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NAME :- abcd


ROLL NO :- xyz
The purposes of research design are:

a) To provide answers to research questions.

b) To control variance under study.
c) To maximize variance of variable.
d) To control extraneous variable.
e) To minimize error variance.
The functions of research design are:

Basically, every research design has two main functions;

 To develop an operational plan to undertake various steps of the research

 To ensure validity, reliability, and authenticity in each step the research.

Operational plan

The operational plan of the research is an overall, detailed answer to the steps
that are taken In the research in order to get answers to the research question.
This plan helps the researcher and the readers get to know about the sampling
process, data collection, data analysis, and interpretation. It necessary that you
have a practical, workable procedural pie that also ensures research validity and
authenticity The researcher, his/her research supervisor, and in some cases
statistician can be asked for help to develop a research design The research
design constitutes the following.

Sampling and sampling technique

Sampling size and sampling technique both need to be mentioned in the

operational plan of the research design Me of the research have a materials and
methods chapter and tl researcher precisely explains about the sampling
procedure that chapter.

Type of data to be collected

Data can be primary or secondary and some research needs combination of both
of them The researcher should explicitly describe the type of data to be
collected as the person who appointed to collect data will need this information.
Data collection techniques

Multiple techniques can be used In one research, on the other hand, the
researcher decides to use a single technique. It depends on the research problem
and the objectives that what technique the researcher decides to use.

Validity and reliability of the research design

The other important function of the research design Is to maintain validity,

reliability, accuracy and authenticity of the research by using effective research
tools. The researcher devises a research plan that he thinks is workable now he
should discuss it thoroughly with higher research supervisor or any expert in the
field. An expert statistician or research supervisor can think about the loopholes
in the research de and suggests new Ideas.


Reliability Is an important factor in any research study in ore for a study to be

valid it should first be reliable The reliable of the research design can be
maintained by asking questing like, does the sample size enough to represent
the population under study? Will the data to be collected will be adequate test
the hypothesis of the research? does the sequencing the questions in the
questionnaire suitable for the population under study or is there better options?


Authenticity is Important especially in qualitative research we the research

needs to use twls that best describe participants responses


Validity means that the research design you have devised should measure what
needs to be measured in your research. The construct should measure the
variables that need to b measured.

Objectivity is easy to achieve in a quantitative research where every step is

quantifiable. In qualitative research, objectivity simple to state but difficult to
achieve. The researcher heal to keep his personality, values and likes away from
the research study.

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