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CBAM: Arts Integration Stages of Concern
Stages of Concern = Levels of Awareness

As a facilitator of arts integration implementation in a school community, you need to know how educators approach arts
integrated teaching and learning. CBAM’s Stages of Concern offers facilitators, mentors and coaches several ways to
identify levels of awareness, interpret them, and act on them with strategies to guide change. Meeting educators at their
various levels of understanding is the starting point in your action plan for collaborative arts integrated practice.

Stages Descriptions of Teacher Actions to Guide Change

Awareness ● May or may not know about arts integration ● Involve teachers in discussions and decisions
● May or may not be ready to effectively use arts ● Share enough information to stir interest, but not overwhelm
integration independently ● Provide open environment where all questions are allowed
and lack of awareness is accepted
● Minimize inaccurate sharing of information

Informational ● Wants to learn more about arts integration ● Identify teachers who are using arts integration and invite
● Interested in how other teachers are using arts them to share what they are doing
integration in their classrooms ● Help teachers relate arts integration to their own teaching
● Be enthusiastic about those exploring arts integration

Personal ● Worried about skill level ● Acknowledge and legitimize these concerns as common
● Concerned about looking foolish in front of ● Connect teachers at similar levels
colleagues and students ● Share how arts integration can be implemented in small,
manageable steps

Management ● Wants practical suggestions on how to use arts ● Explain arts integration components and “how-tos”
integration for particular learning targets ● Demonstrate strategies for potential problem solving
● Needs help with specific problems Help teachers create personal action plans for

Stages Descriptions of Teacher Actions to Guide Change

Consequence ● Researches arts integration strategies and ● Provide opportunities to attend workshops, webinars and
techniques visit other teachers of arts integration
● Unsure how to use arts integration with students ● Share arts integrated lessons, student work and
● Seek tangible examples of arts integration assessments
● Offer feedback, demonstrate examples and provide

Collaborative ● Interested in sharing lessons with other teachers ● Provide opportunities to develop arts integration skills
● Offers support and feedback to others ● Provide common planning time for these teachers
● Find opportunities for these teachers to collaborate on
● Use these teachers as mentors and coaches

Refocusing ● Looks for ways to improve arts integration ● Provide time for these teachers to collaboratively research
practice and try new strategies and techniques
● Serves on arts integration committees ● Encourage these teachers to refine ideas and put them into
● Thinks creatively about new uses of arts practice
integration ● Invite these teachers to encourage other teachers to take
risks and share experiences

Jennifer Berube ​Use CBAM To Implement Arts Integration ​©​2019

(Adapted from Hord, S.M., Rutherford, W.L., Huling-Austin, L., & Hall, G.E. Taking Charge of Change. ASCD)
“The CBAM: A Model of the People Development Process, Barry Sweeny (2003)” chart.

See, Think, Wonder: Instagram Edition


★ Let students have time to silently observe the artwork.
★ You are only a facilitator! Ask:
○ What do you see?
○ What makes you think that?
○ What do you wonder/what questions do you have?
★ Distribute the template (Paper, digital)
★ Students complete individually, or switch with a partner to add to their
★ Give the background of the artist/image, or leave it up to interpretation!

Remember that this can be used in any content area!

Instagram Templates
Link to Template for Digital Use (can be uploaded to your platform of choice)

Link to Template for printing

Contact Info:
Courtney Prugh
Twitter: @CourtneyPrugh
Instagram: @powellartroom
Session Outline

1. Introduction
2. How does the See, Think, Wonder strategy work?
3. How do artists use instagram?
4. Digital or Paper?
5. Instagram template examples
6. Digital examples
a. Google Classroom
7. What kind of images can I use?
8. What resources can you give me?\
9. Conclusion
10. Contact information
Using a music strategy as a warm up in the classroom

To create your warm up using this strategy:
• Pick standards that fit both the arts and content areas used
• Ask questions of your students to help them feel as though they are in a new environment/time
period. You can ask such questions as “What do you see around you?”/ “What can you hear
around you?”/ “Can you see what is making the sound?”
• Prepare for the warm up by making a list of objects/subjects you want your students to use.
You can write your ideas down in the box below.
• Continue preparing by making a list of different ways students can make the sounds for the
objects/subjects that fit your goals. Use the box below to write your ideas.
• Visit for a list of art standard choices

Arts Standard:

Content Standard:

Object/Subject Ideas:

Sound Ideas (how will you create your sound?):

(some example include: provide the object/subject to your student and student creates the sound; provide
the sound to the student and student may choose which object on the list it matches the best; provide a list
of objects and a list of sounds, then ask students to match each sound with and object.)


