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saran prasarana

/ kepatuhan

quo ad vital = hiposeluleritas pada bone marrow -> mostly fat and stroma
dubia ad malam
saran prasarana

pansitopenia :
quo ad sanam = malam
trombositopenia, anemia,
leukopenia retculocytopenia

anemia = gagal jantung

tombositopenia = prognosis
perdarahan intrakranial 5L,pucat, dispneu, penglihatan kabur, telinga berdenging,mudah terjadi infeksi, perdarhan mukosa dan bawl kulit

leukopenia = sepsis
(peradangan seluruh tubuh) gejala

-supportive care:
2. treatment of anemia
3. treatment of bleeding di europe dan us : kasus 2 per satu juta
4.prevention and treatment of infection bangkok 4 kasus per satu juta
tratement anemia aplastik epidemiologi 6 thailand
-restoration of marrow activity: 14 japan
1.bone marrow transplant beresiko ada individual berusia 20-25 dan >60
2.terapi imunosupresif
a. anemia fanconi
b. dyskeratosis congenital
congential c. shwachman-diamond syndrome
diagnosis etiologi d. familial plastic anemia

minifestasi kilns
-SADT = pancytopenia dan reiculoycytopenia drugs,radiations, chemicals (benzene and pesticides)
-Bone marrow aspiration & biopsy (gold standard) viruses, immune, pregnancy, PNH
-viral titers

1. anemia
2. bleeding : ekimosis (trombositopenia), bleeding gum, epistasis (trombositopenia)
3.infections : fever, mouth ulcers

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