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School of Communications
Department of Strategic, Legal and Management Communication
Student Work Log/Narrative

Week of Feb 11, 2019

Responsibilities: Being that this was the first week of the internship, I mostly just spoke with my
internship supervisor about what is expected of me, and got acclimated with the space and the
other interns. I was given the chance to sit back, watch what she was doing and take notes so that
I can get adjusted and learn how everything works (such as the equipment and the computer
Comments/Reflections: I enjoyed getting acclimated and meeting the other interns. Although I
was at this internship last semester as well, I mostly just worked with my supervisor and not
other students. Last semester, there wasn’t much for me to do, due to the fact that my supervisor
taught classes majority of the time. It seems like there’s a lot more in store this semester, so I am
excited to see what I will learn.

Week of Feb 18, 2019

Responsibilities: This week, I was able to do some aspects of the podcasting production, such as
setting up the room to record, timing the talent, cuing the talent, and taking note of mess ups in
the recording so that it would make it easier for my supervisor during post production.

Comments/Reflections: I enjoyed this week, and I’m excited to be able to help assist in
producing podcasts. I made sure that I watched my supervisor closely so that I would know what
to do when I am able to produce my own.

Week of Feb 25, 2019

Responsibilities: At the beginning of this week, I was still assisting my supervisor with the
podcasting production by setting up the room to record, timing the talent, cuing the talent, and
taking note of mess ups in the recording. Towards the middle of this week, my supervisor began
to show me how to post produce the shows. She taught be the basics of producing and post
producing the shows using adobe audition. By the end of the week, I started to practice post
producing by editing for any mess ups and adjusting the audio levels.

Comments/Reflections: I am glad that I was able to learn how to post produce a show. I am
excited that I am able to learn so much about the production aspect and enhance my skills.

Week of March 4, 2019

Responsibilities: At the beginning of the week, I began post producing the shows by myself. I
also began to practice producing the shows as well, with minor assistance from my supervisor. In
regards to producing the show, I was able to do everything that was done in post production in
addition to setting up shows through live stream and adobe audition, recording on adobe
audition, checking the levels of the talent and setting up the music at the beginning and end of
each show.

Comments/Reflections: I was very excited to get a chance to produce my own show, but I
wanted to start adding communications tasks to my to do list as well, so I spoke with my
supervisor about possibly being able to update social media and the website.

Week of March 18, 2019

Responsibilities: This week we resumed back from Spring Break. I got feedback from my
supervisor on my production and post production skills. This week, many new shows were
starting up in addition to the old ones. I began to produce and post produce multiple shows by
myself throughout the week. At the end of this week, me and my supervisor spoke about starting
to update the social media accounts with a focus on Instagram, so I received the passwords to the
accounts and started to post.

Comments/Reflections: After the break, I feel a lot more refreshed and energized. I feel that the
stress of the semester was starting to take a toll on me a bit and affect my focus. I am excited to
learn more and get back into my internship. I was happy my supervisor gave me permission to
start posting on instagram so that I can get more of a variety in my work and experience.

Week of March 25, 2019

Responsibilities: This week, I started to post a lot on the instagram page. This week was a little
slow in regards to production of shows due to a lot of shows canceling their episodes this week,
so me and my team focused on catching up on the post production of shows and organizing the
files on the computer.

Comments/Reflections: I am glad we got a chance to relax a little bit this week and catch up on
some of our work. It was very helpful to take a step back, get everything done and get things
organized. I feel that it will make things easier in the long run.

Week of April 1, 2019

Responsibilities: This week, I began examining the website. I learned how to edit using
Wordpress, which is the website domain that they use at WHUR. I went through the website and
took note on what needed to be done. I also continued to produce and post produce shows, as
well as posting frequently on the instagram account.

Comments/Reflections: It was a little frustrating trying to figure out Wordpress, but it was
refreshing when I finally figured out how to work the website. I am glad this is another skillset
that I am developing, and I look forward to working more on the website and revamping it. I feel
like this would really help the organization.
Week of April 8, 2019

Responsibilities: This week, I reached out to the talent of the shows to gather information on
their shows as well as their logos to post on the website. I also continued to produce and post
produce shows, as well as posting frequently on the instagram account.

Comments/Reflections: I enjoyed talking to the talent and gathering information. I really enjoy
being able to produce shows for the students, I love being able to hear their podcasts; they are
very talented and their content is very interesting and insightful.

Week of April 15, 2019

Responsibilities: This week, I began to start uploading new content and information to the
website. I also continued to produce and post produce shows, as well as posting frequently on the
instagram account.

Comments/Reflections: I am so excited that I get to revamp the website! I found that this is
something that I really enjoy. I have also been getting a lot better at producing and post
producing the shows, due to the fact that it is something that I have been working on frequently. I
am really enjoying the work that I am producing, the skills that I am developing and the people I
am surrounded with.

Week of April 23, 2019 (Final Week)

I am not 100% sure what I will be doing in this upcoming week, but I assume that I will continue
with web development, updating social media posts and the production of shows. I spoke with
my supervisor, and I will most likely be returning over the summer to continue with my work.

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