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Football is a one of the sport that uses more energy from all part of the body. During
a 90-minute game, elite-level players run about 10km at an average intensity close to the
anaerobic threshold (80–90% of maximal heart rate). Within this endurance context,
numerous explosive bursts of activity are required, including jumping, kicking, tackling,
turning, sprinting, changing pace, and sustaining forceful contractions to maintain balance
and control of the ball against defensive pressure. Because of the game duration, soccer is
mainly dependent upon aerobic metabolism. The average work intensity, measured as
percentage of maximal heart rate (HRmax), during a 90-minute soccer match is close to the
anaerobic threshold (the highest exercise intensity where the production and removal of
lactate is equal; normally between 80–90% of HRmax in soccer players).

During a game, professional football players perform about 50 turns, comprising

sustained forceful contractions, to maintain balance and control of the ball against defensive
pressure. Hence, strengthand power share importance with endurance at top level soccer
play. Power is, in turn, heavily dependent on maximal strength with an increase in the latter,
being connected with an improvement in relative strength and therefore with improvement in
power abilities. Power is the ability to produce as much force as possible in the shortest
possible time. Speed is required when trying to beat an opponent to a 50/50 ball, to lose
defender, to get in to space, to support an attack, to dribble round an opponent or to chase
back and close down an attack. If you lack speed then you will be unable to maintain
possession of the ball, win it back, or take on your opposite player effectively.That’s why
training is important to reduce fatigue especially during competitive games.

So it is clearly that football need many improvement in terms of stamina, speed,

agility and skills. To get all of it, player should discipline theirself in training. But overtraining
or training in an extreme exercise may cause disadvantages effect on our body. Some of
football team have to training although they go through competition in a extreme season like
summer and winter. So how extreme exercise can give a bad effect to our body? How our
body works during extreme season? It is same like usual? And what kind of injury that we
will face? It is serious? Or may cause death?


Overtraining, also known as overtraining syndrome, happens when you work out so
much, you make yourself sick. In football. to gain endurance, speed and improve player
performance, your body requires two things exertion and rest. Overtraining happens when
you don't give your body enough time to recover from exercise.. While the amount of rest
you need depends on your fitness level, most people can't exercise for more than 90
minutes without eating. Doing so causes the muscles to start breaking down, burning their
own protein stores for fuel.

Effect for overtraining

There are so many people have trouble for overtraining syndrome. Football players
who are training or competition or a specific event and train beyond the body's ability to
recover. They often exercise longer and harder so they can improve. But without adequate
rest and recovery, these training regimens can backfire, and actually decrease performance.
Exercise can be like an addictive drug. It is due to endorphine and dopamine is produced by
the body with regular exercise. As we do something we like and become addicted. Addiction
to exercise usually causes the body to exercise or overtraining.

Conditioning requires a balance between load and recovery. Too many advantages
and too little recovery can cause both physical and psychological symptoms of overtraining
syndrome. Common Warning Signs and Symptoms of Overtraining Syndrome for example
Washed-out feeling, tired, drained, lack of energy,Mild leg soreness, general aches, and
pains, Pain in muscles and joints, Sudden drop in performance, Insomnia, Headaches,
Decreased immunity (increased number of colds, and sore throats), Decrease in training
capacity/intensity, Moodiness and irritability, Depression, Loss of enthusiasm for the sport,
Decreased appetite and Increased incidence of injuries.

Recognizing Overtraining Syndrome

There are several ways you can objectively measure some signs of overtraining. One
is by documenting your heart rates over time. Track your aerobic heart rate at specific
exercise intensities and speed throughout your training and write it down. If your pace starts
to slow, your resting heart rate increases and you experience other symptoms, you may
heading into overtraining syndrome.

You can also track your resting heart rate each morning. Any marked increase from
the norm may indicate that you aren't fully recovered. Another way to test recovery to use
something called the orthostatic heart rate test, developed by Heikki Rusko while working
with cross-country skiers. To obtain this measurement is lay down and rest comfortably for
10 minutes the same time each day (morning is best), at the end of 10 minutes, record your
heart rate in beats per minute, then stand up and after 15 seconds, take a second heart rate
in beats per minute. After 90 seconds, take a third heart rate in beats per minute and after
120 seconds, take a fourth heart rate in beats per minute.

