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Name: Dnyanesh Patil

Standard: 7th

Division: B

Roll no : 47

School name:P.E.S Modern English Medium,High school


Characters : 1)Jim



(Jim and Ronan talking in lunch break. When suddenly they spot Antonio.)

Jim : ( Talking to Ronan) Hey do you see that Antonio. He had participated in the
Computer Tech Master competion and in that I also participated.

Ronan : (Talking to Jim) Yes I know very well how you were eager to win that
competion.After all if you win you will get a I-Pad…

Jim :( Talking to Ronan) Yes Ronan, and today are the Results. Definately I will
win the I-Pad.The results are after this lunch break.

(Antonio is listening all of this as he his sitting near to both of them.)

Jim :( Talking to Ronan)Hey,Ronan do you see Antonio listening to
us.Definnately he will loose the competion.And getting of I-Pad he will get a
writing pad.He is never good at anything, not in Maths,

(Jim and Ronan starts laughing on these loudly)

Jim : Haaaaaa, Haaaaaaa, Haaaaaa.

Ronan:Haaaaa, Haaaaaaa, Haaaaaa.

Antonio : (Talking to Jim)Hey Jim you have no rights to say anything rubbish
about anyone.I know that I am not good in whatever you told. But I am
interested in Computers.And I know that I am good in Computer.

Jim :( Talking to Antonio) Hummmm,not at all you fellow.

Antonio : (Talking to Jim) Did you remember last time in our computer practicals
I got the highest marks. And you the lowest marks.

Jim : ( Talking to Antonio) You don’t know about me.

Ronan : (Talking to Antonio and Jim) Jim , Antonio stop fighting . I don’t know
who to do friendship with.Jim you are good but you are too showing your
attitude.And Antonio you also.The results will declare to whom I should offer

(The results come and……)

Jim :( Talking to Ronan and Antonio) Yes I got 85% .What I got a writing pad not
a I-Pad.

Antonio : (Talking to Ronan and Jim) Hmmmm,that’s nothing I have got

94%.Yes,I got I-Pad and you got writing pad.Haaa,haaaa.

Ronan : (Talking to Ronan and Jim) Congrulations to both of you.As I said who
will win the competion I will do friendship with him.And the winner is Antonio
.So, will you be my friend?
Antonio : ( Talking to Ronan ) Yes , why not I will like to be your friend.

Ronan : (Talking to Antonio) Thank you my friend.

Ronan : (Talking to Jim) Do you saw the effect of showing the bad attitude to
others.I will only advise you one thing .Hence forwards you should never show
your attitude to anyone.Understand that. And good bye.

Jim : (Talking to himself) Ohh no , this can’t be happening.

(Ronan and Antonio go walking leaving behind Jim).

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