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Pollution is the mixture of different harmful substances that effect all of the living organism on the
earth. Pollution can take from different factors such as as noise, heat or light. But we will discuss here the
air pollution.
Our main topic that we will discuss in our report related to air pollution is as follows;
 Definition and Types of Air Pollutions.
 Sources And Exposure emissions Factors
 Effects and Historical Disasters of Air Pollution in Pakistan
 Solutions and actions laws

Air Pollution
It occurs when harmful gases, smoke, dust and other things goes into the atmosphere, cause air pollution.
Example of air pollution include the smoke from the industries. It may cause diseases, allergies and even
death to humans.

Types of Air Pollution

Carbon Monoxide
It is produced by the incomplete burning of fossil fuels in vehicles, home heating equipment and other
related sources. It has no color and odorless. The effect of carbon monoxide on human life is headache,
dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion. It also cause the death of the
people when they are in drunk situations.
Nitrogen oxides
It is produced by the combustion process like in land vehicles and other related things that are running
engines or powers. The effect of nitrogen oxide is the smog and also produce acid rain and its associated
It is produced by vehicles and industrial sites and also by the waste burning facilities. Processing of
metals, iron and steel, copper, glass, and cement are other sources of lead. People can inhale lead directly.
The effect of Lead is reproductive problems and kidney disease.
It is present in plastic. It is produced by the manufacturing of plastic and when it burns out. The effect of
Dioxin is skin lesions, and the liver as well as immune, nervous and etc.
It is produced by during the industrial process and use of the product containing petroleum and plastic.
The effect of benzene is cancer and anemia on human life.
It is produced by the gases released from air conditioners, refrigerators and aerosol sprays. The effect of
this gas is the depletion of the ozone layer when it come in contact with other gases. This allows harmful
ultraviolet rays to reach the earth's surface. This can lead to skin cancer, eye disease and can even cause
damage to plants.
Contribution to Air Pollution
There are two different sources of Air pollution.
o By Anthropogenic (Human Activities)
o Natural Resources


It includes the smoke of fossil fuel power stations. In developing and poor countries, traditional biomass
burning is the main reason of air pollutants. Traditional biomass includes the wood, crop and waste.
It includes our transportation system like vehicles.
Waste deposition
It is the disposition of waste in lands which is cause of methane formation. Methane is highly flammable
and may form explosive mixtures with air.
Fumes from paint, hair spray, varnish, aerosol sprays and also caused by human activities and effect the
air. It also lead to the breath problem.
Military resources
It includes the nuclear weapon and toxic gases.
Natural Resources
Emission of Methane
It is caused by the digestion of animals which is natural process. For example Cattle.
Radon gas
It is from radioactive decay within the Earth's crust. Radon is a colorless, odorless and naturally
occurring. Also it is the second most frequent cause of lung cancer.
Dust Storm
It also caused by natural sources. It is a strong, turbulent wind which carries clouds of dust, soil, and sand
over a large area.

Sources of Air Pollution.

