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Which Course Should I Choose for My Lifeguard


Like training and certification for {any other|every other|any|some other} job,
{there are a|there are certainly a|there are always a} few choices {you
have|you've} {when it comes|as it pertains|in regards} to selecting your lifeguard
certification course. The lifeguard certification course {is offered|emerges|exists}
by several entities {including the|such as the|like the} American Red Cross, the
YMCA, and the Boy Scouts of America among others. These three courses {are
generally|are usually|are often} accepted by most employers. As always,
remember {to check|to check on|to test} with the employer you'd {like to|prefer
to|want to} {work for|benefit} and with {the state|their state} requirements {to
make sure|to ensure|to be sure} the course {you select|you decide on|you
choose} is acceptable to both.
{There are many|There are lots of|There are numerous} similarities in the
certifications from the American Red Cross, the YMCA, and the Boy Scouts of
America. Anyone {taking a|going for a|having a} lifeguarding certification course
{must be|must certanly be|should be} {at least|at the very least|at the least} 15
years of age. The American Red Cross does {offer a|provide a|give you a} junior
lifeguarding program {that gives|that provides|that offers} 11-14 year-olds {an
opportunity to|a chance to|a way to} learn {the basics|the fundamentals|the basic
principles} of lifeguarding before {they are|they're} eligible to become certified. All
three courses have pre-course swim and fitness tests {that are|which are|which
can be} very similar. Typically, {they require|they might require|they might
need|they need} {a distance|a range} swim using various strokes, a dive {to
recover|to recuperate|to recoup} {an object|an item|a thing|a subject}, and
treading water. {After the|Following the} completion {of each|of every} course,
you {will be a|is a|would have been a} certified as a lifeguard, in {first
aid|medical|first-aid}, and CPR/AED for {a period of|an amount of} two years.
The certifications {are all|are|are typical} {very similar|virtually identical}, {but
they|however they|nevertheless they} do offer some differences that {you may
want|you might want} to consider. The American Red Cross offers {the most|the
absolute most|probably the most} customization as {they have|they've} {a
regular|a typical} lifeguarding course {as well as|in addition to|along with} a
shallow water lifeguarding course {that you can|as you are able to|as
possible|that you could} choose from. Once {you choose|you select|you decide
on} which course you'd {like to|prefer to|want to} take, you {can select|can
make|can choose} to take either {the traditional|the standard|the original} in-
person course or the blended learning course {which includes|including|which
include} portions of in-person and online learning. {Once you are|An individual
will be} certified, {they also|additionally they|in addition they} offer {the
opportunity|the chance|the ability} to take optional modules {to learn|to
understand|to master} Waterfront skills and Waterpark skills.
The courses from the YMCA on {the other|another|one other} hand, {are
not|aren't} as standardized. The courses will {differ from|vary from|change from}
location to location. Some YMCA's even {offer the|provide the|provide} American
Red Cross course. While {they all|all of them|each of them} {result in|lead to|bring
about|end in|end up in} {the same|exactly the same|the exact same} certification,
{the amount of|the quantity of|the total amount of} {time in|amount of time in}
classroom learning, practical demonstration, and online training differs by
location. Typically, Y lifeguard courses will include instruction in professional
CPR, basic First Aid, and emergency oxygen administration. {Check with|Seek
advice from|Talk with} {your local|the local|your neighborhood} YMCA for the
syllabus of the course {you are|you're} interested in.
{The last|The final|The past} course we {focus on|concentrate on|give attention
to} is {provided by|supplied by|given by} the Boy Scouts of America. Their course
is {broken up|split up|separated} into 28 units which are each given an allotted
{amount of|quantity of|level of|number of} time. The course {is designed to|was
created to|is made to} teach each lifeguard {to know|to understand|to learn},
comprehend, and apply {the information|the info|the data} and skills learned.
{The requirements|Certain requirements} to pass the course are {a variety of|a
number of|many different} skills that instructors can observe and measure you in.
It {also includes|also contains|also incorporates} {a test|an examination} for
{which you|that you|that you simply} must answer 80 percent of the questions
correctly. The course offers you {a very|an extremely|a really} practical {way
to|method to|solution to} {learn how to|learn to|discover ways to} {be a|be
considered a|be described as a} good lifeguard.
Lifeguard requirements
The lifeguarding courses described {above all|most importantly|especially} have
several ways {they are|they're} unique. While they {tend to be|are generally} {the
most popular|typically the most popular|the most used} lifeguard-certifying
organizations, {they are|they're} not {the only|the only real|the sole} ones. {In
order to|To be able to} get {the most|the absolute most|probably the most} {out of
your|from the|from your} course, you {will need to|will have to|should} {consider
the|think about the|look at the} {aspects of|facets of|areas of} each course {that
are|which are|which can be} best {suited to|suitable for|worthy of} you. {No matter
which|Whichever|No matter what} course {you choose|you select|you decide on},
{you must|you have to|you need to|you should} {remember that|understand that}
{the requirements|certain requirements} {to be a|to be always a|to become a}
good lifeguard {will always be|will be|can be}

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