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Name: Nayan Patidar

Course: B.Tech (CSE)

Semester: 6 Semester
Amity University, Rajasthan
Stress is the Spice of Life
Spices are what we use to add a dash of colour and flavour to our dishes, apart
from turning the bland curries and dishes tastier, spices also possess therapeutic
value. Thus, we wonder whether stress plays the role of spice in our recipe of life.
And a cursory glance at the idea may bring a frown upon your face, "If Stress were
o Spice what would it taste like?". If one thinks logically sweet is not it, but bitter if
you say then Aha that might just be it. Human beings are biologically programmed
to avoid bitter tasting foods, because most of them are toxic or poisonous, but the
caveat here is "most of them, not all". And as the saying goes Even poison in
moderated amounts functions as medicine
In a similar manner stress plays a crucial role in development of any animal, it
forces an animal to act (Fight/Flight) for its survival. But then if stress were so
"crucial and inevitable"then one may enquire 'why does it have such a bad
reputation What makes it different for human beings is their ability to perceive
past, present and future, thus now a stressful event in the past or even a possibility
of one in the future has the potential to induce stress in the present So now
everyone has their own personal supply of medicine which more often than not
people partake as food (for thought).Just as having to write this essay could induce
stress in some of us, but surprisingly it is also what could get us to actually write it,
but then the key here is to understand that:
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safel in a
pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke,
thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming Wow! What a Ride!"
But then what if life were all sweet and chocolaty (or vanilla) where does the stress
fit in? Well then stress would be the cocoa or vanilla both of which are bitter in
taste but mixed with sweetness makes your life less monotonous and lets you
profoundly savour the sweetness for a far longer time.

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