There are numbers of sources. Some are given below.
1) Burning of fossil fuels.
Sulfur dioxide emitted from the combustion of fossil fuels like petroleum, coal and other factory
combustion are the major sources of air pollution. For the purpose of light and the pollution from the
vehicles. We rely on them to fulfill our daily needs but its overuse is killing our environment. Carbon
Mono-oxide is also emitted from vehicles.
2) Mining Operations.
It is the process where minerals are extracted from the earth using instruments. The explosion of
bomb results in the increase in temperature. Due to this dust and chemicals are released in the air
causing air pollution.
3) Burning of Garbage.
This releases dangerous gases and dust. Effecting the ozone layer directly. It pollutes lakes forest oceans
and cities. Due to which the asthmatic diseases are increasing day by day.
4) Deforestation.
It is the removal of land of tress. Less oxygen is produce from the trees and more carbon dioxide is
produced. Plants and trees absorbs the sunlight and as result the temperature increases. This effect is
called as global warming.
5) Use of ozone depleting substances.
The thing that are we using in our homes should be environment friendly. But we are using
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). In the refrigerators that is depletion ozone layer and as a result the disease
like skin cancer is increasing due to UV radiation.
6) Industry.
The industrial area is increasing day by day they also use the fossil fuels as well the improper
management that there is no control of air emission and the air is polluted by the chimneys the smoke is
polluting the air. The use of chemicals is increasing and Sulfur dioxide, carbon mono-oxide, nitrogen
oxide cause air pollution.
7) Agriculture
The fertilizer and pesticides use for the productivity purpose and for the purpose of better growth. The
ammonia that is used in it combines with oxygen and make nitric oxide and sulfates that cause’s air
Exposure emissions Factors
Poor health quality is health and
environment problem, Harmful air
pollution is emitted from the
vehicle directly such as nitrogen
oxide. Different types of pollution
form transport or non-transport
sources emits different types of
pollution. The result of this
environment exposed to harm full
level of pollution. Road transport
emission are more harmful than
any type of other pollution.
Impacts of Air Pollution in Pakistan:
Air pollution is a source of several problems such as; adverse health effects on humans, especially senior
citizens & children, effects on the health of animals, effects on vegetation, building material, livestock,
agriculture and visibility. The effects of pollution are a lot but main are the ozone pollution, death of
pollution and then illnesses.
Health effects:
Air pollution level in Pakistan’s high polluted cities are among the highest in the world. And the levels
are on rise, rising health concerns in Pakistan.
 Acute respiratory infection (ARI) and other lung diseases are related to polluted the
province of Punjab. ARI is increasing rapidly. A survey indicates that ARI is the third common
disease among children after diarrhea and dysentery.
 Other respiratory diseases such as asthma is also linked to air pollution. According to the report
findings, 33% and 31% of residents around brick kiln and heavy traffic sites, suffered from
asthma, compared to 13% residents of the controlled sites.
 People are facing numerous health problems are caused due to smoke and emissions from several
industries. Doctors reported an increase in the number of patients with symptoms of asthma,
bronchitis, ulcer & skin diseases.
Premature deaths:
According to a report, air pollution is causing more than 11 million premature deaths among adults each
year. According to World Bank’s report;
“Pakistan is one of the most urbanized countries in South Asia, and it is undergoing rapid motorization
and increasing energy use… Air pollution in particularly large urban centers, damages the pollution’s
health and quality of life and contributes to environmental degradation”.
Premature deaths are the result of increased mortality from stroke, heart disease, lung cancer and acute
respiratory infections, chronic pulmonary disease. Pakistan ranks 3 rd in the world for most premature
deaths, caused by air pollution.

Smog is a crisis in Pakistan. Air quality in Pakistan exceeds safe limits in all major cities. Air pollution is
consisted of a complex mixture of gases and particles smaller than 2.5 microns is the primary pollutant of
concern due to wide range of health effects. Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) is a major contributor
to smog and related health issues. The larger PM10 particles stick to muscoa and cause irritation in the
respiratory tract lung infection and asthma. These particles comprise of poisonous trace metals such as
copper, magnesium, zinc, selenium and arsenic, which can cause cancer & even lead to genetic evilness
in later generation.
Respiratory diseases and ozone depletion:
Ozone depletion due to bad air pollution has long been recognized as a threat to human health as well as
to the earth ecosystem. Air pollution is directly responsible for a large no of respiratory diseases. This
include diseases of lungs pleural cavity, bronchial tubes, trachea, upper respiratory tract and of nerves
and muscles used in breathing.
Agriculture effects:
Crops can be injured when exposed to high concentrations of various air pollutants. Injury ranges from
visible markings on crop leaves, to reduced growth and yield, to premature death. In case of animals, it
may lead to infection as a result of eating polluted feed and water.

