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1. Review of anatomy of the eye and orbit KEY:

2. Revisit to oropharynx & esophagus Eye

3. Revisit larynx ENT

4. Revisit nose & nasopharynx Orthopedics & Trauma Care
5. Review of anatomy of the ear Reproductive
6. (embryology) development of skeletal system, morphology of bones
and cartilage blood supply
7. Congenital anomalies related to skeletal system (absence of bone, supranumerary,
syndactyly, dwarfism)
8. Revisit of anatomy FGT & MGT
9. Review of pelvic structures and pelvimetry
10. Fertilization


1. Physiology of vision and optics

2. Modeling & remodeling
3. Revisit of physiology female & male hormones menstrual cycle


1. Revisit of Ca, phosphate, Vit D

2. Revisit uric acid and pyrophosphate metabolism and relationship to kidney function
3. Synovial fluid composition
4. Effect of parathyroid hormone on bone mineral metabolism

1. Lid abnormalities
2. Acute/chronic dacrocystitis/NLDB in infants
3. Cornea
4. Blindness and low visual aids
5. Orbit
6. Cataract
7. Cataract 2
8. Glaucoma
9. Glaucoma 2
10. Uveitis/iritis
11. Episcleritis and scleritis
12. Refractive errors
13. Conjunctive – I & II
14. Optic disc – I & II
15. Medical retina I & II
16. Systemic diseases and the eye
17. Diabetes and the eye
18. Surgical vitreo-reting
19. Childhood ocular diseases I & II
20. Trauma and the eye
21. Squint
22. Neuro-ophthalmology
23. Laser and the eye


1. Oral cavity
2. Oropharynx
3. Neoplastic conditions of oral cavity
4. Diseases of the larynx
5. Carcinoma larynx and laryngeal paralysis
6. Stridor, foreign bodies, tracheostomy
7. Esophageal disorders
8. Salivary gland
9. Hypopharynx
10. Nose (trauma, DNS)
11. Nose-allergic, inflammatory, neoplastic diseases of the nose and PNS-I
12. Nasopharynx
13. Nose (epistaxis and malignancies of the nose and PNS)
14. Laryngeal paralysis
15. Diseases of external ear
16. Diseases of middle ear-CSOM – I & II
17. Diseases of inner ear
18. Hearing impairment
19. Stridor, foreign bodies, tracheostomy
20. Esophageal disorders/hypopharynx


1. Review of pathology of the oral cavity and salivary glands

2. Review of pathology of the ENT
3. Developmental abnormalities in cells, bone matrix and structures
4. Type, classification, pathogenesis of osteomyelitis
5. Hyper & hypo parathyroidism
6. WHO classification of bone tumors
7. Soft tissue tumors
8. Developmental disorders of MGT and FGT
9. Pathophysiology of pelvic inflammatory disease
10. Infections and preinvasive lesion of FGT: VIN, VAIN, CIN
11. Endometrial hyperplasia
12. Ovary non neoplastic lesions (functional cysts)
13. Menorrhagia
14. Menopause
15. Infertility/subfertility
16. Ovarian tumors – I and tumors of fallopian tube
17. Gestational trophoblastic disease
18. Tumors of ovary – II
19. Non neoplastic and neoplastic lesions of lower female genital tract FGT
20. Tumors of uterine corpus (benign and malignant endometrial tumors)
21. Disorders of placenta, preeclampsia and eclampsia
22. Mastitis, duct ectasia, fat necrosis, non-proliferative and proliferative breast diseases
23. Carcinoma of breast


1. Classification of bone disorders

2. Lab investigations of osteoporosis, rickets & osteomalacia
3. Clinical implication of synovial fluid in various forms of arthritis
4. Lab investigation of osteomyelitis
5. Osteometric
6. (FORENSIC) spinal injuries
7. Hydatidiform mole
8. Endometrial hyperplasia
9. Lower female genital tract FGT tumors
10. Preinvasive lesion of FGT: VIN, VAIN, CIN
11. Testicular tumors
12. Tumors of uterine corpus
13. Tumors of ovary
14. Breast tumors

