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Silent Voice

Characters :

 The main character : Josh (Armando)

 Janice ( Jemima )
 The Bullies : Aaron and William ( Ragil and Jason)
 Janice’s mom ( Tiffany )
 Josh’s Dad ( Bismoko )
 Josh’s friend, Dan ( David)
 Beatix, the bully ( Sharon )
 Janice’s little brother, Ray ( Yosi)
 Narrator : Tiffany
 Teacher :
Costumes :

 School uniform (2) Junior and Senior

 Casual dress for Janice’s mom

 School ( 2 school scenes)

 Park
 At the highway
 Josh’s house
 Janice’s house

At a normal day at a junior high school, everything feels like usual. Josh and his
friend are talking about their plans to spend this weekend.
Josh : “Hey bros, wanna spent weekend together?”
Aaron : “I’m free this weekend? Wanna go to Redfox?
William : “I’m down, what about you Josh?”
Josh : “I’m up for it”
Aaron : “Then it is settled”
And then the bell rings
Teacher : Class, we are having a new student moving from Jakarta . Janice you
may come in
*And then Janice comes in *
Teacher : Everyone this is Janice
Janice : Hi everyone. I’m Janice.I moved from Jakarta.Umm…..
Teacher : Everyone please be nice to Janice. Make her feel accepted. Our Janice
Beatrix : What so special about her? Haha
Aaron : I don’t know, just ask her.
*And then Janice sits in front of Beatrix and Aaron*
Beatrix : Hey Janice, wanna be friends?
Janice : …
Beatrix : Hey, I’m asking you to be my friend. Why aren’t you answering?
Janice : …
*Beatrix shoves Janice from the back*
Betarix : Hey are you deaf? Answer me!
Janice : Im s-sorry. I didn’t hear you clearly..
Beatrix : What’s up with your talking? Are you disabled or something?
William : Hey enough you two!
Beatrix : Fine whatever.
Seeing the conflict, Josh stares at Janice. He was starting to think weird things
about Janice.
Josh : Whats up with her….
Then the bell rings for the break time. Most of the students were having break at
the canteen, except for Janice, Beatrix, and her friends. William started to wonder
why Janice is so slow on answering Beatrix’s question.
Josh : Hey Janice, why do you talk so weirdly?
Janice : …
Josh : Why didn’t you answer my question?
Josh : Hey! (while shoving Janice)
Janice : S-sorry.. I didn’t notice you there.
Josh : Then answer my question, why do you talk so weirdly?
Janice : Sorry, can you repeat it one more time? Or can you just write it down on
my notebook?
Josh : Huh? For communication purposes?
*Josh writes down what he was saying to Janice*
*Janice writes back*
Janice : T-that is because I can’t hear and communicate properly..
Josh : Oh I see.
After Josh figured out why Janice is speaking weirdly, he wasn’t interested
Fast forward to one week after Janice moved. (Josh, Beatrix, and friends were
bullying her in that period of time)
One day, Janice’s uncle came to the school to annouce why Janice is absent that
Teacher : Good morning class, today we have a guest. Please come inside Mr.
Mr. Winfree : Morning everyone, I have something to annouce today about
Janice. Apparently, Janice’s mother is worried about Janice. It seems that she was
bullied. So if you feel like you once did something to her, please stand up.
Everyone was being silent, and then suddenly the teacher bursts out.
Teacher : Josh! Just stand up already. We already know it was you who bullied
*Josh stands up*
Josh : What? I wasn’t the only one! The whole class was also bullying her!
Teacher : William, you’re Josh’s close friend. Is it true that the whole class bullied
William : No Mister. We told him to stop, but he won’t listen to us.
Josh : What?
Aaron : Yes sir! William is telling the truth. We all tried to stop him.
Teacher : Josh, come outside. We’ll continue this outside.
The teacher then scolds Josh. After that, the situation turned, now Josh is the one
getting bullied. Everyone was avoiding him for they don’t want to get involved
with his problem.
After school, Josh is getting bullied by his own friends, implying that Josh is
nothing more, but just a parasite to them. Josh came home with heart full of guilt
and sadness. His father was called by his school teacher.
Mr. Clement : Ah I see I see, ah I get it, okay. We’ll meet you in the garden.
Hearing the sound of door closed, Josh’s father rushed to greet Josh.
Mr. Clement : Hey Josh! Stop now! Did you make any problems at school?
Josh : I don’t know……
Mr. Clement : ANSWER ME! LOUD AND CLEAR! Did you bully someone at school?
Josh : Yes, I admit it father…..
Mr. Clement : Now, prep up, we’re going to meet Janice’s mother at the garden.
Josh : Okay, father…..
After a while, Josh and his father arrived on the garden, Josh’s father apologizes
for whatever his son have done towards Janice. After that, they left the place with
