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Choose the correct option:

1. The energy order of d-orbital splitting in tetragonal complexes.
a. dx2-y2>dz2>dxy>dxz,dyz b. dx2-y2<dz2<dxy<dxz,dyz
c. dxz,dyz >dx2-y2>dz2>dxy d. dz2>dxy>dxz,dyz> dx2-y2
2. The energy order of d-orbital splitting in tetragonal complexes.
a. dx2-y2>dxy>dz2>dxz,dyz b. dxy>dz2>dxz,dyz >dx2-y2
c. dxz,dyz> dx2-y2>dxy>dz2 d. none
3. Energy order of D term splitting in octahedral field is______
a. T2g>Eg b. T2g<Eg c. T1g>T2g>A2g d. T1g<T2g<A2g
4. Energy order of F term splitting in octahedral field is______
a. T2g>Eg b. T2g<Eg c. T1g>T2g>A2g d. T1g<T2g<A2g
5. Which of the following complexes shows Jhan-teller effect?
a. d4 b. d7 c. d9 d. All
6. The spectral term for hole formalytic pair d4 and d6 is_______.
a. 5D b. 4F c. 3F d. 2D
7. Orgal diagram of 2D spectral term, splitting is similar in tetrahedral and octahedral
complexs in__________.
a. d1,d6 b. d2,d7 c. d1,d2 d. d6,d7
8. According to La-porte selection rule, which condition is right for allowed transition?
a. Δl=±1, ΔS=0 b. Δl=0, ΔS=±0 c. Δl=±1, ΔS±1 d. Δl=0, ΔS=0
9. In [Ti Cl6]2- complex which of the following condition is right?
a. Spin allowed b.Orbital allowed c. Symmetry allowed d.All
10. How many absorption bands are shown by Cu+2 in electronic transition spectrum?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 1
2 Marks Questions

1. Define Crystal Field Theory and pairing energy.

2. What is ligand field effect and splitting energy.
3. Define Crystal Field Stabilization Energy (CFSE) and Spectro chemical series.
4. What is ligand effect and which orbitals are affected by ligand field?

3 Marks Questions

1. Explain High spin and Low spin complexes.

2. Explain weak ligand ligand field and strong ligand field.
3. Splitting energy (Δ0) of d orbitals in [Cr(CN)6]-4 is 26300 cm-1 and pairing energy is
23500 cm-1. Find out C.F.S.E. and magnetic momentum (83.7 cm-1 = 1 k.J.mole-1).
4. C.F.S.E. value in [Fe(CN)6]-4 is -26400 cm-1 and d orbital splitting energy is 33000 cm-1.
Find out the pairing energy.
5. In [Mn(H2O)6]3+ splitting energy of d orbitals is 10400 cm-1. Find out C.F.S.E. and
mafnetic momentum. 1 k.J.mole-1= 83.7 cm-1.
6. Splitting energy of orbitals in [NiCl4]-2 Δt = 3780 cm-1. Find out C.F.S.E. and magnetic
momentum [NiCl4]-2 is tetrahedral complex oxidation number of Ni is +2 and Ni2+ = [Ar]
5 Marks Questions

1. Discuss in detail crystal field theory.

2. Explain splitting of d orbitals in octahedral field and C.F.S.E.
3. What is pairing energy? Explain prediction of High spin complex and low spin complex
by pairing energy.
4. Explain the splitting of d orbitals in tetrahedral complexes Or “Splitting of d orbitals is
approximately half and inverse in tetrahedral complexes as compared octahedral
5. Discuss the factors affecting the splitting energy.
6. Discuss the contribution of orbital rotation in the magnetic momentum of complexes Or
Discuss the contribution of orbital rotation in the magnetic momentum values of First
Series (3dn) transition metals.
7. Discuss the contribution of magnetic momentum to decide the structure of complexes.

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