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Tuba’s DHA Recall dated 27th March 2019

1. Male presented with dull abdominal pain n swelling in the right hypochondrial region... in
lab there was eosinophilia.... picture was given:

A) Hydatid disease
B) amebic abscess
C) schistosomiasis

2. organism of Scabies:
Sarcoptes scabei

3. 32 years constructer worker complain of fatigue, loss of appetite and itching ,

A) scabise
B) depression
C) GI disease
D) renal disease

4. Known case of TB came with photophobia

A) keratitis
B) uveitis

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Dr. Tuba’s DHA Recall dated 27th March 2019

5. Pt .with LBBB no abnormality in the echo...he will undergo to dental prodcesure..what is

your action:
A) -give amoxicillin aral after
B) -no need prophylaxis
C) give I.V ampicillin

6. old lady, know HTN, DM, presented with epigastric pain radiating to the back, and heart
burn for past 2 months, not relieved by antacids (Ranitidine). Otherwise she looks healthy,
no abdominal tenderness,
ECG shows sinus tachycardia (I guess). Vitals BP 150/90
A) Aortic Dissection
B) Perforated peptic ulcer

7. Lady presented with dyspepsia worsen on lying down dignosis

GERD ( other options were not relevant)

8. An athlete man presented to ER complaining of pain in the foot while walking. On

examination, there is tenderness in the planter surface of the foot. What is the diagnosis?
(A) Plantar fasciitis.
(B) Hallux valgus.
(C) Hallux rigidus.
(D) Calcaneal bursitis.

9. Patient with seasonal nasal discharge , watery , obstruction and sneezing what is the first
a) Decongestant
b) Antihistamine
c) steroid

10. Female washes her hand many times in a day, even after washing she thinks there is dirt
....whenever she touches something she washes her hand again n again.... she is disturbed
with this behaviour, she feels she is going to crazy and wants to get rid of ....what is
A) obssesive compulsive disorder
B) phobia
C) panic
D) genelaized anxiety disorder

11. female after delivering her baby she never menstruate, she did not breast feed her
baby.... during delivery there was placental abruption n excessive blood loss she received 3
pints of blood transfusion what’s your diagnosis
A) Sheehan syndrome
B) i don’t remember other options

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Dr. Tuba’s DHA Recall dated 27th March 2019

12. 38 yrs female was having normal regular cycle 2 years back.... after that she developed
irregular cycle, weight gain n excessive hair on upper lip and chin. Labs were showing
increase testosterone What other findings you will have
A) ovarian failure
B) FSH LH 1:3
C) increase prolactin
13. G3p3 ... in last pregnancy she had D & C ( dont remember exact scenario)
Asherman syndrome

14. 30 years old patient, she is on phenytoin since she was 29 due to partial epilepsy she
didn’t have any attack since. Her CNS examination is normal and EEG also normal. She wants
to stop taking the drug due to facial hair growth:
a) It is reasonable to stop it now
b) She should continue it
c) Switch to other anti epileptic
d) Stop after 10 yrs of seizure free

15. Old man known case of DM, HTN and smoker.... presented with severe tearing chest pain
radiating to back , having left constructed pupil, left side of face was sweating.... left radial n
pedal pulses barely palpable and right pulses were normal.... lungs normal ... and having
murmur ... what investigation u ll order
A) ct brain
B) ct abdomen
C)transoesophageal echo

16. Pt complain of sudden syncopal attack, he complain of loss of consciousness and weakness
for 4 minutes
a:Transient ischemic attach
c:out of control of body

17. Patient complaint of light-headedness , tachycardia , diarrhea , relieve by laying down

history of gastrointestinal surgery before 2 month ,what is the ur provisional
2-dumping syndrome
3-villous adenoma
4-cronhn's disease

18. Patient who had history of previous infective endocarditis, and now came with
dental caries for dental procedure, what is the appropriate prophylaxis:
a-amoxycillin 2gm one hour before procedure
b- amoxycillin 1gm one hour before procedure
c-clindamycin 2gm one hour before procedure

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Dr. Tuba’s DHA Recall dated 27th March 2019

d- clindamycin 1gm one hour before procedure

19. Lady will go to hajj after 2 months, she took hib & meningococcal vaccine 1 yr ago & took
pneumococcal 6 yrs. ago, what vaccine to give ?
A. pneumococcal vaccine
B. meningococcal vaccine