Heather May, music teacher at Mackinac Island Public Schools 
Sketchnotes for Engagement, and Deeper 
By Tanny McGregor and Shawna Coppola TVOntario 
Sunni Brown unlocking your doodle Power Ted Talks, 

Sunni Brown, Doodlers Unite 

The Doodle Revolution: Unlock the Power 

  to Think Differently May 26, 2015, by Sunni 

Brown Penguin Publishing Group, May 
2015, ISBN 1591847036, Paperback 272pp 
Ink and Ideas 
978-0-325-09253-9 / 0-325-09253-2 / 
2018 / 184pp / Paperback Grade Level: K - 

Visual Learning  12th 

Strategy  Doodle Studio American Girl Library, 2002, 

Pleasant Company Publcations, ISBN 
9781584855071, Paperback, 95pp 
Elisabeth Anziano 
Renew! Become a Better—and More 
Authentic—Writing Teacher 
#NYElementaryArtpln@NArtpln Twitter  Shawna Coppola, Stenhouse Publishers, 
Paperback – June 1, 2017, 113pp ISBN 13: 
YouTube Channels for drawing 

Please send me photo of your  Artforkidshub 

sketchnotes from any presentation.  Drawsocute 
Thank you  Drawing4kids 


Let’s Get Started With IStop Motion

1. Open i StopMotion App
2. Go to gallery or theatre (upper left hand corner)
3. Click + to open a new clip (located on bottom of screen)
4. Follow the I Stop Motion set-up instructions.

I StopMotion Set-up
1. Turn off onion skin (ghost image).
2. Change to Back Camera (upper right hand corner)
3. Settings
• Focus
• Exposure (fixed)
• White Balance (locked)
4. Turn onion skin back on
5. Start animating!!!

Animation Techniques Assignment
These are practice techniques before you begin the real animation on istop
____ Draw a simple landscape.
____ Draw and cut out an animal and animate it in the landscape.
____ Transform your landscape by adding a new element
Ex: Rain falling, flower blooming etc.
____ Incorporate a word from your class pantoum into your landscape.
____ Save your clip to the camera roll. (Optional: Email it to yourself.)

Animation Techniques
1. Set up your ipad stand and tape down a white piece of paper. It is best if
you set up your paper by landscape and not portrait.
2. Draw a simple landscape.
3. On a sperate piece of paper draw an animal, cut it out and animate walking
or flying across the page.
4. Transform an element of your landscape. Example: rain falling, flower
blooming, leaves blowing in the wind.
5. Incorporate a word from your pantoum into your landscape.
Igniting Learning through the Arts:
Arts Integration Strategies that engage and cross curricula
Heavenly L.S. McDuffie, Arts Integration Specialist and Music Educator

Arts Integration: an APPROACH to TEACHING in which students construct and demonstrate UNDERSTANDING
through an ART FORM. Students engage in a CREATIVE PROCESS which CONNECTS an art form and another subject
area and meets EVOLVING OBJECTIVES in both. (J.F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts).
The Art and Content are taught and equitably assessed through an Art Form (Dance, music, drama, visual &
technical arts)

Benefits of Arts Integration: Demonstrates understanding and a deeper level of thinking in a creative
way, increases retention of content, is cross curricula, reinforces and expands critical thinking skills.


