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EDU 550 Effective Communication With Educational Technology : Learning How to Teach

with It, Learn from It and Bridge the Gap

(3 credits)

Course Instructor: Jasmaine (Bartee) Graves -

Course instructor is available by email, at any time. Individual Office Hours are by request and
scheduled as necessary/requested.

Meeting Place & Times: Online/Daily & Weekly Participation.

Description of Course:
The world of Educational Technology is ever changing. As educators & trainers, we must be
trained to respond to these changes and be as ready as possible to be able to effectively
communicate, work through and implement those changes as we impart information through it
to others. This course will assist in this goal, with the intention of making the student more
proficient in how to teach, connect and “bridge the educational gap” through the changing
landscape of Ed Tech.

Course Objectives:
• To assist the learner how to effectively communicate and implement changes
related to ED Tech to their intended audience
• To make aware to the learner up and coming software programs and changes
/trends in the field
• To connect the learner to useful resources to assist them in keeping up to date with
the changes in Ed Tech
• To expose the learner to different ways of effectively communicating to their
audience without a fear of losing them/not connecting to them/spending to much
time on the technical components of their teaching curriculums and focusing more
on the content/concepts being learned

Materials Required for the Course:

Books : Communicating for Success, 2nd Edition, by C. Hamilton, B. Kreel & T. Kroll, 2018. (ISBN:
978-1138700956). – This book is focused on effective communication, and provides examples on
how to communicate with others via activities and other examples in the book.

Handbook of Technology Education, by M. DeVries. 2018 (ISBN: 978-3-319-44688-2)

- This is a type of modern encyclopedia of Technology Education not just in the US, but around the world. The
book examines different ways tech education is utilized around the world, the history of Ed Tech and the
implications for the future.

Additional Requirements: Access to a computer that is internet connected and compatible to

the most up to date software necessary to utilize Google Suite, Blackboard, the Internet and
Microsoft Office.

Student Responsibilities:
It is expected that each learner participate in discussions at least twice per week with their
classmates. It is expected that all work submitted by done so on time, with periods of grace
offered ( 1 day late, 5 points lost, 2 days late, 10 pts lost, with points lost doubling as the days
progress). Should there be any extenuating circumstances that may prevent the timely
submission of required work, it is requested that the learner notify the professor as promptly as
able so alternative arrangements can be made.
Communication with your professor is important. As this is an learning atmosphere, it is desired
that all learners feel comfortable communicating with the professor and with each other.
Mistakes can and will be made, and there is always room for redemption/teachable moments
(for you and I).

Course Outline: This course will be approximately 8 weeks long. Each week, a different lesson
of the course will be assigned. Assignments are given Monday and are to be turned in on
Sunday evening. ( Extensions may be given provided there is prior notice of the necessity.)

• Week 1: What is Communication? - This week we will be examining the basics of

good and effective communication, the impacts good communication and bad
communication can have, and how to cultivate it. Assignments: Quiz, Discussion
with Classmates, and 1 page reflective paper all due the following Sunday after

• Week 2: Connecting with Students/Trainees Effectively – This week we will be

exploring the different ways to communicate with students in various situations.
Assignments: Quiz, Discussion with Classmates, and 1 page reflective paper all due
the following Sunday after assignment

• Week 3: Updates in Educational Tech – This week we will examine the many new
trends in this field, as well as their implications for the future. Assignments: Quiz,
Discussion with Classmates.

• Week 4: Creating a Tutorial/Training – This week we will practice teaching a lesson

using some type of Ed Tech resource. Assignments: Quiz, Discussion with
Classmates, and 1 page reflective paper all due the following Sunday after

• Week 5: Dealing with Troubleshooting/Issues/Knowing Your Resources – This week

we will be exploring and gathering resources that we as trainers and teachers can
utilize whenever we are searching to troubleshoot, or explore a new way to use
learning tool in our classrooms. Assignments: Quiz, Discussion with Classmates, and
1 page reflective paper all due the following Sunday after assignment
• Week 6: Creating a Learning Network for the Student/Trainee – This week we will
focus on how to create learning networks for students, consisting of websites they
could go to for additional learning resources, and how to include their families
(employers for trainees) in the learning process and prepare them for learning with
Ed-Tech (learning about supplemental ways to help facilitate the learning process at
home and in the community, etc.). Assignments: Quiz, Discussion with Classmates.

• Week 7: Implementing Changes in the Classroom – This week we will learn about
and practice how to deal with & adapt to changes in tech needs in our classrooms.
Assignments: Quiz, Discussion with Classmates.

• Week 8: Connecting with Your Community for Encouragement and Support –This
week we will be examining organizations, websites, forums and other community
resources for trainers and teachers that we can give each other advice & support,
learn from each other, and keep up to date on current trends in the field.
Assignment: 10 page reflection paper.

Grading Policy and Scale –

Quizzes @ 10 points each x 7 = 70points
Semi-weekly Reflection Papers @ 10 points each x 4 = 40 pts
Weekly Discussion (Weeks 1-7) @ 5 points (**responses to others 2 pts extra credit each
response) = 35 points
Final Reflection Paper @ 100 points
Total Point Total = 245 points (with the possibility for more, if extra credit is received)

Grading Scale
A= 90% or above (220.5 -245 points)
B= 80% - 89% (196 - 220.4 points)
C= 70% - 79% (171.5 -195 points)
D= 60% - 69% (147 - 171.4 points)
Failing - 59% or below (146 points or less)

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