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Impacting One Life at a Time

Peter and Donna Pitman (Delp), serving with Commission to Every Nation
Winter 2018
What’s been happening:
Hope everyone is doing well and preparing for CHRISTMAS! I can’t believe it’s just around the corner! I’m still
trying to adjust to the fact that it’s not freezing and snowing here as it gets closer to “winter.” The kids here
are finishing up their tests for the end of the year, since school goes from January to October. Which means
it’s time to enroll for next year, buy their supplies for school, uniforms, etc. We have 5 children that we are
hoping to give full scholarships for next school year. These are kids who we work closely with and would
otherwise not be able to get an education. We hope to provide scholarships, allowing them to get a quality
education, graduate, and providing them with a chance to break the huge poverty cycle that has gone on for
generations within their families. Below are listed the children we would like to provide scholarships for. If you
feel led to sponsor someone, the ways to donate are listed at the end of this newsletter and indicate who
would like to sponsor when you submit or send your donation to CTEN, or you can send a message/email.

Edwin: Edwin is 15 years old and has been with Peter and I since June of 2017. He is a really
intelligent kid, picks up English really fast, and loves to play soccer. He will be going into 8 th
grade at a quality Christian school that we found close to our house. Cost for his schooling
and lunch costs would be $100/mon.

Manuel: Manuel is 14 years old and has been with Peter and I since March 2017. He loves
to joke, has been picking up English pretty well, and also enjoys soccer. He will be going
into 6th grade at the same school as Edwin. Cost for his schooling and lunches: $100/mon.

Esdras: Esdras is 8, is Edwin’s biological brother, and is with Peter and me.
He is super gifted in music and sports. We noticed last year that he was dyslexic and doesn’t
even know his numbers, letters, or colors, despite trying different ways of helping him with
his homework. He will be attending a school run by friends of ours and we are praying he can
receive the support and education he needs through this opportunity. Cost for his lunches
and schooling: $50/mon.
Ivan: Ivan is 19 years old and has been working with us since April after his dad died. He
will be going into 11th grade. He is a hard working kid with a huge heart. He lives along
the railroad tracks, where most of our kids and youth we work with live. He has had a
pretty tough life, as well as all the kids who are with Peter and me. We would like to help
him to continue his education. Cost for his schooling: $50/mon
Melvin: Melvin is 15 years old and also lives along the railroad tracks. He has needed to
work this past year to help support his mother and sisters, who also work in order to buy
food. His dad is an alcoholic and doesn’t contribute to paying any of the bills because of
his drinking habit. Cost for his schooling: $25/mon

Clinics: We have been going full swing

and booming! In October, we saw over
125 patients between clinics, house calls,
and people knocking on our door. We had
a lot of new situations, along with the
usual cough, diarrhea, abdominal issues,
pain, etc. We had 2 men with really rapid
heart rates (SVT), a man with a blood pressure of 70/56 (really low), felt
like he was going to pass out, and needed IV fluids, a man with audible
wheezing and couldn’t breathe, a woman with blue lips and an oxygen level of 65% (normal is mid 90’s-100%),
a drunk man with a nearly cut off pinky and blood everywhere, and a man who had a bunch of tests done, but
no one explained the results. Meanwhile, he keeps losing function of all his muscles and speech. He continues
to drive truck because he’s afraid that if he stops working, the progression will get worse. This man can barely
walk by himself anymore. After looking at the results, we
determined he has multiple sclerosis (MS). We explained that
there is no cure, it will continue to progress, and he should
stop driving due to increased risk of having an accident. He
and his wife were very thankful that we finally gave him a
diagnosis and some Tylenol for pain. Also, we have 3 men with
severe leg wounds that we have been treating. The first one
that we started treating has officially been healed! It’s been
amazing to see the progress. Thank you to everyone who has
been praying, sending wound supplies, and the donations for
wound supplies. You were a huge part of this healing and the
man is so, so grateful!

Mission house is officially closed and transition has continued. The mission house (house beside Peter’s
mom’s house) served us so well over the past few years. But we felt it was time to let go of that house and
start to transition, looking to what God has in store for us in the future. We are praying about buying land and
building a house for us and a house for teams in the future! For now, we have plans on where teams will stay.
So, it’s not a problem at all to come visit and help!
In October, we also had an
amazing co-worker and friend
come to visit for a week. We had
an awesome time with Katey:
hiking Pacaya (volcano), running
with the soccer team, playing
with the kids, having youth group
and clinic, and spending time
talking, laughing, and healing. We miss you and love you, Katey!
We also had
our friend,
Conner, with
us for a bit.
Conner is currently going to every country in the world to
help other ministries, take pictures, and do videos. We
were country number 52 since June. We definitely
shared lots of laughs while he was here! And it was great
to have our friend Yelsi with us during a lot of that time.
You guys are all awesome!

Soccer! We have a men’s

soccer team up and running,
thanks to the help of the coffee
team who comes a few times a
year, working with the local
coffee co-op in Palin. They are
a great group of guys and we
feel like we gained 20 kids!

We need a van! Between hosting teams,

and now a soccer team with needing
transportation to games and practices, we
really need a van! Prices for renting really
adds up, and our car has had 14 people in it
on more than one occasion and we’re afraid
that will kill the car soon. So we are in the
process of fundraising for a van. We set up
a gofundme page, or if you would rather
send a check or donation to CTEN (ways to
donate at the end of the newsletter), please
do so and comment that it’s for the van fund. The link for gofundme is this:
Youth group and kids’ club continue to go in full swing as well! We have
been having some new youth kids come and one even accepted Jesus
recently! The youth group are currently working through the book of
Proverbs to learn some life advice. And the kids’ club have been learning
about being nice to everyone and how Jesus welcomed everyone, including
the little kids. They have been enjoying playing games with the parachute
We are gearing up for a big time team
season! In November, we have 5
teams planned to come over a 3 week
period, and we have 2 teams coming
back to back in January. Lots of
patients are going to be seen and
treated, kids/youth activities, soccer events, and planning a big camp for
the youth! We found a really awesome campground with reasonable
prices to take the youth and soccer team. The theme is going to be
about resting in God. In order to pay for food/lodging/activities to make
it available for any of the youth to come, we need $3000 specifically for
camp. The kids/youth are so excited and this is the only time they can
get a little break from the trauma, abuse, responsibilities they have in
their homes. These kids all come from tin shacks, not much food if any,
Tin shacks the kids and youth live in abuse, trauma, having so much responsibility, and/or have to work to
along the tracks try to make ends meet for their families. This is the one time a year they
can get a little break/vacation from that.

How to Help:

We are partnered with Commission to Every Nation, which is a highly accredited organization. Peter and I,
with the help of his mother, Estela, run medical clinics and continue working with children. If you feel led to
donate and assist with our living expenses, activities for children, caring for 3 kids in our house, supporting 5
children in school, and medications and supplies for the patients that we care for, please donate through this
site: (which is also found on our website: and then just click
on the donate button) or send a check to the address at the bottom of this page. Make your check payable to
CTEN and include a note with my name on it. All donations are tax deductible. If you would like to come for a
medical trip, help with the children, or assist in some other way, please feel free to contact us through
Facebook, Whatsapp (011 502 5470 4197), or email:

Prayer requests: continued financial support, and for funds for all of the medications, blood work, and tests
needed for patients, as well as funds for the children we continue to support, and balancing ministry with our
new marriage, for spiritual protection, health, and safety.

Commission to Every Nation

*PO Box 291307* Kerrville, TX 78029-1307* 1-800-872-5404
Donate online at

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