Ezek. 13:11), and land and people (v. 22). Thus the scribed as a city of the dead, will be erected to commemorate the
implied in the judgment on Sisera's coming day of Yahweh, described triumph of Yahweh over flesh. It will provide a permanent warn-
forces (Judg. 5:21). These are typi- in this chapter as "that day" (v. 14), ing to the mortals of the millenium pointing to the form of pun-
cal of the coming destruction of and by Isaiah as the Day for which
Yahweh waits-(Isa. 30:18) will wit- ishment that will inevitably follow revolt against the Divine
"Great hailstones" — Hailstones ness flesh thoroughly humbled in
the land. The outstanding victory
authority. On a basis of faith, manifested in the acknow-
are literally stones of ice. This and judgment will combine all those ledgment of Yahweh's right to execute such judgment, the nations
suggests a repetition of the vic- of the past in a tremendous and will be invited to enter into covenant relationship with the new
tory of Joshua at Bethhoron awe-inspiring outpouring of Divine Government set up in Jerusalem. The Gentiles will come to under-
against the confederacy of nations power in belligerent manifestation stand fully the Divine purpose in Israel, and will be incorporated
(Josh. 10:11). The account de- to the glory of the Name of Yah-
clares that there was "no day weh. It will commence "a time of in the Kingdom to be set up by Christ. At the same time, the full
like it" (v. 14). The future will trouble such as never was" for the regathering of Israel shall take place, and they, changed in heart,
exceed the wonder of that day, how- nations (Dan. 12:1). And though, shall be granted the first dominion in the Empire then established.
ever, as both Ezekiel and Habak- even after this time, the Catholic
kuk indicate (cp. Hab. 3:11). countries of Europe regroup their
"Fire and brimstone"—This sug- forces to resist the rising power of The Complete Humiliation of Gog that a sixth of Gog will remain after
gests the destruction of Sodom and Zion (Rev. 17:12-14), the Lord —Vv. 1-5 the holocaust. Few, if any, will
Gog's forces will be completely escape the Divine judgment that shall
Gomorrah (Gen. 19), and the warn- Jesus, through his Israelitish army be poured out upon these forces.
ing words of the Lord Jesus (Luke (both mortal and immortal. Ps. 149: destroyed, as a sign to all nations
17:28-29). 7-9; Zech. 9:13-14) will invade their of the presence of Christ in the VERSE 3
territories to bring them successively earth.
VERSE 23 under his power. Thus the Kingdom "I will smite thy bow out of thy
"Thus"—This chapter has out- of God, like the stone cut out of VERSE 1 left hand"—The bow is held in the
lined the great crisis of the last days the mountains without hand (Dan. left hand, and the arrows in the
in which the Lord Jesus with the 2:34) will gradually extend its con- "O Gog, the chief prince of Mesh- right. The language is therefore
glorified elect will dramatically in- trol, until all nations are subject ech and Tubal"—See notes on Ch. symbolic of the utter destruction of
troduce himself to a startled world. to the Lord Jesus (Rev. 11:15). 38:2. Again Gog is described as Gogian power. Gog's influence will
The last time the world saw the prince of Rosh, Mosc, and Tubal, be completely overthrown, but not
Lord was when he hung lifeless from "I will magnify Myself"—Yah- and Magog is not mentioned, but the nations with him. They will be
the stake of shame; but he will re- weh will be magnified before flesh is dealt with separately (v. 6). subjected to Divine judgment in their
turn as Lion of the tribe of Judah through the remarkable victory that own lands if they do not obey
to powerfully subdue the nations will be won. It will be apparent to VERSE 2 Christ's ultimatum which shall issue
and assert his authority in the earth; the Jews in the land that it will have "I will turn thee back"—This is forth to all nations commanding
first at Jerusalem and then through- been brought about by Divine pow- merely a repetition of Ch. 38:4, and them to submit to his rule (Psalm
out the world. er. The outpouring of Divine judg- does not relate to a further "turning 2:10-12; Isa. 14:32; Rev. 14:6-7).