These include the length of exposure to the pollutant, the plant species and its stage of development as
well as the environmental factors conductive to a buildup of the pollutant and to the preconditioning of
the plant, which makes it either susceptible or resistant to injury. Most common pollutants, which end up
affecting agricultural activity include Sulphur dioxide, fluorides, ammonia, chlorine and particulate
matter. But experts say widespread pollutants consist primarily of oxidants. Ozone, the major component
of oxidants, is produced in the atmosphere during a complex reaction involving nitrogen oxides and
reactive hydrocarbons, components of automobile exhausts and fossil fuel burning. As this process
proceeds only in sunlight, it is called a photo-chemical reaction leading to injury on crops.

Investigation carried out in Lahore & Karachi on vegetation around air polluting industries and on
roadsides have shown negative impacts of atmospheric pollution on the plants in the surrounding areas.
Pollution stress due to emissions from automobiles indicated a general decrease in chlorophyll and
protein content in most of the plant species examined.

Indoor air quality:

Indoor air pollution has a significant impact on the health of the population in Pakistan. The use of
biomass fuel as an energy source is the biggest contributor to poor indoor air quality followed by
smoking. In order to arrest the increasing levels of indoor pollution, there is a dire need to recognize it as
a major health hazard and formulate a national policy to combat it. However, the potential of biogas as a
fuel should be explored further, and modern fuels (natural gas and LPG) need to be accessible and
economical. Smoking in closed public spaces should be banned, and knowledge of the effect of smoking
on indoor air quality needs to be quantified.

Effects on economy:

The direct cost of damage associated with outdoor air pollution was estimated at 1.1% of Pakistan’s
GDP. This cost include the estimates from premature mortality and morbidity associated with
cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, lower respiratory lines. Outdoor air pollution alone caused more
than 80,000 hospital admissions annually, nearly 8000 cases of chronic bronchitis, and almost 5 million
cases of lower respiratory cases among children under five.

In Punjab alone, outdoor air pollution had a mean annual cost of Rs 9 to 35 billion or 0.45 to 0.95% of
the province’s GDP in 2007.

