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Julia Vazquez

Ms. Snyder

Capstone - Final Draft

17 April 2019
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Julia Vazquez

Ms. Snyder

Capstone - Final Draft

17 April 2019

All About Pediatrics

Pediatricians, nurses, doctors and all type of healthcare workers need to stay updated with

the new medicine that is coming out. Every child has the right to be treated with the best care and

latest medicine out there. The practice of pediatricians has improved over the years because

medicine has changed. A new way of curing people’s illness has improved. As a pediatrician,

they are required to stay up to date on new theories, practices, and regulations. The practice of

pediatricians has improved over the years by the modernization of treatments, the acceptance of

this medical profession and the challenges and obstacles they face on a daily basis.

Before the practice of modern medicine, there were homemade remedies created by

everyday people. Over the past two decades, the practice of medicine has changed by actually

having pediatricians go back and review old remedies. Back in time, people believed more in

home remedies than medicine. For example, they used boiled dogfennel with lard to get rid of

sore throat, eat a full spoon of white sand for stomach ache (Home Remedies). Soon people

learned that taking medicine was a more effective way to get healthy and it was safer too. Due to

many home remedies, sometimes people would get more sick and then healthier by drinking

antibiotics. “Pediatricians started to take classes and exams to get updated with the new

information, treatments and medicine.” (Smith) Between the years 1979 - 1994, visits to the

pediatrician have improved due to the fact that pediatricians started taking mandatory classes

about new ways to cure viruses and taking exams that proved that they knew what they were
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“35 pediatricians meet at Harper Hospital in Detroit” (APP History) that’s how many

pediatricians there were in 1930. They talked about advances in medicine and how they would

have to go to classes and study new illness that attacked babies and toddlers. Since they were

only a few pediatricians back in that time they wanted to get more medical professionals

interested in this career field. They conducted mail surveys to see how much information they

knew about this field. The email got sent to 477 people and 266 people responded back (APP

History). Those 266 medical professionals that responded back only knew the basics of this field.

They said in the survey that they had taken the classes, some training and that they had a little bit

of practice in nursing school dealing with certain type situations with children. They had practice

on viral signs and common diseases in children. Most of them were not updated with the new

cures for viruses, or new treatments. Nowadays, it’s a requirement for every worker in the

medical field to take any class or training to stay updated with all this new information.

With time, everything has changed in the medical field. New technology has been created

that helps nurses and doctors to do their job better. Before, nurses and doctors weren’t required to

know much, just the basic information. In the past, nurses and doctors did not have a way to

communicate with each other outside. It was hard for the nurses to let the doctors know if there

was something wrong especially since the doctors would be taking care of eight or more patients

in one day. Now they have group chats that let them know what new information is out there and

how it helps them (McFarlane). Since people believed more in home remedies, they did not wash

their hands or use hand sanitizer to keep infections, viruses and other illnesses from spreading; it

was easy but nowadays they have trackers to see how often nurses and doctors use hand sanitizer

and how many times they wash their hands. Many places back then were not careful when it
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came to protecting other patients from getting infected but thanks to the improvement of

technology, people trust doctors and nurses with their families healths and their own, but mostly

they have made life easier for people working in the medical field.

As a future pediatrician, keeping updated with all the new information, treatments and

medication is very important in the medical field. Going to classes or training in a hospital, what

a better way to learn than by doing it and practicing it on your own “because in the medical field

you never stop learning” (Garay). This career started with a small group of people and with time

it expanded around the world. A lot of this happened because of the new technology that has

improved over the years and because people have a passion for what they love.
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Works Cited

“AAP History.”, 2019,


Garay, Denisse. Personal interview. 27 Mar. 2019.

“Home Remedies - American Memory Timeline- Classroom Presentation | Teacher Resources.”

Library of Congress, 2018,


McFarlane, Korrie. Personal interview. 26 Mar. 2019

University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. “Late-Nineteenth and Early-Century

Pediatrics.” • Nursing, History, and Health Care • Penn Nursing,

Smith, Yolanda. “A Brief History of Pediatrics.” News, 25 Mar. 2019,

Yurtoğlu, Nadir.


-Sebinkarahisar-Ermeni-isyani20181092a4a8f.Pdf.” History Studies International

Journal of History, vol. 10, no. 7, 2018, pp. 241–264., doi:10.9737/hist.2018.658.

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