How to begin the Arts Integration approach: Through Arts Integration Strategies-
• Begin by using an Arts based Strategy as a pathway to Arts Integration (e.g. People 2 People, Tableau)

• Intentionally teaching the arts strategy on its own

• Connect the arts strategy with a naturally aligned content area (e.g. ELA and Drama, Music and Math)

• Teach and assess both the arts and the content standard equitably

Arts Integration Strategies:

Cover the Space: Walk /cover a designated parameter being prompted and directed by the teacher
(e.g. Icebreaker or Science review of how molecules move in a liquid, gas, or solid)
How can I use this in my classroom? _______________________________________________________________


People to People: Creatively Connect a specific body part (e.g. fingers) & share content (Science: parts
of a bug)
How can I use this in my classroom? _______________________________________________________________


Tableau: Creating a mental image through a frozen picture (e.g. ELA- Demonstrate a story plot)
How can I use this in my classroom?_______________________________________________________________
Igniting Learning through the Arts:
Arts Integration Strategies that engage and cross curricula
Heavenly L.S. McDuffie, Arts Integration Specialist and Music Educator




Igniting Learning through the Arts:

Arts Integration Strategies that engage and cross curricula
Heavenly L.S. McDuffie, Arts Integration Specialist and Music Educator

Arts Integration: an APPROACH to TEACHING in which students construct and demonstrate
UNDERSTANDING through an ART FORM. Students engage in a CREATIVE PROCESS which
CONNECTS an art form and another subject area and meets EVOLVING OBJECTIVES in both. (J.F.
Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts).
The Art and Content are taught and equitably assessed through an Art Form (Dance, music,
drama, visual & technical arts)

Benefits of Arts Integration: Demonstrates understanding and a deeper level of

thinking in a creative way, increases retention of content, is cross curricula, reinforces
and expands critical thinking skills.

How to begin the Arts Integration approach: Through Arts Integration Strategies-
• Begin by using an Arts based Strategy as a pathway to Arts Integration (e.g. People 2
People, Tableau)
• Intentionally teaching the arts strategy on its own
• Connect the arts strategy with a naturally aligned content area (e.g. ELA and Drama,
Music and Math)
• Teach and assess both the arts and the content standard equitably

Arts Strategies:
Cover the Space: Walk /cover a designated parameter being prompted and directed by
the teacher (e.g. Icebreaker or Science review of how molecules move in a liquid, gas,
or solid). How can I use this in my

People to People: Creatively Connect a specific body part (e.g. fingers) & share
content (Science: parts of a bug). How can I use this in my classroom?

Slide 3: What is Arts Integration?

What is Arts Integration?

A creative approach to
teaching where students
construct and demonstrate
understanding through an art
form. 3
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

Slide 4- What are the Benefits of Arts Integration?

• Supports student learning • Engaging and lasting effects

(Artsedsearch,org: DeMoss, K. & Morris, T. (2002). How arts integration ( Elpus, K. (2013). Arts education and positive youth
supports student learning: Students shed light on the connections. development: Cognitive, behavioral, and social outcomes of adolescents
Chicago, IL: Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education (CAPE)). who study the arts. National Endowment for the Arts).

• Improves standardized test scores • Complements curriculum &

( Phillips, J., Harper, J, Lee, K. & Boone, E. (2014). Arts
integration and the Mississippi Arts Commission’s Whole School Initiative. Differentiates instruction
A Stennis Institute Study for Decision Makers) ( Bellisario, K. & Donovan, L. (2012). Voices from the
field: Teachers’ views on the relevance of arts integration. Cambridge, MA:
Lesley University).

• Improves Literacy Skills (

Corbett, D., Wilson, B., & Morse, D. (2002). The arts are an “R” too:
Integrating the arts and improving student literacy (and more) in the
Mississippi Arts Commission’s Whole Schools Initiative. Jackson, MS:
• Culturally relevant ( Cahnmann-
Taylor, M., Zhang, K., Bleyle, S. J., & Hwang, Y. (2015). “Searching for an
Mississippi Arts Commission). entrance” and finding a two-way door. International Journal of Education
& the Arts, 16(21).

