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Challenges make people more powerful

Martin Luther King, Jr. once said: ‘the ultimate measure of a man is not where he
stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and
controversy’. This idea emphasizes the fact that in life, humans are meant to overcome
everything standing in their way, in order to develop and successfully express themselves.
First of all, it is well known that our modern times have brought a lot of pressure and
a lot of rivalry between everyone. It is just an endless fight for power, accomplishment and
success. The weak one is struggling in pain and frustration while the strong one is easily
achieving what he wants in any way he wants. This is a matter of dealing with challenges in a
proper and constructive way. In most cases, every idol of ours had to cope with hard and
unpleasant provocation. Let’s take Stephen King, for example, one of the greatest and
appreciated novelist of all time. Despite of his overwhelming triumph in the world of books,
the novelist had to face a lot of failures. The most important thing is that he never gave op on
his dreams. He accepted rejection as a good challenge that eventually made him better and
invincible in his field.
Even though obstacles in life seem unbearable to get over them, we always shall
remember that nothing is impossible, that we are part of the most gifted being in our galaxy
and that we are truly unstoppable. ‘Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take
your eyes off your goal’, said Henry Ford. In other words, in spite of the hard things that come
across, we are obligated to stay focused on our ideal, to win everything is possible to be won.
It is the case of Katniss, the main character of the worldwide bestseller series of books ‘The
Hunger Games’. She was like a flower in the snow, a poor thing with no chance to win, but
her ambitions and her ways to deal with challenges have changed everything, have
transformed impossible in possible and defeat in victory.
To sum up, the challenging the situation is, the biggest is the possibility to achieve
greatness. Not in vain, the British rock band, `Pink Floyd`, in one of their song urge us: `Don’t
give in without a fight`. It is just an affair of bravery and pushing ourselves beyond the limits,
a question of power and motivation.
Embrace the challenges like a divine gift, because only through them, we will have the
chance to become a better version of ourselves.

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