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Name : Andhika Dimas Pramanda

Class/Number : XI IPA 1 / 07
Movie Title : Transformers Age of Extinction

This movie is about a cars that can be transform into war robots. The story is
about 5 years after wars in Chicago that cost many human lives, the human
become mad and they were hunting the transformers to cost what they did.

In my opinion, the movie is good enough. The storyline are easy to consume, they
didn’t complicate the story. The movie are tell us, even they are robots they still
they have heart to safe human, we can see who is the bad or good human in this
movie easly. The story also is telling us about a Father that protected her
daughter, even the daughter is didn’t obey him. The action for this movie are
perfect, they show the robot wars very cool, even though they didn’t show the
villain enough. The CGI this movie are not bad, the CGI detail are still can we see
in our eye, the point is not damage our eyes. The acting are good for all the
important character but some people are not act natural enough, like they are
slow react to hear a shot, like they didn’t hear what happen in that place. That all
from my opinion, from my score this movie are 8/10.

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