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Clause is a combination of related words that contains at least one subject and one

verb and is used as a sentence or part of a sentence. Clause is an important element in

preparing English sentences, because every single sentence sometimes consists of several
clauses. Keep in mind that the clause has no final punctuation, whereas if the sentence has a
final punctuation, the name is sentence.

1. Main clause is a clause that can stand by itself and still make sense. Main clause
have it’s own meaning.
For example:
 james punched me
 They will chase you
2. Subordinate clause is a series of words that are not able to stand alone, because if
the subordinate clause is not juxtaposed with the main clause, the meaning
contained in the subordinate clause will be floating or unclear. The subordinate
clause always uses a conjunction as an explanation of the main clause
(Independent clause). Like Because, After , When, Before, Since, Until, ect.
For example:
 When he knew that I have stolen his shoes
 after they realize it

the example have not clear meaning, but if they combined with a main clause
then a perfect series of sentences will be created.

Types of dependent cluase:

1. noun clause is a subordinate clause that functions as a noun, it can fit into
any sentence position that can be accopied by a noun. (adalah klausa
bawahan yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda, dapat dimasukkan ke dalam
posisi kalimat apa pun yang dapat diakomodasi oleh kata benda).

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