1. STIs in females


1. Presenting problem and investigation of musculoskeletal diseases

2. Acute & chronic osteomyelitis
3. Types, classification and management of fractures
4. Trauma
5. Management of fractures of upper limb
6. Management of fractures of lower limb
7. Spinal injuries
8. Torso trauma
9. Pelvic trauma
10. Trauma to the face
11. Back pain
12. Management of fractures of lower limb
13. Management of primary bone tumors


1. Benign breast diseases

2. Breast carcinoma

1. Diagnosis and management of osteoporosis
2. Joint infectious (septic, viral, tuberculosis arthritis)
3. Clinical features diagnosis, management of crystal associated disease (GOUT, pseudo gout)
4. Clinical features, diagnosis and management of hyperparathyroidism
5. Clinical features, diagnosis and management of hypoparathyroidism
6. Clinical features, diagnosis and management of systemic sclerosis and polymyositis and
7. Vasculitis


1. Infection in gynecology (PID, STI)

2. Vulvovaginal infections
3. Clinical diagnosis & management of fibroids, adenomyosis & endometriosis
4. Amenorrhea/menstrual abnormalities
5. Contraception
6. Abortion/miscarriage
7. PCO
8. Pelvic floor abnormalities/UV prolapse
9. Urogynecology
10. Ovarian cancer
11. Vaginal/uterine tumors
12. Cervical tumor


1. STIs in males: MGT including epididimytis, orchitis, prostatitis


1. Diagnosis of pregnancy/physiological changes

2. Antenatal care and assessment
3. Medical disorders of pregnancy
4. Hypertension in pregnancy
5. Infection in pregnancy
6. Bleeding pregnancy
7. Fetal growth retardation
8. Labor/mechanism & management
9. Abnormal/preterm labor
10. Multiple pregnancy
11. Normal labor, mechanism & management of labor
12. Induction of labor
13. Postpartum care
14. CDM
15. Force/vacuum delivery/c-section
16. Hydatidiform
17. Preeclampsia & eclampsia
18. Fetal malpresentation and malposition
19. Rh incompatibility and erythroblastosis fetalis


1. Review of drugs used in ENT

2. Use of anti allergies
3. Drug management of osteoporosis & osteomalacia
4. Drugs use in gout
5. Drug management of osteomyelitis
6. Contraceptive preparations

1. Rx of OA and RA
2. Synthetic male & female hormones


1. Muscular atrophies and dystrophies

2. Short stature, endocrine, metabolic and other related disorders
3. Clinical presentation complications and outline of management of IUGR baby
4. Prematurity
5. Birth asphyxia
6. Neonatal resuscitation
7. Effects of medical disorders: diabetes on the neonates
8. (radiology) fetal congenital abnormalities
9. Neonatal jaundice


1. Imaging in muscle skeletal system (congenital and acquired)

2. Imaging in bone trauma
3. Complication techniques involved in diagnosis of bone tumors (X-ray)
4. Imaging in gynecology and obstetrics


1. Introduction to research
2. Literature review
3. Study designs
4. Sampling technique
5. How to write introduction
6. How to write discussion
7. Introduction to occupation health
8. Accidents and prevention
9. Sports medicine
10. Introduction for research
11. Literature review
12. Study designs
13. Descriptive study designs
14. Analytical study designs
15. Research methodology
16. Sampling & its techniques
17. Data analysis – SPSS
18. Reference writing methods
19. Report writing


1. Eye examination
2. ENT examination


1. 2nd week
2. 3rd week
3. 4th week
4. 5th week
5. 2nd week
6. 3rd week
7. 4th week
8. 5th week
9. 6th week
10. 7th week


1. Management of male & female sexual and reproductive dysfunction

2. Sexual and domestic violence

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