Well-rested athletes will show a consistent heart rate between measurements, but
Rusko found a marked increase (10 beats/minutes or more) in the 120 second-post-standing
measurement of athletes on the verge of overtraining. Such a change may indicate that you
have not recovered from a previous workout, are fatigued, or otherwise stressed and it may
be helpful to reduce training or rest another day before performing another workout.

A training log that includes a note about how you feel each day can help you notice
downward trends and decreased enthusiasm. It's important to listen to your body signals and
rest when you feel tired.You can also ask those around you if they think you are exercising
too much.

While there are many proposed ways to objectively test for overtraining, the most
accurate and sensitive measurements are psychological signs and symptoms and changes
in an athlete's mental state. Decreased positive feelings for sports and increased negative
feelings, such as depression, anger, fatigue, and irritability often appear after a few days of
intensive overtraining. Studies have found increased ratings of perceived exertion during
exercise after only three days of overload.

How to Treat Overtraining Syndrome

If you suspect you are overtraining, start with the following this for example rest and
recover, reduce or stop the exercise and allow yourself a few days of rest. Second is
hydrate, drink plenty of fluids and alter your diet if necessary. Third is get a sports massage,
this may help relax you mentally and physically. After that begin cross training. This often
helps athletes who are overworking certain muscles or suffering from mental fatigue.

Research on overtraining syndrome shows getting adequate rest is the primary

treatment plan.New evidence indicating that low levels of exercise, or active recovery, during
the rest period speeds recovery, and moderate exercise increases immunity. Total recovery
from overtraining can take several weeks and should include proper nutrition and stress

Training in heat (hot summer season)

During exercise in hot conditions, the circulatory system has to continue to

transport blood not only to working muscle but also to the skin, where the tremendous heat
generated by the muscles can be transfrerred to the environment. To meet this dual demand
during exercise in the heat, two changes occur. First, cardiac output increases further (above
that associated with a similar exercise intensity in cool conditions) by increasing both heart
rate and contractility. Second, blood flow is shunted away from nonessential areas like the
gut, liver, kidneys and to the skin. The aerobic exercise increases both metabolic heat
production and the demand for blood flow and oxygen delivery to the working muscles.

Body heat is transferred by conduction, convection, radiation and evaporation. At

rest, most heat is lost via radiation and convection, but during exercise, evaporation
becomes the most important avenue of heat loss. Increased dependence on evaporation
means an increased demand for sweating. Sensory receptors called thermoreceptors detect
changes in temperature and delay this information to the body’s thermostat, located in a
region of the brain called the preoptic-anterior hypothalamus (POAH). In response, the
hypothalamus activates mechanisms that regulate the heating or cooling of the body. When
POAH senses temperature below or above normal, signals are sent through the sympathetic
nervous system to four sets of effectors which are skin arterioles, eccrine sweat glands,
skeletal muscle and endocrine glands.

While performing heavy exercise in hot conditions, the body can lose more than 1
Litre of sweat per hour per square meter of body surface. Normally, football players will train
endurance exercise to improve their stamina during the game. Endurance training like
jogging 10 km is important for them to increase cardiovascular rate. So, they have a high
probability to lose critical amount of body water in only a few hours of exercise in heat
condition. A high rate of sweating maintained for a prolonged time ultimately reduces blood
volume. This limits the volume of blood returning to the heart, increasing heart rate and
eventually decreasing cardiac output, which in turn reduces performance potential,
particularly for endurance activites. This condition may cause dehydration where water and
salts loss from the body.

Health risk during exercise in heat

Heat cramps

Heat cramps are defined as painful cramping of skeletal muscles during or

immediately after exercise or work, often in a hot environment. Cramps can last as briefly as
a few seconds or as long as an hour or more, and they tend to occur in the larger muscles.
Sweating and subsequent hypotonic fluid rehydration can put athletes at an increased risk
for cramping. Although other electrolytes like potassium, calcium, and magnesium are also
lost in sweat, their intracellular stores do not become significantly depleted and, therefore,
are not a likely cause of cramping. Heat cramps are brought on by sodium losses and
dehydration that accompany high rates of sweating , and thus are most common in heavy
sweaters who lose a lot of sodium in their sweat. Heat cramps can be prevented or
minimized in susceptible athletes by proper hydration practices involving liberal salt intake
with foods and in beverages consumed during exercise. Treatment for these cramps
involves moving the stricken individual to a cooler location and administering a saline
solution, either orally or intravenously if necessary.