20. Virus causing hepatic failure in children

A) Ebv,
B) influenza,
C) coxacki

21. what will u guide to tell H.pylori in children

A ) refractry anemia
B ) sevre abdominal pain
C ) short stature due to allergy to food

22. Lady with Dyspepsia...How will u treat

Omeprazole (other options were not relevant)

23. Patient having HTn taking atenolol n captopril bp is controlled suddenly she developed
headache, nausea , dizziness but no vomiting .. she told that she stopped taking anti HTN
one week ago .. there is no weakness, no neurological deficit other CNS examination
normal.. on exam Bp is 200/90 mm Hg Dx

A) tension headache
C) haemorrhagic stroke
D) hypertensive encephalopathy

24. Alzheimer disease

New Methods

25. known case of diabetes... what will u tell him how Sulfonyl urea acts
Increase insulin secretion from pancreas

26. Screening method in AAA

A) ct abdomen
B) ct angio
C) Abdominal USG

27. Therapeutic INR range

A) 2-3

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Dr. Tuba’s DHA Recall dated 27th March 2019

28. HbA1c target in diabetics


29. True about seasonal mood affective disorder

A) affects males more than females
B) affects people living at high altitude
C) generalized anxiety disorder is a risk factor

30. Old man excessive talking severe insomnia, increased speed and volume of speech,
disconnected and racing thoughts, giving money to strangers, markedly increased energy
and activity level, poor judgment, and inappropriate social behaviour, associated with above
pt should have one more symptom to fit on a diagnosis
a) Hallucination
b) Delusion
c) Grandiosity
d) Delirium

31. Unipolar major depression true statement

A) 20% sexual side effect of ssri observed
B) ECT is not beneficial
C) TCA more affective

32. Bariatric surgery candidate

A) 35 yrs. old HTN with BMI 33
B) 35 yrs. diabetics with BMI 35
C) 35 yrs. obese with BMI 35 positive family history

33. Feminghum criteria for CAD

A) age , sex, smoking, DM , diastolic blood pressure
B) age , sex , high cholesterol, systolic blood pressure
C) age, sex, both systolic diastolic blood pressure

34. Healthy male came to u for annual check up what will u screen him for
A) dyslipidaemia
D) obesity

35. 42 yrs. old in 2nd trimester wants to screen for down syndrome....
A) triple screen
B) amniocentesis
C) chorionic villus sampling

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Dr. Tuba’s DHA Recall dated 27th March 2019

36. 53 days old baby (2 months almost) came with pallor... known case of G6PD,
Some labs were given showing Hb 7.5 LDh raised What will u advise
A) blood transfusion
B) folic acid
C ) reassurance

37. Oxytocin used for labour induction.... what is the side effect
A) maternal HTN
B) uteroplacental insufficiency
C) maternal DM

38. Postpartum haemorrhage mortality rate world wide....

A) 10%
C) 20%
D) 25%

39. 39.... alcoholic having dull abdominal pain since long ... ( don’t remember exact scenario)
A) choledochal cyst
B) pancreatic pseudocyst
C) liver abscess

40. 5 yrs old previously healthy baby active... developed fever5/7 days back,no history of trauma
and refused to walk having tender left foot , range of motion of foot is not limited
Labs showing high Wbc count like 22,000 Diagnosis
A) septic arthritis
B) brodies abscess

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Dr. Tuba’s DHA Recall dated 27th March 2019

41. young male developed fever one month back, 2days back had altered sensorium with neck
rigidity CSF analysis was given Protein 568 Lymphocytes predominant Glucose 50 Turbid
colour Diagnosis
A) phylogenic mengitis
B) TB meningitis
C) viral meningitis

42. Old age came with eye changes in. both eyes. open angle glaucoma regarding iop.. what it
would b
A) Trabecular microscopy change and blocks the humoris
B) Trabecular ... iris... blockage
C) inflammation of optic disc
D) central artery embolism

43. Obese female What will u advise for weight reduction

A) don’t talk about obesity
B) interdisciplinary plan

44. Pterygium what is true

A) bcoz of hypovitaminosis
B) impaired vision

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Dr. Tuba’s DHA Recall dated 27th March 2019

45. Old man with copd advised steroid for that after that he came with eye changes with density
in lenses. what will u advise
A) refer for cataract surgery
B) evaluate him after one month
C) refer him to ophthalmologist for evaluation

