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Welcome to Covert Hypnotic Persuasion Skills 101

Rapport and Persuasion System Overview

Today you will read an entire overview of a rapport building sequence that uses body language, hypnotic patterns and NLP techniques. Over t
of some of these techniques but today is just an overview of the whole system.

You will nd I use these techniques to teach these techniques. So keep in mind a particular question. Why am I telling you the information in
example, today I am giving you an overview and I am using a story to do it. See if you can work out why I have used that approach.

And the nal part is a video on conversation management that will show you how to take covert control of any conversation. Using this techn
listened to while still taking the conversation to exactly where you want it to go.

For example as a:

Parent you might keep the topic on doing homework

Sale professionals might steer the conversation from price to bene ts of the product
Job Seeker from holes in your experience to your best qualities for the job

And I am sure you will discover many more ideas for yourself as you watch the video.

How to Get People Hopelessly Infatuated With You

A little while ago I managed to accidentally cause a young woman to become hopelessly infatuated with me to the point where she would not
minutes and mostly by accident. Here is the story of how that happened and how you can protect yourself from the dangers of having the sam
Persuasion Techniques
Fire and Forget Persuasion Techniques

At the time I was working on a new covert persuasion skills course and I had left the o ce early so I could sit in my favourite co ee shop and
the course as well as listen to the audio recordings and take some notes.

One of my big things is to develop what I call re and forget systems. I work very hard at ingraining skills to a level where I don’t have to con
walking, opening doors or driving. At some point you invested energy in learning these skills to the point where now you just do them autom

This is how I want my Covert Persuasion Skills students to be with their persuasion skills. In the middle of a conversation you don't want to b
covert language patterns or desperately looking for the other person's micro muscle movements. You just want to be focused on the convers

Imagine if you could quickly and easily practice these skills to the point where you suddenly noticed yourself using hypnotic language in an e
situations. That is what I call a re and forget system and what my new course Persuasion Skills on Steroids Deconstructed is about. But for t

Instantaneous Connections and Unconscious Hellos

Tomorrow we will look at how you can use a person’s unconscious mannerisms to create an unconscious hello and make an instantaneous co
now just consider it as a technique you can use to develop a deep level of rapport with someone within seconds. Today we just want to talk ab
desperate for your company.

As I was sat in the co ee shop studying I became aware of a rather pretty young woman sat at the next table reading a book. You know how so
to play a little to see what happens? Well in the moment I was in my scru y, dishevelled pot-bellied absent minded professor mode. My thou
linguistic connection pattern completely cold without anything else and get this woman to speak with me?”

So I just leaned over and said, “Where have we met!” Note this was not stated as a question and I said it with completely conviction. She look
quickly went into a stumbling instantaneous connection pattern that was half remembered from my early days of practicing hypnotic langua

How to Make a Bad Situation Worse

The thing is as I rambled about making connections and thinking that you know someone I managed to take her through my sequence for ra
a conversation. This involved taking her through a sequence that she might go through if she were suddenly meeting an old long lost friend.
Persuasion Skills Black Book on pages 62 through 64. Over the next few days we will look at various strategies for doing this but if you can't w
Black Book from:        Kindle Version      Kindle Version 

From a strategic perspective I completely disrupted her thoughts with a huge presuppositional question. Both pattern interrupts and presup
Persuasion Skills Black Book and we will discuss them in more depth as we go but in simple terms:
A pattern interrupt is just something that stops your train of thought. They are really useful because that gap in thinking is an opportunity to

Presuppositional questions are a posh way of saying leading questions. When you recognise that all questions lead somewhere, you can use t
Can you imagine how powerful that can be?

The very pretty woman went into trance searching for memories of me because I told her that we knew each other. I spoke to her of emotiona
sequence that she might go through when meeting a long lost friend. I attached all those feelings to me.

From my perspective I was just thinking I should have practised or at least mentally rehearsed before plunging into this. Luckily I have a con
and it allows me to control the conversation whilst improvising language patterns, trance phrases and covert hypnotic persuasion technique
page is an opportunity for you to get a completely free copy of a video where I explain the model in detail.