full of guilt.
Then, fast forward two years later, Josh is now an 11th grader. Josh is now an
introvert, he is now being anti-social towards everybody. Everyone is now avoids
talking with Josh.
Josh : I still feel guilty for bullying Janice, I wonder what she feels about me now, I
want to apologize for whatever I’ve done to her.
Josh figured out where is Janice’s class is…… XI D, he quickly rushes to her class,
and apologize to her.
Josh : Excuse me, is Janice here today?
Janice’s classmate : Oh, Janice? She’s not here today….. sorry, Josh.
Josh : Oh….. I see, well notify me when she came to school tomorrow.
Janice’s classmate : Ok, Josh.
Josh decided just to go back home. He passed the bridge, and saw someone
similar to Janice. He moved closer to inspect the person.
Josh : Hey? Are you Janice?
Janice :Hmm? Eeeeh? J-josh? W-wh-what are y-you d-doing here?
Josh : I’m just passing by, what about you? Feeling okay today?
Janice : Oh, I- Im also passing by too, I stopped here for a while.
Josh : Surprising, so you now are using better hearing aids?
Janice : Y-yes, i-I do.
Josh : Then, why aren’t you coming home?
Janice : I want to……
Josh : Then, uhm, I apologize for….. whatever I’ve done in the past Junior High
Janice : ……… I have forgiven you.
Josh : (using sign language) You, I, friends?
*Janice nods*
Josh : Let me walk you home
*Janice nods*
After awhile, they stopped at a minimarket and buys some bread there.
Josh : Hey, I want to know something….
Janice : What is it Jo?
Josh : About you can’t properly hear…… Is that natural or caused by something?
Like accident?
Janice : I-I a-actually, c-can’t hear since I-I was 6th grade.
Josh : And because of?
Janice : I-I naturally lost my hearing, my eardrums were damaged. For some
reason, i-it’s not clear w-why.
Josh : Ah……… I see why, that must be hard for you…..
Janice : T-t-thanks, for your c-concern, Josh…….
Then they arrived at Janice’s Home, greeted by his little brother
Janice’s little brother : Welcome home Big Sis !!! you brought someone with you
Janice : uhmmm yess
Curious about her son’s voice outside, Janice’s Mother came outside to check out.
She found out that Janice is with Josh. Quickly, she rushed at Janice and slapped
Josh’s face, She pulled Janice away from Josh and dragged her into the house.
Janice’s mother : Stay away from my daughter you bully!
Heartbroken with what Janice’s mother said, he left her house, and rushed to his
home to rest.
Then, the next day emerges……
Daniel : hey Josh, why do look so gloomy today.
Josh : Ah, it’s nothing, Dan………
Daniel : Are you sure? You looked heartbroken for some reason.
Josh : It’s nothing Daniel, seriously
Daniel : Any luck on finding Janice?
Josh : Well, I have met Janice yesterday, she apologizes me for whatever I’ve done
to her…
Daniel : Wow! What a progress, I suppose you walked her home, yes?
Josh : Yes, how do you know?
Daniel : just a random guessing friend, feel happy now?
Josh : pretty much, but I still feel guilty for her mother….
Daniel : I’m sure she could get along with you if you want to apologize to her…….
Josh : I’m working on it…..
Daniel : good luck brother !
By the time he walked home, he met Beatrix and Aaron on the way, too shy to
greet them, he just pass by. But Beatrix saw him pass, and she greets him.
Beatrix : Heeeeey! Josh, stoooop!
Josh : ach, what is it?
Beatrix : Why you just pass by and didn’t greet me?
Josh : it’s nothing serious Trix….. I just want to go home faster……
Aaron : Are you okay? You look terrible today.
Josh : Somehow,everyone said that word to me.
Beatrix : why don’t we walk home together?
Aaron : so be it…..
Josh, Beatrix and Aaron walked together, to their own homes. They talked to each
other during the walk, Beatrix starts to worry about Josh’s situation.
Beatrix : Are you sure that you’re okay? Are you still feel guilty about the past?
Josh : Why you asked about that?
Aaron : We just concerned about your situation Josh….
Josh : I see
Beatrix : Don’t say “I see”, tell me what you feel Josh. We sure we could help you
with your problems
Josh : It’s just, I still feel guilty for whatever I’ve done to Janice back in Junior High.
Beatrix : Why you still thinking about that deaf girl, she doesn’t worth your time
to apologize.
Josh : I just feel responsible for whatever I’ve done, I should apologize to her
somehow, and to her parents too.
Aaron : Fine, if that is what you want. I’ll meet Janice after this.
Turns out, they met Janice, just across the road, Beatrix and Aaron rushes towards
her, and starts to bully her once more.
Beatrix : You deaf girl, stay away from Josh, okay? You’re not worth his time..
Aaron : Oh are you just clinging for attention, that’s why you’re now close with