The imagery brought together in ment will compel the wicked to ack- back."
these verses is borrowed from not- nowledge this (Isa. 26:9), though "Leave but a sixth part of thee"— VERSE 4
able victories of the past when the saints always recognise His omni- The RV renders this: "I will lead "I will give thee unto the ravenous
judgment of Yahweh was poured potence (Ps. 34:3; 69:30) thee on," the RSV: "I will drive birds of every sort"—Isaiah uses
out upon flesh, which are now "Sanctify Myself"—Yahweh will you forward." The Companion Bible this expression as symbolic of a man
shown as typical of the coming reveal that He is entirely different states that the root is shasha, to "from the east" who does the will of
great judgment of the future. Thus to flesh, and as this is recognised lead, and not shesh, six. The state- Yahweh (Isa. 46:11). Applying it in
the overthrow of the walls of Jeri- by mankind, so the nations will ment, therefore, is really explanatory similar fashion here, it can be re-
cho foreshadows the coming crisis gradually be won over to His cause. of Ch. 38:4, and does not denote lated to the "kings of the east" or
when all human forms of defence 83
those who are manifested "out of ticularly singled out in this verse,
probably because of their past the significance of the Name in re- weapons of Gog will likewise be
the Sun's rising," on whose behalf lation to Israel (Jer. 33:6), and shall
these things will take place (Rev. brutality against the Jewish people, subjected to fire. The destruction of
and long heritage of anti-semitism. see the Plantation to the Name in the weapons of war in which man
16:12). The "ravenous birds" there- the midst thereof—the multitude of
fore constitute the glorified saints, "Among them that dwell care- today places his trust will serve as a
the Redeemed whose family name is token of Yahweh's power and man's
the royal priesthood of the age to lessly in the isles"—This can be lit- Yahweh Elohim of Abraham, Isaac
come, called out of all nations to erally rendered, "securely in the inadequacy, and will indicate that
and Jacob (Exod. 3:15). See Ezek. no longer will confidence be placed
reign with Christ (Rev. 5:9-10). coastlands." The expression relates 34:29, and notes thereon.
to people who are so remote from in fleshly power. Isaiah says, "they
"The beasts of the field"—The will learn war no more" (Isa. 2:4).
word chay, life, here rendered the centre of conflict (like Australia) The ceremonial and national burning
as to believe that their very insul- Yahweh Honored—V. 8
"beasts" is translated "living crea- of weapons will testify that there is
tures" in Ezekiel 1, and there identi- arity will provide them with im- The Day of Yahweh will ulti- no further need of such, so that
fied with the Cherubim. The resur- munity from judgment. However, mately see Him honored in all the
none will be exempt; "strong nations earth. lasting peace will ensue.
rected and immortalised saints will
comprise the "ravenous birds" (or afar off" will be rebuked (Micah "Seven years"—Seven is the num-
4:3). VERSE 8 ber of the covenant, and seems here
kings of the east) and beasts (or "Behold it is come, and it is done,
Cherubic living creatures) who will "They shall know that I am Yah- to point to that covenant that en-
overthrow Gog's forces. saith the Lord Yahweh"—Rother- sures a millemum of peace. In pre-
weh"—Their conversion shall follow ham renders this: "Lo, it is coming, paration for it, seven years will be
the judgment poured out. and it is brought to pass." For nearly occupied in repairing the ravages
VERSE 7 six thousand years Yahweh's purpose of war. During this period of time,
"Thou shalt fall upon the open has been plainly set before man- probably, Christ will consolidate his
field; for I have spoken it, saith "I will make my holy Name kind, but how many have heeded? power in Israel, and issue the ulti-
the Lord Yahweh"—In Yahweh's known in the midst of my people The majority has mocked and de- matum to the nations to voluntarily
word there is power, and it will ac- Israel"—The full meaning and rided it; but to the faithful, the submit to his rule, or take the con-
complish what it proclaims (Isa. 55: power of the name of Yahweh will certainty of its fulfilment is beyond sequences.
11). This fact is constantly affirmed be revealed by these judgments and all doubt. The day that shall usher
throughout Ezekiel's writings. succeeding acts of mercy, and it it in will be welcomed with relief
will be acknowledged on all sides. VERSE 10
and joy by all who are on His side.
The Western World Humbled—Vv. Yet some imagine that the Di- "This is the day"—It is described "They shall take no wood out of
vine Name is already completely elsewhere (Isa. 2:12; Zech. 14) as the field"—The language of these
6-7 fulfilled, and never to be verses is figuiative, the ancient
the Day of Yahweh; the Day when
The overthrow of Gog will bring used! See the notes on Ch. He will be vindicated in the sight of weapons representing modern arms
Russian domination to an end. But 36:23. Yahweh will reveal His pur- all people, and His glorious purpose of war. In previous ages such
then the Catholic countries of pose, character and power unto all will be brought to pass. When that wooden weapons would have been
Europe will confederate to defeat men, and by this they will come to day comes, Israel will be caused to used as fuel for the benefit of the
the rising power of Zion, lending appreciate what is incorporated in recognise that everything that He people, and in a sense the same
their power "unto the beast" (the His name (Ps. 20:1). This will be has brought to pass has been for principle will apply in the future.
