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Office Procedure Protocol

1. Set up procedure tray

a. 27g 1 1/2 needle
b. 18g needle
c. cautery cover
d. non-fenestrated drape
e. fenestrated drape
f. 5mL syringe (unless directed otherwise)
g. surgical pack
i. needle driver
ii. hemostat
iii. cutting scissor
iv. undermining scissor
v. blade holder
vi. skin forceps
vii. skin hook
viii. towel clip
ix. surgical cup
x. cautery tip
xi. ruler
2. Set gloves out
a. 6.5 gloves
b. 7.5 gloves
3. Set out mask(s)
4. Ask for Sutures
5. Make sure LOOPs are out
6. Draw numbing (unless directed otherwise)
a. 2cc Bicarb
b. 1cc Marcain
c. 2cc Lidocaine w/ epi
7. Prepare specimen cup
8. Consent
a. Confirm site
b. Have patient sign and witness
9. Have post op instructions out and ready for patient
11. Once everything has been double checked let the physician know
that the patient is READY.

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