Janice : T-that’s not it, I just….

Aaron : You just what? Huh?
Janice : H-h-hold I didn’t mean it, it’s just….
Beatrix : Shut up! *Beatrix and Aaron starts to physically attack Janice, with
everything she got*
Janice : S-stop it Beatrix, stooooop!
Josh : Stop it you both, it’s not the time to argue the past again
Beatrix : Shut up.
*Aaron is lifting her right hand, threatening Janice*
Beatrix : Just stay away already!
Josh : Wait no!!!!!
Josh protected Janice from Aaron’s hand, and badly injured himself, just to end
the conflict between Beatrix, Aaron, and Janice.
Beatrix : You Idiot, why would you protect her! She must be punished!
Josh : It’s not her that should be punished, it’s me!
Aaron : H-huuuh? What are you saying?
Josh : I’m really sorry, that this problem brought you two. I need to finish this
problem by myself, you guys didn’t have to help me.
Janice : A-a-are y-you o-okay J-Josh?
Josh : It’s fine Jane, I could handle it. But the thing is, you guys didn’t have to
involved in this. I should have finished this from a year ago. Thanks guys if you
want to help me, but not in this way.
Aaron : So you’re going to settle things alone with Jane? Fine by me, if that’s what
you want…. I’m sure you’re a tough man to handle this case.
Beatrix : tsk, fine I’m with Aaron.
Josh : Finally, you both can calm down……
Janice : i-I’m s-s-so-sorry f-f-for thi-this c-conflict, i-i-it’s just a m-mis-misunder-s-
standing. J-josh j-ju-just w-w-want-wanted to a-apo-apologize t-to m-me, t-that’s
Josh : It’s true, I have to apologize to her….
Aaron : Fine, we can understand your situation Josh.
Josh : What?
Aaron : I’m sorry for dumping you back then, I just didn’t want to involved in that
case. From there, I realized that I was nothing but a coward who just wanna flee
from the realities of my life.
Both Josh and Aaron apologize to each other, became friends once more, united
again after a long misunderstanding.
Beatrix : wow, that settled quickly……..
Josh : why don’t we became friends once again? To settle things up, and finish
what we have started……
Aaron : But William have ditched me when I was involved in a problem with
another student, I won’t include him, he’s a jerk
Beatrix : tsk, I guess I have no choice, but to accept it……
Janice : i-I feel h-ha-happy, w-we c-co-could be fri-friends……
Josh : We’ll restore what is broken in the past, trust us Janice.
Aaron : Yep, trust us Jane! You can count on us!
Janice : I-i-iiiii, I-I w-will tru-trust y-yo-you a-all
Beatrix : Glad to hear that Jane, that settled quickly

Coda : The broken past, can be restored once more in the Future, try and you will
succeed in achieving what you have lost in the past
Everyone deserved to be respected, even those who were bullied, or those who
were bullies, it’s not fair if they didn’t got the respect they deserve.

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