Germanic power of Central Europe) centred in the "midst of Israel" be- their good (Ezek. 14:23),—and this The weapons will be fed to the
to that end (Rev. 17:13-14). After cause there the "house of prayer for will apply also to the true Israel of flames, but anything that can be
issuing the ultimatum calling upon all nations" will be erected, and to God. profitably used will be converted to
all nations to submit, and accepting it those nations once gathered to the use of Israel.
the homage of those who do so (Isa. Jerusalem for war will ascend for "They shall spoil those that rob-
18:3; 60:9), Christ will commence worship (Zech. 14:16). Gog's Weapons Destroyed—Vv. 9-10 bed them"—See Isa. 51:22-52:3.
his plan of campaign and conquest "I will not let them pollute My The weapons of Gog, the symbols Israel will become the "first dom-
against those who do not (Rev. holy name any more"—To "pollute" of fleshly power, will be completely inion" dominating all others (Mic.
14:6-8). Israel, officered by the the Name is to profane it by deny- destroyed. 4:8), and the wealth of the world
_ saints will be used for that purpose ing it its due (see Ezek. 20:39). This will flow towards Jerusalem (Isa. 60:
(Zech. 9:13-14; 10:5), and by this Israel has done in the past (Ezek. VERSE 9 5, 9 mg).
means, supplemented by the outpour- 36:22), but such profanation will not "They shall set on fire and burn
ing of Divine power, the Lord Jesus be permitted in the future because the weapons"—-The symbols of war
Christ will "rebuke strong nations vigorous methods will be adopted to The City Of The Dead—Vv. 11-16
afar off" (Isa. 2:2-4). shall be destroyed in the land of After the land has been thoroughly
preserve the truth in its purity. See Israel (Ps. 46:9; Ps. 96). It was an
Zech. 13:1-4. ordinance of the Law of Moses that cleansed of the polluting presence
VERSE 6 of the Gentile invader, a great mon-
"The heathen shall know that I everything taken as spoil in war be ument will be erected therein to
"I will send a fire on Magog"— subjected to fire, and those metals
See note, Ch. 38:2. The Catholic am Yahweh, the Holy One in Israel" that stood the test should be cleans- commemorate the victory of Yah-
countries of Central Europe are par- —All nations will come to recognise ed and used (Num, 31:21-23). The weh over flesh. It will stand as a
permanent warning to the people of

Memorial to Gog on the eastern VERSE 14 a city of the dead (Ps. 9:17), and
the folly of revolt against God's side of the Jordan, and will lecall "Men of continual employment" in Ezekiel's prophecy is contrasted
authority and law. the lesson of the judicial judgment —To cleanse the land thoroughly, with the city of the living, to be
men shall be employed to collect erected south of Jerusalem, and to
VERSE 11 thus meted out. be named Yahweh Shammah (Ezek.
"It shall stop the noses of the and bury any bones of the slain that 48:35).
"I will give unto Gog a place may remain.
there of graves in Israel"—The Heb- passengers"—The Hebrew word for
brew word for "graves" is not sheol "stop" is khosam and signifies "to "With the passengers"—These The Nations Invited to Yahweh's
which signifies the general grave, muzzle." The word noses being in "passengers" are visitors to the land. Sacrifice—Vv. 17-20
but qeber, a memorial. A mauso- italics is not in the text. Thus the But what are they doing there?
