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Types of Asphalt There are main types of

.asphalt: Hot Asphalt, WARM MIX ASPHALT, and COLD MIX ASPHALT

Hot mix asphalt is heated and poured at temperatures ranging from 300 to 350
degrees Fahrenheit. Chances are, this is the asphalt that has been used on
projects around your home in the past and on the streets, highways, and
interstates around it. It is a flexible mix that is highly weather resistant and able
to repel water (which is why it’s such a popular choice!). Hot mix asphalt is
used on days that are above 40 degrees only, because it cools down very


Warm mix asphalt is used in about a third of paving projects. It is

manufactured between 200-250 degrees and uses fewer fossil fuels resources
in the manufacturing process. It is less expensive to make and use than hot
mix asphalt. Warm mix asphalt is more flexible in terms of use, as it cools more
slowly than hot mix asphalt. It can be shipped longer distances and over a
greater time period during the year, so nighttime or winter construction
.projects typically utilize it


Cold mix asphalt is the most affordable option on the market, because it
doesn’t need heat during the process. It is typically used to repair cracks over
an inch wide and potholes that pop up during the winter months. It is not a
substitute for a formal repair with hot mix or warm mix asphalt during the
warmer months, as it will not last nearly as long. There are a number of
:benefits associated with cold mix asphalt, including

.Flexible material that is strong enough to withstand temperature fluctuations-

.It can be mixed on site or off site and then transported to location-

Eco-friendly option made from water-based materials at ambient -

.temperatures, which reduces emissions, energy consumption and toxic fumes

.Minimal material and transportation costs-

.Easy to maintain and recycle-

Cost-effective solution for paving or repairing rural roads that are nowhere -
near a hot mix plant

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