Slide 5- Feeling Overwhelmed? Arts Integration Complements what you are already doing in your
classroom, it doesn’t take away from what you doing or required to teach

does not take away
but multiples
opportunities for
deeper learning and
critical thinking skills
needed for every day

Slide 6- How to Begin the Arts Integration Process-Part 1-Begin with the End in Mind-What is your

Since Arts Integration is an approach to

teaching and learning where content is
equitably taught and assessed through an
Art form (Dance, Music, Drama, Visual
Arts, Technical Arts),


Slide 7- How to Begin the Arts Integration Process-Part 2-Begin with Arts Integration Strategies

To begin the Arts Integration process:

• Use an Arts Strategy as a pathway to Arts
• Select an Arts strategy that is based in the
arts area, then intentionally teach the arts
strategy on its own
• Next, Connect the arts strategy with a naturally aligned content area
• Finally, Identify, teach and assess both the
arts and the content standards

Slide 8: The first of 3 Arts Integration Strategies-Cover the Space

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3

Subject 1 2,450 4,223 1,600

Students cover the space Subject 2 3,995 864 12,042

(walk around in a set
Subject 3 75 80 90
parameter) while
listening to explicit Subject 4 5,625 4,805 541

teacher directions and Subject 5 642 8,511 75

responding to reflexive

Slide 9-Benefits of the Cover the Space Arts Integration Strategy

Benefits: Uses interpersonal,

listening, body control, spatial
awareness, prior knowledge
and focus skills


Slide 10-Ways to Link Cover the Space to your content

Ways to Link Cover the Space to Content:

Science: students cover the space as move as molecules in a
solid, liquid or gas

Math: students cover the space and walk in right, obtuse and • How did you like Cover the Space? Can
acute angles, or perpendicular, intersecting and parallel lines you use this arts strategy as a Warm-
up, transition, Introduction, review or
ELA/Reading: students demonstrate understanding of
vocabulary words (smooth, flexible etc.)
reinforcement of your content lesson?

• Make notes on your handout.


Slide 11-People to People-Purpose and Benefits-The 2nd Arts Integration Strategy

Partners problem
solve and work
together to connect
different body parts
and answer teacher
prompts that
Benefits: Fosters Recall,
Review, Prior Knowledge,
Interpersonal, sequencing,
listening and speaking skills


Slide 12-Ways to link People to People Arts Integration Strategy to your content

Ways to Link People to People to Content:

Science: Connect feet and Name parts of a bug

Math: Connect 3 fingers and state the three times tables or

make shapes

ELA: Connect elbows and name elements of a story

Social Studies: Connect finger to shoulder and discuss the time

line of the civil war

• How did you like People to People?

Can you use it to review or reinforce a
lesson? For an assessment of
learning and understanding?
• Make notes on your handout.

Slide 13-3rd Arts Integration Strategy: Tableau- (a Drama Strategy)

Students construct
and demonstrate
through a frozen

Benefits: Demonstrates understanding The 4 Stages of a Butterfly: The Seed, Caterpillar, 13

Chrysalis and Butterfly using Tableau
of a story, concept, art form etc.,

Slide 14-Benefits of using the Arts Strategy-Tableau

Students demonstrate
understanding by
forming a mental
picture, then freezing to
demonstrate the learned

Benefits: Demonstrates analysis,

sequencing, comprehension,
interpretation, expression and
creative skills

Slide 15-Ways to Link Tableau to your content

Ways to link Tableau to content:

ELA: Tableau of a story plot

Math: Tableau demonstrating Fractions

(with students in groups)

Science: Tableau of the butterfly life cycle

• How did you like Tableau? Can you use it as a final project to a
learned concept, to tell or review a story?
• Make notes on your handout. 15


Slide 16-Next Steps to Arts Integration: Brainstorm how to use of the above Arts Integration Strategies
(Cover the Space, People to People, Tableau) in your classroom to connecting the Art and the Content,
Begin tomorrow with one content area, then reflect and adjust as needed to reach maximum