46. Meniere's disease your advice for diet is?

A-Low salt, no caffiene

B-High salt, low caffiene
C-Low salt, high caffiene
D-High salt, high caffeine

47. man presented with nyatagmus, vertigo that lasts few minutes.... many attacks like that in a
day specially when he moves his head . O/E tympanic membrane normal ... ur management
A) labyrinthectomy low salt no caffeine
B) betahistine , avoid caffeine
C) epley maneuver

48. patient with nausea and vomiting and vertigo , he says all world is spinning he has h/o of
viral infection one week back.... diagnosis
A) .Vestibur neuritis
B) meniers disease
C) bppv

49. 49.....after removing foreign body from eye what will u give
A) topical antibiotics
B) topical steroid
C) oral antibiotics

50. 36wks preg lady with pruritic folliculitis on lower limb. managemant?
a. bezylperoxide lotion with corticosteroid cream
b. topical antibiotic
c. oral antibiotic
d. steroid cream

51. venous ulcer on the medial malleolus.... treatment

A) debridement
B) biopsy
C) compression bandage n elevation

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Dr. Tuba’s DHA Recall dated 27th March 2019

52. Female in pregnancy came to u asking about vaccination... what ull give her
A) chicken pox
B) influenza
C) rubella

53. HPV-16 ...

a) causing cervical cancer
B) colon cancer

54. Patient checked his BP from pharmacy it was 160/100 otherwise Asymptomatic.... some labs
were given
Na 137, K 4, hba1c 7.3 what u ll start

A) ccb,
B) losartan
C) beta blocker

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Dr. Tuba’s DHA Recall dated 27th March 2019

55. HTN not controlled on amlodipine and thiazide what u will add next

A) losartan
B) captopril
C) hydralazine
D) beta blocker

56. Patient having retrosternal chest pain.... one week back he developed sore throat... ecg was
A) Myocarditis
B) p.e
C) pericardial effusion

57. patient has 6 months old baby exclusively on breast feeding weight n height upto the mark...
she wants to have baby after 2 yrs ... what contraception u will advise her
A) depo vera
B) transdermal patch
C) ocp
D)vaginal ring

58. patient had burning, tingling sharp pain over nose forehead... there are eruptic vesicles
A) Herpese zoster
B) trigeminal neuralgia
C) sinusitis

59. Which drug can cause hypertensive crisis with tyramine containing foods

60. which poisoning reduce oxygen carrying capacity to tissues

A) CO poisoning
B) cyanide poisoning
C) ethylene glycol

61. atient presented with Acetaminophen poisoning he took 45 minutes ago... conscious, active
and alert What will u advise
A) oral N acetylcysteine
B) measure acetaminophen level
C) gastric lavage

62. Obese lady BMI 34 asymtomatic ....all labs are noraml...what will u advise
A) orilstat,
B)find out secondary cause,

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Dr. Tuba’s DHA Recall dated 27th March 2019

C) order thyroid profile,

D) physical activity and reduce weight

63. table was given to opt for vector .Dx flavivirus

A ) rodent rat flea
B) primates n mosquito bite

64. 10 yrs old child brought by his parents because they where concern about his weight , he
eats a lot of fast food and French fries , your main concern to manage this pt is :
a- His parents concerning about his weight
b- His BMI > 33
c- Family Hx of heart disease

65. case with Spoon shaped nails and pallor ... low Hb, low serum iron and ferritin
A) anemia of chroic disease
B) iron deficiency anemia
C) thalassemia

66. Watery stool since 48 hrs, active alert kid, no abdominal pain ,fever and vomiting, no sign of
dehydration.... wat will u do
A) Stool for ova
B) Oral rehydration
C) Reassure mother ,continue feeding and educate mother about red flag of dehydration

67. Mild dehydration on iv fluid.... when u think to stop iv....

A) urine out put adequate,
B) start taking oral....

68. how will u access severity and Prgnosis of CKD....

A) Creatinine clearnace
C) Albumin creatinine ratio

69. Athlete buy new shoes and excersice heavily come complaong of pain in medial arch and
foot and suspected tarsal tunnel syndrome which nerve entrapment cause this condition
A) anterior tibial
B) posterior tibial
C) sciatic nerve

70. colon blood supply

A) inferior mesenteric artery
B) superior rectal artery
C) superior mesenteric artery

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Dr. Tuba’s DHA Recall dated 27th March 2019

71. parents brought 6 months old infant he is in pain ... there is some mass in right inguinal
region , tender .... doctoe tried to reduce that mass in abdomen manually but
couldn’t....what will be ur action
A) emergency operation
B) access him after one month
C) reduce under sedation
D) it is normal

72. Female patient on OCPs missed a pill, when she remembered she took a pill 5 hours
ago....she didn’t have intercourse in the past two days, concern about her contraception,
what to advise:
A) Taking another pill and avoid intercourse for 2 days
B) take another pill and continue as normal
C) Avoid intercourse for one week.
D) reassure her contraception is safe

73. A sexually active female do not use protection. What increases the risk of UTI?
A- Sanitary napkins
B- back to front wiping
C- diaphragm

74. Family shifted to new home...child have difficulty in using new toilet..
O/E hard mass
A) Wait until child adjust to the new home
B) Diet rich in fibre
C) Make the child flush.

