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Franshenka's Grandfather Biography

Pedro was born on January 22, 1947, in Nazca, Peru. He had a beautiful
childhood with his four brothers Raul, Marcelo, Antonio, and Juan. His parents
were Pedro Chavez Zamora and Tarcila Burga Vigil. He studied at school in
Nazca until he won a scholarship to study high school in one of the best schools
in Lima. The best birthday that he celebrated was when he was 14, he played
football with his friends all day. There wasn't a cake because at that time they
were rare. There were snacks and a lot of sodas of different flavors for all of
them, for example, Pringles, Doritos, Lays, Coca-Cola, Inka-Cola etc. It was
indeed a really good party. Then when he had to begin his professional studies,
he decided to go to UNI in 1963 and after five years he graduated in 1968 as a
mechanical engineer. Pedro met his future wife at work in 1972, according to
him it was love at first sight and after some dates and a romantic proposal they
got married in 1975 and they are still together until today. Some time after, they
had three children called Pedro, Rossana and Alejandra. They lived in a
beautiful white house, with a sofa big enough for six people, a round table, a TV
in the living room, a white double burner stove in the kitchen with a little fridge
which was very spacious, a red car in the garage, three bedrooms.
Pedro's work was two hours far from his house so he had to wake up at half
past five in the morning in order to take the first bus and be on time for his job,
there were some days in which the bus service did not opérate and on those
days, he was forced to go to work by car, which according to him was a pain
because of various reasons. First, the traffic was always a pain for a normal car.
Second, due to the fact that his job wasn't close to his home, the fuel's consume
was enormous too and as a consequence, his income suffered too.
As a mechanical engineer, Pedro's first job was at a company that was
specialized in doing maintenance to heavy construction vehicles like steamroller
machines, trenchers, etc. Obviously, his first days at work were not easy, since
he had to be constantly learning the maintenance schedules, the different ways
to repair machines in order to avoid being the spotlight in case he made an
error for just being a rookie in that company. However, after three months he
got used to his workplace and after a year he was given his first promotion for
always being on time for work and helping his colleagues.
His favorite food was ceviche but because of an accident with the fish in the
dish (poisoned) he went to the hospital and stayed there for a week, as a result,
he stopped eating that, since he was scared of not surviving in the case this
happened again. He changed the kind of food that he usually ate (sea food) and
as a consequence he started to gain weight quickly, because, in the fridge
instead of fish, there was meat, cheese, there were no carrots, a few potatoes,
zero tomatoes and a lot of junk food, what is more the doctor warned him to
stop consuming that unhealthy food otherwise he could suffer a heart
attack.however, he chose to ignore him. But recently he is eating fish over
again, because his grandson told him to be careful with his health since he was
very important to the whole family, and now he checks the food before eating it,
he also consumes more salads made by his wife.
Nowadays, Pedro is planning to move from his home with his wife to someplace
that is located near to any of his grandsons in order to have more influence on
their lives and teach them some manners from their times and shorten the gap
between their generations. He is also arranging a travel around the world in
order to enjoy new landscapes, exotic sea-food prepared by a professional
chef, meeting people from different parts of the world, etc.

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