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Katlyn Clifton

HLTH 1500

Reflective Paper

Part 1-

My goal was to gain weight and my long term goal was to gain weight by eating healthy.

I have been working on this since I wrote the contract. It was difficult to gain weight at first

because I constantly felt nauseous, was throwing up on occasion and I didn’t want to eat certain

foods for the first 4 months of my pregnancy. I had cravings for foods and I wanted to eat what I

was craving. The smell of certain foods mad e me gag so it was definitely hard to find foods I

wanted to eat. But then the nausea started to subside around my fifth month and I could eat more

food and I slowly started to gain weight. I eat healthy 95% of the time and I drink 3 liters of

water a day. I’ve been successful in gaining over what my goal was, but this is perfectly fine and

healthy because you gain weight while you’re pregnant. I’ve gained about 25 lbs. so far and I’m

completely healthy and so is the baby.

What I did well was by doing the strategies to overcome my barriers. I drank tons of

water; I had a variety of food on hand so when I had cravings I was prepared and was able to eat

what I wanted without wanting to throw up. Sometimes I did have to force myself to eat because

I wasn’t close to being hungry and if I wouldn’t have forced myself to eat I wouldn’t have been

eating enough and I would have lost weight instead of gaining weights. I’ve stayed active

throughout my pregnancy to keep my weight gain healthy and so it will be muscle and not as
much fat, because I want to keep my body healthy for the baby and I. I know exercise is

important and it helps me to stay healthy while I’m gaining weight.

I could have improved by rewarding myself when I reached my goal like I said I would.

But I didn’t, I was just busy and didn’t take the time to go get myself new clothes like I wanted

to. I know rewarding myself is important because it helps to keep you motivated, but I was still

able to motivate myself because I know I needed to gain weight for the baby and I. I’ve had

some not so healthy food that made me feel like crap but I didn’t do this all the time.

The fitness/wellness concepts I’ve learned relate to my personal life. Stress relief is a

main focus of mine, in class we discussed how not to stress and why it’s important. I know stress

is not good for the body and I’ve worked on it while being in this class by deep breathing and

doing yoga. This class helped motivate me to work on stress relief so that I could focus better in

school and in my personal life: because the less stress you have the happier you are and the more

you’re able to get done. FITT logs was also important to the relationship between my baby and I.

It helps me to stress less and to keep myself healthy for my growing baby. It has also helped me

to gain weight in a healthy way and to keep me more productive so I’m more willing to do

school work and chores around the house. Doing the FIIT logs not only motivated me to stay

healthy but it taught me how important you r health is because some of the top reasons people in

the U.S. die is from heart problems and some of the reasons that is, is because of inactivity and

unhealthy eating. This class really opened up my eyes, I always have eaten healthy and

exercised; since being pregnant it was hard to want to work out at first because of the nausea but

it was worth it to exercise because I know how important it is.

Part 2-
Rak #5

1. I made my dad some healthy cookies and peanut butter bars

2. Friday, 4/12/19

3. I don't usually make my dad dessert, but he is super busy with work all the time. He never has

time to make food for himself and he doesn't eat the healthiest unless somebody makes

something healthy for him. My dad was super stoked when I made him my healthy cookies and

peanut butter bars because he doesn't even notice that they are healthy so he loves to eat them. I

love to help my dad eat healthier, because if he didn't have my healthy treats I made he probably

would have eaten his m&m's, chips or not eaten. I know my dad was thankful because he likes to

snack on sweets and he always wants to try my healthy desserts. This made me happy to get my

dad to eat a little healthier and so he doesn't have to stress about picking out what to eat after a

long shift. My desserts I made him can actually be for breakfast to, because they're full of

nutritious ingredients.

A victory from this course for me was RAK. This one specifically for me was important

because my father isn’t the healthiest person. So by me being kind and giving him healthy treats

can make a difference. Not only by showing him healthy food can be delicious but by also

slightly improving his health. Since I made these treats he has been willing to try more of my

healthy foods I make and he is enjoying them. The thought of slightly improving my dad’s health

one step at a time means a lot to me because I want my dad to live a long healthy life. It also has
helped us to talk more to each other which is important to me. I’m helping to slowly make my

dad healthier and it’s strengthening our bond as father and daughter.

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