75. A boy who was bitten by his brother and received tetanus shot 6 month ago and there was
redness with bite marks you cleaned his wound next you will:
a) Give Augmentin.
b) Suture the wound.
c) Give tetanus shot
d) Send home with close observation and return in 48 hours.

76. 2 yrs old boy with both ears acute otitis media (long scenario, don’t remember exactly)
asked about treatment
A)amoxicillin 90mg/kg/ day for 10 days
B) amoxicillin 45mg /kg/ day for 5 days

77. female tv actress with rosacea asked about treatment

A) Laser
B) oral antibiotics
C) tooical steroids

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Dr. Tuba’s DHA Recall dated 27th March 2019

78. A female came with IUCD inserted for the past 3 years. now she wants to conceive and she
has started with folic acid acid. one month ago she took Rubella vaccine..when to remove it
A- one week
B-two weeks
C Three weeks
D- Four weeks

79. Post operative complain of SOB Ct show small PE drug that lysis the embolus is :
A) Heparin
B) Streptokinase
C) aspirin
D) Clopidrogel

80. 19 years old athlete, his weight increase 45 pound in last 4 months. In examination, he is
muscular, BP 138/89, what is the cause?
a) Alcohol
b) Cocaine abuse
c) Anabolic steroid use

81. An elderly patient known to have atrial fibrillation presented with abdominal pain and
bloody stools. What is the likely diagnosis?
(A) Ischemic mesentery.
(B) Hemorrhoid.
(C) Ulcerative colitis.
(D) Crohn's disease.

82. patient is presented with acute cholangitis , what you will do to alleviate the symptoms:
a) IV antibiotics + gastric lavage.
b) IV antibiotics + drainage of bile.
c) Hydration +cholecystectomy

83. Anorexia nervosa case ,asking about treatment

-hospitalize n correct electrolyte abnormalities

84. patient with dyspesia and having pepric ulcer... what ull advice
A) give her NSAIDs
B) when u have pain take morphine
C) plan endoscopy

85. Patient is having hoarseness of voice . He is singer by occupation. He used hot steams and
lozenges but no advantage. Diagnosis:
A) Laryngeal carcinoma
B) Vocal cord polyp
C) Reinks edema

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86. extracranial complication of otitis media

A) Ataxia
B) Facial nerve palsy
C) Loss of consciousness

87. What immediate management will you give a patient with a large pneumothorax that is
causing the patient to be cyanosed?
A) Pleurodesis
B) Insertion of chest tube
C) Pneumectomy

88. 9 months old cant sit without support , dont afraid, not social , no smile what will u do
A) assess after one month
B) ct brain
C) paediatric referral

89. child having abnormal white reflex in eye ... family noticed when there was flash light of
A) retinoblastoma case
B) neuroblastoma

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C) cataract

90. case of anencephaly ...what is the chance in next pregnancy

A) 2%
C) 15%

91. which is true about specific phobia

A) benzodiazepines used for rapid relief
B) ssri life long prophylaxis
C) psychotherapy

92. case of strabismus

93. true about colostrum

A) Contains nutrients
B) not useful, waste it
C) protects against diseases

94. which patient has highest risk to develop venous thrombosis

A) open knee surgery
B) Maternal hx of pulmonary embolism
C) Flight for 4 hours
D) Paternal hx of dvt after orthopedic operation

95. burn with hot oil from frying pan....

Which of the following burn need immediate transfer :
A) 12 cm painful burn close to shoulder
b) 5 cm painful burn in chest
c) 0.5 cm painless burn in face
d) Fourth choice about painful pain

96. case of asthma already on SABA and inhaler steroid... still having symptoms...what will u add
A) long acting beta agonist
B) ipratropium bromide inhaler
C) anti leukotrienes
D) increase dose of inhaler steroid

97. One statistics question

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