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Dear Dad,

There are so many things I’d like to tell you face to face. I either lack the words or fail to find the
time or place. But in this special letter, Dad, you’ll find, at least in part, the feelings that the
passing years have left in my heart. The memories of childhood days and all that you have done
to make our home a happy place and growing up such fun.

I can still recall the walks we took, the games we played; those confidential chats we had while
resting in the shade. This letter comes to thank you Dad, for needed words of praise; the counsel
and the guidance, too, that shaped my growing-up days. No words of mine can tell you, Dad, the
things I really feel; but you must know my love for you is lasting, warm, and real.

You made my world a better place and, through the coming years, I’ll keep these precious
memories as cherished souvenirs.


John Lester Lasac



Dear Mom,

Growing up, every boy has his favorite superhero or idol.

When I was younger, I was infatuated with Spider-Man. I wished I could be as cool as him,
slinging webs and fighting crime. It seemed like the perfect life. It's taken me 18 years to realize
that although Spider-Man is still the coolest superhero, I had a more important superhero in front
of my very eyes all of my life: my mother. It's such an amazing and humbling feeling when you
are able to take a step back and just examine your life in its entirety. You realize how the
hardships, the highs and lows, and everyone in your life has made you the person you are today.

Some people taught you what to avoid in a person; others taught you how to become stronger or
deal with certain situations. No matter how big or small of a role each person played in your life,
he or she is there for a reason. I feel like so many (not all) people, even at my age, are afraid to
show their true emotions and thoughts. They're afraid of being ridiculed or being viewed as
"soft" by peers or friends. I believe if someone truly means something to you, you should tell
him or her as often as you can. Let this person realize the value he or she has in your life and
how much you appreciate your relationship.

The intent of this letter is to let you, Mom, know how much you mean to me and to also
hopefully inspire other sons and daughters to take a second to embrace those true emotions and
thoughts. I wish I could have you forever, but unfortunately, I know you that's not possible. Until
then, I will make sure you understand how lucky I am to have you as my mom. You have been
there for it all: the last-minute book reports, the school plays, the soccer games, the phone calls
asking you where I put something I misplaced and you somehow knowing the exact location of it
in the house. So many children grow up without the love and care you gave to me. I wish I could
share even a small percentage of the unconditional love you've given me with those people
because I believe everyone deserves a mother's love.

Sincerely, with endless love

John Lester Lasac

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