In about ve minutes she had moved onto my table, decided that we were fated to meet and was busily telling me a lot of very personal stu .
game for years. I am a little rusty and these days quite happy to settle for curling up in bed with Agatha Christie and a good cup of coco so the

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse

After a while I was starting to get a little uncomfortable with the whole thing. Whilst she was very pretty she really wasn’t my type, it was on
conversations and it had got very deep really quickly. Ultimately I was more interested in getting back to my study. It was here that I made an

Fractionating Rapport Patterns

Like I said I am a little rusty at this game so I hadn't thought through the implications of what I was doing. I sharply withdrew my attention f
to my studies. Imagine how you would feel if you have just spent ve or ten minutes with someone that you have an incredible connection wi
cut it o completely. Most people would be desperate to re-establish that connection, particularly if it was withdrawn very suddenly. I had ru
is more hooked than ever.

The next thing I know she was demanding my attention and I looked up to speak to her. That’s when all my normal rapport processes, the on
have trained myself to be that way just kicked in. The net result is that she had even deeper rapport with me than we had originally started w
accidentally but very strongly xed myself in the position of a rapport leader.

In simple terms it is like your body gets familiar with reoccurring states. Each time you go back to a particular state you get there faster and d
recognise that you know it works. Consider when you make a new friend. The next time you meet them you don’t have to go through the init
left o . The net result is you automatically feel like you know them better. Do that a few times and they start to feel like you have known them
conversation management model.

Conversation Management

Below is a 30 minute video showing you my conversation management model about how you can covertly control any conversation, uncover
and attach them to whatever task you want them to do.

This is a model I teach my students on paid for courses and it is a very powerful demonstration of how you can use hypnotic language pattern
exible in your approach whilst your audience has no choice but to follow your lead.

Let me be clear, in this video you will learn how to manage and direct the ow of a conversation to where ever you want it to go. Here are som

In sales you might direct the ow away from sales objections and towards how great the customer will feel when they have got the results
In training, coaching or personal development you might direct your client’s thoughts away from having to do hard work and towards the
As a parent you might direct the conversation away from doing chores and towards the feeling of satisfaction of having the rest of the day

And I am sure you will nd a whole number of other ways of using this valuable information once you have been through the video.
Conversation Management

Some people have been experiencing di culties seeing the video. Here is a link to watch it direct on YouTube:

Meanwhile Back in the Co ee Shop

You can fractionate rapport with someone very quickly and apparently completely by accident. All of a sudden she was suggesting that we ret
spend most of the evening getting her to a better and more balanced perspective of me.

Tomorrow you will discover how to use covert persuasion skills to get random strangers demanding to pay for your meals and take you out d

How to Quickly Learn Hypnotic Language Patterns

Over the next couple of days I will show you many of the persuasion patterns that I am talking about. And if you want to start right now take
article as well as this article again. As you read them again looking for the patterns you will notice a lot more of how I am using hypnotic lang
the next few days keep these pages and emails bookmarked to go through as you will see more and more about how I use covert hypnotic per

Tomorrow we will look more deeply into some of these techniques. We will look at a case study where you will learn how to uncover a random
make them feel good about buying you a meal. Look out for the email tomorrow.

5 thoughts on “Lesson 1: Easy, Powerful Rapport Techniques”

Carlos Martinez

Great article, Rintu. You make it so easy to understand and apply these awesome techniques. Truly a great teacher.

Rintu 

Thanks for saying. Wait until you get to lesson four. It is a great head spinner.




Yes! I am amazed that this topic is not taught in school. Here I am 60+ and just learning the basic principles of conversations now. Thank

Is your book just a complete version of the things you send in emails? You did say thee ould be about 30% of your books info in the emails.
Just wondering so I can buy it and dive in a little faster.

Rintu 

The book and the emails diverge a little. The key di erence is that the book covers everything in a structured way. The emails give tasters a
structure everything into a cohesive package. In short, if you want to learn then the book gives you a foundation, if you are just curious and
emails will be a good start.

Hope that helps.

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