How can I apply this to my

classroom: NEXT STEPS
1. Use: Your Handout
2. Choose: One Arts Strategies to apply daily this week
3. Think: How can this be used in Science, Social
Studies, Math, English Language Arts, English as
a Second Language, the Arts etc.?”
4. Decide: on a subject or use it as a warm-up
5. Implement: Chosen arts strategy and link to content
6. Reflect: Reflect and Adjust as needed 16


Slide 17-References and Acknowledgements

Thank you to the following sources and persons for making this video possible:
* Education Closet, Inc,, Susan Riley, Diedre Moore, Typhani Harris (
*Triad Stage and Lauren Smith
*John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Changing Education through the Arts program
*Guilford County Schools of North Carolina Arts Integration Academy
*J. Michelle Wolverton, Principal, Hunter Elementary, Guilford County Schools of North Carolina
* Christy Adams and her Third grade class, Hunter Elementary
*Drama Based Instruction -
*, A project of the Arts Education Partnership
Note: Media releases have been retained for everyone participating in the video clips.
Use of this video is for educational purposes only.
Additional Resources on Arts Integration Strategies:

Slide 18- Presenter’s contact information—

Heavenly L.S. McDuffie,

Arts Integration Specialist
and Music Educator

Creating a Culture to Support  
Creativity and Innovation 
To “manage” students behavior, to make them do what we say, doesn’t promote community or 
compassion, responsibility or reflection.  The only way to reach those goals is to give up some control, to 
facilitate the tricky, noisy, maddening, unpredictable process whereby students work together to decide 
what respect means or how to be fair .  Alfie Kohn 