Heat exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is a condition whose symptoms may include heavy sweating and
a rapid pulse, a result of your body overheating. It's one of three heat-related syndromes,
with heat cramps being the mildest and heatstroke being the most severe. Causes of heat
exhaustion include exposure to high temperatures, particularly when combined with high
humidity, and strenuous physical activity. When cardiovascular system’s inability to
adequately meet the body’s needs as it becomes severely dehydrated. Heat exhaustion may
result when these simultaneous demands cannot be met, and it typically occurs when blood
volume decreases as a result of excessive fluid loss from profuse sweating. Therefore, heat
exhaustion can be thought of as a syndrome of dehydration and should be treated as such.
Treatment for victims of heat exhaustion involves rest in a cooler environment with their feet
elevated to facilitate return of blood to the heart. If the person is conscious, administration of
salt water is usually recommended. If the person is unconscious, medically supervised
intravenous administration of saline solution is recommended.


Heatstroke is a condition caused by your body overheating, usually as a result of

prolonged exposure to or physical exertion in high temperatures. This most serious form of
heat injury, heatstroke, can occur if your body temperature rises to 104 F (40 C) or higher.
The condition is most common in the summer months. Heatstroke requires emergency
treatment. Untreated heatstroke can quickly damage your brain, heart, kidneys and muscles.
The damage worsens the longer treatment is delayed, increasing your risk of serious
complications or death.

Avoiding and Preventing Heat Related Injuries When Playing Football

Avoid dehydration and make sure you pre-hydrate. Don’t wait till you feel thirsty
because the body will not be able to tell you in time that you are dehydrated. 2 hours before
exercise, drink at least 16 oz or 500 ml. Immediately after the exercise, drink at least 16 oz
or 500 ml of water or an electrolyte replacing drink. As a rule of thumb you should drink at
least 500 ml for every 20 lbs of body weight, therefore, someone weighing 140 lbs needs to
drink at least 3500 ml of fluid per day if training or playing that day. Then, wearing light
breathable clothing is advised.

Training in cold ( Cold Winter season )

Football can be added to the running to raise the player’s awareness. But careful.
Balls will always be a big temptation to shoot and pass around, which is an invitation for
injuries to muscles and tendons. The warm up should be increasingly dynamic and it doesn’t
matter if takes five minutes longer than usual. Players need to stay active throughout the
training to prevent hypothermia. When it comes to the intensity, high strains involving great
numbers of interval run, should be avoided as well. The following applies – the lower the
temperatures, the more consistent and uniformly the intensity of strains in training should be.
It prevents the players from reaching excessive breathing frequencies that increase the risk
of side effects when training through cold weather.

When exercising in the cold, player should not overdress. Overdressing can cause
the body to become hot and initiate sweating. There are three distinct patterns of adaptation
to repeated cold exposure which are cold habituation, metabolic acclimation and insulative
acclimation. Wind increases heat loss by convection. The cooling power of the environment,
known as windchill, is typically expressed as equivalent temperatures. When muscle is
cooled, its is less able to produce force and fatigue can occur more rapidly. During
prolonged exercise in the cold, as fatigue causes exercise intensity to decline, metabolic
heat production decreases and execisers may become susceptible to hypothermia.

Health risks during exercise in the cold


Hypothermia is a medical emergency that occurs when your body loses heat faster
than it can produce heat, causing a dangerously low body temperature. Normal body
temperature is around 98.6 F (37 C). Hypothermia occurs as your body temperature falls
below 95 F (35 C). When your body temperature drops, your heart, nervous system and
other organs cannot work normally. Left untreated, hypothermia can eventually lead to
complete failure of your heart and respiratory system and eventually to death. Hypothermia
is often caused by exposure to cold weather or immersion in cold water. Primary treatments
for hypothermia are methods to warm the body back to a normal temperature. Hypothermia
occurs when your body loses heat faster than it produces it. The most common causes of
hypothermia are exposure to cold-weather conditions or cold water. But prolonged exposure
to any environment colder than your body can lead to hypothermia if you aren't dressed
appropriately or can't control the conditions.