Disaster in Pakistan
Smog is the main case in the recent years in Pakistan which cause the historical disaster. Due to
smog the cancellation of flight from Lahore, Multan, Faisalabad and Karachi airport and delays of
flight operated by both domestic and international airlines, also the adverse effect on the work
schedules caused by delay in train and road journeys. All of these has a result in the loss of human
hours. Many of the industries in smog time closed and the load sheading increased. The cost of the
economy runs to the billions of rupees. In Pakistan, particularly in Lahore the air pollution is
increasing day by day. We can easily see the dust everywhere in winter season in Lahore.
Solution for air pollution
First we discuss what is air pollution and what its type and different causes and how the air pollution effect
over environment. We give them some solution how to reduce the air pollution to the individual level
organizational level and how to government apply the different laws and regulation to overcome the air
Individual level
 Use public mode of transportation
If we all use more or more public modes of transport and encourage the different people we reduced the
air pollution. Because pollution emitting from vehicles because immense amount of air pollution there
overuse is killing over environment as dangerous gases are polluting the environment .if we can explore
this option to save energy and money.
 Plant trees
Plant at least one tree at home because there are so many plants out there that will eat up the junk in the
atmosphere do yours research and see what one you can grow easily and that will reduce the air pollution
 Turn Off Lights When not in Use
Don’t keep the lights or other electric devices on. The more traditional power that you are using, the more
energy you’re wasting and the more that you’re polluting the air.
 Avoid plastic bags
They are made from oil products and they can hurt the environment because it takes them forever to
decompose (and some never decompose).when we burn it they generate the air pollution
 Reuse paper bags and cloths bags
Reuse paper bags; they work really well for almost anything you can imagine and they are recycled in the
first place. And use thee cloths bags
 Use fan instead of AC
If it isn’t incredibly hot outside, you may want to consider using a fan instead of air conditioning if you
can. It takes a lot less power and energy to take care of it.
 Do regular car check up
It’s important for you to go for regular check-up of your car to make sure it does not consume extra fuel.
And make sure that the car do not release the smoke this will not only save you money but your car will
also last longer. If you are driving on a regular basis, make sure that you are driving smart instead of
wasting gas. Drive within the speed limit if they do not you will pay the fine.
 Turn Off Lights When not in Use
Don't keep the lights or other electric devices on. The more traditional power that you are using, the more
energy you’re wasting and the more that you’re polluting the air.
 Use Natural Gas Instead of Charcoal
Use a natural gas instead of charcoal. When charcoal is burning it release thee huge amount of smoke that
cause the air pollution you’re not putting fossil fuels into the air
 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Recycle as much as you can so that it can be reused later on in other products. That way, you aren’t
adding to the problem by adding additional products to the mix of what is going on. Do not throw away
items that are of no use to you If possible, purchase items made up from recycled materials rather than
buying fresh products. This will reduce the need to buy new raw materials to produce fresh items.
 Join an Environmental Group:
In case you are willing to contribute towards growing pollution in your area, consider joining any
environmental group. You can meet people, discuss issues and share ideas on what you can do about it.
Spread the work and ask to join in this noble cause.
These, obviously, are not the only ways that you can go ahead and stop air pollution from an even bigger
problem than it already is the big world of preventing issues that are related to pollution in our
environment and around the world that we currently are living in.
Organizational and industrial level
o Tall chimneys should be installed in factories this way we can les pollute the environment
o Educate the employees :Let the people around you know about how they can contribute to clean
air initiatives and educate them about all of the different ways that they can take care of the
environment themselves
o Companies and industry should be use the renewable and non-polluting source of energy like
solar energy wind energy etc. this way we can be protect our environment
o Industries and waste disposal site should be situated outside of the city because industries release
the large amount of carbon monoxide hydrocarbons organic compound and chemicals in to the air
that is effect by the people in the city
o Proper maintenance of boiler e.g. blowing dust from surface, reducing excess air can reduce air
pollution from industries
o Improve machineries or manufacturing processes to reduce emissions from factories Give awards
to employees who reduced emissions in their shifts
o If you’ve been receiving a lot of junk mail every week, it’s time for you to avail services of various
such companies that can help you to get rid of these mails in your mailbox and save millions of
trees that are being axed worldwide to produce paper. by limiting the use of paper as it may save
some trees and save the environment
o Industries make those product which are made for the recycle material and increasing efficiency of
equipment to consume less energy and opting for natural gas.
o When the industry use the boiler the water of the boiler Do not discharge the boil water directly
into the river because they increase the atmosphere of the air and the industry built the cool water
plant to discharge the boil water
o Encourage activities like planting tress once a year among employees
o Organization encourage the teleconference then the physical meeting as we save our money our
o Ensure the driver of your factories obeying the traffic laws and the speed limit and maintaining
vehicle properly and reduce the air pollution
Government level
Part of a government effort to reduce industrial air pollution involves encouraging and enforcing renewable
and clean source of energy rather than coal and fossil fuels.
Government rule is not to burn the garbage and waste material if any one burn the garbage they pay the
fine to the government because when the garbage is burn many gases mixed with the air and many recycle
material is burn.
Pakistan environment protection council is the top body that 1997.the Pakistan environmental protection
agency can search the person as well as companies and industries under its prohibition and regulation not
to emit or discharge the air affluent that pollutant the national environment quality standard. If anyone
avoid this act 1997 provision is punishable with up to 5 year or fine to a maximum of rupees 1000000 or
both fine and imprisonment as indicate in section 20.
Creating the public awareness concerning the environment with people educated on the purchase of
equipment and their usage in environmental protection creating the public awareness in the government
All the people follow the rules and regulations according to the traffic police otherwise they face the huge
amount of fine to the government if your vehicle release the smoke to it will pollute our environment
according section 15.
If any industry pollute the environment to pay the fine according to the pollution charge formula
RS=(C-S) ×R×D×F÷U×1000
C=pollution concentration
S=pollutant NEQS
R=flow rate m3day
D=day or year
U=pollutant unit kgs
F=fee par pollution unit
Two types of air quality standard the us national ambient air quality standard the E.U air quality directive
set the standard against the specific pollutants. If we are not facing any problem then we follow these
standard and save our environment.

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