#1 Visioning 
Define the Vision of Excellence 
● Shared Leadership 
○ Interdependence 
○ learners co­create 
○ Power with versus power over  
○ Teacher as facilitator and participant 
● Growth Mindset 
○ Culture of Error 
○ Celebrating Mistakes 
○ Learning in growing not knowing 
● Innovators Mindset 
○ Inquiry, Innovation, and Empowerment 
● Use visioning language 
○ Scholars, community, artists, musicians, steam thinkers, mathematicians, scientists, 
actors, historians, creators, engineers... 
Define the Norms 
● Mutual Respect 
● Attentive Listening 
● Responsibility to Participate Right to Pass 
● Appreciation and Gratitude 
Create the Class Charter, Pledge 
1. Brainstorm:  If you could wave a magic wand and create the kind of classroom that is a 
community what would it look like and sound like.  Have the kids write it, draw it talk about it and 
build it together. 
2. Take all the ideas and merge them into big ideas and draft a charter for the community to review. 
3. Review, revise, wordsmith….once everyone is in agreement that is what they want to become, 
create an anchor and,  ceremoniously sign.  
4. Once it's done everything is about becoming what we have all agreed through the ongoing 
process of goal setting, planning, feedback, and celebration all day every day. 
Sample Charter 
“We the members of the Narnian community believe our class should be a kind, calm and peaceful place, where all 
members are welcomed, valued and respected.  A place where we continually work on individual and class goals. A 
place where we continually work on knowing ourselves and knowing others because we understand that none of us 
are only one way/  A place where all members have a voice and beautiful ideas are shared and considered by the 
group.  We will make this happen by using our minds, bodies, and hearts to: 
● Treat each other with respect 
● Celebrate mistakes as opportunities for learning 
● Give appreciations and gratitude to each other 
● Support each other in times of struggle, NO PUT DOWNS! 
● Use technology, art, music, and projects to achieve our goals 
● Give our best effort to every task. 
There will never be another day like today we will not waste it.  We will make our community stronger!!” (Grade 4 
Wonderlie 2018)  
#2 Ritual/Routine/Structure 
Steps for Teaching Routines and Structures 
Purpose it:   How will this help us achieve our shared vision? 
Name it:   Name the what and the how 
Anchor it:   What does it look like and sound like on a chart with visuals.  
Practice it:   Act it out, Role Play, Video Tape, Take photos and post 
Claim it:   Provide ongoing feedback verbally and with silent signals until it becomes a habit. 
● Reinforce:  I notice... 
● Remind:  Who can remind me... 
● Celebrate:  We got this!!  Woo Hoo  
Routine Examples: 
Attention­Getting Signals  
● The CLAP­Instant Attention 
● Waterfall Waterfall­­Lower the volume without stopping 
● The Chime­­finish your thought and then give full attention when the chime stops (“If you 
have chime you still have time.” 
Voice Modulation 
● 6 inch  
● 6 foot 
Silent Signals 
● I agree with that idea 
● Cosign 
● I disagree with that idea 
● Add on 
● Changing thinking 
● Zero noise 
Structure Examples 
● Small Group 
○ EEK (eye to eye knee to knee, lean in six­inch voice) Position 
○ Table Teams 
● Partner 
○ Shoulder to Shoulder 
○ EEK (eye to eye knee to knee, lean in six­inch voice) Position 
● Whole group 
● Circle 
● Audience  
Ritual Examples 
● Community Jobs 
● Morning Circle 
○ Greeting 
○ Charter­­Choose Pebble 
○ SEL/Collaborative teaching point 
○ Goal Setting 
○ Reflection 
● Share 
○ Telling our stories 
○ Presenting Self  
○ Knowing Others 
○ CCQ’s:  Compliments, Comments, Questions 
● Closing Circle 
○ “Like the Pebble each day is unique there will never be another like it, what memories did 
we make today?” 
○ Pass the pebble around the circle and give an appreciation from the day. 
#3 Communication and Collaboration: 
Accountable Talk  
Things to Remember 
● Refer to the text and topic during the conversation. 
● Ask and answer questions to check and clarify understanding. 
● Explain your ideas and thinking. 
● Get the gist of the conversation. 
● Use silent signals 
● Disagree with ideas NOT the person. 
● 6 inch or 6 foot voice 
Learning to Share  
o    Let’s focus on the question/topic ______________. 
o    Wait give ___________ some think time. 
o    I heard you say _______________, did I get that right? 
o    Can you say that again _______________. 
o    In the text it said ___________so I think___________. 
o    I’m not sure I understood you when you said ____________. 
o    Could you please repeat that for me? 
o    Could you explain a bit more please?  
Fact Checking 
o    In the text it said _________so ______________. 
o    On page __________ it says _____________ so I think ___________. 
o    Can you show me in the text? 
o    What is your evidence? 
o    What did it say in the text that made you think that? 
o    Where can you find that? 
Learning to Build 
o    I agree with that idea and I would like to add_____________. 
o    I disagree with that idea because _______________. 
o    I want to add __________________. 
o    I also think _________________. 
o    What made you think that? 
o    Can you say more about that? 
Learning to Synthesize  
o    The emerging theme is _____________ because __________. 
o    Our big takeaway is _____________ because ___________. 
o    Based on ______________ and ______________ I know think _________. 
o    When I consider all the points I now think ______________. 
o    We used to think ________but now we know _________________ because 
o    How does this connect? 
o    What have we figured out? 
Suggested Template for planning with intention around Structures, Rituals, Routines, 
Social and Collaborative Skills.  
Arts integrated, STEAM, Project Based Plan 

Learning Experience:   
When Planning a learning experience consider all of these categories when planning. 
Be intentional and clear about what scholars need to know and be able to do in order to 
be successful. 

Content Standard Arts Standard  Structures/Rituals   Social/ 

  (National Arts  ● Structures  Collaborative Skills 
(Common Core)  Standards)  ● Routines  ● Listening 
● Rituals  Attentively 
● Participating 
● Reflecting on 
● Making Group 
● Brainstorming 
● Disagreeing 
● Compromise 
● Sharing the 
● Value different 
● Express 
of others 
● Work 
on tasks 
● Imagining, 
● ETC... 