statement does not mean that the Those of v. 11 doubtless relate to Christ's ultimatum to the nations
leum is a memorial, or a qeber. shall demand that they submit to his
Houbigant translates the passage: dead bodies of Gog's host shall be those Gentile visitors who shall enter
so imperfectly buried that the stench the land to worship as shown in rule. Those who do so will be in-
"an illustrious place for sepulchre"; vited to join with him in a millenial
Rotherham renders it: "A place of shall stop the noses of visitors in the Zechariah 14:16. But that will be
land, but rather, that when the pil- after the Temple has been built covenant based upon accepting Gog's
memorial for burial." A memorial destruction as just punishment on
will be set up commemorating the grims (passengers) ascend north to and will be a considerable period
worship at Jerusalem they shall see after the destruction of Gog. It is rebellious flesh. The slain army of
complete overthrow of Gog. Gog is represented as the covenant
the Memorial built to commemorate assessed that the Temple will not be
"The valley of the passengers on Gog's overthrow, and shall see in ready for worship, until probably victim, and they, as the contracting
the east of the sea"—This is the val- it a token of Yahweh's might and fifty years after Christ's return parties, are represented as figura-
ley route east of the Jordan. Possibly righteousness, and the folly and (Ezek. 40:1). See The Temple Of tively eating thereof.
the remnant of Gog's host shall re- futility of the flesh in political re- Ezekiel's Prophecy, by H. Sulley.
treat north and east across the Jor- VERSE 17
bellion against His authority. Thus The "passengers" referred to in the
dan. Be that as it may, those who their mouths will be stopped or verse before us, however, apply to "Thou, son of man, speak"—
shall "go up from year to year to muzzled from speaking against God. Gentiles in the land during the inter- Ezekiel, again typing Christ, is re-
worship in Jerusalem" (Zech. 14: They will recognise the righteousness im period, following the destruction quested to make proclamation to
16), will ascend by such a route, of Yahweh's judgment, and will not of Gog, but before the Temple is the nations calling upon them to
east of the Jordan, and will turn dare speak in opposition to His erected. Isaiah 60:10 declares that acknowledge the justice of Yahweh's
west along the valley of Achor to decrees. "the sons of strangers shall build action in overthrowing Gog (Rev.
enter the Temple city of Jerusalem. up thy walls," and the "passengers" 14:6; Isa. 60:12). This is set forth
To them, as they ascend for wor- "They shall call it, The valley of in highly symbolic language.
ship, and turn into the valley of Hamon-gog"—The margin gives the of this verse could relate to these
Achor, it will be "as a door of meaning as "The multitude of Gog." "strangers" who will pass to and fro "Unto every feathered fowl, and
hope" (Hosea 2:15). There, herds The Memorial itself is called a city through the land as directed, build- to every beast of the field"—These
will be found grazing, doubtless to in v. 16. ing the cities as well as the Temple. are used elsewhere as symbols of
be used for sacrificial purposes in These "passengers" shall co-operate the nations (Dan. 4:12; Jer. 12:9).
the Temple to be erected in Zion VERSE 12 with those men employed to search Thus the proclamation goes forth
(Isa. 65:10). But before they come "Seven months shall the house of for the bones, in the way suggested to all nations.
west into the valley to reach this Israel be burying them"—The object in v. 15. If they see a bone any-
of this close scrutiny and complete where, they will set up a sign by it, "Gather yourselves to My sacri-
Temple, they will pass by the Mem- that those employed for the purpose fice"—The invitation is to Yahweh's
orial to Gog, and will thus be graph- burial is that the land might be sacrifice, not that of flesh offered
ically reminded of the dramatic thoroughly cleansed from the de- may take it away for burial. Thus
filement of death (Num. 19:11,22). the land will be thoroughly cleans- as an atonement for sin. The sacri-
overthrow of the flesh in political ed of all defilement, to become to fice in question is a sacrificial feast
manifestation. It will be a most The long period of time thus which will confirm the millenial
salutary warning against following occupied is a necessary requirement all mankind the Land of the Holy
to ensure the thoroughness of the Place as exhibited in the prophecies covenant into which the nations will
the flesh in revolt against God. of the glory. enter. It is made on the basis of the
Isaiah declares that these "passen- cleansing, for every bone must be punishment of sin, that man may
gers" or visitors to the land, "shall gathered for burial (v. 15). "After the end of seven months" recognise the consequences of his
