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Take a step ahead…

-Abhishek Saini

Roll no.16204

Branch-electrical engg.

I am not afraid of death; but I am afraid of approaching the end of my life only
to realize that I never truly LIVED.

"In the end, my life must not be measured by the number of breath I take but
the number of moments that take my breath away."

Have you ever heard a person who is at the brink of death answer this question -
“What is it that you regret the most?” Their reply does not come from what they
did; it comes from what they ‘didn’t do’. The dreams they did not pursue, the
risks they never took and every time that they stepped back from doing
something that they always wanted to do. You know why that happens? Why
someone steps back? the answer is DOUBT! Yes, according to me, doubt is the
thief that you need to get rid of. The thief that is after your dreams! It does not
necessarily come from within. It comes from people’s opinions, preconceived
notions and baseless interpretations. It leaves you blinded. It leaves you divided.
It leaves you in dilemma. And you being the person you are, choose the
convenient option in front of you and discard the chances of living your dream.
Life is not meant to work, earn, wait for the weekend and pay bills.

It is much more than that. If you close your eyes and think about one recent
moment of your life that made you inexplicably happy, you will realize it has
nothing to do with your work or your money. It will have something to do with
your passion and your dream.The passion and dream that we are talking about, is
not something that you chose. It is something that chose you. Your dream chose
you. The question here is, do you have the courage to take the risk, pull up your
socks and head towards achieving it or you let the doubt invade and let it slip
through. Every person is built to live out the dream they have inside.

The person, who doesn’t, always leaves this earth with regrets. "If only…." That’s
what they say!
Let’s talk about the problems in our lives.

Work? Family? Money? Social acceptance? Love?

We sometimes wish for a career change. We wish to spend more time with
family. We wish to earn more money than what you already are. We wish to be
accepted and appreciated for the person we are. We wish to be loved enough?
We wish a lot of other things.

But, the question is; are we willing to get rid of the doubt and take a step ahead
towards what you wish for?

Yes, we will fall and fail. But who is counting?

There will be a lot of struggle and there will be hindrances. There is no such thing
as a smooth mountain. If we want to make it to the top, we have to overcome the
steep heights, the rocky path. There ain’t any other way. We must have already
read about people who have changed the world. But what you don’t focus on is
how many times they fell before reaching the top. A lot! But they kept going.

Struggle and criticisms are pre-requisites for success. All you have to do is KEEP

Pain will be a part of our lives. But we are the ones who chooses between the
pain towards the road to success or the pain that leaves you with regrets.

NOW is our time to choose, and take a step ahead…!!

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