Accountable Talk Source Book: 

Beyond Discipline,  Alfie Kohn 

Discovering Gifts In Middle School , Jean Gibbs 

First Six Weeks of School,  Responsive Classroom 

Great Habits, Great Readers:  A Practical Guide , Paul Bambrick­Santoyo, Aja Settles 

Mindset, The New Pyschology of Success,  Carol Dweck 

Learning Centered Innovation,  Katie Martin 

Power of Our Words,  Paula Denton, EdD 

Talk Moves:  A Teachers Guide for Using Classroom Discussions in Math,  Suzanne H. Chapin, 

Catherine O’Connor, Nancy Canavan Anderson 

Teaching Children to Care,  Ruth Sidney Charney 

Tribes,  Jean Gibbs 

Seven Hills Charter Public School, Teacher Learning Center ­­ 

Professional Development Sessions,  Laura Stuart­Wonderlie  

Sarah Manoli, Web Design­s2 

● Social Emotional Learning 

○ Session 3: Structures 

○ Session 4:  Effective Teacher Language 

● Classroom Environment 

● Accountable Talk 

Contact Information 
Laura Stuart­Wonderlie 
Grade 3 Teacher  
Seven Hills Charter Public School  
Worcester MA 
37 6th Street Brimfield MA. 
Arts Integration in the Classroom
Jennifer Kendall
Grade Level Examples of Using Arts Integration

Kindergarten Use books like Chicka Chicka Boom Boom to help connect literacy with art. Students can each take a letter and create replicas of
each letter that the child can then hold and manipulate while they read the book.

First Grade Eric Carle’s books are wonderful examples to use to help demonstrate how to create an image that also tells a story. Read two or
three of his books to the class, having the students see how the illustrations reflect the words. Class can create their own version of
a story with illustrations following Carle’s examples.

Second Grade Using the author and illustrator Jan Brett, have the students read “The Mitten” or another of her stories and discuss how the
common object balloons into something far greater than its original intent. Have the students come up with ideas using similar
concepts to create and illustrate a class story, using an everyday object.

Third Grade - Fifth Grade Students can be shown a piece of artwork, with each student being asked to write down a couple of things that they notice about the
artwork. The ​“I noticed”​ strategy is an excellent way of introducing students to how many different ways and objects can be seen
as important to each person as they view a person.

Middle School Along with the “I noticed” strategy mentioned above, middle school is a wonderful place to help the students expand their writing
skills, along with their understanding of art. Students can be shown pieces of artwork and then asked to write down quick sentences
describing what they see or feel when looking at that piece. Each student then adds ​a single descriptive word or phrase​ to their
sentence. This is “​the expansion of sentences idea​.” Each student will then shift their observations a prescribed direction, and
students will add another descriptive word to the sentence handed to them. Then the sentences will shift one more time in the same
direction, with the same expectation, before the sentences are returned to their original authors. Each word that is added must make
sense and be relevant, but must also be descriptive.

High School For high school, teachers are often overwhelmed by the concept of mixing the arts with another subject. However, in high school,
this is when it becomes the easiest. Students can be asked to do the previous mentioned strategies, but teachers also have an
easier access to collaboration with speciality peers so that lessons can overlap multiple lessons/days with connected objectives. An
example of this would be Science and Art collaborating on projects, Math with Music or Dance, and ELA with Media Arts.

“Let’s do” is a third great strategy that allows students to get physically active in their classroom and can be to music to help students understand the
concept of patterns (repeating in the activity and the repeating beats in the music).

Most Commonly Used


About, before,
above, behind,
across, below,
after, beside,
against, but,
along, between,
among, by
around, beyond

down, for, from,

in, past, grande-jatte-1884

into, A perfect class warm up:

Have students view a painting, for example, Georges

Seurat’s,”A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande
through, under, Jatte” which is good for studying prepositions, imagery, color
placement and landscapes…possibilities are endless.

towards, until, up,

to, upon With students in groups, time them to see how many
prepositions they can identify.

with, underneath
within, This lesson can be done with any piece of artwork along with
without an extension into artist biographies and/or the creation of art.
The beauty of this lesson is that it can be crafted for any age. Strategies to Set the Stage

Graphic Organizer: Fill in the center bubble with the name of the painting or photo, smaller circles
for prepositions, then write a description of your choice.






_____________________________________________________________________ Strategies to Set the Stage

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