go forth, and look upon the car- VERSE 13 —The date of their employment folly and repent (Isa. 34:6; Jer. 46:
cases of the men that have "It shall be to them a renown in shall commence from after the com- 10; Zeph. 1:7-8). Such a sacrificial
transgressed against me; for their the day that I shall be glorified"— pletion of the main burying. meal, partaken of in confirmation of
worm shall not die, neither shall With enthusiasm the people of Israel a covenant, joins two parties to-
their fire be quenched; they shall be VERSE 16 gether in fellowship or mutual
an abhorring unto all flesh" (Isa. shall engage upon the cleansing of
the land and this attitude will reflect "And the name of the city shall agreement. Nations partaking of the
66:24). Their "worm will not die" in to their credit. It will be "to them be Hamonah"—This "city" is Gog's sacrifice thus offered by Yahweh,
the sense that their judical over- a renown," for they will do it in tomb or Mausoleum, and is called would have to acknowledge that the
throw will be constantly commemor- full recognition of the fact that Yah- Hamonah, or The Multitude, be- punishment inflicted on Gog was
ated. The visitors to the Temple (v. weh has been glorified in the vic- cause of the multitude of the slain just. Upon acknowledging that fact,
23) will not literally see the carcases tory. buried therein. Therefore, it will be they will be invited to figuratively
of the slain, but they will see this 86

of the slain that is to be figuratively of the future will take a different 18-19. This glory, manifested in a
, ffpr;ng This implies that form to that of the past, however, multitude, will have its headquarters
" e a t " the o f f ^ i h ;nciple that eaten. They shall eat "till they be
full;" in other words, they will be for it will comprise the manifesta- in Jerusalem, but will also be
they also accept m P ^ ^ . ^ tion of Yahweh in the great com- found among the nations (Mai. 1:
they would be de m a n . f c s t a l i k satiated with that which shall be pany of the redeemed, the chief of
pU! e offered, and of it there shall be 11).
l!Th p sacrifice suggested in this whom declared that he was the
gU1 plenty for all. "light of the world" (John 8:12). "They shall see My judgment"—
verse, twffore
theretore, is different f toor
an^ Not merely in the destruction of
VERSE 20 Ezekiel declared: "The glory of the
individual sacnfi=e I o u n b i e m i s h e d Elohim (mighty ones) of Israel Gog, but also in the glorification of
that C "Thus shall ye be filled"—They came from the way of the east (the the Redeemed.
slaugm.• to acknowledge d shall eat heartily of the covenant direction in which it had departed
that the seat ot sm sacrifice, thus showing their com- VERSE 22
tQ —Ezek. 11:23); and his voice was
plete acceptance of its principles. like the noise of many waters (the "The house of Israel shall know
Thus the nations shall concede Yah- noise of a multitude) and the earth that I am Yahweh"—They shall
weh's right to pour out such judg- shined with his glory" (Ezek. 43:2). know the full implications of that
ments. On the grounds of this en- Saints are called to that glory (see Name proclaimed when Moses cal-
Divine^'-itV'chaVacter, and dorsement of His righteousness, they Rom. 5:2), for they comprise a led them out of Egypt, and shall
\willf be"to
for the
tne benefit
u of humanity, will enter into national covenant people taken out of the nations for accept the principles of it. See notes
in t h e
H Yahweh dul not m . c a t e ^ f with Him. the Name of Yahweh (Acts 15:14). Ezek. 36:22.
way pleated w mani_ "My table"—The altar is referred Isaiah declares that "every one that "From that day and forward"—-
in the face of flesh ^ ^ ^ to as Yahweh's table (Mai. 1:7), and is called by My name (saith Yah- This shows that Israel will not
festation, ffl
anKinu Yah_ He will figuratively eat with His weh), I have created for My glory"
(Isa. 43:7). See also Isa. 40:5; 66: understand these principles when
itself through *l ojn ^ ^ tQ
guests, by entering into covenant dwelling "safely" in the land as
with them.
are ledeemable. "With horses and chariots, with
men of war," etc.—The covenant
will incorporate the cessation of all
war, those entering into it agreeing
flesh and d nK n t h e m s e l v e s ( J o h n to "learn war no more" (Isa. 2:4).
S6 ) The e will be no continued
•• )' fnr the nations in the Yahweh's Glory Among The Nations
existence for tn g they —Vv. 21-23
The Divine glory will be mani-
in the sacnnc to fested in the company of the Re-
eousness deemed with Christ at their head.
knqwledgmg H s r J gub _ They will dwell in the Temple to be
infl.ct such pumsM , they erected in Jerusalem (Ezek. 43; 1-3),
d Continued existence or will be found among the nations
i ruling over those cities that shall be
placed in their care (cp. Luke 19:17
VERSE 18 etc. Rev. 2:26).
