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REVIEW: Black Mirror Bandersnatch

The movie Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, is a movie that was uploaded to the Netflix
platform in 2018, this movie is interactive, that is, the viewer can choose between
two options, and these will alter the plot of the movie and therefore the ending,
depending on the decisions made, a different ending is reached and even the
viewer can spend time making different decisions and looking to find all the five
possible endings of the film.

The film isn’t based solely on the creation of this video game, it also focuses on
Stefan's personal life and problems, such as the tragic death of his mother and the
trauma that this causes and makes the audience wonder if they are owners
absolute of his acts. Along with the movie, the audience must make the decisions
of the protagonist Stefan, this will affect everything that happens, and what
happens in the film will be under their own decisions, this leads the protagonist to
start to interact with the viewer.

The most remarkable thing about the Bandersnatch movie is its format of
interactivity with the audience if it would not be a movie with a story it is very
simple. What is interesting is when we discover that the spectators are also part of
it. However, the production is good, the scenes, the music, and those details, it
seems to me that they were correct and coincided with the essence of the film.

For me, the great merit of this film is that its model isn’t conventional, by giving the
viewer the option to choose your own story, the experience is entertaining because
we can decide the development of the story and the future of the protagonist, and
the story it tells is interesting and at some point intriguing, which makes the
experience even better, however, the movie has many negative points for example,
that at some point the viewer will realize that in reality he cannot decide the
development of the story, but is forced to choose the only option to continue with
the story, also, no ending is really good.

I would advise this film a lot, I find it very entertaining, it’s very novel due to its form
of interactivity, this makes the viewer feel part of the story to the point of making
him responsible for the situations that the protagonist lives, The Netflix platform
has managed to capture all the attention and other interactive movies with this title.
I give the film 9 out of 10 because despite being very good there is a little more
missing in the plot to make it more interesting.

Juliana Puin Loaiza-10b

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