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Running Head: The Stop to Irresponsible Driving 1

The Stop to Irresponsible Driving

Lexie Juelch

Arizona State University

The Stop to Irresponsible Driving 2


This paper gives an analysis of a road sign trying to decrease the amount of speeding drivers by

the use of numbers and words. Speeding is a serious issue, just like texting and driving or driving

under the influence. The importance of this issue is explained throughout this analysis.

Keywords: s​ peeding, serious issue, explanation

The Stop to Irresponsible Driving 3

The Stop to Irresponsible Driving

In a world full of millions of easily persuaded people, company advertisements exist

everywhere to try to grab their attention for their product. This particular advertisement was

produced in the best interest of these people. The said advertisement is a road sign put forth by

the Elm Grove Police Department to check the speed of the people of the town. On this road

sign, a speed trailer camera is displayed with bright orange numbers largely shown below the

camera greatly standing out from the grey color of the sign. Just to the right of the speed being

traveled are the capitalized words “DAYS IN HOSPITAL BED.” Moving further to the right of

the sign, the speed limit for the street is portrayed, 25 mph. Under this number is the words

“SLOWER IS BETTER” in white and also all capitalized. This seems to be the overall theme of

the advertisement and the main message the Elm Grove Police Department is trying to get across

to oncoming drivers.
The Stop to Irresponsible Driving 4

This sign was first displayed in 2009 in the small town of Elm Grove, Wisconsin. This

sign was one of three other ones that the Elm Grove Police decided to present to the town. These

speed trailers were placed specifically on roads and areas that had an issue with speeding drivers.

With an advertisement like this one, it can appeal to people’s emotions and cause them to

rethink certain decisions. The effectiveness of this advertisement on reducing the amount of

drivers who speed will be further explained throughout this analysis and each aspect of it will be

further examined and explained for reasoning behind the particular design. When it comes to the

topic of speeding, most of us will readily agree that it is a dangerous issue. Where this agreement

usually ends, however, is on the question of how it can be reduced or even stopped. While some

are convinced that it may be too hard to do this, others believe that actions should be taken to at

least try to get through to people. The stance of this visual text is it is possible to reduce the

action of speeding.

Speeding is something that happens in almost every town and city that exists in this

world. In the year 2017, 25% of vehicle fatalities are because of speeding drivers ( It

is a common occurrence that is hard to reduce, yet so many companies and organizations are

promoting safe driving. With this sign placed in Elm Grove, it is a small contribution to the

larger issue existing not just in this town. This sign is establishing that slower is better. Driving

the speed limit reduces the consequences one may have to face due to irresponsible driving. One

way the sign identifies this theme is simply the digitally changing numbers themselves. Having

the presence of the number of their speed makes drivers more aware of what they are doing and

more self conscious of it. Also, having the presence of the speed trailer makes people a little

worried about the possibility of a camera or a police officer nearby.

The Stop to Irresponsible Driving 5

Another piece on the sign that plays a role in the theme of slow driving is the words

“DAYS IN HOSPITAL BED.” For a lot of people these words will trigger some fear or cause

them to think about the reality of the action of driving over the speed limit. When people see

these words, they think of the cleverness of the sign and how it puts the issue into perspective.

For the people who think this way, this sign can be a very helpful tool in the grand scheme of

trying to reduce speeding. On the other hand, some people may take these words in a literal way

and examine the logic behind it. Depending on the speed the driver is going, the number of days

are most likely not accurate to the actual days in a hospital if an actual accident did occur. For

the people who look at the sign and think in this way, the words won’t be beneficial. Instead, the

words may be laughed at and ignored because it does not make complete sense.

To the right and bottom of the sign, the words “SLOWER IS BETTER” is presented,

making an obvious statement against speeding. These words blatantly express the message

behind this sign and the purpose of it. Even if the other words are overanalyzed by drivers, these

words get the point across. They are right to the point and remind people of the ultimate

problem; speeding is dangerous. These words play a role in the overall advertisement of safer

driving. Very similar to such words are “don’t text and drive” or “don’t drive under the

influence.” All of these phrases are related to the bigger picture of responsible driving. Just like

this advertisement exists, many others exist too to promote the same message.
The Stop to Irresponsible Driving 6

The final aspect of this sign is the existence of an author. The sign says “Elm Grove

Police” showing the drivers who is producing it and where the message is coming from. This

gives the sign credibility and allows for more people to want to follow what it is saying.

Obviously, the police are promoting what the law is, but they also want to show they care and are

looking out for everyone’s best interest, whether it be the driver, oncoming traffic, or pedestrians

passing by. This sign, being grey in color and simplistic, is talking to everyone. It is not only

speaking to a certain race, social group, or gender. It is a neutral sign showing everyone what

affects their driving can have on themselves and on other people. It shows everyone how careful

they need to be when they are behind the wheel.

The motivation behind this campaign and the other two that were accompanied by it was

to promote safe driving. The whole idea of slower is better is all intended to reduce risk of

accidents occurring by people who are driving over the speed limit. Many people may believe

that signs and advertisement like these may not actually produce any decrease in speeding

drivers. The effect can be greater than they think. The type of advertisement offers a sense of

reminding people of what they know they need to do. Putting this issue into perspective and

presenting real life consequences that can take place seems to be an effective tool. This sign

appeals to people’s emotions. It brings can bring fear, stress, or sadness to whoever is reading it

while passing by. The thought of ending up in a hospital scares people, or brings them stress
The Stop to Irresponsible Driving 7

thinking about the amount of hospital bills that would have to be paid. The sign has a serious

tone to it because of the serious matter.

Advertisements, like the sign that was placed in Elm Grove, promote safety to many

people, not just the ones of this town. This sign is being looked at in other settings still

encouraging the same type of behavior. Every 15 minutes a death occurs due to a car accident.

One third of those deaths are caused by drunk driving and one fourth is caused by being on the

phone ( Many groups and companies on a small and large scale have been

promoting and encouraging safe driving to try to reduce these numbers as much as possible. This

advertisement plays a small role in the big picture of decreasing accident rates due to any type of

irresponsible driving. Any advertisement educating viewers on the consequences of these actions

are all trying to encourage safe and responsible driving. The advertisement placed in the town of

Elm Grove may encourage someone else to create an advertisement to promote the same thing

and to seek out new ways for people to grasp the idea of driving according to the law.
The Stop to Irresponsible Driving 8

Works Cited

“60 Powerful Social Issue Ads That'll Make You Stop And Think.” ​Digital Synopsis,​ “Speeding.” ​NHTSA,​ NHTSA, 11 Jan. 2019,

“Featured Stories.” ​USA Car Accident Statistics on MyCARiD​,

“Police.” ​Elm Grove Wisconsin,​

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