«nf rrams, lambs, goats, all fat-
Of a m *' h a n "—These animals VERSE 21
a r e Sym
Knife of the rulers and "I will set My glory among the
m en of Gog's forces, all heathen"—In the Most Holy of the
Z the well-fed, powerful Tabernacle and Solomon's Temple,
ff Ttashan
B The term is used the glory of Yahweh was manifested
° , f i of the flesh (Ps.
by a glowing light shining above the
Mercy seat between the Cherubim.
Ezekiel, however, saw the glory of
Yahweh depart from the Temple and
eat ^t ti,l ye be full" City (Ezek. 8:4; 9:3; 10:4, 18; 11: New Canton of Benjamin
Tt was a command under the law 23), and the people left to their own
T f thffat should not be eaten (Lev. resources. But he also predicted the
VI Tha i n l a n d related to the return of the Glory at the second The Division Of The Land Providing for A Holy Oblation.
• i d fat of sacrifices (Exod. 29: advent of the Lord, when the Tem- This portion of the land will be given over entirely to Divine
i ^ H>« however, the term is ple will be again erected as a House worship in the Age to Come. See Ezekiel 48.
usid for the well-fed, fattened flesh of Prayer for all nations. The glory

described in Ezek. 38:11. See further 31-17; Lev. 26:25) because they people will enter the land and the power and ability to achieve success,
comments on v. 26. broke their covenant with Him. Thus restoration will be completed. and does not acknowledge its de-
they will see that His ways and His pendence upon Yahweh. Thus the
laws are vindicated in His righteous VERSE 25 people "curse their God and their
The Nations Accept The Hope Of judgments, and will learn the need "Now will I bring again the cap- king and look upwaids" (Isa. 8:21).
Israel—Vv. 23-24 to keep the covenant into which they tivity of Jacob"—Literally this sig-
will have entered. nifies: "I will bring back them of VERSE 27
The nations will be taught the captivity . . ." After the destruc-
w Divine principles including the pur- "When I have . . . "—When the
VERSE 24 tion of Gog, the fulness of Israel's people of Israel shall see and recog-
|£j pose of God in Israel. Accepting restoration will be brought about. nise Yahweh's goodness towards
this, they will "take hold of the skirt "I hid my face from them"—God
caused His face to shine upon Israel The prophet thus emphasises that them, they shall become completely
of Idm that is a Jew, saying, We the full restoration of Israel will converted, and will accept Him in
will go with you; for we have heard in times of obedience (Num. 6:25),
but hid it from them on other take place after the destruction of truth, to be again graft into the good
that God is with you" (Zech. 8:23). Gog. "Now" will I do it. olive (Rom. 11:23-26).
occasions (Ps. 80:1).
VERSE 23 "Have mercy upon the whole VERSE 28
Final Restoration Of Israel—Vv. house of Israel"—The twelve tribes
"The heathen shall know that the 25-29 "They shall know that I caused
house of Israel went into captivity will be restored to the land. See
The final and complete restoration notes—Ch. 37:22. Ezekiel 48 de- them to be led into captivity"—•
for their iniquity"—The Gentiles They will come to recognise their
shall be made to realise that the of the people of Israel is now out- scribes how the twelve tribes will be
lined. Having recognised their past restored, and outlines the new bor- history from the Divine standpoint,
people of Israel were not carried instead of viewing it from the stand-
into capitivity because Yahweh blindness, and submitted themselves ders and positions of the tribal
in humility to their King, the nation territories to be given to them. point of flesh. This great revelation
lacked the power to protect will cause them to appreciate that
or deliver them, but as a just will be restored in its complete- "Will be jealous for My Holy
ness. Thus, though Elijah shall be Yahweh "has not done without
punishment for their sins. They Name"—The Name will be cause all that He has done" (Ezek.
will recognise that Yahweh "hid His sent forth to the dispersion before thoroughly vindicated and will en-
the great and dreadful day of Yah- 14:23), and they shall come to
face from them," and "gave them joy full respect and prominence in "loathe themselves in their sight"
into the hand of their enemies" as weh {Mai. 4), it will not be until the Age to come.
after the destruction of Gog that the (Ezek. 36:31).
He had warned He would do (Deut.
"After that they have borne their "Neither will I hide My face
shame"—The invasion of Gog, any more from them"—Their res-
comprising part of "the time of toration will be complete, and their
Jacob's trouble" (Jer. 30:7) will be reformation lasting.
part of this "shame". It will help to
humble them in readiness to accept "I have poured out My spirit
their Messiah and King, who will upon the house of Israel, saith the
come in the name of Yahweh (Matt. Lord Yahweh"—By "His spirit" is
23:39). meant His spirit-word, as in Ch. 36:
26. It will be this that will move the
"When they dwelt safely in then- people to understand and acknow-
land"—The time indicated is that ledge Yahweh in truth, and recog-
referred to in Ch. 38:8. Israel today nise the full significance of His
feels secure in its own personal glorious name.

