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Jami Miller

PS 3023- TC6

Module 3 Writing Assignment

January 30, 2018


Poor Communication Between Coworkers

There was a poor communication between coworkers that I experienced while living at

an apartment. There was a wide range of parking around each apartment building and each

building had a parking awning that could be assigned to people that payed for them. Each

parking spot was $125. I had purchased a spot under awning 5b and another car kept parking

there. Each of us would park there off and on thinking that we were both taking one another’s

parking spot. The other car ended up calling in to get my car towed because to them I kept

parking in their spot.

Once I noticed that my car was missing as I was trying to leave the apartment, I went to

the apartment’s main office to ask them what happened. I explained to the worker that was

working the front deck what was going on. They looked in the book and noticed that they had

assigned two people to the same parking spot under the awnings. Since I had paid them $125 for

my parking spot I told them it was not fair that I would have to pay another $200 to get my car

back from the towing company. One employee assigned parking spot 5b to me and then another

employee assigned the same spot to another person without checking to see if the spot was

already taken. The manager then had to use her own money to get my car back because she

explained that the apartment account did not have enough money to cover the charge.

The whole situation was chaotic and unorganized. The manager and two employees

working it had poor communication and were not all on the same page. Each one did not want to

get blamed for the incident. The workers need to deal with the task at hand first and the

discussion on what happened when it is over with. They should have been constructive with one

another about the situation. Instead of them arguing and trying to figure out what they can do to

fix the problem in front of me, they should have all stepped into a closed door and talk about

what the best solution was and then come out and talked to me. If each employee working made

sure to check in the book before assigning parking spots, the communication level would have

been better in the situation. The outcome of the situation should help the manager and employees

be more organized and have a better communication with one another while working and

assigning areas for people of the apartments.

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