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; BIN is plain binary format similar to .com format, but not limited to 1 segment;
; All values between # are directives, these values are saved into a separate .binf
; Before loading .bin file emulator reads .binf file with the same file name.

; All directives are optional, if you don't need them, delete them.

; set loading address, .bin file will be loaded to this address:


; set entry point:

#CS=0000h# ; same as loading segment
#IP=0000h# ; same as loading offset

; set segment registers

#DS=0000h# ; same as loading segment
#ES=0000h# ; same as loading segment

; set stack
#SS=0000h# ; same as loading segment
#SP=FFFEh# ; set to top of loading segment

; set general registers (optional)


; add your code here

jmp start1
db 381 dup(0)

;IVT entry for 60h

dw isr_60
dw 0000
db 636 dup(0)

;main program
start1: cli
;initialise ds,es,ss to start of RAM
mov ax,0200h
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov ss,ax
mov sp,0FFFEh

;initialize 8255
mov al, 10010001b ;PortA: i/p, PortCd: i/p, PortB: o/p, PortCu:
o/p, Mode 0
out 36h, al
;initialize 8253[1] mock, base address 10h
mov al, 00110100b ;Mode 2 counter 0 binary
out 16h, al
mov al, 01110100b ;Mode 2 counter 1 binary
out 16h, al
mov al, 10110100b ;Mode 2 counter 2 binary
out 16h, al
;initialize 8253[2] mock, base address 20h
mov al, 00010100b ;mode 2 counter 0 binary
out 26h, al
mov al, 01011010b ;mode 5 counter 1 binary
out 26h, al
mov al, 10011010b ;mode 5 counter 2 binary
out 26h, al

;CW initialisations for the original counter set is the same as that of the mock
counter set
;initialize 8253[1], base address 50h
mov al, 00110100b
out 56h, al
mov al, 01110100b
out 56h, al
mov al, 10110100b
out 56h, al
;initialize 8253[2], base address 60h
mov al, 00010100b
out 66h, al
mov al, 01011010b
out 66h, al
mov al, 10011010b
out 66h, al

;Load counts for mock

;Completed loading count for mock

;Load counts for mock

;Completed loading count for mock

;initialize 8259, base address 40h

;check level triggering mov al, 00010011b
out 40h, al
mov al, 00111100b
out 42h, al
mov al, 00000001b
out 42h, al
;only mock counter int is enabled, original is in ir5. only ir0 is enabled
mov al, 11111110b
out 42h, al

;8255 starting addrsess 30h
;read i/p from PA
;PortA: i/p, PortCd: i/p, PortB: o/p, PortCu: o/p, Mode 0
;i/p bit 1 means watering is needed
isr_60: in al,30h ;read i/p from PA
;call delay_0.04s

mov bl,al ;store Pa0-Pa7 in bl

out 32h,al ;write i/p from Pa to Pb

in al,34h ;read from PC, only PC4-7 are read

;call delay_0.04s
mov bh,al ;lower nibble of bh stores the input PC0-PC3
and bh,0fh ;upper nibble of bh made 0000h
mov cl,4
ror al,cl ;switch nibbles of al register
out 34h,al ;write PC, only PC4-7 are written, pc0-3 directed to

mov cx,0
cmp bx,cx ;check if all of them are zero
jne isr_60


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