90 91
Summary prophecies of the restoration move us to more plainly see the
"joy set before us". If we allow them to so affect us we will pro-
vide ourselves with the antidote to the trials and frustrations of
This completes our treatment of the prophecies of the the present, and with the example of the Lord Jesus before us,
Restoration. The next chapter commences the prophet's detailed will be able to "endure the cross and despise the shame" with eyes
account of the wonderful vision granted him of the Temple of the steadily centred on the glory yet to be revealed. On all sides there
Age to come. For a detailed exposition of this most significant are seen obvious signs of Christ's coming at which time faith will
prophecy we recommend to the reader, "The Temple of Ezekiel's find substance in fact, and the visions of the prophets will become
Prophecy," by H. Sulley. It remains for us to give but a brief the reality in the earth. These are things of substance, the realities
summary of Ezekiel's message which we do by adapting some of life even now, though flesh despises such things. "We look not
words from Eureka slightly altered for our purpose. at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen,"
Ezekiel prophesied that the Dry Tree of Israel would be declared Paul (2 Cor. 4:18), "for the things which are seen are
made to flourish in the mountain of the heights of Israel; where it temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal."
shall shoot forth boughs, and bear fruit; and that under its branch- All the fleshly symbols of seeming permanence about us —
ing foliage shall dwell all fowl of every wing (Ch. 17:22-24). He the pulsating cities with their mighty buildings; the possession of
tells us concerning that epoch, that the kingdom of Israel shall be land and houses and business; the pomp and pride of nations —
given to a man of low station whose right it is; that he shall be a are but shadows, matters of but transient importance, soon to pass
Plant of Renown; that he shall be a David; that he shall be a away. The real substance, the genuine reality, is in the things of
Prince, or High Priest, of Israel for an Aion; that he shall be Christ. Those things are eternal. And even today, those things of
immortal; that the Holy Land shall be as the Garden of Eden, or real substance that the future is to reveal in their fulness are cast-
Paradise; that the twelve tribes of Israel shall be a united nation, ing their shadows. They are seen in the return of the Jews to
and form one kingdom in the land; that a magnificent Temple Palestine, in the growing importance of the Middle East in the
shall be built in Jerusalem differing from that of Solomon; that councils of the nations, in the division between East and West,
the Dead Sea shall be healed, and become as productive of fish as in the growth of Russian power. Soon Christ will be in the earth,
and the time of our pilgrimage will be over. Let the Prophecies of
the Mediterranean; and that from the time of the establishment of
the Restoration so move us with the facts of faith that we shall
these things, great changes shall be brought about in the land. In not be found wanting in that great day of judgment and glory
that day that name of the city shall be changed for it shall no soon to be revealed in the earth.
longer be Yeru "they shall see," shalaim, "peace," but Salem, or
Peace (Ps. 76:2), for Peace itself will have come. And to the "God hath appointed a day" and a man. Both stand at the
south of the Temple city of Zion, will be found another mighty door. The door will open, and both will enter to the astonishment,
city where those who desire to worship will be accommodated affright, affliction, but ultimate blessedness and peace of all man-
awaiting the time when they shall be called to the Holy Mount kind. Christ has warned: "Behold I come as a thief, blessed is he
for that purpose. That city shall be called Yahweh-shammah, He that watcheth." Let us heed his message.
who shall be is there, for in the persons of the Redeemed, with
Christ as their chief, there will be seen the glory of Yahweh
apocalypsed on the earth (Ch. 21:26, 27; 34:29, 23; 37:25, 22;
36:35; 47:8-10; 48:35.
In its chequered history, Jerusalem will have had three
names. Known first as Jebus, treading down, it has experienced
that among the Gentiles (Luke 21:24); but to the elect its hon-
ored name is Jerusalem: the vision of peace for their hopes rest
upon the glorious future of Jerusalem. But ultimately hope itself
will give way to realisation, and then the name of the city will be
Salem, or peace itself (Psalm 76:2).
May that peace be ours, for Christ offers it to us now (John
14:27), and may the glorious vision presented in these thrilling 93

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