Avoiding and Preventing Cold Related Injuries When Playing Football

Wear a snowcap, glove and cold weather clothes will protects against hypothermia
and peripheral cold injuries by reducing heat loss through the insulation provided by the
clothing and the trapped air within and between clothing layers. Before start the training,
player also should warming up serious injury during cold weather.

Training in fasting

Fasting is the willing abstinence or reduction from some or all food, drink, or both,
for a period of time. Muslim footballer continue to train during the Ramadan month and the
impact of Ramadan fasting on exercise performance is mixed. Some studies showed that
strength, anaerobic and high-intensity aerobic performance were adversely affected whilst
other studies showed no change in exercise performance. Indeed, many coaches believed
that fasting footballer are not able to cope with normal training and tended to reduce the
training volume (i.e., frequency, duration and/or intensity) during the Ramadan period.
Studies have shown that fasting players have greater muscle fatigue and less agility,
dribbling, endurance, power, and speed. As fasting players continue their training regimen,
their bodies adjust, and they regain all those losses. "The first five days are difficult," says
one player. "After that, the body just starts to adapt.

In the present study, biochemical, nutritional, subjective well-being and performance

variables were not adversely affected in young male football players who followed Ramadan
fasting in a controlled training camp environment. Physical performance generally improved,
but match performance was not measured. We recommend that players should ensure
adequate sleep and good nutrition during Ramadan to preserve football performance and
general health.

Risk of heart attack and death during exercise

Hypertrophy exposes patients to problems such as heart rate abnormalities and will
cause heart failure. The heart is also like other muscles, the heart becomes stronger when
the individual exercises and can pump more blood with every pulse to the whole body. So
the heart can work at a maximum level in a non-burdensome state. Heart rate during rest for
people who work out is also slower as their heart does not have to work hard to pump blood.

Try to avoid caffeinated drinks because it increases heart rate and heart rate, thus
affecting blood pressure during physical activity. If you are hypertensive, you should
normally breathe during the exercise. Holding the breath will increase blood pressure. A
number of clinical studies conducted in the United States revealed the benefits of exercise
among all patient groups.

For example, studies found that when exercising, the American black population
group recorded a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure while Asian-induced
individuals recorded a larger reduction in diastolic blood pressure than white participants.
This study shows that even without any weight changes, individuals who exercise aerobic
exercise can often reduce blood pressure during breaks. Reduced blood pressure is not
dependent on frequency, intensity or type of exercise. This shows that all forms of exercise
are effective in reducing blood pressure.

Death can also occur if an individual is exercising during a hot period. this is
because, the individual is exposed to weather and is likely to be exposed to heat stroke. for
example in the 2018 Commonwealth Games that took place at gold cost, australia recently
showing a female participant in sports sport had a stroke of heat and had problems with
diarrhea, fever and so on that had an impact on her performance.

The report from Samitz (2011) collected a total of 80 research data involving
1,338,143 participants in which 118,121 died in endurance training. The risk of death from
this sport with a less active category is higher than that of active or extreme sports
categories. While the study report from Dr Oja and colleagues (Finnish Health Promotion
Studies Institute) found that rugged sports such as rafting, swimming and aerobic exercise
can reduce the risk of death from heart attacks.


In conclusion, we should admit that football is one of the sport that need effective
training. Some of coaches have to train their players in any condition because football
periodizaton training programme normally running in a year. So they have to training hard to
avoid they lose their peak performance and of course it will disturb the whole game plan. But
if the coaches do not have a physiological knowledge, it will become a disaster for the team.
So all coaches should study more about overtraining and effect training on extreme
environment. All the information must be related to exercise that they do everyday. We are
clearly seen that injury can come easily if all the muscle and heart works hardly. It also can
cause a death if training in a extreme condition like heat stroke.


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