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Topic : The reason why people like to throw trash carelessly.

Thesis : The reason why people like to throw trash carelessly is because of lack of knowledge
about the environment, laziness, and habitual.
Body :
1. Topic sentence: the lack of knowledge about the environment.
Support: the lack of environmental awareness counseling.
Support: many people didn’t graduate from school and have minim education.
Support: the lack of government performance to focus on environmental control.
2. Topic sentence: the laziness of people to care about the trash.
Support: they were lazy to keep their trash until they found the trash can.
Support: people got lazy to recycle the trash.
Support: people got lazy to improve their knowledge about environmental awareness.
3. Topic sentence: their habitual to litter carelessly.
Support: their laziness to throw trash in the trashcan, it build some habit in people’s life.
Support: they unrealized that littering already become their habit and can’t stop
doing it.
Support: they unrealized that their habit can harm their environment cause of their
minim of education about environment.
Conclusion: To conclude, all of this the cause of people do littering and hope that this essay can help
all of you to care more about the environment.

In this era, so many people got to throw trash carelessly. The reason why people like
to throw trash carelessly is because of lack of knowledge about the environment, laziness
and habitual. Let’s know the reason one by one. First, people have lack of knowledge about
the environment. People get lack of knowledge about the environment because these
countries have lack of environmental awareness counseling. We all have to know that with
some small things like that can give big impact for our country. People didn’t graduate from
school and have minim education about how important was the environment is. Also, the
lack of people knowledge about environment is because the lack of government
performance to focus on environment control. Second reason is the people got lazy to care
about the trash. We can see this in our surrounding. People got lazy to keep their trash until
they find the trash can so they just do litter without feeling guilty. People got lazy to recycle
the trash and to find out about the advantage of it. They also got lazy to improve their
knowledge about environmental awareness because this country has minim intention in
reading. The last reason is about their habitual to litter carelessly. Because of their laziness
to throw trash in the trashcan, it builds some habit in people’s life. After littering become
their habit, they unrealized and can’t stop to do littering. They unrealized about what they
do can harm their environment. This things can be done because their lack of environment
awareness. To conclude, all of this the cause of people do littering and hope that this essay
can help all of you to care more about the environment.
Yosephine Mishell/0000029197/ class A

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